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File 171774566367.jpg - (6.25KB , 259x194 , waf.jpg )
1092571 No. 1092571 ID: a8a213

You are standing in front of a Waffle House bathroom mirror. One of your coworkers is banging on the door, yelling about customers entering the building. Better make sure you Look presentable in your uniform.

Pick a Class
>Host- A cashier that also handles to-go orders, you also might get asked to refill various amenities. + '$200 of 'misplaced" small bills
>Grill Operator- You focus on speed and consistency, and your smoke breaks are also speedy and consistent. + Dex but addicted to nicotine
>Maintenance Tech- You came here to try and resolve an issue with one of the coolers. + Toolbox and tool knowledge
>Server- Someone has to get those orders, and youre willing to fight drunks for a paycheck. = Unarmed Skills
MAnager- Hiring, Firing, fixing incidental issues, and managing supplies. Also calling the police and hiding the employees with a warrant in the freezer. + Direct line to Corporate. + Responsibility
>Customer- Why does this asshole thimk you work here? + 1 Item (Write In)
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No. 1092572 ID: 4591f8

(this seems super fun)

i vote maintenance tech. cant go wrong with maintenance worker in a quest.
No. 1092574 ID: 184595

Grill Operator. Let's be on the front lines. With our smokes, we can power through.

Grill those patties, don't forget the cheese.
No. 1092575 ID: b116be

Grill operator seems the most funniest to me.
No. 1092578 ID: 5ebd37

Server, fight fight fight!
No. 1092581 ID: 2f41db

Item; a cheap replica prop gun.

Why the hell did you think it was a good idea to rob a waffle house?
Every single person here is bugfuck crazy!
No. 1092583 ID: a0c01c

Go battle some drunks.
No. 1092598 ID: 9b9d72

Manager. Waffle house civilization quest!
No. 1092602 ID: eb0a9c

Customer: Magic Wand
You and your partner (in vigilante work, in bed, and now in crime) are about as corrupt as Dark Magical Girls get; protecting heroes from the forces of evil by day (for the selfies on social media, of course), helping the corporations take over the province by night. Unfortunately, you're busy puking your guts out from foolishly drinking a glass of their tap water while your partner has to juggle her wand at the staff.
No. 1092608 ID: a8a213
File 171781853764.jpg - (11.86KB , 263x192 , gnom.jpg )

Server- 2
Grill- 2
Requesting a tiebreaker as well as some shit i forgot to ask last night. Next post coming within 2 hrs.

>Middle Age

>Write In

I've done a bit of art for the next bit, but still writing.
picrel is just neat to me
No. 1092609 ID: 184595

I repeat my vote for the Grillmeister. Bring on the mustard, handle it with ease!

I'll also vote for age: middle, and sex: male. A grizzled veteran of fast food short-order service.
No. 1092610 ID: eb0a9c

You already know my vote for class.
Young, Female, with extra magical organs.
No. 1092614 ID: 2f41db

I shall adjust my vote to

Older side of middle aged as it adds to the grizzling.

He is also a very short feller.
This has resulted in more anger being compacted into a smaller space,
the unfortunate nickname "Grillbo Baggins"
and his item of choice, a sturdy and reliable portable stool/stepladder to help reach higher places and sit on during smokebreaks.
No. 1092615 ID: 5ebd37

Middle age griller sounds fun
No. 1093081 ID: 6fc2a5

Grill for the Grill God
No. 1093083 ID: c540e0

Lets go for male server
No. 1093090 ID: eef602

GRILLL! male

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