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1085368 No. 1085368 ID: 4591f8

Jury Summons with Hannah Dummons
Warnings: SFW. Death likely. Gore maybe.

“In a world of animals that would tear each other to shreds for a dime, there is one force that can maintain the good in the world.”


“Justice isn’t a clean blade. However, today, it is in your hands.”
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No. 1088736 ID: 184595

I will vote to spare her life.

It would be hypocritical to execute her as reaction to the crime of vengeance. If this were a real jury, in a real court, with real process, then I might be more inclined to restrict myself to assessing guilt for a murder—but this circus is cruel and unusual, as is the proposed method of execution. There's been no charge and no process. Different standards apply.
No. 1088737 ID: b3eab7

When you don't allow half-measures, better no punishment at all than a shredding for someone who took justice in ther own hands.

One last thing though, Sheila: Beware, since this place isn't appropriate to render fair judgement on you, you're on the track to end up severely underpunished. Perhaps your victims too had someone who loves them, and who might take justice in their own hands as well.
No. 1088738 ID: eb0a9c

I think she needs to be kept far away from society. She rationalized her murders, she will rationalize the next one. But I'm going to abstain; her obsession with torture - something is wrong. I don't think she had full control of her anger and I don't think it was purely her personal biology. Ultimately, I am not 100% certain that she was not manipulated into doing this, but I am 100% certain that she is capable of further murders.
No. 1088739 ID: 273c18

Let's not do a coin toss here, please? Sheila may be a murderous vigilante but justice was served. The only problem here is that it was done without the oversight of the legal system. I understand why she didn't, but I still wish she gave her evidence to the police so they could've gotten the culprits.

Also, Sheila... please get some therapy. You had your revenge but you're still so angry. You can get better. Maybe you can even find peace.

And yeah Hannah I know you're gonna call us hypocrites for (halfway) setting a murderer free and then empathizing with someone who killed murderers, but I sure didn't vote to let that guy go.
No. 1088746 ID: ab4bb7

She doesn't regret what she did, but there were extenuating circumstances that, while not justifying the brutality, do at least let us understand and sympathize with her motives. And it's doubtful she'd do it again, unless she finds another love of her life that just happens to get murdered by people who aren't punished, again. This is certainly a case where I think both "life" and "death" would be a bullshit outcome for this trial, but... Life. She isn't a danger to society at this point, I don't think. Personally, I think she was only given death in court because they were scared of whatever ability she had.
No. 1088758 ID: 2f41db

I have to agree.

She certainly killed more than the ones she was caught for.
Certainly has the will and ability to do it again.
Very unlikely to be motivated to do so though.

But, im saying LIFE.

It should be life, or at least a good portion of it, in custody. Full psychiatric treatment.
But because we have a binary choice here and i cant condone the corpse grinder.
so despite it being clear she is deserving of punishment the only option available is a poor fit for her circumstances and as such were left with freedom.

Whatever happens now, whatever she goes on to do, is the responsibilty of hannahs bosses for choosing an absolutist system.
No. 1088762 ID: dd3fe0

No. 1088781 ID: 5ebd37

Life, an understandable revenge. In a healthy society she would get psychiatric help, but then, in a healthy society she wouldn't have been pushed to murder in the first place.
No. 1088784 ID: ab46e9

Despite the fact that she killed brutally and had no remorse or clean behavior about it, I can't think of a single person who actually has a loved one that wouldn't try to enact vengeance if theirs was killed. Hell, we have countless 'revenge' movies on this subject where we're supposed to empathize with and cheer the person doing the revenge. A court (clearly) made for entertainment deserves a verdict made for entertainment.

Life it is. Just watch your back out there, miss.
No. 1088812 ID: 8f9bc4

Can we hire her? This place could use someone that skilled at tearing guilty people to pieces.
No. 1089292 ID: 15a025

No. 1090348 ID: 4591f8
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Hannah: “Survey says…”


Hannah: “Really? No votes shredder? Not even a little bit?”
No. 1090349 ID: 4591f8
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Hannah: “Mercy it is, then. Our viewers are too kind!... Really. Oh well. Au revoir, I suppose.”
No. 1090350 ID: 4591f8
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Sheila: “What’s on the other side?”

Hannah: “What? Don’t believe me, dear? A motorcycle, cash, and some docs. Just get on the bike and leave. Unless you want seconds! HAHAHA!”

Hannah (Quietly): “Word of caution, after you leave that door, you have 60 seconds before you are considered Not Welcome Here.”
No. 1090351 ID: 4591f8
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Sheila: “And if I return?”

Hannah: “Then it’s my turn to decide your justice.”

Sheila leaves. The motorcycle can be heard through the walls.
No. 1090352 ID: 4591f8
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Hannah: “Oh shit! You know what? I should have said ‘dip in’ or ‘dip out’ with Mortimer, that would have been perfect.”
No. 1090353 ID: 4591f8
File 171489763069.png - (6.60KB , 523x445 , 3_4_6.png )

Once again, you are Devan. You are not comfortable. Sigh. Shit’s fucked.

Barbara is in the cell one over.

Barbara: “Are you okay?”
No. 1090354 ID: 273c18

Dude, embarrassing... Well, you managed to push your head through, you can pull it back. Try pulling your skin/fur back so it doesn't bunch up and block you.

Hmm, for many animals, if they can fit their head somewhere then they can fit the rest of their body too. You sure you can't squeeze through the bars?
No. 1090359 ID: 2f41db

Time to unfuck this shit then!

Tell her you're ok, then ask her what her story is.
The noise of conversation may help cover your embarrassment and noise as you struggle
No. 1090375 ID: 18ae7d

As your dad would say; if you got yourself in There you can get yourself out.
Ask her if she has any metal bits she can slide to you.
No. 1090415 ID: 8f9bc4

Can you make a gun out of your complete failure?
No. 1090421 ID: 7cbed7

We're not okay, but we now have a bit of a better vantage point than before. Can we see around any corners? Can we see into any other cells better than when our eyes were behind bars?

Does Barbara have any butter, oil, or other grease? Out of pure curiosity.
No. 1090431 ID: ab4bb7

Just focus on getting unstuck. From the sounds of it, the jury's actually pretty lenient if they let your actual-serial-killer-in-the-making of a roommate go free. But you can't enjoy their possible mercy if you're executed for being too stuck to comply with guard-bot's instructions.
No. 1090759 ID: 15a025

Don't suppose you could use yourself as ammo and blast through the bars?
No. 1092247 ID: d0d6fb
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> Try working backwards. If that doesn’t work, go all the way through. Make some conversation in the meanwhile. If you can, make a gun.

You start trying to worm your way backwards. You don’t have any means of modifying or molding these bars; you don’t have any tools. However, the card reader mechanism could likely be used as a component for a trigger mechanism, should you find a way to disassemble it. You keep this in mind.
No. 1092248 ID: d0d6fb
File 171723818813.png - (21.25KB , 606x450 , 4_0_1.png )

From this new vantage point you can see the two empty cells across from you. The one straight across is labeled “01” and the one to its right is labeled “02”. To your right, is a dead end. To your left, the hall makes a sharp right turn. This facility isn’t built to give you all the details at a distant glance. You do know that there is one security checkpoint between the cells and the entrance.

Devan: “Hey, Barbara. It’s not heaven over here. Got my big ass head stuck in these bars. That said, if you have any, like, loose bits of anything you can slide over here from your cell, that would be just swell.”

Barbara: “Oh… I don’t have anything. Not even a mattress.”

Not sure what you expected from a prison like this.

Devan: “What about you? How have you been?”

Barbara: “Honestly, I’m confused. I’m not sure how to feel. When I signed the papers, I thought that maybe–”

Her voice starts wavering.

Barbara: “I thought that maybe they discovered that I’ve done nothing wrong, because I’ve done nothing wrong! I thought maybe I could get a second chance.”

Devan: “No, no, no! You’re all good. I didn’t even know there were papers. I didn’t sign anything.”

Barbara: “Oh…”

In the meanwhile, you hear the muffled rumbling and crackling of a truck parking into a driveway somewhere not too distant.

Squeezing through crosses your mind at this point but there is no doubt some cameras and surveillance, so you’ll need a plan for what to do afterwards before you commit to that decision.
No. 1092259 ID: 2f41db

Ask her details about the papers.
Signatories, identified parties.
Anything she can remember.

It'll help you distract you from anybuilding frustration at being stuck.
Best to work your head back in till youre committed to escaping that way.
No. 1092268 ID: 5ebd37

>need a plan
Its either make a break for it with no plan, or wait for your turn on trial. You're not going to gain any information in this cell. Better to just go for it.
No. 1092277 ID: 15a025

Yeah, gotta agree. Not much else you can do here but wait your turn to go on trial, if you even get one. Bust out now while you have a chance.
No. 1092279 ID: 8f9bc4

1. get tools
2. make a gun out of your pants
3. go on trial
4. blow hannah away with a well placed pelvic thrust
No. 1092281 ID: 273c18

Something's weird about this. Why even have you here when there's little to no chance of you getting the death sentence? Maybe they're not even going to send you to trial. Hannah demonstrated the shredder before the last sentencing, so... I'm guessing they're going to kill you by "demonstrating" the execution device on the next trial.

Don't prep yourself to kill anyone though. We know very little about what Hannah's role in this is. She could just be a patsy. So could everyone here. Justice is elusive, don't assume that blowing away anyone in your way will be just.
No. 1092286 ID: 8f9bc4

No no I meant she'll be blown away by what he's packing. I mean she'll be thunderstruck by his impressive magnum. I mean she'll be penetrated by his pocket rocket. I mean
No. 1092325 ID: 7c1f1c

People are likely looking at the set and production cameras, rather than security. If you can hold off just until the next trial starts, that will probably provide maximum cover from prying eyes. The show must go on; they'll try their hardest to keep whatever you're doing in the back from showing up on stage.

There's a truck you could steal, now, if you have any powers of theft without a completed firearm. Can you drive it? Could Barbara drive it? If possible, it might be nice to bust her out, too. What's she in for, anyway? She's the first one that's mentioned any sort of voluntary inclusion in the project. What's she in for, and how'd she get here?
No. 1094054 ID: 4591f8
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> We still don’t know enough about Hannah to warrant violence.

That’s right. Don’t want to resort to violence first. To be honest, that’s an idea you could use a bit more of from time to time.

> If you didn’t sign anything you may actually be a demonstration rather than a ‘contestant’

Hmmm… That’s a harrowing thought. You just pray that this game of life and death is a little more fair than that.

Dying as a prop is a scary idea you don’t want to spend too much time thinking about right now. Being walled in for so long is starting to leave a dent in your sanity. Nothing’s happened lately but being stuck and waiting to get out.

Devan: “So, what exactly did you do? I don’t remember if you’ve told me.”

Barbara: “Nothing.”

Devan: “Nothing? Prison for nothing? I’d think there’s more to it.”

Barbara (mumbling): “You would think, huh?”

Devan: “So why are you here if not anything?”

Barbara: “Oh, just… three people I didn’t murder.”
Devan: “What? Like you were in some twisted dilemma or something? Framed?”

Barbara: “...Yeah. Framed.”

You sigh.
No. 1094055 ID: 4591f8
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Devan: “Well, you were looking for a second chance and this shitshow is supposedly your second chance. We’re just waiting to leave, at this rate. And those papers… That’s something. Was anyone mentioned in the contract? What was it about? After you signed it, how did you get here?”

Barbara: “There were some questions on it. On one, I said that I can’t regret something I didn’t do, which, in hindsight, was probably not the brightest thing to jot down. So, there’s one regret, I suppose… A few weeks later I’m told to get on this prison bus. Sheila was there with me and it was a… very quiet ride.”

Devan: “That’s interesting. I still wish there was something I could work with.”

Harsh feedback rings through the prison P.A.
No. 1094056 ID: 4591f8
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Hannah (Speakers): “Stagehands, please escort our new stars to oh-one and oh-two! These guests are special! Handle them carefully! They’re unique and very talented.”
No. 1094057 ID: 4591f8
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It’s almost like the setup to a joke; 3 people, a lizard, a cat, and a hamster are escorted to their respective cells by stagehands wielding sharp spears. Unlike how you and Barbara came in, they are all bound and gagged.

The lizard sounds to be humming a tune, taking in the environment. The cat is bopping his head to that song, walking in a dance-like gait. The hamster looks tired of either of them.

Hannah (Speakers): “Oh! HAHAHA! It appears I’ve miscounted! But, uhhh… We don’t have enough cells for this… You know what? Put the hamster and the cat in the same cell.”
No. 1094058 ID: 4591f8
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As the trio passes, a long splinter comes off of the backend of one of the spears. It lands just past your nose.
No. 1094059 ID: 273c18

Use your tongue to grab it. I assume you can't make a gun out of a single splinter, but it's a start.
No. 1094103 ID: 5ebd37

Suck in a breath real hard to pull it to you
No. 1094105 ID: 273c18

Wait, you can just grab it with your hands can't you. Just try not to get spotted doing so.
No. 1094107 ID: 8f9bc4

You know you can just kinda... turn your head sideways, to pull it back through the bars, right?
No. 1094114 ID: 4591f8
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No. 1094115 ID: 4591f8
File 172068952878.png - (25.29KB , 660x532 , 4_2_1.png )

You’ve got it, now. You might need to find a place to hide it sometime soon, you keep it under your paw like some kind of magician until you think of something.

Metal–you can’t do anything with that without proper tools, but a small amount of wood like this is brittle enough to manipulate with your hands. With a splinter this large and some luck you could probably make a single-use toothpick launcher that could do some damage, but that would hardly mean anything in a serious conflict.
No. 1094116 ID: 273c18

Did it seem suspicious to you that the splinter came off right in front of you? I wonder if someone else's power is responsible, or if this is some kind of trap. They can sure execute you if you kill someone with your toothpick launcher without probable cause.
No. 1094123 ID: 2f41db

For the love of all that is holy, do not hide it in your prison wallet.

Youve got fur. And hair.
Tuck it in to that temporarily while you appraise the new situation.

Have a sneaky look around your cell too.
Theres a possibility that they have cameras on you.
Look for spots one could hide a camera.
Small holes in corners .
Elevated and with coverage of the cells inside and out.
No. 1094142 ID: 5ebd37

Why would they execute you now when they could do it live for the ratings or whatever? They don't need an excuse, its not like the audience is going to know if they're lying.

I guess just keep the pick under you until you free your head.
No. 1094160 ID: 7c1f1c

Derringer stock? Lockpick? This feels like the sort of thing we shouldn't convert into something else immediately. The potential is worth more than a toothpick launcher at the moment.

The new guys could be useful. If they're really that talented, then if we can spring them, they might be a big enough distraction to cover whatever we're doing. The downside is that they might be loose enough canons that we get caught in the crossfire. Communication is gonna be limited, but scoping out exactly what their talents are and how dangerous they would be to us should be a high priority.

What's that in the lower-left corner? It looks kind of irregular, not intended, especially with the discoloration. Does it go somewhere, is it a pipe, or just a random, unintended hole from a stray gunshot or something? Did someone punch it and leave blood around the jagged edges?
No. 1094248 ID: 15a025

That toothpick is going to turn into your life line here. Might even be able to use it as a lockpick.
No. 1098653 ID: eb0a9c

If you made a low-grade gun with the Concealment trait, something prone to failure and nigh-incapable of firing but with a supernatural chance of evading discovery, you could put the splinter in its hole.
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