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1092905 No. 1092905 ID: c540e0

NSFW (obviously)
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No. 1093342 ID: 080f8c

Wake her up gently, preferably by embracing her from behind. Leaving a message might accidentally make her freak out when she awakes alone
No. 1093593 ID: 92fc95


Yeah, wake her up sensually, let her know you need more of that ASAP, but you gotta go handle business for a while. MAYBE have a morning quickly. Then walk off whistling, with a jaunt in your step.
No. 1093675 ID: c540e0
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After much deliberation, Grim decided it’s best to gently wake Raquelle to let her know he has to go.

Carefully he put his hand on her shoulder and politely jostled her awake.

Grim - ‘Hey Good morning’

Raquelle - ‘Gmmshmmph’

Grim - ‘sorry to wake you up, I gotta run or I’ll be late for work, you go back to sleep,

Raquelle - ‘What time is it?’

Grim - ‘It’s 5:15, you should go back to sleep…I had a great time last night’

Raquelle - ‘Me too… kiss me before you go’

Grim bent over and kissed her on the lips one last time. He reassured her that he had her number and she told him she would text him when she got up.
Grim wondered whether this would be the start of something or whether it was just a passing moment.

He ordered an Uber, dressed and in just over an hour he was already home.
No. 1093676 ID: c540e0
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Grim made it in to work and looked for Petyr to discuss the night before.
Petyr was conspicuously absent however.
Gerald wasn’t of course and he pressed Grim for the salacious details about the night before. Grim resisted as best he could and messaged Petyr but received no reply.

The morning was spent working with his colleague Mandy and being micro managed by their line manager Steven. Grim didn’t mind Steven except when he got too hands on with his work.

All the morning Grim waited for a text from Raquelle or Petyr. Raquelle had said she would message him but then again she had just woken up. Maybe she forgot she had said it. Maybe she was still asleep.

Grim started to feel a little anxious.

What should Grim do next?
No. 1093687 ID: 0efa55

Message Raquelle. I dont know about Petyr though.
No. 1093688 ID: 8f9bc4

It was just your first date, so don't be too clingy.
No. 1093707 ID: c5529d

You got reception on your phone right now?

anyways, give her some time. Probably asleep, or doing her morning routine. Worst case scenerio, she probably forgot since you did talk to her pretty early while she was still sleepy. If she doesn't text you by lunch time, then you could try texting her, say something like "Had a really good time last night, lemme know when you wanna meet up again" or something like that.

Can probably ask Gerald if he heard from your friend Petytr lately since last night
No. 1093727 ID: 92fc95

Give it a minute. Focus more on work, enjoy your lunch. Check back in around 2 or so, text her then.
No. 1093867 ID: c540e0
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Grim worked through the morning and resisted the urge to text Raquelle. Suddenly his phone pinged and he saw she had texted him.
She had sent him a sexy picture from her bathroom and a message. Her ass was still sore. Grim could see the red marks he had left on her from the night before. He quickly scanned around to check nobody had seen.

Grim started to reply when Steven walked over with a phone in hand and passed it to Grim.

Steven - ‘you’d better take this’

Grim - ‘hello, this is Grim’

Voice- ‘Mr Mountbatten, this is Officer Smith, we need you to come to the police station immediately in relation to an incident that took place last night’

Grim- ‘Oh woah, ok. Can I ask what happened?’

Smith - ‘We are still confirming the details but there has been a murder and you were one of the last people to see the victim. We need you to come in for questioning straight away.’

Grim- ‘Is it Petyr? Is he ok?’

Smith- ‘I’m not going to go into details over the phone, you just need to come to the station’

Grim- ‘Am I a suspect?’

He hung up before Grim could say anything further. What was happening? Grim packed up his things.

What should he say to Raquelle? What should Grim do?
No. 1093868 ID: c540e0

Grim asked Gerald if he had heard from Petyr, Gerald said not since they separated last night.

Gerald- ‘Where are you off to in such a hurry?’

What should Grim tell Gerald?
No. 1093869 ID: aec603

Tell him we're being called by the police to the station, but we don't know why.
No. 1093870 ID: eb0a9c

You fool
Raquelle has been serial killing so she can anal-vore her targets and grow her thiccness!

Or you're insane
No. 1093873 ID: c5529d

Well, do not worry. You have an alibi, and a witness to your alibi (your new girlfriend). You also have proof. You and/or her probably have a receipt to the place you visited, and what time you paid it, and some kind of record on either of your phones about taking an Uber of where you went to and from and what time.

Other than that, always remember you have the right to remain silent until you get a lawyer appointed to you to do the talking for you if they start accusing you and things get dicey. Don't let them scare you into lying or telling you that silence is an admittance of guilt. Let the lawyer handle it

Speaking of which, best not to tell Gerald and Raquelle about a murder happening, feels confidential right now and will probably worry them.

Tell Gerald there has been an emergency, and you have to leave work.

text a sunglasses emoji to Raquelle, and then text her you had a wonderful night and would love to see her again (don't schedule a time just yet, not until we get this police business straightened up)
No. 1093879 ID: f2320a

also dont drink any offered cups of water as due to a legal loophole discarded cups and shit/piss can be used to sample DNA and those incidents of that DNA being used to plant "evidence"
No. 1093901 ID: 92fc95

"And I bet you want it sorer too, you little minx. ;)" Keep flirting with her if you've got the stomach for it, in light of what's going on with the cops. Make your excuses at work and head to the police station.
No. 1093902 ID: 273c18

Tell Gerald it's an emergency, don't give any details yet. Police don't like it when information spreads. Tell Raquelle that's fucking sexy.
No. 1093954 ID: c540e0
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Grim realised that he had an alabi with Raquelle and proof in the form of the Uber receipts, witnesses at Thai Foot, Suzy had seen him and Gerald too. He relaxed a little.

Grim considered telling Gerald about the murder but decided against it. Better not to get in the way of the police, he'd find out soon enough anyway.

Grim- 'Gotta head off Ger, there's been an emergency. Will chat about it with you later'


Grim thought of what to say to Raquelle. In the end he wrote:

'You're so sexy'
'I bet you want it sorer too, I can help you there'
'Sunglasses Emoji'

Grim hit send and got a taxi to the police station.

When he arrived he was greeted by two Police officers: Officer Smith a Large, mid-forities, no nonsense type African American man who Grim had spoken to on the phone and Officer Black who was an older, balding man who really looked like he had seen some shit over the years.
No. 1093955 ID: 58dd24

Thicc alert, 8 o'clock
No. 1093957 ID: c540e0
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Officer Black: 'I want you to take a look at this Mr Mountbatten'

Black handed him a photograph of a crime scene. It was Suzy from last night.
She was lying in a pool of her own blood, covered in bruses and slashes. There was a gaping wound in her abdomen and blood spattered all over the floor.

Grim: 'Jesus fuck'

Black: 'Yeah that's about right. Can you identify this woman?'

Grim: 'Yeah, that's Suzy...I don't know her last name. We just met last night'

Smith: Suzanne McTavish. She was found dead this morning. We'll need to ask you some questions about what happened last night.
Now you're not under arrest but it's really important that you tell us as much as you can.


Grim: 'I think I should probably get my Lawyer'

Smith: 'Oh we can play it that way. But In these early hours It's important we find out as much as we can as soon as possible.'

Grim: 'Yeah I understand...Was Petyr killed too?'

Black: 'Petyr Sarasanovich is currently missing, and we have issued a warrent for his immediate arrest. If he's a friend of yours, we need to find him as quickly as possible. Now if you'll come with us to the interview room we need to record your testimony.'

Smith: 'We also need you to contact two other people you were with last night and tell them to come to the station immediately. That's this man and a man and this blonde woman you were identified with on CCTV.'

Black pointed at his computer screen at blurry camera footage from O'Malleys. He pointed to Gerald and Raquelle. How they had found Grim in the first place was a mystery to him.

What should Grim do next? Get a Lawyer? What should he tell Raquelle and Gerald?
Wtf happened last night
No. 1093959 ID: b3eab7

Lawyer up first and foremost, as recommended by every lawyer on Youtube.

Check with the lawyer what you should do; if the lawyer agrees, call Raquelle and Gerald, tell them there's been a crime at O'Malley's and they should come to the police station. If they ask for details, tell them the cops don't like this stuff being discussed over the phone.
No. 1093999 ID: 273c18

Wait why are the police telling you to contact the other people? Shouldn't they be doing the contacting? How about you can give them the phone numbers of whoever they need to contact.
No. 1094042 ID: 92fc95

Holy shit man. Lawyer up for sure. Give them the others' contact info.

... Can you spare a glance at that thiccness?
No. 1094062 ID: c540e0
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Grim gives them Raquelle and Gerald’s contact details.
At that moment another text from Raquelle comes in. Grim doesn’t dare open it in front of the officers.


Grim decided it’s best to get a lawyer before he says anything further and risks incriminating himself.

Grim has 3 choices of lawyer he could call.

1 - Josh Krypkey.

Josh is Grim’s family lawyer. He has represented the Mountbatten family in several legal matters although never a criminal case so far as he is aware.
Involving Krypkey inevitably means involving Grim’s family which means complications. But this is a serious matter, maybe that’s the best course of action for the circumstance.

His fee is pretty high but he’s a reliable guy.
No. 1094064 ID: c540e0
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2 -Allison Jaffe

Allison is lawyer that Grim became friends with at university. They were not great friends but they ran in similar circles. Honestly Grim always thought she was a bit of a bitch but he remembered that she would get good grades and she was a criminal lawyer.
Grim hoped she would remember him positively, the last time they had met he had drunkenly made a reference to her weight that didn’t go down so well. But that was a long time ago.

Money wise he didn’t know what to expect.
No. 1094065 ID: eb0a9c

Recommend you take (1). You're dealing with an adversary who is willing to murder people to get what they want, so you need to ensure you have the full strength of the law guarding your ass in the aftermath.
If your family is still talking about your ass-fetish instead of murder drama for the next few months, hire a psychologist and your family lawyer again.
No. 1094066 ID: c540e0
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3 -Sam Rugg

Sam represented a rogue choice. He was an attorney that Grim had met when he was dealing with a fender bender issue a couple of years ago. Grim had lost the case but Sam was actually the one representing the other guy. Grim was totally innocent but Sam was able to twist the whole thing against him. He was an asshole but it was pretty impressive.
Grim remembered that Sam was pretty cheap for a lawyer.
On the other hand, that was a car incident this was murder.

Who should Grim choose?
No. 1094111 ID: 7de2b4

Josh, no question. This is pretty important. If he's not the right kind of attorney, he can point you in the direction of one.

What's the deal with your family?
No. 1094113 ID: b3eab7

Go for the family attorney, yes.
Even if it means involving family... better the devil you know.
And as >>1094111 said, if he's not the right kind of attorney, referring you to one is also his job.
No. 1094124 ID: 2f41db

Youre not arrested, but let them know the details.
With luck he wont be necessary, but better to have him ready incase the coos decide to be assholes
No. 1094245 ID: c5529d

Joshy Woshy is the way to go (don't call him that)
No. 1094342 ID: c540e0
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Grim decided that Josh was the safest bet under the circumstances and gave him a call.
Josh told Grim not to panic and that he’d be there within the hour.

Grim waited in the reception area and weighed up whether he should request a cup of coffee from the police but decided against it until he was offered.
Not long after waiting Raquelle called him asking him what was going on and why she was being summoned to the station. He tried to reassure her, advised her to call a lawyer and told her he’d meet her there when she arrived.
Grim then called his work to tell them that there was a personal emergency and he wouldn’t be in for the rest of the day. They already knew, Gerald had told them about the murder and that Petyr was missing. The idiot.

Before Grim knew it, Josh arrived and Grim caught him up to speed on all the details he knew.

Josh - ‘Listen Grim, you don’t have to tell them anything you don’t want to, I’ll be with you the entire time for the questions and I’ll stop them if they overstep. The most important thing is that you are innocent and I won’t allow them to try and corner you or confess to anything that you didn’t do.’

Grim felt reassured by this, a little. He was worried about Petyr.

Black led them to a deposition room and began the questioning.
No. 1094343 ID: c540e0
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The questioning was intense.

Black asked about Grims relationships with Gerald, Suzy, Raquelle and Petyr.
Grim thought about naming Petyr as his best friend but decided just to say he was a friend.

Black - ‘I need you to tell me how your night went all the way to the last time you saw Petyr and Suzy’

Josh gave the ok and Grim began recounting the evening before trying not to miss any details.
He talked about the pool game, the drinks they had, leaving Gerald after the bar and deciding to get food after.

Black- ‘And after the bar?’

Grim- ‘We walked to the restaurant Thai Foot round the corner. We were there for maybe an hour or so but I can’t tell you exactly when Petyr left but he left with Suzy and I stayed with Raquelle’.

Grim then told them in brief detail about the rest of his night with Raquelle up until his arrival at the office the next morning.

Black- ‘Was Petyr acting strangely that evening? Did he say anything to you that might lead you to believe he was planning to commit a crime?’

Grim said he didn’t think so.

Black- ‘Now this is really important. Are there any details from last night no matter how small that you need to tell us?’
No. 1094344 ID: c540e0
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Enter Flashback Mode.

You may now use flashbacks to relive any memory from the previous night in more detail.
Use this mode to try and provide useful insights to the cops that could help the case and find Petyr.

To select an event say RECALL (the event). You may also include FOCUS (detail) to focus on specific details you may have overlooked.

Good luck.
No. 1094350 ID: 58dd24

When you first got there, Suzy was already on Petyr's lap, right? He described her as a nail artist and a dancer. Anything about anyone's facial expressions or reactions when you first showed up?
No. 1094352 ID: eb0a9c

...Wait a minute.
Right before you left, one of the other patrons gave Suzy an umbrella. She said it was 'sentimental' and not to lose it.
What if... she was being targeted by a serial killer or something, and betrayed a random stranger by giving them the targeting beacon?
No. 1094361 ID: 273c18

Sentimental and not in a good way... Maybe it was owned by a stalker or a violent ex-boyfriend and that's why the girl was murdered? Because using the umbrella made the murderer mistake her for the Stranger?
RECALL the Stranger giving the umbrella to her.
FOCUS on the Stranger. Give the police a description.
No. 1094369 ID: 2f41db

Good instinct.

Dont share suspicions as thats not your job here, but it is a point of contact between another party and the victim.
Recalling this may turf up some details or at least someone who may know more.
No. 1094502 ID: c540e0
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RECALL (Arrival at O’Malley’s). FOCUS (Expressions on the faces)

Grim couldn’t remember noticing anything wrong when he got to O’Malleys . Everyone just looked like their normal selves.
No. 1094503 ID: c540e0
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RECALL (The woman with the umbrella). FOCUS (Descriptive details)

Grim recalled the woman with the umbrella. She was dressed kind of trashily. The kind of girl Grim would usually avoid at a bar like that to avoid getting certain illnesses.

She was wearing a jumper and a mini skirt that sat quite low on her hips. She had a lot of piercings including what looked like nipple piercings on her sizeable breasts.

She was maybe 30-35. She had a tattoo of a butterfly on her back left thigh. She wore thick rimmed, round glasses.

The Umbrella wasn’t particularly remarkable so far as he remembered, maybe some details about it were relevant, he wasn’t sure. But the more he thought about it, the more suspicious she seemed.

He described her and what happened with the umbrella to Officer black.

Black - ‘we did find an umbrella at the scene, it’s currently in evidence, we’ll take a closer look at it.’
No. 1094504 ID: c540e0

Continue recall or end the questions and move on?
No. 1094529 ID: 2f41db

There was a fat dude in the redtraunt and a guy just outside.

Recall if the guy left after them or if the guy outside approached.

Also, recall any overheared details from their conversation but consider before sharing any of them first.
No. 1094530 ID: eb0a9c

Make sure you confirm Raquelle's face is the same as when you left it.
Come to think of it, she said she had an asshole of an ex-boyfriend...
Also, talk about the football game that was playing during pool, to prove you were watching it.
No. 1098344 ID: c540e0
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Sorry I left this unfinished folks.

Life caught up with me and I’m not gonna take it to the end.

If you were curious ( the woman with the umbrella put an AirTag in the umbrella and followed Suzie and Petyr home where she and her boyfriend murdered them. Serial killer motive)

I was thinking of having it build to a confrontation with them but tbh here we started horny and it felt weird to take it Noir.

I learned a lot though. My art style came a fair way and I pushed myself a fair bit so I’m glad I did it.

Maybe I’ll make another quest some time when I have the time to follow through.

If you guys wanna carry on with the characters in the thread or let it die, all is well, feel free.

Grimm out.
No. 1098363 ID: eb0a9c

Okay, one last question.
Were Grim's family secretly human traffickers or some other criminals against humanity? Hence them being as rich as the Fudge Industry?
No. 1098370 ID: f2320a

Nah making it weird is even better its like real life fucked up stuff does not wait on your mood, also neat we figured it out pretty fast and its cool the flashback is more detailed its like we are partially face blind.
So was Raquelle going to get progressively fatter in our relationship with how his dream ended with chunky?
No. 1098380 ID: c540e0

I think had you gone down the family route I’d have done more of a super controlling old money (source not specified) interfering family that put their reputation above the case and are embarrassed by Raquelle
No. 1098381 ID: c540e0

Thanks I appreciate the feedback.
I never had that in mind specifically for Grim and Raquelle but I suppose I’d be open to if it was suggested.

Honestly I was considering having her leave Grimm to free him up for more interesting encounters with girls of varying sizes but eventually changed my mind.
No. 1098390 ID: 2f41db

Thanks for the quest.
It was fun.
And thankyou for the denouement.
Its nice to know how things would have played out or at least one possibility.
Gives closure.
No. 1098395 ID: 43abac

Damn. Well, at least you bothered to say it. I suppose we got to sleep with Raquelle, so it's not all bad, so thanks for running what you did, i guess.
No. 1098453 ID: deb35c

more closure than I'm used to. Bless you sir grimm
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