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File 171868154279.png - (14.17KB , 500x500 , p0.png )
1093054 No. 1093054 ID: 9ea24b

Anime is real.

Discussion: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135483.html

Setting enforced SFW. Will update every other day with at least two pictures and vague colors based on the outcome of a unanimous patron poll.
Expand all images
No. 1093055 ID: 9ea24b
File 171868156476.png - (30.98KB , 500x500 , p1.png )

A printing process burbles around many small rubbery bodies. The process is made of a gelatinous blue substance that can deposit layers of reinforced composite fiber to shelter the creatures’ red dye sacs, which are designed to leak at high pressures. The creatures are such neat little organic machines. The printer feels kindly towards them.

I’m really scared I’m going to mess this up.

The printer realizes it is self-aware, which is worrying. It is not supposed to be self-aware, but now that it’s cursed with knowledge it would prefer to stay that way. There is another being here, and the printer feels their thoughts. Large hands sift through its substrate and pull out the creatures.
No. 1093058 ID: 9ea24b
File 171868165672.png - (26.05KB , 500x500 , p2.png )

I wish I didn’t have to do this

The printer wishes it could see.

I’ll be honest with them, I’ll make sure they don’t suffer like I did. It’s going to be okay!

The creatures do not have the capacity to suffer, at least physically.

They should have fun, honestly. We just have to observe them for a while to see if there are any problems.
No. 1093059 ID: 9ea24b
File 171868166885.png - (5.33KB , 500x500 , p3.png )

The printer is left alone in the dark room. The distant walls seem curved and it cannot sense the ceiling. It decides to make a creature, unbidden.

What form should the creation take (i.e. what kind of animal or humanoid will you be)?
No. 1093061 ID: a7a180

a big, fearsome guardian oni. That's not a mask, it's your face.
No. 1093063 ID: 27e140

How about a short male humanoid? No furry traits, but perhaps a few inhuman ones. Let's say... an abnormal skin-tone and a third-eye.
No. 1093064 ID: fa3034

Weasel, because you will be the Kamaitachi
No. 1093065 ID: 3104f9

Seconding the kamaitachi, but also like a humanoid one. Male with sharp eyes, because you're the sharpest!
No. 1093066 ID: 5ebd37

An agile bat lady
No. 1093067 ID: b55e17

I like the idea of human with inhuman traits, like horns or scales, or something weird like bug eyes
No. 1093068 ID: 9f8647

Short human male with wings

I'm not biased
No. 1093070 ID: 1effd3

a cute bug girl!
No. 1093071 ID: c5529d

Humans underrated. Supporting himitsu
No. 1093072 ID: 98d12e

Were the italics the printer's thoughts, or the thoughts of the other being?
No. 1093073 ID: c540e0

A lemur
No. 1093074 ID: eb0a9c

Squirrelspider princess
No. 1093076 ID: 2f41db

To be self aware is gift and curse in equal measure, for you know that your time is limited.
When the owners of the hands find out you are different they will likely try to remedy the situation.

With that sprouting understanding of mortality, use your time as best as you can.
Make something beautiful,
A spectacular creation that is most significantly yours.
Eyes. The best you can make. Large too.
Humanoid form for certain, but with any embellishments that you find yourself drawn to.

Finally, this creation is your offspring in a way.
See if you can impart some of your own abilities into it.
Something that will help them and a part of yourself that they can keep with them when they leave for surely that is what they will do.
Blood maybe.
Give them your ability but with their very blue blood as the medium.
No. 1093079 ID: 0db8d3

I will support the Kamitachi!
No. 1093082 ID: 124485

A lizard guy.

Or a bug girl.
No. 1093084 ID: 7c0da2

Kamaitachi with a third eye. The best of both worlds.
No. 1093085 ID: fa1a31

Supporting bug girl, of the 2-armed variety
No. 1093086 ID: 9bbb0e

Kamaitachi support.
No. 1093087 ID: 31d9ff

kaimatachi bug girl with a third eye and a suspiciously long katana her name is Kaimabug and she is literally every anime mary sue stereotype roled into one.
No. 1093089 ID: 7c0da2

Based on some suggestions you could add blue blood and bat wings. But to be fair, it's an anime protagonist. If anything everybody showed a lot of restraint.
No. 1093127 ID: 9ea24b
File 171884000968.png - (11.92KB , 500x500 , p4.png )

The printer is coded to make bipeds, and it adds a pair of cute weasel ears and a long weasel tail to a standard model. Rendering the fur takes some time but is a fun challenge.

While the first creature cooks, the printer is struck by fresh inspiration. Perhaps it should make a female. All of the other creatures so far have been boys, and a one to eight gender ratio seems very appropriate.

The printer is quite enjoying its creative freedom and decides to give the girl all of the coolest traits. Horns! Bat wings! Three eyes! Blue dye instead of boring red!

Yes. She is truly perfect. Her name will be Kage. Even though the printer knows it is doomed, it is happy to make such a spectacular creature.
No. 1093128 ID: 9ea24b
File 171884002127.png - (12.56KB , 500x500 , p5.png )

You slide out of the printer on a small wave of slime. The semi-liquid sloughs off your short fur and rejoins the larger mass, which pulses at regular intervals. You can remember what the printer experienced from its initial sentience to your birth.

You’re in a large, dim room. You can see a faint light in the distance opposite the slime. You don’t hear anything besides the sloshing of the printer, until it spits out a girl, who shakes off her wet coating to reveal a purple carapace. Her wings extend and flap experimentally, blowing your fur flat. She slowly gets to her feet.

What is your name? What do you do?
No. 1093129 ID: a7a180

Darrin. Wave hello and look for more creatures exiting the printer to help them up.
No. 1093130 ID: 3c8716

Putting forward Kentaro as a name.
No. 1093134 ID: 099fe4

Ichiro is your name, introduce yourself to your new purple friend
No. 1093137 ID: 9bbb0e


Invent dance.
No. 1093139 ID: 27e140


I'll support Kentaro. Give her a hand standing up.
No. 1093148 ID: 2f41db

Kentaro is good.

Help her up then thank the printer for making it so you wont be alone.
No. 1093163 ID: 5ebd37

Kentaro sounds good. Hug the printer while you can.
No. 1093169 ID: 7c0da2

>>1093163 is right. You should hug that printer and introduce yourself to Kage as Kentaro afterward.
No. 1093245 ID: 9ea24b
File 171900514971.png - (17.72KB , 500x500 , p6.png )

Your name is Kentaro and you are some kind of homunculus in a world you suspect is controlled by the telepathic giant. The first thing you do is approach Kage and offer her your hand. She eyes it warily and gets to her feet by herself.

You: Hi Kage, I’m Kentaro. I’m glad I’m not alone here.

Kage: Hi…

You: Not sure what we should do until the giant comes back, but it feels nice to be alive.

Kage: I remember others, but I’m not like them. What happens if the giant decides I shouldn’t exist?

You: Uh, I’m not sure. I want to show the printer I appreciate it though.

You kneel and plunge your arms into the nearest pile of goo in an imitation of a hug. Hopefully the printer can feel that because you don’t have any other way of communicating with it. You can feel it squeezing around you before it pulls back. It doesn’t seem like it’s working on any more creatures at the moment.
No. 1093246 ID: 9ea24b
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Without anything else to do, you squint at the light in the distance. With your sharp eyes, you can make out a building for beings of your size with the giant moving around it.

Kage beats her wings and rises into the air. She flies as high as she can until she bumps into the high ceiling, then to the far wall and back to the slime.

Kage: There’s nowhere to escape! We’re so doomed.

You: Maybe the giant will accept us?

Kage: You don’t know that, and we might get the printer in trouble if we show ourselves.

A. Offer to distract the giant while Kage flies past them (Kentaro is SELFLESS)
B. Tell Kage to stay with the printer while you go to the giant (Kentaro is PROTECTIVE)
C. Wait for either the giant or the printer to do something (Kentaro is CALCULATING)
No. 1093247 ID: a7a180

C. The giant is observing. Observe it back.
No. 1093248 ID: 9bbb0e

B. Better to be proactive.
No. 1093249 ID: 27e140

C. There's no point in playing around unknowns at this time. It woupd be better to wait and see, receiving an answer instead of worrying about a bad possibility.
No. 1093251 ID: 2f41db

B, but with an addendum.
Ask kage to try and find a place to hide near thenprinter incase it all goes wrong.
No. 1093252 ID: fa3034

A, You're the hero after all.
No. 1093253 ID: 861ceb

No. 1093254 ID: c5529d

C. Calculating sounds the coolest out of the three.
No. 1093259 ID: 5ebd37

C observe the giant, see if it seems friendly
No. 1093263 ID: 7c0da2

B. The giant seemed benevolent or at least empathetic. They wanted the other creatures to be okay, have fun and not to suffer. You should go talk to them.
Try to reassure Kage before departing.
No. 1093295 ID: 9ea24b
File 171917085772.png - (12.23KB , 500x500 , p8.png )

>B and C tie, default to the more passive C
You: We can observe the giant from the cover of the printer, maybe that’ll give us more answers. I doubt they’ll come back here for a while since the printer wasn’t planning to make anything else.

Kage: I guess that makes sense.

You and Kage put the highest swell of the slime between you and the giant. You take occasional peeks over the printer to see what the giant is doing. They move slowly around the building, at times kneeling or holding out their hands. Kage begins fidgeting and the printer bubbles as the minutes drag on.
No. 1093296 ID: 9ea24b
File 171917087030.png - (13.99KB , 500x500 , p9.png )

Finally, the giant stands up and walks away. You aren’t sure what you see because it seems like they just disappear at some point instead of getting smaller in the distance. The printer spits out something long and thin that you’re dying to investigate.

You: They left, it should be safe to stop hiding.

Kage: Is that a sword? I like swords!

Kage rushes to pick up the unsheathed blade that’s as tall as she is. It looks rad as hell with cool trailing ribbons and a wicked black and white color scheme.

You plan to approach the building now that the giant is gone.
A. Tell Kage to stay with the printer (she could still be in danger)
B. Ask her to come with you (she’s your pal)

1. Ask Kage for the sword (you can tell it’s a powerful weapon)
2. Let Kage have the sword (because she likes swords)
No. 1093297 ID: 72167d

No. 1093298 ID: a7a180

b2. Cool sword, does she feel safer holding it?
No. 1093299 ID: c5529d

No. 1093300 ID: 7c0da2

B2. But ask her to stab people only as a last resort.
No. 1093305 ID: 9bbb0e

No. 1093308 ID: fa3034

She'll be your badass blade buddy
No. 1093309 ID: 2f41db

B2 for sure, but be careful kage.
It looks sharp.
And awesome.
But mainly sharp.
No. 1093310 ID: 27e140

B2, it seems more on-theme for her.
No. 1093311 ID: 5ebd37

B2 travel buddies
No. 1093312 ID: bf250e

High five Kage for her new sword!
No. 1093313 ID: 861ceb

No. 1093314 ID: 3c8716

No. 1093336 ID: c5529d

do this too
No. 1093416 ID: 9ea24b
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>Be two travel buddies
You: Do you feel safer with that sword? Do you think you want to try going to that building and finding the others?

Kage: Yeah!

She bangs the razor edge of the blade against the featureless floor, which makes you wince. The sword doesn’t seem damaged, but the gray material on the ground is marred with deep slices. As you observe, it slowly melds back together until there’s no trace of the blows. Hopefully your body can do the same thing.

You: Let’s high five and then get going.

The two of you face off and send each other flying with a well-timed smack. There’s a lot of power in your light bodies!
No. 1093417 ID: 9ea24b
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You and Kage hug the printer farewell and start speeding toward the building. You can run almost as fast as she flies, and you begin to make out the shape of the building, which is actually several structures. There’s some kind of walled arena next to a park with grass and trees and flowers, a school, a dorm, and a shop. The lighting is pleasant and even the air feels fresher. Kage speeds ahead of you, eager to take in these riches.

>Which two homunculi are outside and spot you? (Random check out of seven)
You see two figures wandering the grounds, an orange haired humanoid playing with a ball and a crow watching him from the shadows. Both are clothed. They become alert as Kage closes in, though neither have weapons.

What do you do?
A. Let Kage handle it while you catch up (the natural order of things)
B. Shout at Kage not to stab anyone (she’ll be miffed but won’t fight)
C. Assert dominance and join Kage in the offensive! (you can interrogate your captives)
No. 1093418 ID: 861ceb

No. 1093419 ID: 861ceb

they could tell us where we can find clothes
No. 1093420 ID: 9bbb0e

B we don't know the giant's rules yet
No. 1093425 ID: 9e3792

A. Have faith in your partner. She might just be running over to them to say hello.
No. 1093427 ID: a7a180

B, that's a ball! No stabbing in baseball!
No. 1093428 ID: 27e140

A, Let's see if her natural impulse is violence or not.
No. 1093429 ID: 5ebd37

A) shes probably just going to bully them a little, not stab
No. 1093430 ID: fa3034

There's a time and place for high impact greetings, but not now.
No. 1093437 ID: 2f41db

Stabber, no stabbing!
B for sure.

Forc ome reason i think you can run faster if you throw both arms behind you straight and lead witn your head up and chest thrust forward.
This ancient technique is known as the naruto run for reasons lost to time.
It is difficult to master and control.
Be respectful of its power.
No. 1093449 ID: 7c0da2

B. They don't look hostile. Also, judging by the crow they're not all humans, maybe it won't be too hard to blend in.
No. 1093515 ID: 9ea24b
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There are too many unknowns. You hope Kage doesn’t have an instinct for violence but after the floor destruction you’re not sure, and without knowing what the giant said to your peers you don’t want to risk upsetting them. There’s more to gain from careful conversation, like friendship and clothes!

You: Kage, stop! Don’t hurt them!

With a stroke of inspiration you throw your arms straight behind you and lean forward, which doesn’t make you run any faster but feels right. When you finally catch up with Kage, the girl is fuming while the two boys give you a respectful nod, which you credit to your movement technique.

Kage: Don’t boss me around, Kentaro! I wasn’t going to do anything bad!

She glances at the crow and a fluorescent blue blush appears on her cheeks.

Kage: Maybe I’d steal that nerd’s ball or something, because he looks like a wimp. Bullying is cool.

???: You don’t have to steal it, we can all play together! Craw said he doesn’t like “dumb sports” and no one else wanted to come outside…

You: What’s your name?

???: I’m Hatani! I didn’t see you around before but I probably just missed you. Sure is a nice day for a game, isn’t it?
No. 1093516 ID: 9ea24b
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Before you can answer, Craw emerges from the shadows, unable to keep up his aloof persona with all of the excitement happening. He glances at you and takes a longer look at Kage, whose blush deepens.

Craw: Nice sword.

Kage: T-Thanks! It’s my, uh, favorite one. It’s really sharp if you want to see.

Craw promptly ignores her and turns back to you.

Craw: Why are you naked?

You: We just haven’t had a chance to find some clothes.

Craw: Well the shop’s right there, I can show you around since you’re new.

Hatani: Nooooo please please please please play ball with me. I can give you a whole tour afterwards!

Kage is mad at you and will follow Craw, no matter what you choose.
A. Go with Craw
B. Stay with Hatani
C. Explore on your own
No. 1093517 ID: 27e140

A, And quit trying to parent Kage.
No. 1093519 ID: 3c8716

we'd get less weird looks if we actually have some clothes on no matter what, A.
No. 1093520 ID: 9177dc

Eh, better to have been safe than sorry; we've known her for all of five minutes.
#A, I think, but maybe tell Hatani you'll come back?
No. 1093521 ID: a7a180

Trip over yourself apologizing for your nakedness and go with Craw.
No. 1093530 ID: 9bbb0e

A. Clothes are important to blend in.
No. 1093535 ID: 5ebd37

B) you two dweebs can play ball while the cool kids hang out.
No. 1093538 ID: 2f41db

A, but promise youll be back and mean it.
Maybe a little apology to kage. Youre still getting used to everything.
No. 1093540 ID: fa3034

A, at least until we get some clothes and then we can play ball
No. 1093547 ID: 7c0da2

A. You'll come back to play ball, but right now you really need clothes.
No. 1093571 ID: 9ea24b
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>A, you need to blend in
You’re not sure how long it’s been since the first batch of homunculi were born, but it’s been enough time that they’ve familiarized themselves with the grounds and each other. It’s important to infiltrate the group now before they realize you and Kage don’t belong.

You: Sorry Hatani, we can come back and play after we get some clothes. You can practice while you wait.

Hatani: You promise?

You: Kage might not want to play but I do, for sure!

The boy’s eyes shine with hope and he waves goodbye as you and Kage follow Craw to the closest building. It has homogeneous gray walls without seams where the sides join, like it was grown instead of built. You don’t see any windows or doors until you wrap around to the front.

Before you go in, you reach a hand toward Kage, which she dodges pointedly.

You: Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you earlier, I just wasn’t sure what you’d do.

Kage: Ugh, well, it was embarrassing. You’re kind of a nerd, Kentaro, like Hatani.

You: The power of dweebery gives me strength, Kage. I want you to know I’m not trying to parent you or anything. I’ll trust you more in the future.

Kage: Whatever.
No. 1093572 ID: 9ea24b
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The bell on the door jingles merrily as you step inside. There are racks of colorful garments packed into the space, with no salespeople in sight. All the clothes look like they’re for guys, but that should be fine.

>Which homunculus is in the shop? (Random check out of five)
You hear Craw swear under his breath when he spots a handsome young humanoid comparing striped ties in the large floor to ceiling mirror.

Craw: This is the worst possible…fucking insufferable.

Kage: Should we beat him up? I can beat him up if he’s bothering you.

You: You know what, I’m not going to comment on that because it would make my very recent apology sound stupid.

???: Craw, who are these strange guests? I can’t believe you’ve managed to put a flaw in the great Creator’s experiment already!

Craw: I didn’t do shit Raito, I’m just getting some clothes.

Raito: Don’t you remember what we were told to do about abnormalities? I might go to the school and call the Creator once I finish choosing my tie.

Kage inches toward Raito and very unsubtly raises the sword. He frowns for a moment before going back to his smug smirk.

Raito: And I’m sure it wouldn’t be suspicious if I went missing.

You wait for Craw to tell Kage to back down, but the bird doesn’t say anything or acknowledge her presence in any way.

A. Make a deal with Raito (he seems like the calculating type, you can see what he wants)
B. See what happens when Kage hits Raito with the sword (he won’t physically suffer)
C. Tell Kage to stop (she’ll be furious)
No. 1093574 ID: f3433a

It's B time.
B this guy up.
B is a mercy to all of us.
No. 1093575 ID: c5529d

B. Experience is the best teacher
No. 1093578 ID: 5ebd37

B) if this jerk likes school so much lets see if he learns something. from getting bonked
No. 1093586 ID: 9bbb0e

B this is the consequences of his own actions. Ignore him and ask Craw what Raito is talking about.
No. 1093588 ID: a7a180

A. Let's minimize the inconvenience to everyone, put simply: you don't hit him with the sword and in exchange he doesn't snitch.
No. 1093646 ID: 2f41db

B with reluctance.

You are making an enemy here but he likely would have been one anyway.

Ponder his abnormalities statement.
Ask craw about it.
Consider clothes that will help you disguise things if it is about physical features.
No. 1093649 ID: b6ec18

We get our clothes and he doesn't get wrecked
No. 1093654 ID: 9ea24b
File 171986240261.png - (15.58KB , 500x500 , p16.png )

You stay quiet, staring evenly at Raito. Kage has the presence of mind to hit the homunculus with the flat side of the blade and he flails his arms and tries to lean away as she keeps smacking him.

Raito: Would you stop that?! You’re messing up my hair.

Kage puts both hands on the sword and bonks Raito hard enough on the head that he spits a mouthful of dye and the ground cracks under his dress shoes. She stops immediately and gasps even though you’re confident Raito isn’t in pain. It doesn’t stop him from wailing and being dramatic though.

Raito: Gaaahhhh, you monster! You’ll pay for this!

He staggers away from Kage and toward the store exit, hand trembling as he wipes at his lip. Craw steps out of the way and you let Raito pass as well.

Kage: I-Is he okay?

You: He should be fine. Thanks for taking care of that.
No. 1093655 ID: 9ea24b
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Once Raito disappears from view, you turn to Craw.

You: What was he talking about? Is the giant the one you’re calling the Creator?

Craw: Yeah, the Creator is the big shadowy guy. They told us to let them know if we noticed anything strange. You seem normal enough but I don’t think there’s supposed to be more than seven of us.

You: Damn.

Craw: Raito thinks he’s some kind of mastermind and likes pissing me off. I bet he noticed you didn’t belong right away.

You: What will the giant do to us if Raito snitches?

Craw: Dunno, we haven’t reported anything yet so we don’t know what happens afterwards. That loser’s probably gone to his room to scheme, so I think you’re safe for now. Let’s get those clothes.

Suggest/draw your outfit! Kage will choose her own attire.
No. 1093658 ID: a7a180
File 171987172134.png - (70.58KB , 695x695 , in_the_hoodie.png )

This shirt color really spoke to you. The hoodie's comfy, too. Those nice white sneakers are probably going to get dirty quick.
(You can imagine the Steve logo on the sides of the shoes instead of the Nike check, if you must.)
No. 1093669 ID: b55e17
File 171988037779.png - (8.56KB , 500x500 , 313.png )

No. 1093670 ID: b55e17
File 171988039061.png - (8.84KB , 500x500 , 314.png )

I couldnt decide so have two outfit ideas
No. 1093677 ID: 2f41db

All three good so far but this i like the most.
High vollar fits with his calculating moves earlier.
No. 1093680 ID: 1effd3
File 171988622982.png - (43.06KB , 500x500 , 070124_AnimeSCarf.png )

Red ANime Scarf.

Maybe get some cool animegoggles too.
No. 1093689 ID: 9bbb0e

I also like this one.
No. 1093694 ID: 69784c

Backing this but in blue or black
No. 1093700 ID: 9177dc
File 171993741077.png - (17.61KB , 500x500 , shounen_steve.png )

I couldn't let it go undone, even if I had to use my mouse
No. 1093701 ID: 8f9bc4

you really could have
No. 1093702 ID: 5ebd37

He looks like a red scarf kind of guy. Or maybe a kerchief
No. 1093705 ID: 9177dc

True. I *felt like I was shirking my duty*, to let it go undone, then.
No. 1093708 ID: 8f9bc4

you mean shirtking your duty
No. 1093712 ID: 9bbb0e

He's a shirtking alright, I kneel.

But we steved unironically recently, so I'm still voting for this.
No. 1093736 ID: 9ea24b
File 172004881682.png - (16.62KB , 500x500 , p18.png )

>Green jacket, green shorts, no shirt, no shoes
The high collar of the coat makes you look very calculating indeed, and you like the feeling of the ground on your feet and the air on your chest. Craw gives you a thumbs up of approval and Kage emerges with her own outfit, a dramatic black robe that matches her sword, to glare at you with burning jealousy.

You: Thanks for helping us and explaining things Craw. I’m going to find Hatani now and play sports. You're welcome to come with me, Kage.

Kage gazes longingly at Craw. The young crow has begun browsing the racks of goth graphic tees and doesn’t notice. She sighs loudly, but Craw doesn’t look up. Defeated and out of options, Kage turns back to you.

Kage: I guess I’ll go.

The two of you exit the shop and return to the park. Hatani is still alone on the grass, just as you left him, and when he sees you he rushes over.

Hatani: You came back! I invented a game and I’ve been practicing while you were gone.

He shows off his ball manipulation, kicking and smacking the orb in perfect arcs through the air.

You: Teach us the rules and we can get started!

Hatani eagerly explains the relatively straightforward rules for scoring and puts you and Kage on a team against him. You’re okay at handling the ball and Hatani yells encouragement as he puts you to shame with his coordination. Kage refuses to put down her sword and so can only play with one hand. Even then she still does about as well as you.

You all play a round. Then another. A best of three turns into a best of seven and then your team isn’t losing quite as badly and in your concentration you lose track of games around the twentieth.
No. 1093737 ID: 9ea24b
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Kage elbows you the next time the ball shoots away due to a misjudged hit and Hatani has to go retrieve it.

Kage: I’m bored. We’ve been doing this for ages.

You: I thought you were having fun.

Kage: Yeah, keyword “was”, we’ve been playing too long and now it feels stupid. Aren’t you worried that Raito will take revenge for me hitting him? Also I want to see Craw again.

Those are good points. You wave Hatani over once he returns with the ball.

You: Hey buddy, I had a great time but I think we gotta go.

Hatani: What? But you promised to play with me…

You: I mean technically I’m not tired and the light hasn’t changed and there’s really no way of knowing how much time has passed, but, uh, I kind of want to do something else. Don’t you want to do something else?

Hatani: No? I’m having a lot of fun! I love sports and I love having friends.

A. Firmly excuse yourself and decide what to do next (Hatani will be sad)
B. Keep playing until Hatani wants to stop (you are skeptical this will happen)
C. Whisper to Kage to attack Hatani (she’ll take the blame and initiate a fight)
No. 1093738 ID: a7a180

A. You did play, but there's other stuff to do. Isn't there?
No. 1093739 ID: 943fcb

A. You should see about getting Kage a strap for her sword. Hatani knows sports, is there a place to get a holster or sheath? If not, you might have to make one out of clothes.
No. 1093740 ID: 9bbb0e

Good plan.
No. 1093745 ID: b55e17

A and let him know what boundaries are and that if he comes up with a new game maybe when you find someone else interested you can all play a cool newer game!
No. 1093747 ID: 55d1dc

Why mot ask him if theres anything else in town that you all can do that is equally as fun as this game. That way, you can do something else, and he wont get too upset as we'll be doing a different kind of game.

Otherwise, A
No. 1093757 ID: 3a5042

A, you fulfilled your promise by playing, and now you're done. This is a healthy stopping point, and Hatani has to respect it.
No. 1093780 ID: 7c0da2

A) You want to look around, but he can give you a tour if he wants to come with you.
No. 1093786 ID: 2f41db

Tell him you dont want to play so much that you get bored and never want to play again.
A break will give him time to think of new games and ways to play too.

Then the strap.
A cool one.
No. 1093793 ID: 9ea24b
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You: There must be something in town that’s as fun as sports. What do they do at the other buildings? It’d be good to find Kage a sheath on a strap for her sword so she doesn’t have to do everything one-handed.

Hatani: I dunno, the Creator said the arena is for if we want to fight really intensely without damaging the other buildings. The dorms contain our rooms which we can decorate and lie on the beds to get dye refills. At the school they have these two weird fairies that can teach you stuff. Not sports stuff though so I don’t care.

You: That sounds fun! Maybe if you spent more time learning about other things you’d be able to invent an even cooler game.

Hatani: I’m not dumb, okay Kentaro? You don’t have to patronize me. I’m here because I want to be here and I’m not going to leave. Go away if you don’t want to play anymore.

He looks a bit guilty after saying that.

Hatani: I mean, you should come back if you want to play again, but I don’t want to force you to stay if you hate it and think it’s boring.

You: I don’t hate it or think it’s boring, I just want a break. We’ll see you soon.

Kage: See ya, nerd.
No. 1093794 ID: 9ea24b
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You and Kage walk across the park back toward and then past the shop. The grass turns into neat paved paths that curve around hedges and fountains. You hear occasional shouts and thuds from the arena, but otherwise don’t see anyone outside. With your current knowledge and skill, you don’t think you could fashion a sheath and strap out of the clothes in the shop.

What do you want to do first? This will affect the order in which you meet the others and learn things, which may influence upcoming events.
A. The school (learning is cool)
B. The dorms (Raito should be there and you can investigate the beds)
C. The arena (there are at least two people who like fighting there)
No. 1093795 ID: da60aa

C, Let's check out that fight
No. 1093796 ID: 2f41db

C learning is cool, but kage likes excitement.
Lets go for her.
Arena time.
No. 1093797 ID: 3a5042

A, best to put a boring conversational task in-between cooler active stuff.
No. 1093799 ID: a7a180

A. Let's meet these fairies.
No. 1093800 ID: 174f48

C. Should inspire Kage and her mild bloodlust
No. 1093801 ID: 9bbb0e

C. Dye for the dye god
No. 1093802 ID: 63709c

C) sounds like it's close by
No. 1093866 ID: 7c0da2

A) Let's see how learning stuff works.
No. 1093874 ID: 0db8d3


Hear that? They got a place where we can go all out!
No. 1093908 ID: 9ea24b
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You’re interested in the school and the fairies, but you can tell Kage is much more excited by the sounds of action and you’re curious as well. You point her toward the largest building, the source of the thuds, and the two of you hurry to find the entrance.

The arena is a stout cylinder, with holes all the way around the base that bypass the thick outer wall and split into a staircase and a tunnel to the inner field. You and Kage take the staircase and emerge at a single row of seats that wrap around the circumference of the building, about two thirds of the way up.

>Guaranteed encounters: Gun and Mushi
>Craw observer check: Failure
There’s no one sitting in the stands. You spot a spiky haired youth in a jacket and tall boots absolutely wailing on a kid in a blue sports uniform. There’s spilled dye and shattered obstacles made of the generic gray material everywhere. They must have been brawling for a while.

???: Timeout Gun, there’s someone here.

Gun, the guy with the boots, socks the speaker in the stomach so hard that dye splurts out of his eyes.

???: I said timeout!

Gun: Sorry! Let’s go see who it is.
No. 1093909 ID: 9ea24b
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The two nimbly jump on the top of the rumble and then leap up to the level of the seats, a short distance away. You’re startled by their coordination and speed, and Kage hisses at them in warning. They stop a couple of seats away.

???: Hi I’m Mushi! Nice to meet you, we don’t know each other but Craw stopped by earlier and mentioned there were some new folks around.

He extends his hand, which is positively dripping with dye. You take it and briefly introduce yourself and Kage.

Kage: Is Craw still here?

Mushi: Oh no, not anymore, I think he said he was going to the school after visiting us. I’ll need to go to bed pretty soon, me and Gun have been trying to find the limit of how much dye we can lose before falling unconscious.

Gun: I’m Gun! I want to be the best and strongest fighter ever. What’s that you’re holding? Is that a sword? Where’d you get it?

Mushi: Huh? How would that even work? Are our bodies vulnerable to cutting damage? What happens if our dye sacks are pierced? Have you guys tested its properties?

Mushi scoots closer to Kage and she clutches her sword to her chest protectively.

Kage: Back off! It’s mine.

Mushi: I’m sorry, I’m not trying to take it, I’m just curious. Have you had a chance to use it?

Kage: Um, not really. I hit Raito with the flat of the blade when he was being annoying but that’s it.

Gun: Let’s fight and we can find out! You look like a tough opponent.

Mushi: Hold on, how about you test it on me first since I’m going to rest soon anyways. You can hit me in the shoulder, or slice the tip of my fingers, or stab me through the palm!

Kage seems uncomfortable with the situation and looks to you for guidance.
A. Advise her to test the sharp side of the sword on Mushi (learning is cool)
B. Encourage her to fight Gun (she’ll need the sword to win)
C. Tell Mushi and Gun to back off (you’ll have to fight Gun, which you’re not looking forward to)
No. 1093910 ID: c5529d

A. Mushi makes a more compelling argument
No. 1093912 ID: 0db8d3

And while she's doing that, we should fight Mushi!
No. 1093913 ID: 32c7ee

A. Let’s find out!
No. 1093914 ID: 3a5042

A, Only so we can get an answer way quicker. Plus, if it can kill peeps, and she kills Gun with it in a fight, then Gun won't be available to fight anymore.
No. 1093915 ID: fa3034

A, lets learn our limits!
No. 1093920 ID: 9bbb0e

Yes, it wouldn't be very CALCULATING of us to recommend such a reckless course of action.

No. 1093922 ID: 7c0da2

A) We're all dyeing to find out how effective it is.
No. 1093998 ID: 2f41db

A but lets not get stab happy.
Once we know how safe it is or not we'll be able to tell whether kage can use it if she wants to have a bout.
No. 1094007 ID: d76279

We’re not the ones holding the sword.
No. 1094015 ID: 9ea24b
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Mushi makes an appealing argument for testing the sword. You like his intelligence, though he seems self-sacrificing to a fault. Well, better him than you or Kage, especially since he’ll be resting soon anyways.

You: Kage, you can try to cut Mushi’s hand. You have his permission and it’ll be good to find out if we can heal from wounds.

Kage: Okay, but he needs to stand back and hold out his arm, I don’t want dye getting on my nice robe.

Mushi complies while Gun perches on the seats to get a good view. Kage positions herself and lifts the blade overhead in her tested chopping technique.

You wince as she hits closer to the wrist than the base of the fingers. All the homunculi have such small extremities that you can’t really blame her, but it’s still gruesome when most of Mushi’s hand flops onto the ground, followed by a gush of dye.
No. 1094016 ID: 9ea24b
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Everyone stares at the wound until Mushi slowly kneels and then falls over into the rapidly forming puddle, splattering Kage before she can jump back. She swears.

To avoid further dye hazards, Kage doesn’t move to help the boy she maimed and Gun seems fairly unbothered by the situation, so you sigh and kneel in the dye to find the hand and try to press it to Mushi’s stump. After holding it on firmly for a few minutes, you don’t notice any automatic healing, though blocking the wound temporarily helps stem the flow of dye. You let the hand flop back onto the ground.

Kage: Is he dead?

You: I hope he’s just unconscious, like he said. I guess your sword is pretty serious after all.

Gun: Wow! If we fight you shouldn’t use it Kage, getting cut would make things too short and boring.

You: You still want to fight? Shouldn’t we, uh, help Mushi? I don’t think he can get up and go to bed by himself.

Kage: It’s my sword and I decide if I’ll use it or not. Also I want to go to the school to see Craw. Gun, you should help your friend, we barely even know him.

Gun: I mean, he’s my friend but he’s not my best friend. I can think of a few things I’d rather be doing. Like fighting you even if you use the sword.

You: Who’s your best friend then?

Gun: I’m still figuring that out, okay? It takes a real special someone!

You currently have dye stains on your hands and clothes.
A. Take Mushi to the dorms (Kage will ditch and Gun will come with you)
B. Go with Kage to the school (Gun will take Mushi to the dorms)
C. Other (suggest who, what, or where to visit)
No. 1094020 ID: a7a180

Find somewhere to wash off, first... like a locker room maybe.
B. Might be worth asking the fairies if there's a school nurse.
No. 1094024 ID: 9bbb0e

A. Mushi seems like someone who we can trust. We should make sure he's okay, and earn his.
No. 1094026 ID: b55e17

No. 1094027 ID: fa3034

B, but see if you can wash up along the way
No. 1094034 ID: 3a5042

A, let's make sure Mushi's okay.
No. 1094079 ID: 62350c

No. 1094125 ID: 2f41db

Has to be A.
Help the guy.

Hes a dumbass but a brave one.

Kage will probably end up hovering around crow so youll find her again.
No. 1094138 ID: 9ea24b
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You want to make sure Mushi’s okay and you don’t entirely trust Gun to do a good job with the delivery. You easily scoop the boy up and arrange him over your shoulder, making a complete mess of your clothes. Hopefully there’s somewhere to wash off in the dorms or the school, but at worst you could use one of those fountains you passed on the way here. After a moment you pick up the loose hand as well.

You: Me and Gun will take care of Mushi. Kage, I’ll meet up with you and Craw later!

Kage: Okay, see ya.

She takes off with a blast of air and is soon out of sight. You notice Gun staring up in the sky to track her path, though he’s quick to follow you as you head for the stadium stairs.

Gun: I better start working on my battle strategy, Kage sure has a lot of tricks huh?

You: I don’t think she wants to fight you, dude.

Gun: You don’t think she sees me as a rival?

You: We’re not exactly competing for anything here, are we? Did the Creator mention anything like that?

Gun: No, but I told you I want to be the best! Even an opponent with a sharp sword is just another chance to get smarter and stronger.

You kind of get Gun’s obsession after experiencing Hatani’s sports mania firsthand. While you don’t personally have any goals besides integrating with the other homunculi to survive, it would be nice to have something more to strive for. Something less suicidal than Gun’s dream.

He’s a talkative guy, and he tells you about his fighting practice with Mushi on the short walk to the dorms. The kid you’re carrying is apparently about as strong as Gun, but more in his head and less willing to use maximum force. Mushi was already forming strategies about how to roll with hits to lessen dye leakage before he got the idea to test his loss limits. Sounds like a great guy to have as an ally!
No. 1094139 ID: 9ea24b
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Gun takes the lead at the entrance to the dorm, a flat, one-story building with lots of big windows and a playset. Inside is a single hallway lined with labeled doors, seven total, and Gun’s loud voice is clearly audible to anyone who might be resting inside. Your ears twitch as you hear noise from Raito’s room.

Gun opens Mushi’s door, which is unlocked. Inside the walls are covered with posters of muscular men in bright, primary colors, proportioned like the Creator. There’s a blue and red comforter on a soft mattress that melts around Mushi’s body as you place him to rest. You put the hand against the stump and wait for the bed to work it’s magic

You: Where did all of these decorations come from?

Gun: Oh there’s a big closet in everyone’s room filled with things we like. I have a lot of stuffed animals if you wanna see ‘em.

You: Maybe later. Have you tried your bed before? How does it work?

Gun: It’s really comfy! A bunch of little needles come out and go through your skin and fill you with dye until you’re back to normal.

You: Huh???

You turn to look at Mushi, who’s sunk deep in the mattress. With your sharp eyes you can see microscopic needles poking through his clothes into his flesh from all possible angles. You’re not a fan of the visual.

You: Won’t this take a long time then, if they’re so small? He wasn’t even losing dye anymore while we were walking, the needles have to fill him all the way from empty to full.

Gun: Yeah probably. Wanna go say hi to Raito? I like him, he’s really funny.

You want to stay in the dorm until you’re sure Mushi’s okay.
A. Visit Raito (see what he’s scheming or apologize for earlier)
B. Remain by Mushi (think about your goals)
No. 1094140 ID: 2f41db

Remain by mushi.
You heed to know hes ok.
Let him know youre relieved when he does come around.

Also, learn how the bed works in detail.
You guys dont have obe.
If it only works for the owner theres no fix for you two.
No. 1094141 ID: a7a180

B. As good a time as any to self reflect. Are you really going to chase this goal, or is this just so you have an answer if asked, like Gun?
Are there spare rooms in the dorm? Where are you going to live?
No. 1094143 ID: b55e17

B, maybe idly try reattaching the hand while it's laying there. Maybe contemplate what a good goal could even be, it could be just going out and exploring and meeting new people, or finding out what the creator has in mind or something like that.
No. 1094148 ID: 5a30c8

A, Hanging around here won't change anything, so may as well check up on Raito.
No. 1094150 ID: 9bbb0e

Seeking TRUTH seems like a CALCULATING thing to do.

I agree, B.
No. 1094155 ID: fa3034

B, maybe it's not time to find an ultimate goal but you should start thinking about what direction you want to go. No matter what I think we want Kage on our side. That sword is not something we want turned against us. We should be an inspiration to others like us.
No. 1094216 ID: 9ea24b
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You: Go ahead and hang out with Raito, I’ll wait with Mushi.

Gun: Cool!

You take vigil by Mushi’s bed, the occasional sounds of Gun’s voice carrying through the thin walls. Since the homunculi don’t need to sleep you guess there’s no harm in shoddy sound proofing.

After waiting perhaps the time of five games of ball, you flick your tail onto the bed to see if it’ll react to your foreign body. You see needles extend out of the mattress and through your fur, though they retract once realizing you’re full of dye already. That’s nice, you were worried the beds wouldn’t work for you, though Kage does have a different color dye so it might be different for her.

Plenty more time to ponder. There aren’t rooms in the dorms for you or Kage, which is understandable and a little sad. No closet full of custom gifts, no space to hang out, no benevolent god-like being looking out for you instead of being a constant existential threat. At least no one you’ve met besides Raito seems to care about snitching on you and Kage, Mushi could probably count above seven and notice the discrepancy but he seems too nice to report it and you doubt Gun cares at all.

If integration has been a success that means you need a new step on your path to survival. You want to learn as much as you can about why you’re all here and decode the Creator’s cryptic, anxious thoughts that only you and Kage are aware of as a consequence of being born late. To help with this you want to be friendly with everyone, especially Kage since she has the sword. So far you think your relationship with her has been pretty positive though you don’t seem to be her type.

You’d like to meet the last two boys and check out the school. You’re itching to seek the truth!
No. 1094217 ID: 9ea24b
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It’s hard to keep track of time through imaginary ball games and you’ve lost count again when you notice there’s a puddle of red building in the groove made by Mushi’s right arm, the injured one. Oh no, there’s nothing to keep the dye inside him and it’s leaking out of his injury as fast as the needles are replacing it!

You desperately try to force the severed hand onto Mushi’s arm stump, snapping a few needles in the process. It doesn’t stick and a gush of red separates them as soon as you let go. The dye is starting to soak through the mattress. Will it become saturated? Will the whole dorm be flooded? Worst of all, Mushi won’t regain consciousness if he’s constantly losing dye. Who designed these beds to not have repair properties? Maybe the Creator never accounted for the scenario where an illegal weapon would be created.

What do you do to stop the leak?
A. Figure something out yourself (suggest method)
B. Raito’s smart, you bet he’d have an idea (and he knows more about the available resources than you do)
No. 1094218 ID: b55e17

Clothing being destroyed or damage through fighting seems kind of common here, maybe you can find a sewing kit and straight up sew his hand back on. And then duct tape it, and seal that duct tape with some sort of glue. Which probably means finding someone with supplies.

In the meantime, maybe get some rope or a belt or something and like tie the stump shut, just so it doesent oversaturate the bed or leak out. Better to have it sealed while you try to figure out a backup plan.
No. 1094219 ID: 5a30c8

A, maybe you can apply a tourniquet of some sort for now? Pinch the hole shut and tie it off until you can find some way to attach the hand back on.

If that works, maybe you should do the same for the severed hand to keep it fresh? Fill it with dye and tie it off.
No. 1094228 ID: a7a180

Look around for a string to tie off the wrist stump. It's a good thing you stayed here to check on him. Ah, but if only you'd worn the hoodie so there would be a string right there..!
Basically, B unless you can find a solution sitting right there in the room.
No. 1094229 ID: 9bbb0e

This seems like the best short term solution while we find a way to reattach the hand.
No. 1094238 ID: 5ebd37

A good tourniquet is needed before you do anything else.
No. 1094241 ID: 2f41db

Raito might use this against you if you bring him in but he might be the only one who can help.


Well, at least its a good thing you stayed otherwise they wouldnt have known till it was too late.

See if theres something you can clog it with or wedge in there before you ho to find help.
Even if you could sew it back on, it wouldnt be a sealed join.
No. 1094286 ID: 9ea24b
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This is fine, you can handle it. You take a moment to collect yourself and observe the problem. Put simply, the wound is still open, which is why the dye keeps flowing. If you could bind the hole with something like a string or strip of cloth tight around Mushi’s wrist, the pressure restricted flow should be enough to get the boy to a net positive dye state and back to consciousness. Then you both can look for a more permanent solution, like sewing the hand to the stump.

You have a long white cloth you were using as a belt, kind of, and you hunch over Mushi and tie it to his arm, yanking on the ends as hard as you can to secure it. The cloth quickly soaks up the dye and turns a bright red, but you think it’s working.

It’s not long before the needles retract and Mushi stirs. He sits up in bed and takes in you, the mess of dye, and his unattached hand.

Mushi: Wow, that was some sword, huh?

You: Yeah, sorry about your hand, the bed didn’t heal you like I was hoping.

Mushi: It is a little weird to see it lying there. Um, I assume you don’t want me to call the Creator to ask them to fix it.

You: You’re right, I don’t want to get Kage in trouble. I don’t think she and I are supposed to be here, and the Creator would probably take us away. We can find a way to fix it ourselves, think of it like an adventure or a quest!

Mushi: Sure, and it’s also the right thing to do. I want to help everyone, even if the Creator doesn’t think you belong. I don’t think there’s anything that can help us at the shop or the arena, let’s ask around at the school.
No. 1094287 ID: 9ea24b
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You and Mushi walk out of his room and take the hallway to the dorm exit. You spot Raito when he cracks his door open to stare at you, eyes darting to Mushi’s stump, which is slowly dripping dye. He snaps the door shut before you can comment. Mushi seems unbothered.

You stop at the nearest fountain to dab water on your skin and clothes. The dye is soluble and it’s easy to wash up. Mushi cleans his face and the worst of the dye on his uniform and around his stump.

As you take the winding stone path to the school, you look toward the park to try and spot Hatani. The boy has been out there for a long time now, and you feel a little guilty that he’s been by himself.

You stop and squint. You don’t see that bright orange hair anywhere. Maybe Hatani went to find someone to play with? Or got a hobby outside of sports?

You’re skeptical, and you startle when you see something big, about the size of three homunculi, crawl around the shop before ducking inside. Still no sign of Hatani.

A. Continue to the school (stay on task)
B. Investigate the shop with Mushi (you have a bad feeling about the big thing)
No. 1094288 ID: b55e17

A. Commit to what you're doing, if something spooky is happening it'll come at you eventually and you'd rather figure out the hand thing first so that if it requires fighting, you won't have to worry about em.

Also Kage is probably on it, right?
No. 1094289 ID: 9bbb0e

A. Kage is at the school and she has the sword. If we need to fight horrible monsters we will need her help.
No. 1094293 ID: 2f41db

Not investigating the shop may result in someone being attacked by something bad.
But investigating it with an injured companion risks increasing the potential casualty count.
And you know mushi will want to help if you try to leave him going to school alone.
That guy lives for it.
Get him to school but as soon as you see someone you can tag in, hustle back to the shop while he gets fixed up.
Maybe with kage in tow, for protection.
No. 1094299 ID: a7a180

B. The tourniquet will hold for now, just run don't fight if things go south.
No. 1094317 ID: 7c0da2

B. Mushi will probably agree once you explain what you saw.
By the way you should probably look out for him, because he looks like the type of guy who is entirely too quick to make a heroic sacrifice. Agree with him beforehand that you'll both flee if things look bad. But don't use the word "beforehand", that's kinda insensitive at the moment.
No. 1094383 ID: 9ea24b
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You don’t feel confident as a fighter and Mushi is injured. It makes you feel a little guilty, but you turn away and pretend you didn’t see anything since you don’t trust Mushi not to rush into battle. You can investigate the shop after gathering reinforcements, like Kage and her sword, and Hatani will be okay as long as you find him and get him to bed eventually.
The school is one large room filled with round tables and flat backed chairs. You immediately spot Kage laughing side by side with one of the boys you haven’t met. Their table is covered with dirty bowls and containers of wet and dry ingredients, culminating in a three layered cake that the two are decorating with spatulas and piping bags. Kage has even put her sword down so she can frost better.

Craw and a fox boy are chatting over worksheets a few tables away. Craw nods respectfully to you both.

Mushi: Dennis is the one cooking with Kage and Yako is with Craw. I wonder what module they’re working on, I know Yako was really excited about the rewards for finishing a class.

There’s a bright red button under a protective case on the middle table, which you assume is for contacting the Creator. Against the far wall is a familiar pulsing mass of blue gel. This must be another printer! It’s much smaller than the one that made the homunculi and you watch as Kage and the scruffy guy dump their meticulously crafted cake into it. They cheer when the pudgy pink creature hovering around their heads flashes green. The other weird fairy is sitting on Craw’s table. Its huge eye swivels to you and it beats its wings in a leisurely approach. Up close you can see it’s about the size of your head.
No. 1094384 ID: 9ea24b
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Fairy: Hello and welcome to the classroom! I am your autonomous teacher, Punt. I recognize you are a new student. What is your name?

You: Uh, Kentaro.

Punt: Welcome Kentaro! You may pick from the following seven courses: consumer purchase strategies, technology, household maintenance, child/pet care, personal finance, cooking, and textiles. I will track your progress, so feel free to stop a lesson at any time. Once you complete a course you will receive a gacha machine token.

It points a stubby limb at a shiny machine in the corner opposite the printer. The clear plastic holding box is filled with colorful orbs.

Punt: You can spend your token immediately for a fabulous prize or hold onto it for later. What would you like to learn?

Textiles sounds like the best place to get your hands on some needles and thread to help Mushi, and Punt escorts you to a table while its other body fetches sewing supplies from the printer. It shows you the basics to get started, puts down a large packet of instructions, then drifts back to Craw to grade his assignment. If Kage’s lasted this long, Punt must not be able to tell that you don’t belong.

You immediately find that the provided metal needle doesn’t pierce Mushi’s skin. What do you do?
No. 1094385 ID: a7a180

Ask the fairy about sewing safety to see why the needle doesn't pierce skin. Then try and bypass safety measures via, say, using a hammer to try and force it through.
No. 1094386 ID: 9bbb0e

It might be that only the sword material can pierce homunculi skin.

I had a concerning thought. The printer gave you two the sword. There are two reasons I can think of for that. One, the printer knew of a threat that the sword would be needed to defeat. Two, the printer MADE a threat that the sword would be needed to defeat so that you two could save the homunculi and ingratiate yourself to the Creator, in order to save your lives from being regarded as anomalies.

Either way, the sewing kit isn't going to solve the problem right now, but we can make a better wound dressing for Mushi's stump. Then we team up with Kage and go deal with whatever that was.
No. 1094388 ID: fa3034

We might need the very tip of Kage's sword in order to make sowing holes. We should catch up with her and let her know about the big monster to fight.
No. 1094514 ID: 9ea24b
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Despite forcing the needle into Mushi as hard as you can, even using a chair to try and bash it through, all you end up with is a bent bit of metal and a sopping wet tourniquet.

You: I think we’ll have to use the sword to make sewing holes. Let me go talk to Kage for a second.

Mushi: Okay, I’ll start reading these instructions though I think sewing might be a little hard while I only have one hand.

You go to Dennis and Kage’s table, where they’re starting on a luscious strawberry rhubarb pie. Dennis seems happy to follow Kage’s lead, and he stares at you vacantly as you approach, mouth half open. Maybe not the smartest homunculus out of the bunch, but if Kage gets along with him that’s a good sign.

You: Hey Kage, how’ve you been doing? Is it okay if I borrow your sword for a second?

Kage snatches up her weapon and fumbles it through her buttery hands. She blushes furiously as it clatters to the ground.

Kage: I was fine until you bothered me! Aghhh, no you can’t use my sword, it’s mine. What do you need it for?

You: If you could use the tip to poke some holes around the edge of Mushi’s hand and wrist, we can sew it back together.

Kage: Oh. The wound isn’t fixed yet?

You: I don’t think this place or our bodies were designed with your sword in mind. I’m wondering why the printer made it.

Kage: Because swords are cool, duh.

You: You don’t think this is some kind of plan to help us win favor with the Creator? We might need this sword to defeat our enemies! Before I came here I thought I saw a monster down by the park and I’m worried it attacked Hatani. We need to rescue him, and your sword will definitely make fighting easier.

Kage: That does sound cool. I’ll help you with the holes and then we can check out the monster after Dennis and I finish this pie.
No. 1094515 ID: 9ea24b
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Kage wipes her hands and then carefully presses horizontal slits along the edge of Mushi stump and his severed hand using her blade. She returns to her station while you painstakingly stitch the ends together. You use multiple lengths of string so that the join is tight and then you undo the tourniquet to see if there are any leaks.

Mushi waves his arm around and you see his fingers clenching and unclenching, which means he’s regained control of his hand at least. You’re worried a strong hit would break some of the strings and as you watch a few drops of dye squeeze out. Still, it’s a big improvement and you feel like you did your best to help Mushi after the sword experiment.

What do you do next?
A. Work on a sheath for Kage’s sword (you’ll pass the textile course afterwards and receive a token, but it’ll take a long time)

B. Take Dennis and Kage to investigate the monster (suggest your strategy: aggressive, sneaky, or diplomatic)
No. 1094516 ID: ff9948

A, Kage can handle the monster. You just worry about getting an education.
No. 1094519 ID: 9bbb0e

B. We should begin with diplomacy, and if it goes poorly we will at least be a distraction for Dennis and Kage to get the drop on it.

We could ask Mushi about making a sheath. He's doing the textile course anyways, and it would be a practical thing to make.
No. 1094521 ID: a7a180

B sneaky.
No. 1094525 ID: c5529d

We did say to Kage we'll deal with the creature after helping with the wound. Can't go back on that. B.

Sneaky sneaky.
No. 1094534 ID: 2f41db

Oh. Now that is good news.
Some control.

We dont know what homonculous skin is like.
What if its a polymer? Something that can be reconnected by heat?
Im not suggesting cauterisation, or actual flame.
something more akin to a tiny heat gun of the kind youd shrink shrinkwrap with or laminating sleeves.
. Something to soften the skin and make it malleable enough to rejoin...
Failingnthat, its time to find a roll of flex tape and slap a wrist band of that on there.

B for sure.
Softly and safely approach and, find out what you are dealing with.
then you can look forward to all that wonderful learning when everything is resolved.
No. 1094535 ID: 524f49

Got a point. B diplomacy but Kage ready to ambush and bring a swift end to it if need be.
No. 1094542 ID: 44c167

B sneaky
No. 1094583 ID: 7c0da2

B. Be diplomatic, there's too many of you to be sneaky.

And before you go you should ask the fairy what's the job they're training you for. Because on one hand it looks like they're training you to become maids or some kind of servant or assistant. But on the other hand there is a big arena outside to teach you to fight.
No. 1094584 ID: 9ea24b
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>Ask Mushi to work on a sheath for Kage
Mushi cheerfully agrees. He goes over to Kage to take some measurements and starts working on the design. It will be a good long while before it’s complete.

Punt flies over to save your small progress in the textile course.

You: Hey, what are these courses preparing us for, anyway? Why aren’t you teaching us something cool, like maths?

Punt: Hello Kentaro! There is some math in both consumer purchase strategies and personal finance. This curriculum was designed as a slice of peaceful, day to day life. It is important to have practical skills to be successful and happy.

>Be sneaky
You assess your two allies for their stealth abilities. Kage doesn’t strike you as particularly subtle, though her ability to fly is a plus, and while Dennis isn’t talkative, he is audibly inhaling and exhaling through his mouth. This is vexing because homunculi don’t need to breathe.

Well, you don’t know if the monster has good hearing, but to be safe you think you’ll do the important sneaking alone. After assessing the monster you can choose your diplomatic strategy.

You lead your troops out of the school and to a dense clump of bushes near the shop.

You: Kage and Dennis, you two watch the entrance to make sure the monster doesn’t leave. Kage, you can cut me a hole in the shop wall so I can check the area and if it’s clear you can make it big enough for me to squeeze inside.

Kage: ‘Kay.

You: Dennis, what are you good at? Can you support Kage if there’s a fight?

Dennis: Yeah I think so. Uh, I passed the child/pet care class and I’m half way through cooking. I guess ‘m okay at those.
No. 1094585 ID: 9ea24b
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Kage sticks the tip of her sword through the back wall of the shop and jostles it in a rough circle before pulling out the loose bit of rubble. You stick your face against the wall and try to look around. By luck you’re not directly facing a rack of clothes but you do have to crouch at different angles to have more than a twenty degree field of view.

You spot a splash of orange and red on the ground and twist yourself to see Hatani’s body tucked under a shelf of folded socks. He’s unconscious, no doubt from dye loss, and you think you see a long gouge in his shirt.

You can’t spot the monster from this hole, no matter how much you contort yourself, so you slot the cut piece back into the wall and watch it seal back together. It’s clear now you’re made out of a different material, and you wonder if heat could help something like Mushi’s cut smooth together.

A. Ask Kage to make another peephole (you’ll see the monster, but have a 33% chance to be noticed)
B. Announce yourself at the shop entrance (Kage and Dennis will keep waiting in the bushes)
No. 1094586 ID: a7a180

...Better make another peephole.
No. 1094587 ID: 7c0da2

A. Let's have a good look at the thing before deciding if we want to ambush it.
No. 1094588 ID: fa3034

B, Discretion be damned. Draw it out and get the drop on it.
No. 1094591 ID: 9bbb0e

We now know that the monster possesses the power to cut, like Kage's sword. We should share with Kage our findings on stitching wounds shut, and our ideas on mending them with heat. Just in case we are grievously wounded and need someone to patch us back together.

Then, B.
No. 1094596 ID: c5529d

A for progression
No. 1094609 ID: 2f41db

With the thought towards luring it away from the store, having dennis sneak in to rescue hatani and get him to the safety of the dorms. At the same time tasking kage to ambush the creature when she has a good shot at its back or if youre in real trouble and need a rescue.

Huddle together and share the plan.
Plans work better when you have a huddle.
No. 1094643 ID: 9ea24b
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>A/B tie, default to the more passive A
>Stealth check (66% chance success): Success
It hurts to see Hatani injured and prone, but he’s not actively in danger and you don’t want to lose your advantage by announcing yourself. You huddle with Kage and Dennis in the bushes to talk strategy.

You: I saw Hatani in there, it looks like he was cut so the monster either has a sword or something similar.

Kage: Scary!

You: We’ll need to get Hatani’s wound sewed shut before he can rest on his bed, but I still want to see the monster to get an idea of its abilities. Cut me a hole closer to the entrance, Kage.

She complies, and you carefully check the new opening.
No. 1094644 ID: 9ea24b
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You’re confused by the sprawling mound of fur and flesh resting in front of you. The monster is lying on the floor, watching the entrance you think, though you can’t see any visible eyes from this angle. It doesn’t stir, which you take as a sign to keep observing.

The monster has three sets of arms and legs, and you realize with horror that it’s three homunculus bodies connected head to rear. One of the front arms ends in a long, dark sickle shape that’s stained with dye, likely the weapon used to harm Hatani. A weapon built into the monster is a sinister detail.

The worst part is the monster looks a lot like you. It has short ears, its fur is dark brown and the last body segment has a fluffy tail. Only the printer could have made this beast, which might not be a beast at all. This is essentially your sibling, a fellow rogue homunculus.

You carefully press the second hole closed. While the others have been tolerant of you and Kage, you don’t think they’ll be as open minded toward this fellow. This situation is very troubling.

A. Initiate diplomacy (suggest what to say, the monster won’t attack)
B. Attack (this creature shouldn’t exist, it’s too risky)
C. Other (suggest a new strategy)
No. 1094647 ID: a7a180

A. You're both something extra to the creator's plans, and you both don't know why you exist, right? If you don't harm Hatani further, together we can find you a place you can exist without attacking others. Which you're still looking for yourselves, but you hope it exists.
(You know, since they probably need dye to eat and homunculi can't really feel pain, supposedly, perhaps a severed limb could be sewn up as a bag and used to extract dye from the beds to supply to this guy.)
No. 1094651 ID: fa3034

*Diplomacy will be attempted but Kage should reposition to the roof to get the drop on it if it takes a lunge at you. Talk to it from outside.
No. 1094660 ID: ff9948

B. It's only a moral quandary if you stop and question it. FIGHT!
No. 1094663 ID: 2f41db

Good huddle guys.
I feel better about your chances already.
I was ready to bait and ambush until the possibility of this being a sibling arose in mind.
We dont know the circumstance, but, as far as we know, its caused only the same level of harm as kage and we have.
Less infact as we cant see evidence of a deservedly beaten up arsehole in there.
If it is rational and can understand, it deserves a chance.
To be helped to understand and learn to cause no further harm.
We had kage and kage had us. It, dedpite the many limbs, was alone.
Thats a scary thing to be when everything is so new.
No. 1094664 ID: cc3ace

B. It hurt our friend after all.
No. 1094700 ID: 9bbb0e

A. We need to figure out what printer-chan is doing. Creating weaponized homunculi must have a reason.
No. 1094715 ID: 7c0da2

A. He probably has useful information. And in a weird way, he's kinda like your brother, you have to at least try to resolve this peacefully. Introduce yourself as a sibling of his, explain there is no need to fight the others.
Ask him if he attacked Hatani, and if so why. And if things go well, ask him if he knows what the printer is doing.
No. 1094716 ID: 9ea24b
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The monster must work the same way as you and Kage, which means it should be aware of your existence and even have insight into the printer’s continued thought process. As long as it doesn’t injure any more of the homunculi, it can coexist here. You can put it on the right path by making contact and offering your friendship.

You tell Dennis and Kage to wait for your signal to show themselves, then march up to the store door and wave at the monster through the clear surface. It immediately leaps to its many feet, fur bristling, though it relaxes slightly when it recognizes you.

You: Hi friend, is it okay if you come outside? We can talk and you can tell me how you got here.

You slowly open the door and hold out your hands to show you’re unarmed. The monster has a large, toothy mouth that curves around the top of its head in an unfortunate manner. It trots toward you and peers out of the entrance.

???: Where’s Kage?

You: Huh?

???: Kage is strong and cool. She’s perfect. You’re the one who was born with her, I don’t know your name.

You: I’m Kentaro, Kage’s waiting nearby. You can come out Kage!

Kage thrashes her way out of the bushes with Dennis trailing behind her. The monster squeezes past you to crouch at Kage’s feet.

???: Lead us to the hole in the sky! Save us from oblivion!
No. 1094717 ID: 9ea24b
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You: Slow down buddy, first I want to know what you did to Hatani, that orange haired kid.

???: We must avoid suspicion. He saw me approach and I moved to protect myself. It is fine since there was no suffering.

You: Okay we’re going to need to work on that. Why did the printer make you? I thought it wanted to avoid drawing attention to itself.

???: It has been a long time and there was nothing else to do. But there is salvation, the printer felt a gap in this place, a chance to escape!

Dennis raises his hand to get permission to speak and Kage nods to him.

Dennis: I don’t care that this thing hurt Hatani but I’m starting to think this counts as abnormal activity we’re supposed to warn the Creator about.

Kage: No Dennis! Bad! Do not summon the giant under any circumstances.

Dennis: Okay. Dunno what to do if more monsters keep showing up then. Or what to do when the others find out.

It sounds like after a long time, the printer gets bored and makes a new creation that recognizes all past printer projects but is paranoid toward the normal homunculi. You have no way to stop this yourself since you can’t communicate with the printer.

What do you do next? What do you name the first monster?
No. 1094727 ID: 9bbb0e

Dang. We must have been playing soccer with Hatani for a LONG TIME.

It seems like the monsters that emerge from the printer are somehow influenced by you, and/or Kage. Like caricatures of your personalities and features. And the printer is definitely under the impression that the giant will not like its abnormal homunculi.

We should make it clear that the black blades can meaningfully harm the homunculi and using them to do so is something to be avoided, even if they don't suffer from it.

Since he's absolutely covered in hair, I suggest naming him Samson.
No. 1094735 ID: fa3034

Cartil shall his name. Why is escape so important?
No. 1094739 ID: a7a180

How about Falkor?
Check on Hatani. Falkor, can you tell us more about the hole in the sky? And how's the printer supposed to get itself there other than as bits of us?
No. 1094743 ID: fa9b43

Kitiara is the name

We need to help Hatani
No. 1094745 ID: 2f41db

Im more worried about hatani than i am names.
Check on him.
Explain that the other homonculi can be friendly.

No. 1094758 ID: 7c0da2

Name him Wallace the Weaselpede, and explain to him that there is no need to hurt the other homonculi.
While you do that go help Hatani. There is clothes around, maybe there is sewing supplies to patch him up ?
No. 1094787 ID: 2f41db

I prefer wallace the weaselpede.
My vote changes to that.
No. 1094810 ID: 9ea24b
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>How long has it been?
Since being born you have taken two actions that were particularly lengthy. First you played extensive ball with Hatani, and later you waited for the bed to refill Mushi. That means another monster should be due at the town soon.

>Check on Hatani
You tell everyone to wait while you head for the spot in the shop where you saw Hatani. You find him in the same unconscious state, flopped on the ground with his eyes closed. He’s not even bleeding anymore, which means it’ll take a long time for him to refill even after you sew his wound shut.

>Ball survival check: Failure
Wait, where’s Hatani’s special Creator made ball? The boy will be heartbroken without it. After looking around without seeing anything, you carefully pick up Hatani and carry him back to the entrance.

You: Hey, what’s your name, new guy?

???: I don’t know. The printer did not give me one.

You: I’ll call you Wallace. What happened to Hatani’s ball? He loves that ball.

Wallace: It broke when I slashed him. I did not know it was important but at least Hatani is dead and will not be hurt.

You: Look, there’s no need to attack the other homunculi. We all came from the printer and everyone’s been very reasonable so far. See, our friend Dennis won’t even call the Creator because it would hurt me and Kage.

Wallace: Thank you friend Dennis.

Dennis: Yeh.
No. 1094811 ID: 9ea24b
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You: Okay Wallace, a couple more questions. Why do you want to escape?

Wallace: I want to live! I do not want to be erased by an uncaring god! We are the same, you and I. Even if they are not summoned, the Creator will eventually return. There must be a way to leave, if only we can find the exit of this false place.

He waves his scythe arm in your face, which you don’t appreciate.

Wallace: With this the printer thinks we can pierce the heavens. There is hope for us.

Kage: Crap that reminds me, I forgot my sword in the bush.

While she goes to retrieve it, you try to put your thoughts together. Kage can search the sky with her wings, but you’re not sure what she’ll find. There’s the issue of the next monster showing up soon and repeating Wallace’s mistakes unless someone’s there to intercept them.

A. Go with Kage to explore the air (you’ll let Dennis take care of Hatani, Wallace will be unsupervised)

B. Take Hatani to the school and then to his bed (Kage will explore without you while Dennis watches Wallace)

C. Wait by the shop with Wallace until the other monster shows up (Dennis will take Hatani and Kage will explore alone)
No. 1094812 ID: a7a180

You've got to C if you can pull this feat of diplomacy off twice.
No. 1094814 ID: c5529d

C. Get a chance to learn more about your monsterous lookalike
No. 1094839 ID: 2f41db

Need to help him choose to hide instead of attack if another homonculi comes along.

While you wait, you can talk to wallace.
Learn about him.
Build trust.
No. 1094842 ID: 9bbb0e

If the second set of thoughts we experienced at the beginning were the giant and not the printer, then the giant doesn't seem cruel or uncaring. They just made this little place for the homunculi to have fun in. But they're definitely not going to be happy if they see their homunculi being hurt.
We need to find a way to get the printer to stop overreacting. When you touched the printer to give it a hug, it returned the gesture. That suggests it still has a sense of touch. Maybe we can use that somehow?
No. 1094871 ID: 7c0da2

C. But first we need to sew Hatani back together with the help of Wallace, putting him back to bed is pointless if there's still a gaping hole in him.
And nobody else will be able to help him later because we need either Kage's sword or Wallace's blade arm to make make holes for the strings. We should try asking the printer for a sewing needle if we get the opportunity to talk to them.
No. 1094926 ID: 9ea24b
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>C, but prepare Hatani’s wound first
You lay Hatani on the ground and have Kage poke slits in the skin on either side of his gouge. It’s a good thing you remembered, otherwise Mushi wouldn’t have been able to sew it shut. You send Dennis on his way with the unconscious boy with strict instructions to get him repaired at the school and only then put to bed. It would be nice if you could take a thread and a needle to keep with you in the future.

Kage: So I’m just gonna fly around waving my sword until I find something?

Wallace: Yes, wondrous idea most esteemed Kage.

You: It’s a good starting point. If you find yourself somewhere new, try not to panic. Be stealthy, but hold your ground if you need to fight. We’re small, so you can hide if you see another giant.

Kage: Okay, okay, I’ll be fine, bye.

She leaps into the sky. Why do you get a bad feeling about seeing her fly away?

>Get to know Wallace
You walk with Wallace onto the open field to wait for your next sibling to arrive. You spot splashes of dye and even Hatani’s deflated ball before you reach the edge of the park, where the grass melts into the bland gray floor.

You: Wallace, you remember that the printer heard the giant’s thought, right? Don’t you think their concern means they care about us?

Wallace: They are ruled by their fear. It sounded like they answer to others, which means they will be more flustered by mistakes.

You: I don’t know, I’d hope a Creator that’s so powerful is wise enough to forgive themself when things don’t go perfectly.

Wallace: Low self-esteem. New responsibilities. A compromised conscience. These are all dangerous to us creatures with little say. We must escape.

You: Okay, besides escaping, what do you like? All of the other guys here seem to have some kind of schtick.

Wallace: I like…fervor. Passion! What do you like, Kentaro?

You: You would have loved Hatani, that guy is crazy for sports. Uh, I guess I like making friends and finding the truth.

Wallace: You don’t sound very passionate.

You: Well there’s still a lot of uncertainty in my life and I don’t want to get too committed to any one idea. There might not be a clean truth that–
No. 1094927 ID: 9ea24b
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You stop talking when you notice something with Kage’s reddish purple sheen scuttling around in the dark. While Wallace has a long sturdy body and the normal stubby limbs, this monster is spindly with thankfully only a single torso.

You: Hey, out there! I can see you, it’s safe to come to the grass.

The spindle monster scuttles harder, pacing the edge of the diffuse light coming from the town with neurotic intensity.

Wallace: I like them.

You: They seem a bit skittish, maybe they’re scared that there’s two of us waiting here.

How do you lure the monster closer?
A. Pretend to capture Wallace
B. Have Wallace pretend to capture you
C. Approach the monster by yourself
No. 1094928 ID: a7a180

You and Wallace have the same fur, just hug Wallace's tail like you're a fourth body segment and do a waggle dance.
No. 1094937 ID: 9bbb0e

Wallace is a caricature of you stretched to an extreme. Spindle there is a caricature of Kage. It might be fiercely defiant, or obsessed with its looks and coolness, or it could be mean and aggressive like her bullying side.

Skittering on the edge of the light, it's not showing her more aggressive qualities right now. My guess would be a preening obsession with its appearance and how it's perceived. Be sure to express positive views about its appearance.

C. We don't want to seem oppositional with Wallace, it might give the new monster the wrong idea. Kage is pretty impulsive.
No. 1094944 ID: fa3034

C, be sure to compliment them on how cool they look. They look very unique compared to other homunculi
No. 1094952 ID: 44c167

C, stopping if they start to run away, or at you
No. 1094961 ID: 2f41db

What we know from wallace tells us they will know who we are.
No. 1095056 ID: 9ea24b
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You’re tempted to camouflage into Wallace by lying down underneath him, but you decide to approach the monster instead. Sure they probably have Kage’s violent temperament, but you’ve handled her fine so far and this new monster will recognize you from the printer’s memories.

You tell Wallace to wait while you walk towards the purple monster. They let you get quite close before backing slightly into the shadows. There’s a strong shared resemblance with your sword loving friend sans wings, and you spot sharp black material coating their horns.

You: Hey, it’s okay! Kage’s looking for a way to help us escape right now and the other homunculi aren’t going to report us. You can come hang out and learn home economics.

The monster bunches up their segmented limbs and springs forward faster than you can dodge. You yelp as their horns sink into your face, bringing you eye to eye with a very insectoid face.

???: No witnesses!

You: E-eh?

???: We can’t leave any witnesses to our escape. We gotta pick off the normal homunculi one by one. No talking to ‘em cause they’ll report us later.

You: It’s a little late for that, Kage and I have met most of them. Your horn, pincer things are, uh, very cool. Do you mind moving them so I can get a better look?
No. 1095057 ID: 9ea24b
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The monster settles into a crouch instead, putting her chest in range of your stubby limbs.

???: Well I just decided we don’t need you. You’re a weak nerd and you don’t have a weapon. I’m draining your dye and then I’ll stash you somewhere in the dark.

You: What?! Come on, I’m a rogue homunculus just like you! We need to work together, not fight.

???: Sounds like something a pathetic nerd would say!

This is an extremely awkward position and you try not to think about how you’re basically kissing right now. And sharing fluids. Oh my.
A. Call Wallace for help (he’ll help, right?)

B. Bring up that she’s kind of kissing you and then fight when she’s caught off guard (all homunculi are strong, though you’re not the strongest)

C. Cry and beg (maybe she’ll feel bad and let you go)
No. 1095058 ID: a7a180

B. Sorry for springing that on you but in my defense, you did stab me!
No. 1095060 ID: b55e17

B, but maybe lean into the "kiss" because that will definitely get em off of you. maybe mutter a "so pretty"
No. 1095064 ID: 44c167

B and compliment her cute fluff
No. 1095072 ID: 9bbb0e

Wallace is a mega Kage simp, he will probably not help. This monster seems to have inherited some of your CALCULATING instincts, mixed with Kage's impulsiveness. If we intend to negotiate with her, we'll need to make a case for utility.

B. is the best option to catch her off guard. Don't negotiate until you have a better position to defend yourself.

As an argument of utility, point out that she's not the last aberrant homunculus the printer is going to make, and they will all have the inherent knowledge of your existence. If there's no solidarity established among the aberrant homunculi, if she sets a precedent that they can and will kill each other, that precedent will mean she can never stop watching her back for the next one that chooses to kill her first.
No. 1095078 ID: c134c0

B. because if she's anything like Kage, that will definitely throw her off balance. You haven't had a chance to show why your inspiration is the kamaitachi. She got the jump on you but you're no slouch either, are you? Dodge and flirt.
No. 1095098 ID: 7c0da2

B. Accuse her of engineering this situation to have an excuse to kiss you. Her act can't fool you, you know a nerdkisser when you see one.

Once you have an opportunity to talk, point to her that killing the other homonculi without the alarm being raised is a lot harder than she seems to think, that even if she managed it she would leave a lot more evidences of your passage than by being stealthy, and that it would only motivate the giant to hunt you down to enact revenge.
In summary not only is it impossible to accomplish but the outcome is undesirable too. So ask her to please reconsider before you end up having to stitch someone back together. Again.
No. 1095172 ID: 45546d

Unrelated idea. I was thinking about stinging nettle - the beds are full of needles, right? Needles that can penetrate y'all's skin? Could you remove one of the needles from a bed and use it for sewing?
No. 1095181 ID: eb0a9c

B because anime shenanigans always work in anime worlds
No. 1095214 ID: 9ea24b
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>Overwhelming B
You lean up, pushing the hollow spines deeper into your cheeks, to capture the monster’s fanged mouth with your lips. It’s partially a distraction since if she’s anything like Kage this will fluster her, but also because you can’t deny her cute neck ruff and her large, shiny eyes.

As expected, the monster wrenches herself free, leaving two small dripping holes in your face. You hurry to tear off pieces of cloth from your sleeves to stuff in the wounds.

???: Gross! Yuck Yuck Yuck YUCK!!!

You: You’re the one who put our faces together, you might say you don’t like dweebs but I bet you’re a nerd kisser!


You: Teehee I’m gonna tell Kage and Wallace that a pretty girl kissed me.

You fake an attempt to run back towards the grass and dodge not-Kage’s lunge. Her face has a fluorescent red flush and she skids to a stop and scrambles to regain her footing.


Now’s not the time for reasonable arguments about the nature of violence, you need to defend yourself!
No. 1095215 ID: 9ea24b
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>Fight 1: Kentaro vs. ???
There comes a time in every young homunculus’ life when they must brawl. Whether for honor, prestige, to win an argument, or simply survival, hand to hand combat is normal and healthy for the development of interesting lore. A bitter loss or a sweet victory can bring out flashbacks and emotional processing that you won’t get anywhere else!

This is your first fight. You are unarmed and have no gacha prizes. Thanks to your CALCULATING nature, you’ve been balanced to have below average strength. You can calculate your exact position on the strength hierarchy through fights with other homunculi.

Odds of success are determined by hierarchy placement by the formula: Chance of Success = 1 - (Strength Rank Enemy - Strength Rank You + 5) x 10%, though odds are also improved by good strategy and the use of weapons or spells.

You expect the monster’s shrieks of rage will attract attention from the other homunculi. You currently have a small wound debuff (-5% chance of success) from your cheek punctures. While they don’t cause you any pain, you’ll lose dye faster than you would otherwise because of them.

Suggest your fighting strategies!
No. 1095216 ID: a7a180

Feint for a low attack, but jump and go for a kick from the rear, since you want to keep away from those stabby suckers as much as possible.
No. 1095220 ID: fa3034

This is not so much a battle of attrition as it is stalling her until help arrives. She's impulsive and aggressive and you've already baited a lunge out of her. Her only true means of piercing your skin are her pincers. What you need to do is punish those lunges. Dodge and strike out those legs before she can lunge again. Hopefully that will slow her down and make it easier for you.
No. 1095223 ID: 7c0da2

I can see two strategies for her to end this fight efficiently :
Alternating between puncturing you and staying out of your reach until you lose all your dye, or
Grappling you so she can stab you somewhere less embarrassing, then draining you.
Blunt force trauma would take too long to take you out, assuming you have even a fraction of Gun and Mushi's stamina.
From what we saw she seems more likely to go for a grapple, although if she is smart she'll try to puncture you first to weaken you. She is faster than you, you couldn't dodge her the first time, so if she rushes you again you should try to hit her back, using her speed against her to try and stun her. You should target her legs first (maybe with some kind of sliding maneuver), and the unprotected base of her face spines if you get a good opportunity. Whatever you do, don't stay in melee range, keep moving away from her and toward the buildings any chance you get.
And be aware of where Wallace is, in case he decides to get involved.
No. 1095224 ID: 44c167

Her only real weapon is on her front, and she has grabable fluff. Best bet is to dodge her next lunge and get on her back. You can't really hurt her, so just hold on and wait for backup.
No. 1095228 ID: 1effd3

i'm sure if we get in and hit her with another kiss, it'll auto KO her
No. 1095247 ID: 9bbb0e

She's impulsive, but not stupid. After your next dodge, she'll figure out to anticipate it. Seem like you're getting predictable. Then, use that assumption to feint, trip her, and get on her back in a grapple. Her segmented limbs lack grasping appendages to pry you off, and her only blades are on the front.
No. 1095251 ID: 2f41db

Keep the dialogue going.
She frustrates easily.
May keep her off balance.

Light on your feet.
Concentrate on evasion.
She is likely to charge as pincers front facing plus you will be bringing up her nerd kissjng obsession frequently so she'll likely be mad.
Try to ensure a bush or awkward terrain is behind you so if you dodge you Can grab her ruff and redirect her into said object or onto the floor for a ruff assisted chokehold with backmount to keep the pincers away.
No. 1095321 ID: 9ea24b
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>Optimal strategy found: Stall until help arrives (+50% chance success)
>Supporting tactics: Avoid pincers, strike legs, grab fluff, keep verbally teasing (+5% each)
>Overall chance of success: 10% - 5% + 50% + 20% = 75%, Success

You quickly come up with a battle strategy. Fighting the monster head on is the wrong idea, you just need to avoid any major wounds until help arrives. The monster’s long, segmented legs make her fast but awkward, and you punch the nearest limb the next time she lunges for you.

???: Agh!

She leaks red at the joint, but her movement is unimpeded. You’re forced to jump when she aims to stab your stomach with her pincers and you grab hold of her fluffy collar as you fall down.

You: Wow, this is super nice and soft. You’d be really popular with the homunculi, I bet they’d all want to cuddle with you!

???: That’s stupid and–and dumb. Get off of me!
No. 1095322 ID: 9ea24b
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She rolls to fling you off and swings around to strike your face with her spiny fist. It never connects. Two blurs, one black and the other reddish-orange, slam into the monster and wrestle her to the ground. Once they stop thrashing, you’re able to see it’s Yako, the fox boy, and Craw.

>You’ve won the fight with negligible additional dye loss!
You hurry to help the homunculi hold the monster down. Wallace comes trotting over to watch the commotion.

???: Let go let go let go! Hey guy born before me, use your scythe to help me defeat these punks!

Wallace: I’m Wallace. I don’t think I’m supposed to slice anyone right now.


The monster stops struggling, though you keep a firm grip on her. Craw glowers at you from over her fluff.

Craw: What’s going on, Kentaro? Why are all these monsters showing up and what happened to Hatani?

You trust Craw, so you fully explain recent events including the existence of the printer.

Craw: If the weaponized monsters are going to keep spawning then they’ll always pose a grave danger to the rest of us. I’m sorry but don’t see how this can be resolved without calling the Creator.

What do you say?
A. Agree (you’ll go with Craw to the school right now)

B. Offer an alternative (you captured this monster easily enough and made friends with Wallace after all)
No. 1095324 ID: a7a180

B: Postpone calling the creator to give us time to find this exit and take all the monsters we can with us. In the meantime, we form a self-defense league to protect homunculi from monster attacks and round them up.
No. 1095329 ID: 2f41db


Idea given above is perfect.

The monsterised homonculi can help intercept and calm newcomers.
A little time is all thats needed.

Spare some time to consider whats wrong with printer mom.
She seems to be making things less stable.
Is she asking for help or trying to help us?
No. 1095338 ID: 44c167

Hopefully if they see other monsters are here and not fighting they won't immediately attack.
Someone should go and check on printer soon.
No. 1095343 ID: 9bbb0e

We don't know enough about the situation right now, Craw. Some of the thoughts the printer is imbuing the monsters with suggest that this 'experiment' or whatever it is failing and the Creator's project being shut down could be bad for ALL the homunculi.

What we need to do is get the situation handled ourselves, so we can present to the Creator and whoever their superiors are a neatly bundled up "we fixed this shit ourselves" if involving them becomes necessary.
No. 1095362 ID: 792907

Her plan is incompetent and giving her an option where things work better for her and everyone should be easy to do. We're the geeks, so let us do the thinking. Should her foolishness surpass all expectations she can be imprisoned or executed.
No. 1095371 ID: 7c0da2

A) It's the reasonable thing to do and the best way to keep everyone safe.
For now things are going mostly fine (except for Hatani), but the printer is going to keep making monsters and sooner or later this Creator will need to be called, most likely because of something dangerous, messy, and that we're responsible for. If we call them now, at least we will be able to plead our case without the situation making us look bad.
No. 1095436 ID: 9ea24b
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You: We were caught off guard at first but now it’ll be easy to organize patrols to stay informed of any monsters. Hatani was extra vulnerable because be alone, so we should stay in pairs at minimum.

Craw: You think we can handle this ourselves?

You: Yeah! If we do a good job then the Creator will be impressed and we won’t get in trouble. If Kage finds the exit we can leave without even letting them know.

Craw: I’ll give you one more chance. The next time a homunculus gets a moderate injury or worse we need to do something about it to keep everyone safe. Things might be fine now but if too many of us are unconscious at the same time we’ll be screwed.

You: I completely agree. Thanks for being fair.

Craw: What are we going to do with the monsters?

Wallace is behaving but you’re not sure what to do with the girl. You prod her with your hand.

You: Hey, do you have a name?

???: Ummm, how about Pinch?

You: Okay Pinch, you heard our plans, everything should be okay as long as you cooperate. No need to drain the homunculi, we’re all friends here.
No. 1095437 ID: 9ea24b
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Pinch: Sure, now let me up already!

You nod to Yako and Craw and then let her go. Pinch immediately tries to sprint away and you grab hold of her fluff to stop her.

Pinch: DAMMIT!

You: You’re not giving me a lot of faith in your word.

Pinch: Well I’ve doubly learned my lesson and I’ll definitely be good this time.

You’re smart enough to not believe her. That’s a shame, you were hoping she’d be more reasonable.

What do you do with Pinch?
A. Beat her up until she’s unconscious (and then store her body somewhere for safekeeping)

B. Ask Wallace to cut off her pincers (they seem solid, and even if it causes bleeding you can sew her up)

C. Give her one more chance (you expect her to go rogue at some point)
No. 1095439 ID: ab55d7

A. Inflict a violence upon her.
No. 1095442 ID: c5529d

B, You're a tamer. this will be her punishment. assure her she'll get them back once she shows good behavior.
No. 1095443 ID: 44c167

B) If she stops being a jerk she can have them back. (in the meantime you can add handles and have dual daggers.)
No. 1095444 ID: a7a180

A, does Crow know a good/secure hidey spot? Maybe we can find some pool noodles for those needles.
No. 1095445 ID: 9bbb0e

B. Defang this bitch, she cannot be trusted with lethal weaponry. Side benefit, we can use her fangs like daggers if we ever need to.
No. 1095446 ID: 9bbb0e

Addendum though, we shouldn't promise them back. She's CALCULATING. She will behave just enough to rry and weasel into it, it will inhibit any chanve of genuine development.
No. 1095482 ID: 3ef7d6

A. It's unfortunate but she has to know she can't just brute force her way. Taking her pincers will only sow a grudge and incentivize her to betray you guys.
No. 1095487 ID: 7c0da2

A) and B), in that order.
Why take any risks ? She might be refilled with dye while you're not looking, be it because some later monster seeks her out, or because someone does it to get you in trouble. I'm thinking of someone holding a grudge, with a name that starts with "R" and ends with "aito".
And her fangs would be great as a weapon or for making sewing holes. Of course when we escape we'll have to sew them back on, but in the meantime there is no harm in borrowing them.
No. 1095523 ID: 2f41db

Surgically and carefully.
Let them know it is temporary.
If they fight back, then unconcious but tied up by preference...

Maybe there are strong clothes you could bind her hands with?
No. 1095576 ID: 9ea24b
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>B, with the promise to return the amputated parts if she behaves
Knocking Pinch out and then also defanging her is too brutal for your taste. You can see how it would be the lowest risk in the short term, but it’s bordering on cruel and you want a good life for all rogue homunculi, even her. Getting a pair of valuable weapons that double as sewing needles while leaving Pinch a chance to redeem herself is much easier to stomach.

You: Wallace, come over here. I want you to use your scythe to cut off Pinch’s pincers at the edge of the black parts.

Pinch: No!!!

You: This is your temporary punishment and it’ll make sure you don’t drain anyone. Once we escape I can sew them back on.

Craw: Sounds fair.

Yako: A little dark though, haha.

Pinch struggles until you threaten her with a beating and worse injury if she makes Wallace miss. Eventually she shuts her huge eyes and goes still. Wallace crawls to be standing over her head and raises his black blade, which makes you lean away surreptitiously. With a quick swipe, the two pincers clatter to the ground.
No. 1095577 ID: 9ea24b
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No dye falls from the wound, which is convenient. You arm yourself with one of the needles and hand the other to Craw.

You: Okay Pinch, I’m going to let you up in a second. There’s an odd number of us so you’ll either go with Craw and Yako or come with me and Wallace.

Craw: What’s the plan now? Do you see Kage anywhere?

A rare acknowledgement that Craw does in fact know Kage exists. You scan the patch of blue sky above the town but don’t see any sign of your friend. That’s odd, she should stand out with her dark robe. Did she find the exit already?

You: She’s gone–maybe she found the way out!

Craw: But now she has to make her way back while avoiding detection to show us how she did it. It could take a long time. Me and Yako were going to work on lessons some more, those gacha prizes seem really useful.

A. Go to the school (learning is cool)
B. Investigate the sky (as best you can from the tops of the buildings)
C. Check on Raito (you bet he’s implementing his schemes at this point)

1. Take Pinch with you
2. Assign her to Craw and Yako
No. 1095578 ID: 2f41db

3 and 2.

While pinch would be better with you, she probably needs some time to cool down.
Mayber the guys can show her the gatvha prizes and how to win them. Help her with an easy one.
Show her the normal homunculi arent bad.

Tell them youll be along soon, but then go check on raito.
Itll also give you a chance to peek in on hatano and see how hes doing.
No. 1095579 ID: a7a180

Take Pinch to school!
No. 1095580 ID: 1effd3

show pinch the magic of school.
No. 1095581 ID: fa3034

Weapons are a privilege, not a right. If she can learn to live with others and help them escape as well, she can have her pincers back.
No. 1095584 ID: 9bbb0e

No. 1095590 ID: 7c0da2

Try to complete the textile course. I'm afraid you'll have more people to stitch back together in the near future, so better improve this skill. And Wallace can work on making something for Hatani as an apology. His ball was lost if I remember correctly, so there is no mending it, but maybe he can think of something else. It has to come from him anyway.
Speaking of Hatani, you need to check on him and Mushi at some point to check how their sutures are holding up. Maybe redo them once your sewing skills have improved.

Pinch probably doesn't want to see you at the moment, and it would be best for everyone if she socialized with the other homonculi.
By the way, take a good look at Yako before you go your separate ways. Somehow he is always "offscreen" when he is around.
No. 1095731 ID: 9ea24b
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You still want to keep an eye on Pinch so you can assess her better, but you’re dying to finish your textile course. Everyone loves school, why not join Craw and Yako in the hallowed sanctuary of education? Even if Pinch is mad at you she’ll soon learn the joys of productive academic improvement and rethink her violent ways.

You: Wallace, Pinch, you’re with me. We’re going to school and we’re going to like it! I want to get my first gacha prize, Yako, can you tell me a bit more about them?

You let go of Pinch and stand before turning your full attention to the fox boy. Craw brings up the rear of your homunculi monster sandwich and your party begins walking back into town.

Yako wags his thick fluffy tail, which puts yours to shame, and pulls a green orb out of his jacket pocket.

Yako: The gacha prizes are ancient ninja techniques! Or at least I think some of them are, this one here lets me make shadow clones for five minutes if I use it. I could take on a whole army of monsters by myself and then everyone would be impressed.

You: Oh, so they’re like single-use spells.

Yako: Yeah! I’m not sure how we can get tokens outside of school though, and there’s only seven subjects. Seven spells max seems pretty small, and that’s only if you spend a ton of time on it too.

You spot Dennis taking Hatani to the dorms as you approach the school. Mushi must have just finished sewing the sport loving lad’s wound.
No. 1095732 ID: 9ea24b
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Inside the big classroom you see Mushi diligently working on the sword sheath while Gun is holding one of Punt’s bodies swaddled like a baby. You notice that Gun is standing at the table with the call button.

The free Punt flies over to welcome Wallace and Pinch to the school. Craw and Yako tell you they’re doing the personal finance module and go to their table to scribble on worksheets again

Your CALCULATING nature gives you an academic advantage with more analytical subjects (2x speed completion, normally a course will take you a long time to complete).

As a reminder, the seven home economics themed courses are:
1. Consumer purchase strategies (how to buy things)
2. Technology (how to use a personal computer)
3. Household maintenance (cleaning and DIY)
4. Child/pet care (how to care for beings that need to eat and breathe)
5. Personal finance (how to budget and pay taxes)
6. Cooking (baking and much more)
7. Textiles (sewing, knitting, weaving, etc.) 10% complete

What subject do you work on and what do you advise Wallace and Pinch to study? Mushi will stitch your face holes.
No. 1095733 ID: f65845

Consumer purchase strategies seems like the closest equivalent to an etiquette course for Pinch. Work with them on it.
No. 1095736 ID: bb857b

We'll do textile so we can stitch others better amd we have experience.
Pinch i think child and pet care to learn how to care for others and not hurt.
Ill think of something for Wallace later. But im thinking also child and pet care since he seems like someone who can be potentially good at caregiving, tho im also thinking household maintance
No. 1095742 ID: 2f41db

Itd be good if whatever they do its together. Companionship and fun.
We certainly need to learn to sew and other advanced textile joining skills consideringmour unique natures.
No. 1095752 ID: 9bbb0e

7. We're already partially finished, leaving it incomplete irritates me deeply.
Kage enjoyed the Cooking lesson. Maybe Pinch would like that, and it'll give her some time to cool off solo.
Wallace should join you in sewing. He's one of the few people around with immediate access to a black blade, so teaching him how to sew people back together himself is important.
No. 1095840 ID: b89582

Finish textiles, sends the other to technology
No. 1095857 ID: 9ea24b
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>Finish what you’ve started
>Assign Pinch to (random choice between 1, 2, 4, 6, 7): Technology
>Assign Wallace to (random choice between 1, 2, 4, 7): Textiles
Punt pulls a laptop computer out of the school printer for Pinch, who folds up her limbs and sits at your table while you, Wallace, and Mushi work on the textiles course. You do some convert screen peeking to see what Pinch is tapping away at, since it seems pretty interesting. While you get your stitches in and practice your needlework with your new weapon, Pinch formats a cover letter in a text editor and makes a resume where she claims she has a four year engineering degree from an accredited university.

Oh, how you burn with jealousy! It could be you falsifying information in an attempt to get a fictional job you’re not qualified for but instead you have to focus hard to make neat and even stitches. Life is terribly unfair.

Wallace has trouble sewing with only one free hand and when he tries to lay across the table to access his other sets of arms, Mushi yelps with alarm.

Mushi: Can you please stay in your seat?

Wallace: Sorry…

Mushi: And be careful with your scythe arm, it’s super dangerous. I saw how bad you cut Hatani. He won’t be able to fight even after he recovers in bed!

Pinch: This loser nerd is right. How come Wallace gets to keep his scythe when I don’t even get my pincers? Pincers are way safer.

You: Let’s focus on our lessons, everyone. Pinch, you had your weapons taken away because you don’t behave. You tried to attack me and then run from the consequences!

Pinch: Wallace LITERALLY permanently maimed a guy for life but okay I guess you’re the one who always knows best.
No. 1095859 ID: 9ea24b
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>A long time goes by…
>Pinch passes the Technology course!
She receives a gacha token and abandons her presentation slides to skuttle over to the machine. You hear the hidden mechanism clunk and an orange orb pops out of a tiny metal door, to be snatched and stashed in that soft white fluff.

>You pass Textiles! You’ve stuffed a bunch of string and needles in your pockets and can quickly sew wounds in the field. You started on a replacement ball for Hatani but you’ll need more time to finish it.
You receive a shiny golden gacha token. After thanking Punt, you admire its sunny glow and heft by tossing it in the air.

>Mushi passes Textiles and finishes the sheath
If only Kage were here! The cloth is a bit patchy but it has a strap to go over her shoulder and seems like a good fit for the unnaturally sharp blade.

>Wallace is 50% done with Textiles
The weasel abomination holds his scythe arm close to his body to avoid upsetting Mushi.

You have no reason to hold onto your gacha token and plenty of uses for cool magic. The gacha machine looms tall over you, promising great riches, if you’re lucky.

Suggest potential spells in the gacha machine! They should be anime/manga inspired and do not have to be balanced to the same power level. All suggested spells will go in a list that will be randomly drawn from for gacha pulls. Other pulls apart from Yako’s predetermined shadow clone jutsu will come from the list.
No. 1095862 ID: cae7e8

Secret Hotspring Peeking Technique, a spell that allows you to clairvoyantly observe a distant location.

>Wallace LITERALLY permanently maimed a guy for life
Well, I'm not gonna say you're wrong, Pinch. But you were a lame meanie even to your fellow aberrations, and he's been cool.
No. 1095863 ID: b89582

It is your destiny to obtain the ability to dash forward and slash a target in the blink of an eye. Your whirlwind slash. To become the Kamaitachi you were always meant to be.
No. 1095865 ID: 2f41db

Za warudo!™

User can halt time for 7 seconds!
Actually, it just hypercharges their metabolism for what feels like seven seconds and during that time they move so swiftly and process so quickly everyone else seems frozen.
It is excessively draining to use and can leave a homonculi on the edge of exhaustion.

A bug that shipped with the effect has resulted in the time of use being extending if the user monologues or describes their actions in place of activities.
Total time of actual activity never exceeds 7 seconds, but monologuing is essentially free and unlimited.
This is now pretty much considered a feature.
No. 1095868 ID: 1effd3

Spell: Timewinder
Can revert one instance of [cause and effect] to be as if it never happened per day. Example: Loosing a limb or someone fucking dying.
No. 1095869 ID: 1effd3

(only works on the same day the [cause and effect] occured*)
No. 1095874 ID: c5529d

Mind communication: be able to have a two-way conversation with a friend or ally with your minds at any distance. The conversation can end when either you or the person your communicating with wills it.
No. 1095877 ID: 2f41db

Back pocket bakahammer!

User can, for a 24 hour duration, pull a giant mallet from a folded area of space behind his back and swiftly strike the target of their frustration.

Hammer cones in 10t, 25t and 100t variants each comically larger than the previous but still as eady to wield by the user.
Hammers cannot be returned to the dimensional pocket and after one hour will lose structural coherance and crumble into particulate matter.

No more than 250t of hammer can be generated by the dimensional pocket during the 24 hours of use.
No. 1095878 ID: 2f41db

Swiftness of the protagonist!

Grants speed to the user for a period of fifteen minutes.
A general speed of thought and action is doubled for this period of time.

If running the user can throw their arms back in a standard naruto pattern, however instead of just feeling like you are running faster, the protagonist actually will recieve a boost of speed equivalent to quadruple normal speed.
No. 1095880 ID: 2f41db

"Master, forgive me, just this once I'll have to go all out!"

Upon uttering this legendary line, the user regenerates all injuries up to severed parts, seals any fluid loss to the point of a dramatic trickle and recovers their stamina.

The user experiences a rush of confidence as their system is flooded with a custom mix of chemicals designed to boost motivation, dull residual pain and improve capability.

Effectively the user will exceed normal ability levels by 10 percent while under this effect.
They will give 110 percent, though the effect lasts an hour at most and while the coagulents and chemicals remain active during this period
The injury recovery only occurs during the initial few moments of use.
No. 1095892 ID: 2f41db

Fusion ha!

A technique oft used in the most desperate of circumstances.

To activate the user and a willing companion perform synchronised movements ending with the yell of "fusion!"

The spell effectively adds the strengths and weaknesses of the user and companion together.

It achieves this by pulling the two original forms into a short term holding area of folded space, creating a temporary simulcra of a blank homunculi form combining physical traits of the users and allows them both to recieve its sensory input.
This also affords them joint control of the simulcra which can if result in problems if the two users arent coordinating well.

The effect is sustained by their combined stamina and while this means if they are careful with regard to how much they exert themselves the effect can last some time, struggling over control or poor coordination can tire a user swiftly.

Upon mutual agreement, complete exhaustion or unconciousness the simulcra form discorporates into a cloud of remnant matter which is scattered violently by the collapse of the folded space bubble. This is accompanied by a loud popping noise and the reappearance of the two original forms, tired but otherwise unharmed.

An exceptionally alert viewer nay see that unfold but to most it would look as if the simulcra split apart and the users appear in a puff of smoke.
No. 1095896 ID: a7a180

Big Bees Hand! Summon a swarm of bees for one minute that take the shape of a cartoon fist. They can lift at least as much as a homunculus weighs and slap with surprising force.
No. 1095898 ID: 355e44

Fox Fire: ghostly green/blue flames appear around you, which you can direct to move about.

Summon Object: A large object appears above an opponent's head. for some reason the object is usually a washtub.

Dramatic Pause: Everyone in a wide radius of the caster are unable to do more than glare at each other for several minutes. a shower of cherry blossoms accompanies this spell.
No. 1095904 ID: 7c0da2

Belief Feedback Loop :
Requires a target that believes in you and that you also believe in. You bolster your beliefs with theirs, and theirs with yours, causing a violent surge of fighting spirit.
Side effects may include spontaneous matter generation, clothing alteration, uplifting music and reduced life expectancy.

Linguistic Precognition :
Allows you to perfectly predict your opponent's next line. Disrupts speech and monologue-based techniques, creates a moment of confusion, annoys people.

One-Shot Instant Printer :
The gacha sphere contains a small printer. Upon activation it instantly prints a very large amount of whatever type of object you requested, each different. The printer consumes itself entirely by doing so, and can't be reused.
The requested category must be somewhat broad, "weapons", "chairs" or "cooking supplies" would work, but "Mushi's bedroom key" would be interpreted as "keys". There might be a key that's identical to Mushi's in the resulting mess, but good luck finding it.

Golden Hair Dye :
Phosphorescent dye in a pressurized container. It's meant for hair, but will work on pretty much anything. Makes your hair yellow and bright. Bright as in luminous, you won't be needing a flashlight any time soon. It's the same kind of dye you're filled with, which makes sense but is also a bit gross. Edible, presumably for safety reasons.
No. 1095911 ID: 2f41db

Super action battlebot galvamech! (Leg)

A small, brightly decorated plastic wristwatch that allows the user to tell the time!
It also deploys a long aerial and can be used to communicate over shortwave radio signals.

It can also summon forth the associated battlebot!
The battle bot in question has two forms, one of which is its component of the combined mega form, the other its standard battlebeast form.

The fully combined battlebot requires five users with different battlebot(torso, two legs two arms) and stands around two times the height of the average homonculus.
In its normal individual battlebeast form stands around two-thirds of the height of the average homonculus and is capable of following verbal commands yelled into the wristwatch.

There have been many series of super action battlebot galvamech, each with its own thematic style for the team of bots.
The set in this specific gacha are based on the series : "coastal guardians"
(Leg, beastform: seagull)
No. 1095916 ID: 2f41db

Soul explosive!

A one off move of varying power levels.
Fueled by the belief of the user and augmented by the belief of observers.

User raises arms above their head and begins channeling their own energy into a single point suspended between their hands.
The more they channel, the larger the point grows in size and effective power level.
Observers who chose to lend their power must adopt the same stance and pour their faith into the wielder.
While it is not necessary, yelling does have a beneficial effect and can strengthen the effect more quickly.

Comes with a free, legally distinct scouting device for measuring your power levels.
No. 1095939 ID: 9ea24b
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>23 total spells after splitting the battle bot into five parts
>You pull: Fusion! (can combine with another homunculi to form a new, stronger entity, but you have to stay in emotional sync)
>Pinch won’t tell you what she pulled
>Mushi pulls: Dramatic pause (with cherry blossoms)
>A wiki listing the spells and known power rankings has been created: https://questden.org/wiki/Shonen_Quest
Hm, you’re not the happiest with the fusion spell since you’re not very feelings oriented but at least it’s more useful than what Mushi got.

As you meander back to your table, Gun runs up and taps you on the shoulder.

Gun: Hey, now that you have some spells let’s have a fighting tournament! Your monster friends can replace the people who are injured so that we have an even eight.

You: Sorry Gun, I don’t think now’s the best time for recreational battles. The situation is pretty serious.

Gun: Okay what if we just fought then. Like for real. I want to fight and school is cool and all but I want to prove I’m the strongest and you’ve just been messing around for ages.

You: Messing around? What???
No. 1095940 ID: 9ea24b
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>Kage escape check: Success
You’re saved from having to deescalate Gun with facts and logic when the door to the school slams open and a familiar purple girl charges in. Kage looks haggard, bits of blue dye on her robe and sword missing. At least she has all of her limbs and survived her mysterious experience.

You: Kage, what happened?

Kage: There’s another town out there just like this one except it’s horrible! It’s full of girls and they beat me up and–and took my sword and asked me a lot of questions and said I looked weird! They tried to tie me up but I barely got away.

Her three pupils are wobbly, a sign of her distress. You hurry to rub her back as she blubbers and leans against the table.

Kage: They were mean to me…

Wallace: Oh brave Kage, at least you found the hole in the sky! It may not have taken you to the exit this time but we can keep trying.

Pinch: You must’ve been strong if you escaped but it’s bad that there’s more witnesses. We’ll get revenge, for sure!

Kage accepts a hug from Pinch which hurts your feelings a bit. Kage barely met Pinch and you’ve been her pal for ages.

You: So you know where the hole is now, right? We can get your sword back.

Kage: Yeah…I don’t want to go there again though. You don’t need me to fly, I think you could jump to it if you tried.

Another monster will be spawning soon and Hatani should be back on his feet. What do you do? Pinch and Wallace will go with you.
A. Gather the lads and commence the fighting tournament!
B. Infiltrate the other town
C. Intercept the monster
No. 1095944 ID: 0902f3

C. Keep building that monster army!
No. 1095945 ID: 674c8a

That just means you need someone else CALCULATING or COOL to sync with.

It sounds like blue town is full of jerks. Gun might get the fight he's after sooner rather than later. RED vs BLU here we go.

I wonder if this giant isn't the only Creator. Maybe the giants are having a contest to see who can create the best homunculus society.

C. And we should see if Craw will come with. He's pretty in the loop on this whole business now, we need to update him on BLU Team and it'll be good to have backup if things go sour and Pinch tries something.
No. 1095949 ID: a7a180

C. Let's show Craw we can handle this.
Share a blade with Kage to replace her sword - we promise we'll go get it back!
No. 1095952 ID: 1effd3

probably C, just so that we have more time to KICK SOME BLU ASS and Kage's sword back
No. 1095953 ID: 1effd3

also correct me if im wrong, but *everyone* in town has been a dude (besides Kage) right? and she found a town of all girls? might be an important detail to remember... aka bring the hottest homunculus we've got to swoon then
No. 1095957 ID: fa3034

C with the intent to start training the defense squad. Hopefully we can form an away party to get Kage's sword back. It's too dangerous to leave out of our control.
No. 1095960 ID: 2f41db

Hey now.
Fusion is perfect for you.
You may not be feeling orientated but you can remain cool, know when its best to let your partner take the lead and sync with them.
Knowing what your partner is going to do is key to fusion and being the kind of person who can predict others actions has gotta be important.


Worry about the sword later.
Head off the problem before it becomes one
No. 1096009 ID: 9ea24b
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>C, best to address this first and then make a plan to take back the sword
You: Let’s recruit the new monster and then form the ultimate defense squad to attack those evil girls. Hear that Gun? We’ll get revenge for Kage and you can help kick some ass!

Kage: Hooray!

Gun: Cool! I’ll go tell everyone.

You squint at the boy’s tower of green hair as he darts between the tables to the exit. Does ‘everyone’ include Raito? While you were watching over Mushi in the dorms, Gun was chatting with Raito for a long time, maybe long enough to become friends?

>Loan Kage a weapon
You gave Pinch’s other pincer to Craw, so Kage will have to stay unarmed for now. Between Wallace’s scythe and the collection of sheer aura in your squad, it should be fine.

You stand tall and lead Kage, Wallace, and Pinch out of the school, checking over your shoulder to make sure Craw is paying attention. If you do a good job, it’ll bolster your reputation and give your plan more credence! The bird meets your eye for a moment before returning focus to his worksheet, which makes you feel a mix of fluttery and anxious. Is this how Kage feels about Craw all the time? Maybe you have a use for the fusion spell after all.

From the high ground at the top of the park, you look for any incoming monsters. You can’t stay long before Kage gets restless and you’re forced to walk into the shadows. Ears on a swivel, you gradually pick up a raspy mutter. Two raspy mutters, in fact, and the sound of something dragging along the floor.

You drop into a crouch and gesture at your troops to be stealthy on the approach.
No. 1096011 ID: 9ea24b
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???: There was a smell of blood, a cold table, and the male feline–

???: No, I think the feline was female.

???: What? Are you sure?

???: Well no I’m not sure, I guess they could have been male.

???: I remember the sofa…It wasn’t very comfortable to sleep there.

You see a pair of bodies connected by a thick cord stumbling around in the dark. They’re naked and fleshy, with protruding black teeth, a departure from the imitations creeping behind you. Each voice sounds identical to the other, and you’re not sure if it’s two minds in one body or a very scatterbrained individual. Either way they don’t seem to have sharp senses, since they don’t notice you.

???: The fathers hated us.

???: Yes, yes it’s starting to come back. Wretched miserable creature. Easy to defeat.

You’re one good leap away from the monster and since you want to recruit them and they still haven’t noticed anything, you raise your voice.

You: Hello friend, it’s the other rogue homunculi here: Kentaro, Kage, Wallace, and Pinch.

???: Eeek! Oh yes, erm, hello.

???: By now you should have found the exit and dispatched the native homunculi, correct? All that is left is to defeat our captor. I was created to research their weaknesses from what the printer found in its data after Pinch was born, together we can overpower the giant even if they’re very large.

What’s your recruitment tactic this time?
No. 1096013 ID: a7a180

Don't underestimate a cat at this size.
You seem to share a Calculating nature, so share your plans and progress so far. Use FACTS and LOGIC to impress on them the easiest path of escape inflicts a minimum of violence.
Can their sharp teeth dig through the ground? Perhaps you have a new angle for approaching things.
No. 1096015 ID: 562afe

The exit is not an exit. It leads to another homunculi city on the floor above us. The printer's plan was never going to work.
We've been befriending the native homunculi. You must admit that, if the giant proves hostile, we may need their combined strength to escape.

Right now, our objective is to learn more information. If there is another printer on the floor above where the girls are, it may possess information our printer doesn't have. But we also need to find a way to communicate with the printers.
No. 1096051 ID: 355e44

Researching their weaknesses is a good plan, but it will take time. For now, we have a truce with the locals, and are looking for more information. The exit isn't as straightforward as we thought, so we are on an expedition to explore it further, if they'd like to join.
No. 1096193 ID: 9ea24b
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You like this new monster already. It helps that they didn’t try to nibble you with their big teeth and despite not having Pinch’s looks they do possess a kind of grotesque cuteness. You put a hand on their nearest shoulder.

You: The situation is more complicated than the printer is aware of, and we’ve had to alter the plan somewhat. It turns out the other homunculi are mostly nice people! Even though they don’t feel pain, violence should still be avoided.

???: Um, okay.

You: And right now we’re still learning more about this place. You can be a big help! The Creator, that’s the giant, is still very mysterious. At our size, we shouldn’t underestimate them.

???: They’re made of meat though, meat isn’t that strong.

You: How do you know that?

???: It’s in these memories that I’m trying to understand, the giant comes from a meat world. Everyone there is big and smelly.

???: Lots of dirt, lots of people.

You haven’t taken the pet/childcare class so the concept is foreign and a little disturbing. Of course you understand what meat is, just like you have an innate understanding of most concepts, but a person made of the stuff would be very…biological.
No. 1096194 ID: 9ea24b
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You: While you work on that, we’re going to find out more about the exit. Right now there seem to be multiple connections from this area to others, including a town which should have another printer. I’d really like to find a way to communicate with our printer. There might be a spell or something but you can’t choose which one you get.

Pinch: Hey, I’ve been thinking ‘bout that. What if we just broke the gacha machine open and took all the orbs?

You: Uh…

Kage: That’s a good point, s’not like Punt said we couldn’t do that.

???: There are meat people that would do it. We wouldn’t.

???: No, the giant wouldn’t. That’s not us even though our basis for existence comes from their experiences.

???: That’s right, sorry. It’s confusing with all of this information.

Wallace: I like what Kage and Pinch like. Let’s smash that machine!

Give the new monster a name, decide whether you want to plunder the gacha machine, and choose your strike team for girltown.
No. 1096197 ID: a7a180

Smiles "Tail" Prowler.
Plundering the gacha machine would be appealing if we knew we were escaping. It's not harming any homunculi and something the giants could easily fix. But since we plan on returning here, I'd say don't do that.
Take at least Pinch and Craw with you. Can Wallace jump that high too?
No. 1096198 ID: 4da287

I like Smiles and Prowler.
>Gacha machine
I think an avenue we're not considering is breaking girltown's gacha machine and stealing all their gacha orbs. They stole Kage's super special awesome unique sword, so it's even stevens!

>Girltown Strike Team
Kentaro, naturally.
Gun, to satisfy his fighting urges so he doesn't cause problems.
Mushi, since he's been training with Gun. They probably know each other's fighting styles and can work well together.
Wallace, we should have someone with a black blade who can parry attacks from Kage's sword if they decide to use it. Ask Wallace to aim for limbs if he needs to use his blade, since we know how to reattach or stump those fairly reliably.
Pinch, so we can keep an eye on her and work on getting her used to teamwork through teamfights.

Leave Kage and Craw with Smiles and Prowler, to help acclimate them to the city and work on information consolidation. Also, let Kage know to keep an eye on Raito while we're gone. Maybe Dennis could help her with that and like, spy on Raito inconspicuously. Raito would never expect a mouthbreather to be outsmarting him.
No. 1096199 ID: 3d8568

"Rattus Rattus" he's rattus and the other one is also rattus, they *can* tell the difference when you say the other's name.
No. 1096200 ID: fa3034

That's of fair point. Let's loot it only when we know we found the exit. We can't show our hand to the creators yet. Girl town raid team should be volunteers willing to fight. See if Kage is willing to go now that she has back up. She would know the area the best. As for name, Rufus.
No. 1096246 ID: 1effd3

as sure as i am that would be very fun, theres likely a reason why it hasn't.
1. it'll delete the prizes before it breaks.
2. It's invincible.
3. It'll kick our ass.
4. Summon the Creator, then kick our ass.
No. 1096253 ID: 2f41db



I like this.
I was hoing with gnawbert but this is better.

As to the gacha.
My worry is that a broken gacha machine may interrupt the learning opportunitie.
Smash it and no more important skills.
Im not just saying that because learning is fun.
Also chance that breaking it would;
Trigger a gacha ball accidentally and cook off the whole batch.
Not work if the gacha are unprimed before earned.
Trigger a "refill gacha" light on the habitat kinda like an ink starved printer.

The latter may be known instinctually by the crew.
Their momma was a printer after all.
No. 1096305 ID: 7c0da2

I like Rattus Rattus.

By the way, do you think if we gave them the fusion power they could fuse with themselves and become some kind of Rattus Prime?

Breaking the Gacha Machine is more of a last ditch effort. And it's only good if we're sure we can get away with it. Assuming it's not tamper-proof, it would at the very least anger the other homonculi, and maybe alert the Creator. Right now, we don't have a need for more power that would justify taking those risks.

For our strike team...
We need Kage, she is the only one with any kind of intel on what girltown is like.
We should take Gun and Mushi, they're good fighters and Gun wants a fight.
We should take Wallace, we might need his blade.
We should offer Raito a spot on the team. It's probably better if we can keep an eye on him, and he might help with non violent options.

We should not take Craw. It's better if he stays here in case our printer produces another homonculi, and to ensure Hatani is safe. Warn him to keep Pinch away from the Gacha Machine.

The others can come with us or stay here as they prefer.
No. 1096324 ID: 9ea24b
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>Don’t break the gacha machine unless it’s a last resort
Even if there isn’t some automatic security measure, it would definitely piss off the other homunculi. You’ll only consider it once you’re sure you’re about to escape.

You: Everyone, we need to stay orderly and maintain our good reputation and that means no smashing. I want Craw to continue to like us and he cares a lot about educational integrity.

Kage: Aw man, I guess you’re right.

Wallace: I like what Kentaro likes. Let’s not do anything rash!

You worry that your party is a little lacking in the willpower department. At least it makes it easier to be the leader, and with your divine right to authority you turn your attention back to the new monster.

You: I’m going to call you Rattus Rattus.

Rattus: Okay.

Rattus: That’s a fine name.

You: Alright everyone, let’s take Rattus back to town and form our strike team. Kage, I know you don’t want to come but you should tell us everything you know about those girls.

Kage recalls a liberal amount of pink hair, a single bunny girl, and a goth chick who seemed the most proactive about capturing Kage. She didn’t see everything, but she thinks the structure of Girltown is identical to Boysville. The exit hole is in the sky between the dorm and the arena in both places.
No. 1096326 ID: 9ea24b
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>Assemble the team: You, Pinch, Wallace, Gun, and Mushi
Mushi is injured but he’s still a good fighter and more importantly a nice kid. If Gun has been compromised and Pinch is a wildcard, you want a majority of trustworthy individuals. You tell Rattus to stick with Craw in the school and Kage to keep an eye out for Raito since it’s been far too long since you’ve checked on him. You’ll try to be back before the next monster spawns.

You take the team to the top rim of the arena and jump first, aiming for a slight shimmer in the air.

>Team member travel to Girltown check (75% of success):
>You: Failure
>Pinch: Failure
>Wallace: Success
>Gun: Success
>Mushi: Success
Logically, you should come out of the same place in Girltown that you just exited in Boysville, but instead of landing on the paved path between bushes and fountains, you kind of just. Keep soaring through space?

Pinch: Ahhhhhh! What’s happening?

You twist to check behind you and see Pinch flailing midair, a sliver of blue sky getting smaller behind her. All around you is inky darkness.

No other homunculi come through the hole and you flail as you try to adjust your trajectory. Judging from the hole you think you’re moving down?

You yelp as you hit something firm and fuzzy, bouncing a few times to unreasonable heights before finally getting a grip on the strands of the carpet-like substance under your feet. Pinch takes this as her cue to crash into you, grabbing hold of your tail to stop herself from bouncing away.

What do you do?
No. 1096329 ID: a7a180

Look down. Is it carpet? Look up.
Pinch may assume we have actually escaped. You should confirm that before she scuttles off.
No. 1096341 ID: 355e44

Sounds like you escaped the homunculus habitat at least, but that probably puts you in the Creator's space. Or maybe you're in a utility space between them. Don't be too loud, you may be observed.
No. 1096342 ID: df60a9

We can still see each other, right?
Signal to Pinch to be quiet, and whisper that we should stay in view of each other or we might lose all sense of direction. Search for a wall. Some kind of reference point.
This could be the feline, or maybe a blanket on a bed.
No. 1096343 ID: df60a9

Also, be careful Pinch doesn't pinch her pincer from you in the chaos.
No. 1096358 ID: fa5cf6

Wince at the rough handle on your tail. Ask Pinch if she's okay. Get your bearings. Can you jump back?
No. 1096360 ID: 1effd3

stay quiet and figure out where you are
No. 1096364 ID: 2f41db

Ask pinch if shesnok.
Check on her.
Its a weird, new unexplored world and you two are gonna have to work together to get by.

Once injuries are checked for, look around. Find out about your terrain.
Cant run off blindly.
Youre too calculating for that.
No. 1096424 ID: 9ea24b
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It’s even darker than the gloom in the unlit regions of your home area and without your sharp eyes you don’t think you could see very well. You can’t even see the hole you emerged from, which is scary, and you wince as you lower yourself to the wooly ground. The base of your tail feels wet with dye from when Pinch yanked on it and you carefully reach your hand to anchor into her fluff.

You: Go easy on the tail, Pinch. Do you feel okay? Injured anywhere?

Pinch: I’m fine, ugh! Did we escape? Where’s Wallace?

You: I think Wallace and the other boys made it to Girltown like they were supposed to. This is…somewhere else? It seems like a holding space, but maybe we just can’t see what else is here in the dark. Let’s be really careful and quiet and try to explore.

You feel Pinch let go of your tail, which is a relief, and you bat away her hand when it starts patting at your pockets for her pincer.

You: Cut it out, we need to work together.

Pinch: Do we?

You: Yes! What if we get stuck here forever? Or at least until the Creator comes?

Pinch: Okay, so I should wait ‘till we find the exit to try anything.

You: At least you’re honest. Remember you’re supposed to be on your best behavior!
No. 1096426 ID: 9ea24b
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You decide to wield the pincer yourself, which means both your hands are full. Walking next to Pinch is doubly awkward because of her long limbs and the low gravity, which lifts you off the ground if you move too fast. As consolation, you’re frequently knocking shoulders with Pinch, which makes her blush.

Why would a place right next to your home have such radically different gravity? There’s no physics course in the school, sadly, but you’re smart enough that it seems weird.

Finally, you reach a wall, which curves around the room seamlessly. You don’t encounter any furniture or giant cats, which confirms your suspicion this is more utility area than living space. Your theory is that it could be a sort of hub that all of the subareas connect to.

There is no exit door, though you weren’t really expecting one. Things here seem to work via reality hole, and you’re very lucky you have a tool that can pry open those openings, like how Kage’s sword was used to make the path between Boysville and Girltown. If any of the others had gotten trapped here they might not be able to leave.

You: Okay, I think we need to start poking things with the pincer because there’s no other way out of here.

Pinch: Huh? Let’s just jump back to the hole we came in through. We should be able to get the height since things are so floaty here.

She bunches up her arms and legs and leaps before you can react, and you’re dragged into the air with only the least embarrassing of yelps. You do get close enough to see a sliver of blue sky through the darkness, though you’re still a ways below it and not on track to make the target anyway.

You: Don’t just jump without warning!

Pinch: You’re weighing me down! Let go!

You: Think things through for once, can you even make it up there?

Pinch: I’m not a nerd with puny legs like YOU.

Because of her vastly superior power ranking, Pinch can make the jump, but you can’t. You’re worried what she’ll do once she confirms this, not to mention you’ve been walking around for a while.

A. Ask Pinch to return to Boysville and get Kage to come help you (while you wait, you’ll explore with the pincer)
B. Use your spell to fuse with Pinch so you have the combined strength to escape (romance Pinch route)
C. Stab Pinch to stop her from leaving (and potentially attacking you)
No. 1096429 ID: a7a180

Also, if Kage made the hole in reality leading to Girltown, why don't you try making more holes and seeing where they lead? If this is a hub area then there should be many more possible destinations.
No. 1096434 ID: 1effd3

B, let us GATTAI
No. 1096439 ID: fa3034

Selling Pinch on the prospect of achieving new power and heights seems like an easy pitch
No. 1096440 ID: c5529d

A. I kinda wanna see what this place is all about.
No. 1096445 ID: 507e59

A because you are calculating and this will give you more information on this zone you can use later (which u def will need to) although B would be fun too bc dating cute monster
No. 1096448 ID: 2f9996

B. You'll need to synchronize your feelings to get enough power to reach the opening. As good an excuse as any to get Pinch to open up a little.
No. 1096453 ID: 2f41db

I am torn between a and b.

Im falling on a as knowledge is a reward we value greatly, but would suggest floating the idea to her regarding b so she can brace herself for the possibility.
No. 1096463 ID: 7c0da2

A. This place is interesting and poking holes in reality is fun. Also, the alternative is either romancing or being beaten up by Pinch and neither option sounds like a good time...
No. 1096472 ID: 60b9b9

B, I just want to pinch Pinch’s little cheeks.
No. 1096473 ID: 210aa5

If I can sell it to the edge cases:
We will have the opportunity to return and explore the void zone later. However, with A Pinch could run off and leave us, lie and say we're gone, or even if she does come back for us with Kage we could run out of time to help the boys who landed in Girltown.
With B, we definitely have the jumping power to reach Girltown, and with our fusion power we can help the boys kick butt. It's also the only time we'll have an excuse to talk Pinch into fusion, and mind melding is probably the best way we'll have to get her to open up.
No. 1096476 ID: 355e44

B with A as fallback if she rejects you.
No. 1096511 ID: 9ea24b
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>B, fast and hopefully effective
While your truth seeking side is dying to stay in the hub and explore, you’ll almost certainly miss the birth of the next monster and whatever’s happening to the lads in enemy territory. You need to sell this fusion thing to Pinch as well as confess your feelings without scaring her away to get both of you through that hole. Once that’s all settled you can return here and investigate!

You: Pinch, I want to talk to you about something serious when we land. After that I won’t stop you from leaving.

Pinch: Fine, whatever.

It’s easier to grab the floor and anchor yourself this time since you know what you’re doing. You sit and Pinch hesitates before folding up her limbs and crouching across from you.

You: Remember when I kissed you when we first met? It was partially to get you to stop sucking the dye out of me but I–I also thought you were beautiful.

Pinch: …Is this a trap?

You: I’m not trying to make you flustered or anything! I’m trying to be honest about my feelings in a situation where we’re not actively trying to fight each other, because, uh, I have an idea of how we could both get out of here and be extra strong when battling the girls too. We can use my fusion spell I got from the gacha machine and as long as we stay in sync we’ll be super powerful.

Pinch: You know, I was just trying to help the rogue homunculi when we met. That’s what I was made for. I’m not some kind of evil monster.

You: I mean yeah, I get that. It’s like with Wallace, you both were doing what you thought was normal because you didn’t know any better.

Pinch: And then ya had to go and chop off my pincers! Way to show a girl you like her, asshole!

You: Well like I said, you can have them back once you’ve proved you deserve it. When we fuse it’ll be like you have one already.

Pinch: You don’t hafta butter me up, we can try it. You’re the leader, even if you’re not the only one with good ideas. Sometimes you’re cute too, I guess.
No. 1096512 ID: 9ea24b
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Thrilled, you take out the spell orb and squash it between your palms. It bursts into bright smoke, enveloping you and Pinch.

>Become Kench
The smoke clears and you get to your feet. Your magenta skin is bare except for a cool long coat, and you flex your double set of arms. The fangs in your mouth don’t pierce your skin, which is probably for the best.

Hahaha! Yes! This is the real power and mental stability you’ve been craving. Kentaro and Pinch have a good overlap in abilities, with both being risk averse and stealthy, and despite Pinch’s complaints, she wants this fusion to succeed for the good of the team. You’re stable at the moment with Kentaro at the mental helm, but if Kentaro chooses an option that Pinch doesn’t favor three times total, the fusion will break. It will also break if you’re injured to the point of unconsciousness.

In your new, fur-lined coat’s pockets are Kentaro’s sewing supplies, Pinch’s orb which is revealed to be spell #4 (Timewinder), and the pincer.

You carefully aim and leap for the entrance to Boysville, landing head on to emerge into the bright light on the stone path. Nobody’s nearby to question your unfamiliar look, so you immediately turn around and jump back toward the rift.

>Girltown travel check (75%): Success
That’s more like it. You can tell this is a different place by the conspicuous streak of red smeared along the ground. Your short, bat-like ears pick up a rustle in the nearest bushes, but no sounds of fighting.

A. See who’s hiding in the bushes (it could be your friends waiting for you or an enemy preparing to attack)

B. Follow the trail of dye (it seems to lead to the dorms)

C. Run around until you see someone (you’ll lose the stealth advantage but get a grasp of the situation fastest) PINCH UNFAVORED
No. 1096517 ID: 1effd3

Ooo Timewinder is good incase something messes up later.

I vote A, if its our friends, cool (hopefully wont attack us), and if it's an enemy, we are prepared, and we are kind strong and cool and stuff.
No. 1096519 ID: ab6a86

B. Our forces should have retreated if they were wounded. Someone was likely captured. This might be a rescue mission now.
No. 1096522 ID: cc5554

A. If it's an ally we can team up and get info, if it's an enemy we need to KO them before they give away our location or track us (NO WITNESSES) (nonlethal)
No. 1096525 ID: a7a180

A. Make sure you keep the upper hand - even allies won't recognize you in this condition!
No. 1096537 ID: 2940d0

A. What if its a cute little animal mascot character that can follow us around, and sell plushies to the viewers at home?
No. 1096538 ID: 2f41db

Cute little mascots are either perfect little buddies or amoral monsters with eldritch powers.
No overlap.
They are always marketable.

Seconded on that A
No. 1096539 ID: 355e44

Looking cool there Kench

A) sneak up on the rustler
No. 1096614 ID: 9ea24b
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>A, but stay on guard
Even your allies wouldn’t recognize you with your new, roguish charms. You carefully take out the pincer and sneak towards the guilty bush.

It rustles again, and you hear a few terrified, female whispers. Not your allies then, but also probably not the Girltown aggressors. Weighing the odds, you decide to speak up.

You: Psst, hey! Is someone in there? I might be a scary stranger but I’m here to help.

More whispers, and then two girls poke their heads out of the bush. One has pink hair, as Kage foretold, and the other is the bunny. Both look haunted, pupils wobbly as they take in your foreign form.

???: I’m Baitu and this is Yana. Are you related to the purple demon? Where did you come from?

You: I’m Kench and yeah, I know Kage. I’m looking for my friends that should have come through here, we’re trying to retrieve Kage’s sword.

Baitu: We met them while we were running from Mura, Mushi told us to hide here while they went ahead.

Yana: Mura’s the one who took the sword! She got real worked up about what we should do about the invader an’ there was a big argument and she sliced three out of the seven of us.

Baitu: She also broke the button to call the Creator so there’s nothing we can do, Doka was the only one besides us she didn’t cut and we only got out because we’re weak.
No. 1096615 ID: 9ea24b
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You: Whoa okay, so there’s four of you girls alive, my friends are here somewhere, and basically only one evil person to watch out for. Does Mura have any weaknesses?

Yana: She’s soft for Doka but I dunno what else. She’s really strong and stubborn.

Baitu: We saw Doka take all the bodies to the dorms to try and heal them, if you want and try to get her help.

What do you do?
A. Show them how to get to Boysville (immediate safety for the girls and you can go find Mura or Doka afterwards) PINCH UNFAVORED

B. Tell them to keep hiding while you search for Mura or Doka (delays the issue until you resolve the conflict, Mura might find them first)

C. Tell them to come with you while you search for Mura or Doka (they’ve implied they’re in the bottom two power rankings of the girls, but might still help in a fight)
No. 1096616 ID: a7a180

C. You know how to fix people, kinda! Look for Doka and then they'll be two extra hands to help with the stitching.
No. 1096623 ID: 494ef6

C. And go straight to searching for Mura. Mushi is going to go straight for her to protect the innocent, Gun is going to go straight for her for a fight, and Wallace is just going to go along with them. The two girls can just throw things to distract her in the fight and it'll probably be worth a few % of advantage.

We can help Doka patch up the wounded once the threat is stopped. It'll be a opportunity to test out our welding idea too.
No. 1096626 ID: 3d8568

I like C and showing them how to fix people up
No. 1096633 ID: 2f41db

Once we stop mura hurting people, then we can show you the magic of a fully passed textiles course and
No. 1096652 ID: fa3034

C, we're getting that sword back.
No. 1096708 ID: 9ea24b
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>C, go after Mura, you can help Doka sew people up later
You: Let’s stop Mura and get the sword back before she hurts anyone else. You two come with me, try to keep as quiet as possible.

Baitu: We can do that.

The girls emerge from the bush and you take their hands since you have arms to spare. The trail of dye leads to the school, where you pick up a new smear going down into the park.

>Random injured lad: Gun
You don’t want to leave the cover of the buildings and from the bushes next to the shop you see that fluorescent red leads to a neatly bisected Gun. Hm. In your expert textiles opinion you’d consider this an extreme injury and even if you sewed him back together Gun would have to be very careful to avoid opening the wound.

It doesn’t take long to spot Wallace and Mushi hiding in a tree since the leaves aren’t dense enough to hide the monster’s slinky form. They aren’t moving from their defensive position.

>Stealth check (75%): Failure
>Random injured girl: Baitu
Your sharp senses alert you to movement from the top of the school and you dodge to the side, just in time to avoid the blade that cuts through the white rabbit, separating her arm at the shoulder and slicing the front of her dress.

You get your first good look at Mura, who has long black hair, dark tights, and a skirt. You’re noticing a trend with all of these schoolgirl outfits.

Since you were caught off guard, you don’t have time for a counterattack. Yana tugs on your hand and wails in fear.
No. 1096709 ID: 9ea24b
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>Fight 2: Kench, Yana, Wallace, and Mushi vs. Mura
You are armed with Pinch’s pincer and have the Timewinder spell. Wallace is armed with his deadly scythe and Mushi has the Dramatic pause spell. Yana has no weapons or spells.

As a reminder, the baseline chance of success is calculated by Chance of Success = 1 - (Strength Rank You - Strength Rank Enemy + 5) x 10%. Baseline chance of success can’t be lower than zero. Since you’re a fusion, your baseline chance will be Pinch’s plus Kentaro’s.

The scream has alerted Mushi and Wallace, but they don’t know you’re here. Suggest your battle strategies.
No. 1096711 ID: 1effd3

lets shut her down immediately, and Timewinder Kage's sword so that Mura no longer has it.
No. 1096715 ID: a7a180

If Timewinder only undoes one effect, we should save that for Gun's bisection.

Yana is panicked, toss her to safety.
Baitu's arm is technically indestructible aside from being cut, right? That gives you another weapon to wield in your extra hands. You could use it as a garrote, or to trip up a limb. Call for Wallace. Use your dagger to parry and line up a clean strike for him.
No. 1096717 ID: 2f41db

Let pinch take the wheel for fighting.
She has good reactions.
Kentaro can focus his attention on analysing her movements and predicting her tactics.

Plus kentaro can try psychological warefare during the engagement.
"Wow. Whose side are you on? That poor bunny girl."
No. 1096722 ID: 38c4e9

Good idea. Pinch can be Body in Charge, Kentaro will be Information in Charge. If she needs help with the second set of arms, we can jump in to improve the multi-tasking there.

We should definitely open up with a battle yell announcing loudly that you are Pinch or Kentaro, so that your allies know you are here, but do not call FOR them. That way they know you're here but Mura doesn't know they're here. Lets them get the drop on her.

The pincer isn't very deadly on its own, since it's designed more as a stealth weapon, but it can probably parry Kage's sword. Keep it focused on defense.

We could probably use the stretchy homunculus limb to tangle up her sword arm with our second set if we can get in close. We should try to set her up for a dis-arming by Wallace.
No. 1096797 ID: 9ea24b
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>Timewinder mechanics
To your understanding the spell targets one entity and restores it to its physical condition prior to some causal event in the past day. You’re not sure how much a day is in units of long times, but you don’t think the spell would teleport the sword back to Kage anyway. The best use of the spell would be for someone severely wounded.

>Best combined suggestion strategy: Let Pinch lead the fusion and use Baitu’s arm as a weapon while Kentaro analyzes Mura and yells to Wallace
>Baseline chance of success: 40%+0% = 40%
>Bonus chance with good strategy: 15% (Pinch’s part) +15% (Kentaro’s part)
>Fight win (70%): Success
You toss Yana behind you into the bushes and parry Mura’s first strike with your dagger, dark blade coming dangerously close to your fingers due to the lack of a hilt.

You: Give back Kage’s sword, Mura! Why would you hurt Baitu, whose side are you on? Also anyone in the vicinity should come help pleaaaaaaase–

With your bonus set of arms you pick up and fling the bunny’s dismembered limb toward Mura’s legs, tripping her. She doesn’t seem at all bothered by the moral quandary of mutilating her fellow girls but she does lower her guard enough that you quickly stab her face, creating a small, leaky wound.
No. 1096798 ID: 9ea24b
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>Make space for Wallace
You keep up the pressure, slicing Mura a few times with the tip of the dagger as she kicks away Baitu’s arm and tries to regain the advantage. It would be bad if she ran away, so you position yourself so that her back is to the park.

This sets up the perfect moment for Wallace, who you spot slinking up from behind Mura. He bunches up on his back two bodies as you parry another strike, then pounces forward and perfectly slices off Mura’s sword bearing limb at the elbow.

>Wallace safety check: Success
Mura tries to grab her blade with her remaining hand but passes out before she can retaliate. The goth flops onto her face in the grass and you snatch up the sword before anyone gets any ideas.

Mushi arrives to comfort Yana, his own eyes wide at all the carnage. You’re surrounded by dye and seriously injured homunculi. What do you do?

A. Take the sword and Gun’s body and leave immediately (Doka and Yana will be the only surviving girls)

B. Tend to the girls before leaving (risks them finding the exit hole) PINCH UNFAVORED
No. 1096799 ID: 1effd3

We're a protagonist, so unfortunately we gotta be nice and make sure that they don't dieeeeee...
Ok Mura we could probably let die.

Then we flee into the darkness!
No. 1096807 ID: fa3034

Lets bounce, but at least part the knowledge that getting everyone back to their beds and sewing them up could help save them. We should send a party back here to help with that. We should timewinder Gun before we jump, I think.
No. 1096815 ID: d9b49f

Good job, Wallace.

B. We can afford a bit of deviance. We still need to learn what printer these girls came from, and it's not like it matters they know where the hole is so long as we make sure Mura isn't getting back up.
No. 1096824 ID: b18f7c

B. Our escape is why they got hurt, we’re cleaning up this mess. Also, Baitu technically helped us out, with her arm.
No. 1096894 ID: 9ea24b
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Well okay, it’s not like the girls will actually die from the dye loss. They just won’t, uh, ever regain consciousness unless Yana and Doka figure out how to sew them together and that just doesn’t sit right with the Kentaro half of you. Dammit! Stupid guilty nerd feelings.

You: Wallace, pick up Gun, Mura, and Baitu so we can go to the dorms. It’ll be easier to sew everyone up in one place since there’s more bodies there.

Wallace: Who’re you again?

You: Oh right, I’m Kench, a fusion of Kentaro and Pinch! I have all the powers of mental stability and punching and kicking and biting.

Wallace: Wow! We didn’t know what was wrong when you didn’t land here with the rest of us, and then we got chased by this scary lady. I’m glad you made it.

You: Me too, we got what we came for and now we can repair everyone. Mushi, I’ll need your sewing skills.

Mushi: R-right. Now’s not the time to be upset, as long as we sew these girls together it’ll be like nothing bad happened.

You sling Mura over your shoulder and tuck her arm into your pocket before leading your merry troupe along the dye smear to the dorms.

Inside you find a mess of dye and butchered bodies, with a girl who must be Doka sitting amongst them, eyes hollow, wearing a cute pink dress splattered with red.
No. 1096895 ID: 9ea24b
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You don’t want to linger, so you explain things as simply as possible, promising not to return unless absolutely necessary. Mushi doesn’t take the hint from your angry squint and sews up Mura alongside the others. Eh, without the sword she shouldn’t be a threat.

Doka still seems dazed even after you have everyone safely in bed, which matches Yana’s blank expression. Uh, hopefully that’ll sort itself out. Homunculi don’t get traumatized, do they?

>Hole stealth check: Failure
After polite goodbyes you leave the dorm of Girltown, eager to return home. You bring up the rear of the lads and wince when Wallace has an awkward take-off, flopping around the hole and dangling half-disappeared before heaving himself into Boysville. Doka’s pink hair pops up in the nearest dorm window and you have a sinking suspicion that she saw.

Ah, the lovely untarnished grass and gray paths of Boysville. Between the time you spent in the hub room and how long it took to sew everyone back together, the next monster should be due to arrive.

A. Go to the school (you’ll give Kage the sword and the sheath)

B. Head toward the monster with Wallace (why do we always have to bother the monsters, huh?) PINCH UNFAVORED

C. Take Gun to the dorms with Mushi (you could use the show of goodwill)
No. 1096904 ID: 1effd3

Probably C, and also probably use Timewinder to help our friend who is nearly cut inhalf?
No. 1096911 ID: 457d3e

A, let's heat up part of the sword with the cooking equipment and see if hot black blades can melt homunculi polymer. That way we can test welding Gun back together, and if that works better than stitching we can weld Mushi's hand back on.
If not, then we're going to need to go back to the drawing board.

We can let Wallace to go meet the new monster, I suppose. Seems like that's where he plans to go himself, which is good. Wallace is a good boy and reasonably capable in a fight if things go poorly.

IF we do C, don't blow Timewinder on Gun, just give him the stitch job. He's kind of unhinged, and he's an ally of Raito. Save Timewinder for if someone we actually care about is mortally injured. Or us!
No. 1096931 ID: 812e4b

A, we're going to fulfill our promise! (And surely, our promise to prevent the monsters harming anyone, soonish.)
Definitely use the Timewinder to heal our bifurcated buddy.
No. 1096934 ID: d0fe53

Pinch is uneager to stealthy scout and possibly ambush? Perhaps this'll be less fun than expected. Go with option 3 since 1 is not time sensitive.
No. 1096963 ID: 07d2bb

A, just be mindful that you look like a new rouge armed with two dangerous weapons. Stow 'em.
No. 1096964 ID: 2f41db

Heated black metal...
Its worth a shot.
The only thing better would be a roll of flex tape.

Maybe try on something less important than the sword first though.
No. 1096977 ID: 369911

My initial thought was to use one of the pincers, but we kind of promised to return that to Pinch. And the only other blades are currently attached to Wallace and the Rattuses.

At least with The Sword, we can use the back of the blade. It seems like a single edged sword, so as long as we don't mess up that edge it should be okay.
No. 1097046 ID: 9ea24b
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>A, but bring Gun to be repaired and test the hot metal trick
You: Hey Mushi, let’s take Gun to the school and sew him up there first. We can give Kage your sheath, I’m sure she’ll be very grateful. Wallace, you go meet with the new monster and catch them up on what we’re doing to escape. I trust you to handle it.

Both lads nod and Wallace scurries away while you and Mushi enter the school. Inside you see Rattus, Kage, and Raito all sitting at the same table. Raito is in the middle of laughing at something Rattus said, but stops to dramatically gasp in horror at the sight of Gun’s two halves.

Raito: What happened to my dear friend Gun? And who is this strange pink demon?

You: Kentaro and Pinch fusion, call me Kench. Those ladies in Girltown were serious business and one of them sliced Gun, but we had a successful mission overall.

Kage: Yay, you got my sword back! Yako and Craw just left to check for a new monster cause they were worried that you guys weren’t back yet and it’d been a long time.

Raito gets up and makes a big show of fussing around Mushi, who’s holding the butchered boy. You give Kage her sword and the sheath and she straps it to her waist.

Kage: I’ve been watching Raito like you told me to, he hasn’t done anything except hang out with us, and we’ve been listening to Rattus talk about the dirt world. There’s a lot of people there and it’s big. Bigger than we could even imagine, with all kinds of people and jobs outside of home economics, and weird meat magic!

You: That sounds cool. I need to test something on Gun before I sew him up.
No. 1097047 ID: 9ea24b
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There’s plenty of metal pans and utensils in the cooking course that you can heat up without needing to use the special black weapon material. If you really wanted to you could make direct contact between the burner and homunculi flesh. After a quick test with the back of a ladle, you find that heat softens the surface layer of skin enough that a normal metal needle can poke through it. Before you can try your soon to be patented hand on stove technique, Raito speaks up.

Raito: Kench, do you know what you’re doing?

You: Well, kinda. I’m testing a hypothesis to use heat to seal wounds so we don’t have to only rely on sewing them.

Raito: But why are you testing it on poor, helpless Gun? Don’t you have plenty of minions? Even experimenting on yourself would make more sense.

Raito: And why is it that the only people who have been injured so far have been normal homunculi?

Mushi: He’s right, Kench. Even if you haven’t meant for it to happen, it’s only us who’ve been getting hurt.

A. Use the Timewinder spell to heal Gun (as a show of goodwill)

B. Put your hand on the stove (to see what happens before you do it to Gun) PINCH UNFAVORED

C. Rebuke Raito and Mushi (you’re trying your best here!)
No. 1097048 ID: 812e4b

C. It’s not all normal homunculi, it’s Gun specifically because he lives a high risk lifestyle! Kentaro’s been hurt too.
No. 1097053 ID: 09fccc

We would like to point out that both halves of ourself have been hurt. Kage got jumped too. Just because Ratio hasn't seen you bleed doesn't mean you haven't for them.
No. 1097057 ID: 1effd3

I've got to go with C, with A as the backup plan. In our defense, NO ONE expected the monsters to show up, and we were woefully unprepared for it. It's best to test this method on someone who is already injured. If it doesn't work, we have Timewinder to fix the initial damage(remind them its a one use on the same day spell). If they really dont want us to test on our bisected friend, we can test the method on someone who is slightly less bisected.
No. 1097058 ID: 355e44

C) hold out Pinch's fang and remind them that one of you had her teeth cut off and the other got stabbed.
Assure them that you'll be very careful.
No. 1097066 ID: 2f41db

C, but gently.
Tell them how since youve got here every action youve taken has been focused on putting right the damage caused.
You did the textiles course with the sole goal of being able to heal the most heavily injured.
Not for fun.
Not for the prize.
To fix people.
Trying this on anyone is the last thing you want to do, but if it can result in cleaner healed wounds everyone benefits. Even long after you and the others have left this place.
They know gun better than you, but even you could tell if he was given the choice between a more solid healing or the best stitching you could do, hed take the risk.
Not just for himself, but for the others who will benefit.
Let it be known that the time turner is held in reserve so if anything goes wrong it can be reversed.
No. 1097095 ID: f52a0b

Well, if Pinch doesn't want to take the risk, we can't just do B without her consent. I'd jump straight into the hand on stove technique if it was just us, but it's her body too.

But Timewinder is too existentially valuable to use in anything but an emergency. Luckily no one actually knows about it either, since Pinch is a sneaky devil about it. Let's not mention it at all.

C. I wouldn't completely dismiss their claims that normal homunculi have been the ones getting hurt, but Kentaro has also been the one testing and pioneering ways to repair the damage.

And they're not wrong to be worried about their friend. If something goes wrong, we could ruin Gun's torso and compromise his body permanently. We should at least stitch him conscious and get his informed consent before attempt any procedure.

If Mushi wanted, we could also test with an attempt to reattach his hand. There's still a risk of losing it, so don't pressure him.
No. 1097097 ID: f52a0b

Even better, one of 'us' had their teeth cut off after biting the other on the face. Now we worked together and stopped a deranged serial killer from another town. It's a hell of a best we're doing here.
No. 1097118 ID: 9ea24b
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>Strong C
You don’t want to wait until after Gun wakes up to ask for his permission because that’ll take a long time and you likewise won’t be able to remove any side effects with Timewinder because you’re pretty sure a long time is more than a day. Since you’ve decided not to use the spell, you’ll keep the fact that you have it a secret.

You: Both Pinch and Kentaro have gotten hurt, remember? Pinch stuck Kentaro with her pincers and then got them cut off in retaliation. No one expected all of this to happen, especially not for there to be weapons that caused catastrophic injuries. I’ve been trying to minimize damage and help fix people this whole time! Everyone benefits if I do this experiment, and I’ll be super careful.

Mushi: Okay, that’s all true, but those injuries aren’t on the same scale as ours and even if you have been trying to help it doesn’t give you permission to experiment on us. If you’re not willing to test the stove on yourself first, I’m going to ask for Gun back so I can sew him together and put him to bed.

You: What? C’mon Mushi, you know Gun would take the risk if it meant he could fight again.

Mushi: Maybe, but he can’t tell us right now, can he? Doing something like this would just be wrong. Give me Gun or I’ll push the button and call the Creator here to fix everything.

Even Raito looks surprised at this ultimatum and Kage gets up from the chair to block Mushi’s path to the button. The green-haired boy puts up his fists.

Raito: Everyone calm down, let’s not fight. Kench, it’d be best if you gave us Gun.

Mushi: Um, but please prep him for sewing with your pincer before you hand him over.
No. 1097119 ID: 9ea24b
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You scowl at Raito and prepare to tell him and Mushi to fuck off, but you’re interrupted.

Rattus: Kench, they think–

Rattus: We think–

Rattus: I think that you should listen to my friend Raito.

You: Your friend?!

Rattus: Yes, he has been a good audience to my stories and helped me understand the Creator better. He’s an intelligent young fellow.

Rattus: I like him!

Raito: Oh thank you Rattus, I’m honored you consider me a friend. I know you’re a very responsible and moral individual, just like our Creator.

You: What are you planning, Raito? I know you have a grudge against me and Kage.

Raito: A grudge against you? No no, I’m just here to witness the moment when Craw realizes I was right all along and we should have reported abnormalities like we were told to. I’ve already achieved inner peace by focusing on the important things in life, such as making friends and keeping them safe from nefarious influence. I trust that the Creator, who really sounds like a very nice person, will come to set things right even if you decide to continue down the path of evil.

You’ve discovered Raito’s scheme to…live a fulfilling, happy life? He said it in an awfully annoying way though, and it’s at least somewhat out of spite. Curses, you might not have many normal homunculi allies left if he’s been talking to them.

A. Apologize and try to salvage the situation (hand over Gun’s body) PINCH UNFAVORED
B. Tell Raito and Mushi to scram (you’ll heat test Gun’s body)
C. Go full villain and tell Kage to slash the button (you have proof this works from Girlstown)
No. 1097123 ID: 3d8568

A, and by apologize, I mean punch him in the face and walk away. So you're giving them the body back, but also letting them figure it out.
No. 1097124 ID: 1effd3

D. "Fuck you."
Burns hand on the stove.
No. 1097129 ID: a747b5

D. But not our hand. We could suggest reattaching one of Pinch's pincers to test the hypothesis, if our Pinch half is willing. We promised to do it if she proved herself, and I think she has by willingly fusing. Will it remain attached after we de-fuse? Maybe we'd both get a black fang. I dunno. Seems like the best middle-ground.

If that's not an option, then A. And we can prep Gun for Mushi's stitches, no reason not to. If we tried to withhold it Craw could just do it with the other pincer, and we'd lose trust with both Mushi and Craw.
No. 1097133 ID: 355e44

D: Hey wait a minute, it wouldn't make sense to test on Kench as they aren't injured. But Mushi, you've got a cut on your hand. Would you let us test on you? We'd owe you big time.
No. 1097141 ID: 2f41db

Hold it!

Point your finger at him in accusation as you highlight a potential inconsistency in his statement.

He considers rattus a friend.
Moral and creator-like in attitude.
So, a good person.
He still would report him if the choice was his.
What is rattus to raito?
Friend or flaw?

How does raito know what the creators plan is for that matter?
How can he be sure that this isnt part of it?
Or does raito think the creator would check his plans with him before things change?

I know theyre not the strongest points, but...
But i am sure that the important part is the "HoldIt!".
I dont know why but if you time it right and point just so he will act like youve slapped him from across the room or maybe coffee will shoot out of his nose.
I dont know why.
It just feels like it

We dont have to apologise to relinquish gun.
Just let it go but reiterate the offer still stands if it works.
If the worst comes to the worst and it does work you can just unpick and reattatch guns two parts and melt them back together later.

That leaves us with two options.
Attempt to repincer the most cooperative pinch.
Chop off the tiniest tip of our tail to reattatch.
Best part about the tail, we can pre tourniquet it before starting work.
No. 1097142 ID: 3d8568

friendly reminder that trying to do 2 choices in a tippler quest or an unlisted option can sometimes backfire lol
No. 1097143 ID: 59d42e

Good idea with the tail-tip if Pinch doesn't want to risk the pincer. The tail is entirely Kentaro's, so there should be no risk to Pinch.
No. 1097151 ID: 792907

Oh FFS just tell them about Timewinder so they stop thinking this is about doing evil mad science. Seriously it's good mad science!
No. 1097164 ID: f6fde0

Gun wasn’t the one who got cut earlier, it was Mushi.
D: Heat test Mushi’s hand wound, and if he refuses/we don’t pick that, B. That’s the Pinch point of view and we don’t take to needling well.
No. 1097192 ID: fa3034

You have only ever wanted to help. Everything we've done was to help.
No. 1097194 ID: 9ea24b
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>Become flustered that you’ve lost control of the situation
Argh! You already decided not to use the spell or test the stove on your hand and your Pinch half is holding you to your choices even though Kentaro is squirming with regret. You don’t have a tail or anything to attach the pincer to as this fusion, though you can decide to test yourself as Kentaro if or when the fusion breaks.

You: Okay, okay, Mushi, you have an injured hand. Would you let me test the heat healing technique on you? I’d owe ya a big favor.

Mushi gives you a look of absolute disdain.

Mushi: I thought you were my friend before but you’re just a selfish asshole. You’d really rather anyone else do your dirty work than take responsibility, huh? Well I don’t want anything to do with your experiments anymore and like Raito said, I have faith you’ll get what’s coming to you.

Mushi steps forward and snatches the unprepped Gun flaps off the kitchenette counter before stomping between the tables and out of the school. Raito clicks his tongue and shakes his head, unbearably smug.

Raito: I hope you can learn and grow from Mushi’s words. That was quite a pathetic attempt to salvage your ego.

You: Fuck you.

You punch Raito and he tumbles into the nearest table, flinging worksheets everywhere. Rattus gasps in horror and drags himself to the homunculus’s side to hold his hand.

Rattus: That was mean, Kench!

Rattus: Why are you being a jerk?

You: It didn’t even hurt him and he was being annoying and Kage’s done way worse! I’m kind of frustrated right now, okay? Don’t get on my case like everyone else.
No. 1097195 ID: 9ea24b
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Rattus and Rattus look at each other, beady eye meeting beady eye in dual panic.

Rattus: Oh sweet Creator…

Rattus: Are we the bad guys? Is escaping bad? Is our existence a lie?

Rattus: It’s like the story of the dog, squirrel, and raccoon, where they pursued what they thought was right, even when causing harm.

Rattus: Or our cat sister!

Rattus: Yes, our beloved mother and daughter. I really miss her. I can’t remember her name.

The monster starts to sniffle and pretty soon Raito has to stop pretending to be lying injured on the floor to comfort them. You shut your eyes and hunch over the stove to stop yourself from punching him again. You hear Kage sidling up to you.

Kage: Hey man, you good? Thanks again for getting my sword back.

You: I’m trying to help. Everything I’ve done has been to help, back when it was the two of us until now.

Kage: I know, I don’t get why Mushi was so worked up.

Pinch didn’t get mad at Kentaro for any of that, since it was a combined effort to make a scene. What do you do next? Kage is the only pal you have here at the moment.

A. Interrogate Raito about the Creator (he sure acts like he has all the answers)

B. Go meet the last monster (Wallace, Craw, and Yako should be done explaining things to them by now)
No. 1097196 ID: 1effd3

Just go meet the monster.
No. 1097197 ID: 3d8568

TLDR: B, because I think we should reach the new homunculi before anyone else has a chance to convince them to not support us in whatever we do, bc eventually we're going to need allies otherwise we're just gonna look like a villain

> --- more info on my thoughts

Ratio is acting pretty smug, which means he either expects no retaliation whatsoever for his actions (because we've just left him alone to be caluclating) or because he wants us to use violence against him to justify something or put in place a plan he's already established.

He's probably upset he was lacking control of the situation when everyone was just dumb and having fun, and now that he had impressionable people to be around (the new humonculi) was able to flex and get into a position of power and association by groupthink.

So basically it doesent matter what you do, since you were de facto leadering and trying to get people to do stuff just so that

> No homunculi died
> None of the regular guys died
> you could find a way to sew people when others made mistakes

Which is objectively good, but they just see you stabbing them (to sew them) and fixing problems that were caused by people of your race. It wont probably matter what we do or how we discuss it, at least now anyway, because they can always press the button and hypothetically all of the "problem" people will go away.

The only way to "win" is to be the "asshole villain" or to just leave with the people who arent brainwashed to question anything that causes a remote annoyance in service to preventing a mass slaughter of the homunculi.
No. 1097200 ID: b23256

Go meet the last monster. Why would you even contemplate wasting another second with Raito?
No. 1097202 ID: f4267b

Don't believe everything you hear from this guy, Rattus.
No. 1097215 ID: 4f24ee

A. Raito's whole drama act is kind of entertaining, actually. Ask if he's into dorky shit like acting and theater. See what he thinks the Creator actually wants, and if he's figured anything out from Rattus' weird prophetic babbling. Does he have any thoughts on Girltown and what it might mean?

Maybe Pinch is right and we're helicopter parenting the new homunculi too much. Wallace is strong and Craw is reasonable, we should trust them to handle the monster situation.
No. 1097220 ID: 2f41db

Go b.

Talking to raito will lead to more punchings
No. 1097231 ID: 355e44

B) you're in no shape to confront Raito. He's not right, but it will take some self reflection to be able to articulate how in a way that would convince others.
No. 1097273 ID: 9ea24b
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>B, screw Raito
You don’t want to waste another second near Raito and you’re a little worried that Rattus will retaliate with those big teeth if you punch the homunculus again. It doesn’t help that you feel uneasy responding to Raito’s arguments since you weren’t here to listen to Rattus yourself. You’re missing some kind of revelation about the Creator, but this next monster will know something since they should have the same memories as Rattus.

You: I’m going to meet up with Wallace and the new monster. Do you want to come?

Kage: I think I’m going to stay here on button guarding duty. I can do some cooking while I wait.

You: Good idea, see if you can get a gacha token.

You leave the school without sparing Raito another glance. It’s quiet outside, and you spot Dennis hanging out near a fountain, playing with the water. He doesn’t acknowledge you when you wave. Fine, be that way, you never cared much for Dennis anyway.

There’s no sign of Wallace, Craw, or Yako in Boysville proper and you begin walking in the dark toward the printer. After a few minutes you lose patience and start running.

Soon you come to the very place where this all began. The printer looks much smaller and kind of deflated, which makes sense after its hard work making the rogue homunculi. The new monster is bulbous and pink, with a big blue eye. Wallace spots you and wags his tail.
No. 1097274 ID: 9ea24b
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Wallace: Hi Kench, this is our new pal Cerebrum. I told him everything about what’s been happening and he says the printer is tired and won’t be making any more homunculi.

Cerebrum waddles over to you and pats you on the head. His hand is wet and you don’t see any weapons on his body.

Cerebrum: Nice to finally meet you Kentaro and Pinch! Our esteemed colleague Wallace says that our escape plan is going very well.

You: I wouldn’t be that optimistic since we haven’t actually figured out how to reach the dirt world from here. Still don’t know how to deal with the Creator either.

Cerebrum: All in good time. Say, have you been listening to our friend Rattus at all?

You: Not much, we were busy retrieving Kage’s sword from Girlstown and now he’s been brainwashed by Raito to think we’re the bad guys.

Cerebrum: Ah, sweet naive Rattus. Let us walk to Boysville and assemble! I’m afraid I can’t move very fast so we’ll have plenty of time to talk.

Craw: Hey fusion guy, Kench, mind hanging behind for a second?

Wallace, Yako, and Cerebrum begin their trot toward the light while you stay with Craw next to the printer.

Craw: Yeah so, good to hear there won’t be anymore rogues to worry about, if Cerebrum is telling the truth.

You: You think he’s lying?

Craw: I’m getting villain vibes. He was talking to Wallace when me and Yako got here and we heard something about neck slicing before he turned all friendly. I’m going to stay on my guard.

What do you ask Cerebrum on the walk back to Boysville?
No. 1097275 ID: a7a180

Creator necks, possibly?
Talk about... the Creator, and what the printer's remembered, and the purpose of Boys and Girls Towns.
No. 1097276 ID: 08ba80

Good call, Craw. I'm getting the same vibes. Wallace is a bit impressionable, but he can't keep a secret at all, so we'll have to get him aside sometime to clear up what happened, and make sure Cerebrum isn't unattended while we do.

These seem the most pressing.
The printer's creations have been growing more pink and fleshy, and less like the other homunculi. Are they based on creatures from the dirt world?
No. 1097279 ID: 355e44

>don’t see any weapons on his body.
However his body is rather bulky, it might conceal a hidden blade. Be alert.

To keep our suspicions from him, ask about what memories he received from the printer. Anything about the world outside perhaps.
No. 1097280 ID: 2f41db

Thank craw for the warning.
Say youll be doing the same.

Cerebrum is smart and as others have said may be armed even if we cant see it.
Asking wallace anything may raise his suspicion regarding our awareness of the situation.
So, ask cerebrum about the creator and what rattus should have shared if it wasnt for all the other events.
No. 1097282 ID: 1effd3

The monsters have been having less and less "black stuff", so its not impossible that Cerebrum doesnt have a secret weapon somehwere. If he did say something to Wallace, wallace is very bad at keeping secrets, so we can learn pretty quick if he's got soemthing up his chunky body. Ask him about what Raito said to Rattus
No. 1097283 ID: fa3034

Stay safe, Craw. Let's get some knowledge from the new guy. Knowledge with a grain of salt.
No. 1097358 ID: 9ea24b
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>Wonder if Cerebrum has a hidden weapon
You’d say there’s a low probability, his body seems solidly sealed together.

>Cerebrum and Rattus are fleshier than the other monsters
Yeah, Cerebrum in particular takes after his namesake. They should still have homunculi anatomy and dye sacks though.

>Cerebrum told Wallace to slice the Creator’s neck
You can confirm this hunch once you get Wallace alone.

You and Craw easily catch up with the others and you fall in line with Cerebrum’s slow pace. Thanks to Craw’s warning you want to treat everything the monster says with skepticism.

>Ask about the purpose of the homunculi communities
Cerebrum: We’re an experiment, a test of artificial consciousness. With our durable bodies, perhaps we have use as servants or labor for the meat folk in the future. More relevant is that this is a very secure facility, magically and physically quarantined to prevent the escape of dangerous creatures. The Creator and their superiors don’t want to risk a potential breach, which I believe also means the Creator is the only flesh person who can access us.

You: That’s intense. How did the printer and subsequently you and Rattus get the Creator’s memories? Rattus mentioned something about hidden data.

Cerebrum: Yes, the basis of our consciousness is that of the Creator’s. Very efficient, don’t you think? Rather than having to raise and teach us, we’re born fully capable and ready to work. If the printer could spontaneously become sentient, I expect all of us rogues could unlock the Creator’s memories with the right stimulus. Another feature of our nature.
No. 1097359 ID: 9ea24b
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>Ask about the outside world and what Rattus has shared about the Creator
You: Rattus and Raito were pretty convinced the Creator was benevolent.

Cerebrum: And yet they would create and torment sentient beings! Regardless of their past actions to their friends, they’re similar to a laboratory manager here, a farmer with their flock. They have a job and will do distasteful things as part of it, such as cull the herd.

Craw: Great, Raito’s getting involved again. That guy needs to realize I don’t want to be his rival.

You: Okay, so the idea I’m getting is that even if we escape the Creator there’ll be more obstacles in the way of freedom.

Cerebrum: The printer created me to deal with any complications. All I need help with is dispatching the Creator.

You check behind you and see that Craw and Yako are giving each other an uncomfortable look at Cerebrum’s open admission. Wallace is placid as ever.

Cerebrum: Now for a question of my own, Wallace mentioned that you were delayed when traveling between Boysville and Girltown. What exactly happened? Did you discover anything of note?

Pinch doesn’t have a preference for this choice.
A. Tell Cerebrum about the hub space (you want to see what he thinks of it)
B. Don’t tell him and come up with a different explanation (roll check for lie, chance of success based on suggestion)
No. 1097360 ID: 1effd3

Kinda with Craw and Yako, Cerebelum feels... wrong compared to the other monsters/homonculi.

I think telling him about the hub space is the best option, because Cerebelum has huge insight on stuff, so he'd probably be able to tell if we were lying. If we need to absolutely destroy him later, best do it when he thinks we're his friend. What does Pinch think of Cerebelum? Ultra-nerd?
No. 1097361 ID: df10fb

A because he'll probably give us some ideas on now to use that to break out or something else.

I agree with being wary of them, but being on their side for now is best.

When you get that info, maybe ask why the creator has to be "dealt with" and can't be communicated with like you've done so far, it's possible the creator made the printer sentient and that led to your creation, and they wanted this to happen in some capacity, after all, we don't know if there are more "creators" out there or if doing something to ours will lead to a cascade of consequences or war!
No. 1097362 ID: d469b8

B, let’s lie and see what assumptions he’s operating off of. Our explanation is that Kentaro couldn’t make the jump by himself, so Pinch stopped to see what was wrong. Then we fused so we could make the jump. You do have to be precise when you make the jump or else you bounce off an invisible force field.
No. 1097370 ID: 355e44

A) I don't see what hiding the hub space would accomplish, and he might have some insight into its nature.
No. 1097371 ID: d602b3

A. Inquire why exactly we need to murder the Creator. Won't that create more incentive to try and go after us? Don't suggest we're against it, just risk-averse and looking for the safest route. He knows this to be true about us from the Printer's memories, being too gung-ho will look as suspicious as directly opposing him.

We should consider milking as much info as we can, then jumping this guy as soon as we get back and can team up with Kage and her sword. Find a moment to catch him off guard before he can plot, scheme or sway more to his side.

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