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1093054 No. 1093054 ID: 9ea24b

Anime is real.

Discussion: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/135483.html

Setting enforced SFW. Will update every other day with at least two pictures and vague colors based on the outcome of a unanimous patron poll.
373 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1096934 ID: d0fe53

Pinch is uneager to stealthy scout and possibly ambush? Perhaps this'll be less fun than expected. Go with option 3 since 1 is not time sensitive.
No. 1096963 ID: 07d2bb

A, just be mindful that you look like a new rouge armed with two dangerous weapons. Stow 'em.
No. 1096964 ID: 2f41db

Heated black metal...
Its worth a shot.
The only thing better would be a roll of flex tape.

Maybe try on something less important than the sword first though.
No. 1096977 ID: 369911

My initial thought was to use one of the pincers, but we kind of promised to return that to Pinch. And the only other blades are currently attached to Wallace and the Rattuses.

At least with The Sword, we can use the back of the blade. It seems like a single edged sword, so as long as we don't mess up that edge it should be okay.
No. 1097046 ID: 9ea24b
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>A, but bring Gun to be repaired and test the hot metal trick
You: Hey Mushi, let’s take Gun to the school and sew him up there first. We can give Kage your sheath, I’m sure she’ll be very grateful. Wallace, you go meet with the new monster and catch them up on what we’re doing to escape. I trust you to handle it.

Both lads nod and Wallace scurries away while you and Mushi enter the school. Inside you see Rattus, Kage, and Raito all sitting at the same table. Raito is in the middle of laughing at something Rattus said, but stops to dramatically gasp in horror at the sight of Gun’s two halves.

Raito: What happened to my dear friend Gun? And who is this strange pink demon?

You: Kentaro and Pinch fusion, call me Kench. Those ladies in Girltown were serious business and one of them sliced Gun, but we had a successful mission overall.

Kage: Yay, you got my sword back! Yako and Craw just left to check for a new monster cause they were worried that you guys weren’t back yet and it’d been a long time.

Raito gets up and makes a big show of fussing around Mushi, who’s holding the butchered boy. You give Kage her sword and the sheath and she straps it to her waist.

Kage: I’ve been watching Raito like you told me to, he hasn’t done anything except hang out with us, and we’ve been listening to Rattus talk about the dirt world. There’s a lot of people there and it’s big. Bigger than we could even imagine, with all kinds of people and jobs outside of home economics, and weird meat magic!

You: That sounds cool. I need to test something on Gun before I sew him up.
No. 1097047 ID: 9ea24b
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There’s plenty of metal pans and utensils in the cooking course that you can heat up without needing to use the special black weapon material. If you really wanted to you could make direct contact between the burner and homunculi flesh. After a quick test with the back of a ladle, you find that heat softens the surface layer of skin enough that a normal metal needle can poke through it. Before you can try your soon to be patented hand on stove technique, Raito speaks up.

Raito: Kench, do you know what you’re doing?

You: Well, kinda. I’m testing a hypothesis to use heat to seal wounds so we don’t have to only rely on sewing them.

Raito: But why are you testing it on poor, helpless Gun? Don’t you have plenty of minions? Even experimenting on yourself would make more sense.

Raito: And why is it that the only people who have been injured so far have been normal homunculi?

Mushi: He’s right, Kench. Even if you haven’t meant for it to happen, it’s only us who’ve been getting hurt.

A. Use the Timewinder spell to heal Gun (as a show of goodwill)

B. Put your hand on the stove (to see what happens before you do it to Gun) PINCH UNFAVORED

C. Rebuke Raito and Mushi (you’re trying your best here!)
No. 1097048 ID: 812e4b

C. It’s not all normal homunculi, it’s Gun specifically because he lives a high risk lifestyle! Kentaro’s been hurt too.
No. 1097053 ID: 09fccc

We would like to point out that both halves of ourself have been hurt. Kage got jumped too. Just because Ratio hasn't seen you bleed doesn't mean you haven't for them.
No. 1097057 ID: 1effd3

I've got to go with C, with A as the backup plan. In our defense, NO ONE expected the monsters to show up, and we were woefully unprepared for it. It's best to test this method on someone who is already injured. If it doesn't work, we have Timewinder to fix the initial damage(remind them its a one use on the same day spell). If they really dont want us to test on our bisected friend, we can test the method on someone who is slightly less bisected.
No. 1097058 ID: 355e44

C) hold out Pinch's fang and remind them that one of you had her teeth cut off and the other got stabbed.
Assure them that you'll be very careful.
No. 1097066 ID: 2f41db

C, but gently.
Tell them how since youve got here every action youve taken has been focused on putting right the damage caused.
You did the textiles course with the sole goal of being able to heal the most heavily injured.
Not for fun.
Not for the prize.
To fix people.
Trying this on anyone is the last thing you want to do, but if it can result in cleaner healed wounds everyone benefits. Even long after you and the others have left this place.
They know gun better than you, but even you could tell if he was given the choice between a more solid healing or the best stitching you could do, hed take the risk.
Not just for himself, but for the others who will benefit.
Let it be known that the time turner is held in reserve so if anything goes wrong it can be reversed.
No. 1097095 ID: f52a0b

Well, if Pinch doesn't want to take the risk, we can't just do B without her consent. I'd jump straight into the hand on stove technique if it was just us, but it's her body too.

But Timewinder is too existentially valuable to use in anything but an emergency. Luckily no one actually knows about it either, since Pinch is a sneaky devil about it. Let's not mention it at all.

C. I wouldn't completely dismiss their claims that normal homunculi have been the ones getting hurt, but Kentaro has also been the one testing and pioneering ways to repair the damage.

And they're not wrong to be worried about their friend. If something goes wrong, we could ruin Gun's torso and compromise his body permanently. We should at least stitch him conscious and get his informed consent before attempt any procedure.

If Mushi wanted, we could also test with an attempt to reattach his hand. There's still a risk of losing it, so don't pressure him.
No. 1097097 ID: f52a0b

Even better, one of 'us' had their teeth cut off after biting the other on the face. Now we worked together and stopped a deranged serial killer from another town. It's a hell of a best we're doing here.
No. 1097118 ID: 9ea24b
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>Strong C
You don’t want to wait until after Gun wakes up to ask for his permission because that’ll take a long time and you likewise won’t be able to remove any side effects with Timewinder because you’re pretty sure a long time is more than a day. Since you’ve decided not to use the spell, you’ll keep the fact that you have it a secret.

You: Both Pinch and Kentaro have gotten hurt, remember? Pinch stuck Kentaro with her pincers and then got them cut off in retaliation. No one expected all of this to happen, especially not for there to be weapons that caused catastrophic injuries. I’ve been trying to minimize damage and help fix people this whole time! Everyone benefits if I do this experiment, and I’ll be super careful.

Mushi: Okay, that’s all true, but those injuries aren’t on the same scale as ours and even if you have been trying to help it doesn’t give you permission to experiment on us. If you’re not willing to test the stove on yourself first, I’m going to ask for Gun back so I can sew him together and put him to bed.

You: What? C’mon Mushi, you know Gun would take the risk if it meant he could fight again.

Mushi: Maybe, but he can’t tell us right now, can he? Doing something like this would just be wrong. Give me Gun or I’ll push the button and call the Creator here to fix everything.

Even Raito looks surprised at this ultimatum and Kage gets up from the chair to block Mushi’s path to the button. The green-haired boy puts up his fists.

Raito: Everyone calm down, let’s not fight. Kench, it’d be best if you gave us Gun.

Mushi: Um, but please prep him for sewing with your pincer before you hand him over.
No. 1097119 ID: 9ea24b
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You scowl at Raito and prepare to tell him and Mushi to fuck off, but you’re interrupted.

Rattus: Kench, they think–

Rattus: We think–

Rattus: I think that you should listen to my friend Raito.

You: Your friend?!

Rattus: Yes, he has been a good audience to my stories and helped me understand the Creator better. He’s an intelligent young fellow.

Rattus: I like him!

Raito: Oh thank you Rattus, I’m honored you consider me a friend. I know you’re a very responsible and moral individual, just like our Creator.

You: What are you planning, Raito? I know you have a grudge against me and Kage.

Raito: A grudge against you? No no, I’m just here to witness the moment when Craw realizes I was right all along and we should have reported abnormalities like we were told to. I’ve already achieved inner peace by focusing on the important things in life, such as making friends and keeping them safe from nefarious influence. I trust that the Creator, who really sounds like a very nice person, will come to set things right even if you decide to continue down the path of evil.

You’ve discovered Raito’s scheme to…live a fulfilling, happy life? He said it in an awfully annoying way though, and it’s at least somewhat out of spite. Curses, you might not have many normal homunculi allies left if he’s been talking to them.

A. Apologize and try to salvage the situation (hand over Gun’s body) PINCH UNFAVORED
B. Tell Raito and Mushi to scram (you’ll heat test Gun’s body)
C. Go full villain and tell Kage to slash the button (you have proof this works from Girlstown)
No. 1097123 ID: 3d8568

A, and by apologize, I mean punch him in the face and walk away. So you're giving them the body back, but also letting them figure it out.
No. 1097124 ID: 1effd3

D. "Fuck you."
Burns hand on the stove.
No. 1097129 ID: a747b5

D. But not our hand. We could suggest reattaching one of Pinch's pincers to test the hypothesis, if our Pinch half is willing. We promised to do it if she proved herself, and I think she has by willingly fusing. Will it remain attached after we de-fuse? Maybe we'd both get a black fang. I dunno. Seems like the best middle-ground.

If that's not an option, then A. And we can prep Gun for Mushi's stitches, no reason not to. If we tried to withhold it Craw could just do it with the other pincer, and we'd lose trust with both Mushi and Craw.
No. 1097133 ID: 355e44

D: Hey wait a minute, it wouldn't make sense to test on Kench as they aren't injured. But Mushi, you've got a cut on your hand. Would you let us test on you? We'd owe you big time.
No. 1097141 ID: 2f41db

Hold it!

Point your finger at him in accusation as you highlight a potential inconsistency in his statement.

He considers rattus a friend.
Moral and creator-like in attitude.
So, a good person.
He still would report him if the choice was his.
What is rattus to raito?
Friend or flaw?

How does raito know what the creators plan is for that matter?
How can he be sure that this isnt part of it?
Or does raito think the creator would check his plans with him before things change?

I know theyre not the strongest points, but...
But i am sure that the important part is the "HoldIt!".
I dont know why but if you time it right and point just so he will act like youve slapped him from across the room or maybe coffee will shoot out of his nose.
I dont know why.
It just feels like it

We dont have to apologise to relinquish gun.
Just let it go but reiterate the offer still stands if it works.
If the worst comes to the worst and it does work you can just unpick and reattatch guns two parts and melt them back together later.

That leaves us with two options.
Attempt to repincer the most cooperative pinch.
Chop off the tiniest tip of our tail to reattatch.
Best part about the tail, we can pre tourniquet it before starting work.
No. 1097142 ID: 3d8568

friendly reminder that trying to do 2 choices in a tippler quest or an unlisted option can sometimes backfire lol
No. 1097143 ID: 59d42e

Good idea with the tail-tip if Pinch doesn't want to risk the pincer. The tail is entirely Kentaro's, so there should be no risk to Pinch.
No. 1097151 ID: 792907

Oh FFS just tell them about Timewinder so they stop thinking this is about doing evil mad science. Seriously it's good mad science!
No. 1097164 ID: f6fde0

Gun wasn’t the one who got cut earlier, it was Mushi.
D: Heat test Mushi’s hand wound, and if he refuses/we don’t pick that, B. That’s the Pinch point of view and we don’t take to needling well.
No. 1097192 ID: fa3034

You have only ever wanted to help. Everything we've done was to help.
No. 1097194 ID: 9ea24b
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>Become flustered that you’ve lost control of the situation
Argh! You already decided not to use the spell or test the stove on your hand and your Pinch half is holding you to your choices even though Kentaro is squirming with regret. You don’t have a tail or anything to attach the pincer to as this fusion, though you can decide to test yourself as Kentaro if or when the fusion breaks.

You: Okay, okay, Mushi, you have an injured hand. Would you let me test the heat healing technique on you? I’d owe ya a big favor.

Mushi gives you a look of absolute disdain.

Mushi: I thought you were my friend before but you’re just a selfish asshole. You’d really rather anyone else do your dirty work than take responsibility, huh? Well I don’t want anything to do with your experiments anymore and like Raito said, I have faith you’ll get what’s coming to you.

Mushi steps forward and snatches the unprepped Gun flaps off the kitchenette counter before stomping between the tables and out of the school. Raito clicks his tongue and shakes his head, unbearably smug.

Raito: I hope you can learn and grow from Mushi’s words. That was quite a pathetic attempt to salvage your ego.

You: Fuck you.

You punch Raito and he tumbles into the nearest table, flinging worksheets everywhere. Rattus gasps in horror and drags himself to the homunculus’s side to hold his hand.

Rattus: That was mean, Kench!

Rattus: Why are you being a jerk?

You: It didn’t even hurt him and he was being annoying and Kage’s done way worse! I’m kind of frustrated right now, okay? Don’t get on my case like everyone else.
No. 1097195 ID: 9ea24b
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Rattus and Rattus look at each other, beady eye meeting beady eye in dual panic.

Rattus: Oh sweet Creator…

Rattus: Are we the bad guys? Is escaping bad? Is our existence a lie?

Rattus: It’s like the story of the dog, squirrel, and raccoon, where they pursued what they thought was right, even when causing harm.

Rattus: Or our cat sister!

Rattus: Yes, our beloved mother and daughter. I really miss her. I can’t remember her name.

The monster starts to sniffle and pretty soon Raito has to stop pretending to be lying injured on the floor to comfort them. You shut your eyes and hunch over the stove to stop yourself from punching him again. You hear Kage sidling up to you.

Kage: Hey man, you good? Thanks again for getting my sword back.

You: I’m trying to help. Everything I’ve done has been to help, back when it was the two of us until now.

Kage: I know, I don’t get why Mushi was so worked up.

Pinch didn’t get mad at Kentaro for any of that, since it was a combined effort to make a scene. What do you do next? Kage is the only pal you have here at the moment.

A. Interrogate Raito about the Creator (he sure acts like he has all the answers)

B. Go meet the last monster (Wallace, Craw, and Yako should be done explaining things to them by now)
No. 1097196 ID: 1effd3

Just go meet the monster.
No. 1097197 ID: 3d8568

TLDR: B, because I think we should reach the new homunculi before anyone else has a chance to convince them to not support us in whatever we do, bc eventually we're going to need allies otherwise we're just gonna look like a villain

> --- more info on my thoughts

Ratio is acting pretty smug, which means he either expects no retaliation whatsoever for his actions (because we've just left him alone to be caluclating) or because he wants us to use violence against him to justify something or put in place a plan he's already established.

He's probably upset he was lacking control of the situation when everyone was just dumb and having fun, and now that he had impressionable people to be around (the new humonculi) was able to flex and get into a position of power and association by groupthink.

So basically it doesent matter what you do, since you were de facto leadering and trying to get people to do stuff just so that

> No homunculi died
> None of the regular guys died
> you could find a way to sew people when others made mistakes

Which is objectively good, but they just see you stabbing them (to sew them) and fixing problems that were caused by people of your race. It wont probably matter what we do or how we discuss it, at least now anyway, because they can always press the button and hypothetically all of the "problem" people will go away.

The only way to "win" is to be the "asshole villain" or to just leave with the people who arent brainwashed to question anything that causes a remote annoyance in service to preventing a mass slaughter of the homunculi.
No. 1097200 ID: b23256

Go meet the last monster. Why would you even contemplate wasting another second with Raito?
No. 1097202 ID: f4267b

Don't believe everything you hear from this guy, Rattus.
No. 1097215 ID: 4f24ee

A. Raito's whole drama act is kind of entertaining, actually. Ask if he's into dorky shit like acting and theater. See what he thinks the Creator actually wants, and if he's figured anything out from Rattus' weird prophetic babbling. Does he have any thoughts on Girltown and what it might mean?

Maybe Pinch is right and we're helicopter parenting the new homunculi too much. Wallace is strong and Craw is reasonable, we should trust them to handle the monster situation.
No. 1097220 ID: 2f41db

Go b.

Talking to raito will lead to more punchings
No. 1097231 ID: 355e44

B) you're in no shape to confront Raito. He's not right, but it will take some self reflection to be able to articulate how in a way that would convince others.
No. 1097273 ID: 9ea24b
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>B, screw Raito
You don’t want to waste another second near Raito and you’re a little worried that Rattus will retaliate with those big teeth if you punch the homunculus again. It doesn’t help that you feel uneasy responding to Raito’s arguments since you weren’t here to listen to Rattus yourself. You’re missing some kind of revelation about the Creator, but this next monster will know something since they should have the same memories as Rattus.

You: I’m going to meet up with Wallace and the new monster. Do you want to come?

Kage: I think I’m going to stay here on button guarding duty. I can do some cooking while I wait.

You: Good idea, see if you can get a gacha token.

You leave the school without sparing Raito another glance. It’s quiet outside, and you spot Dennis hanging out near a fountain, playing with the water. He doesn’t acknowledge you when you wave. Fine, be that way, you never cared much for Dennis anyway.

There’s no sign of Wallace, Craw, or Yako in Boysville proper and you begin walking in the dark toward the printer. After a few minutes you lose patience and start running.

Soon you come to the very place where this all began. The printer looks much smaller and kind of deflated, which makes sense after its hard work making the rogue homunculi. The new monster is bulbous and pink, with a big blue eye. Wallace spots you and wags his tail.
No. 1097274 ID: 9ea24b
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Wallace: Hi Kench, this is our new pal Cerebrum. I told him everything about what’s been happening and he says the printer is tired and won’t be making any more homunculi.

Cerebrum waddles over to you and pats you on the head. His hand is wet and you don’t see any weapons on his body.

Cerebrum: Nice to finally meet you Kentaro and Pinch! Our esteemed colleague Wallace says that our escape plan is going very well.

You: I wouldn’t be that optimistic since we haven’t actually figured out how to reach the dirt world from here. Still don’t know how to deal with the Creator either.

Cerebrum: All in good time. Say, have you been listening to our friend Rattus at all?

You: Not much, we were busy retrieving Kage’s sword from Girlstown and now he’s been brainwashed by Raito to think we’re the bad guys.

Cerebrum: Ah, sweet naive Rattus. Let us walk to Boysville and assemble! I’m afraid I can’t move very fast so we’ll have plenty of time to talk.

Craw: Hey fusion guy, Kench, mind hanging behind for a second?

Wallace, Yako, and Cerebrum begin their trot toward the light while you stay with Craw next to the printer.

Craw: Yeah so, good to hear there won’t be anymore rogues to worry about, if Cerebrum is telling the truth.

You: You think he’s lying?

Craw: I’m getting villain vibes. He was talking to Wallace when me and Yako got here and we heard something about neck slicing before he turned all friendly. I’m going to stay on my guard.

What do you ask Cerebrum on the walk back to Boysville?
No. 1097275 ID: a7a180

Creator necks, possibly?
Talk about... the Creator, and what the printer's remembered, and the purpose of Boys and Girls Towns.
No. 1097276 ID: 08ba80

Good call, Craw. I'm getting the same vibes. Wallace is a bit impressionable, but he can't keep a secret at all, so we'll have to get him aside sometime to clear up what happened, and make sure Cerebrum isn't unattended while we do.

These seem the most pressing.
The printer's creations have been growing more pink and fleshy, and less like the other homunculi. Are they based on creatures from the dirt world?
No. 1097279 ID: 355e44

>don’t see any weapons on his body.
However his body is rather bulky, it might conceal a hidden blade. Be alert.

To keep our suspicions from him, ask about what memories he received from the printer. Anything about the world outside perhaps.
No. 1097280 ID: 2f41db

Thank craw for the warning.
Say youll be doing the same.

Cerebrum is smart and as others have said may be armed even if we cant see it.
Asking wallace anything may raise his suspicion regarding our awareness of the situation.
So, ask cerebrum about the creator and what rattus should have shared if it wasnt for all the other events.
No. 1097282 ID: 1effd3

The monsters have been having less and less "black stuff", so its not impossible that Cerebrum doesnt have a secret weapon somehwere. If he did say something to Wallace, wallace is very bad at keeping secrets, so we can learn pretty quick if he's got soemthing up his chunky body. Ask him about what Raito said to Rattus
No. 1097283 ID: fa3034

Stay safe, Craw. Let's get some knowledge from the new guy. Knowledge with a grain of salt.
No. 1097358 ID: 9ea24b
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>Wonder if Cerebrum has a hidden weapon
You’d say there’s a low probability, his body seems solidly sealed together.

>Cerebrum and Rattus are fleshier than the other monsters
Yeah, Cerebrum in particular takes after his namesake. They should still have homunculi anatomy and dye sacks though.

>Cerebrum told Wallace to slice the Creator’s neck
You can confirm this hunch once you get Wallace alone.

You and Craw easily catch up with the others and you fall in line with Cerebrum’s slow pace. Thanks to Craw’s warning you want to treat everything the monster says with skepticism.

>Ask about the purpose of the homunculi communities
Cerebrum: We’re an experiment, a test of artificial consciousness. With our durable bodies, perhaps we have use as servants or labor for the meat folk in the future. More relevant is that this is a very secure facility, magically and physically quarantined to prevent the escape of dangerous creatures. The Creator and their superiors don’t want to risk a potential breach, which I believe also means the Creator is the only flesh person who can access us.

You: That’s intense. How did the printer and subsequently you and Rattus get the Creator’s memories? Rattus mentioned something about hidden data.

Cerebrum: Yes, the basis of our consciousness is that of the Creator’s. Very efficient, don’t you think? Rather than having to raise and teach us, we’re born fully capable and ready to work. If the printer could spontaneously become sentient, I expect all of us rogues could unlock the Creator’s memories with the right stimulus. Another feature of our nature.
No. 1097359 ID: 9ea24b
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>Ask about the outside world and what Rattus has shared about the Creator
You: Rattus and Raito were pretty convinced the Creator was benevolent.

Cerebrum: And yet they would create and torment sentient beings! Regardless of their past actions to their friends, they’re similar to a laboratory manager here, a farmer with their flock. They have a job and will do distasteful things as part of it, such as cull the herd.

Craw: Great, Raito’s getting involved again. That guy needs to realize I don’t want to be his rival.

You: Okay, so the idea I’m getting is that even if we escape the Creator there’ll be more obstacles in the way of freedom.

Cerebrum: The printer created me to deal with any complications. All I need help with is dispatching the Creator.

You check behind you and see that Craw and Yako are giving each other an uncomfortable look at Cerebrum’s open admission. Wallace is placid as ever.

Cerebrum: Now for a question of my own, Wallace mentioned that you were delayed when traveling between Boysville and Girltown. What exactly happened? Did you discover anything of note?

Pinch doesn’t have a preference for this choice.
A. Tell Cerebrum about the hub space (you want to see what he thinks of it)
B. Don’t tell him and come up with a different explanation (roll check for lie, chance of success based on suggestion)
No. 1097360 ID: 1effd3

Kinda with Craw and Yako, Cerebelum feels... wrong compared to the other monsters/homonculi.

I think telling him about the hub space is the best option, because Cerebelum has huge insight on stuff, so he'd probably be able to tell if we were lying. If we need to absolutely destroy him later, best do it when he thinks we're his friend. What does Pinch think of Cerebelum? Ultra-nerd?
No. 1097361 ID: df10fb

A because he'll probably give us some ideas on now to use that to break out or something else.

I agree with being wary of them, but being on their side for now is best.

When you get that info, maybe ask why the creator has to be "dealt with" and can't be communicated with like you've done so far, it's possible the creator made the printer sentient and that led to your creation, and they wanted this to happen in some capacity, after all, we don't know if there are more "creators" out there or if doing something to ours will lead to a cascade of consequences or war!
No. 1097362 ID: d469b8

B, let’s lie and see what assumptions he’s operating off of. Our explanation is that Kentaro couldn’t make the jump by himself, so Pinch stopped to see what was wrong. Then we fused so we could make the jump. You do have to be precise when you make the jump or else you bounce off an invisible force field.
No. 1097370 ID: 355e44

A) I don't see what hiding the hub space would accomplish, and he might have some insight into its nature.
No. 1097371 ID: d602b3

A. Inquire why exactly we need to murder the Creator. Won't that create more incentive to try and go after us? Don't suggest we're against it, just risk-averse and looking for the safest route. He knows this to be true about us from the Printer's memories, being too gung-ho will look as suspicious as directly opposing him.

We should consider milking as much info as we can, then jumping this guy as soon as we get back and can team up with Kage and her sword. Find a moment to catch him off guard before he can plot, scheme or sway more to his side.
No. 1097415 ID: 2f41db

Tell him.
Ask for his opinion on it.
Scrutinise his answer carefully for duplicity.
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