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1084585 No. 1084585 ID: 681cb5

Wiki and previous threads: https://questden.org/wiki/Scion_of_the_Old_Blood

“Gazhtur! That which watched from beyond the stars, I call upon Thee! Nazhir! The formless lurker from the gulf between thresholds, I summon Thee! Urk’og! A devourer of worlds, of realities, I welcome you! The seals have been broken! The gates have been thrown open! Come, and bless us with your presence, oh end of endings! ” – Bövel Kråkholme, the last sermon held on the edge of oblivion.
101 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1098693 ID: 681cb5
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Running into the wine cellar, you can hear the cultist storming down the stairs towards you, leaving no time for anything else. As if you’ve already experienced this very moment before, you start pulling out the correct wine bottles in the fake wine rack, and as the last one bottle is twisted into place with a click you can hear a whole horde of people falling down the stairs into the basement, slipping on the grease you left them, giving you just a few more seconds before they find you. The false wine rack slides away, revealing a stairwell going downwards, but before you can even think about it you dive into it, barely avoiding a shotgun blast that hits the spot where your head was a second ago. As the door closes behind you, you can hear the cult leader scream one final time…


…before all that is left is the silence of the cavern you find yourself in.
No. 1098694 ID: 681cb5
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Everything is a blur after that, as you walk through it as if it was a dream. By using the symbol Josephine showed you, you somehow manage to navigate this labyrinth of cavernous chambers and slithering passages, finding yourself on a bridge over a massive chasm. There… things get even more blurry. There is… a monster? No, two of them… and the bridge… the bridge breaks? You… you cut down the bridge, making everyone fall… but you lose your axe…

And then… you… can’t get any further… the thirst… you can feel yourself… did… did you die? No, that can’t be… no…

Lost Axe!
No. 1098695 ID: 681cb5
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You shake your head, dismissing these thoughts from your mind. Instead, you go even deeper into the gullet of the great stone leviathan, soon finding yourself at a dead end. In front of you is a massive wall, decorated with stone carvings that have to be thousands of years old. Depicting a person standing between two pillars above the symbol of graves, with worshippers bowing before them on each side, they raise their hands towards the sky… towards a single eye in the palm of a giant hand. The Red Star.

Wait, you can see footprints going towards the wall before disappearing… rabbit footprints. Chris been here, and recently too! Looking closer, you spot a small seam climbing up the massive stone slab in front of you, clearly indicating that this wall is in fact a door. A door that’s two massive stone blocks weighting probably hundreds upon hundreds of tons. How in god’s name can anyone move this!?

You search the area around you, but find nothing. There are no hidden levers, buttons or other contraptions nearby. But how do you open the gate? Hmm… did you read something about this back in the library? Or in the mansion? You have to get through, because there is no other way out, now that the bridge is gone.

…you can feel it staring at you from above, as if expecting something…

The name… it wants the name of the red star. Which you have. You just need to… say it.
No. 1098696 ID: 681cb5
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You say the name of the Red Star, a name that cannot be pronounced by mere mortal mouths…
No. 1098697 ID: 681cb5
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As the name leaves your lips, it too leaves your mind. You cannot remember what it was called anymore… or even how it sounded. All you know it that you never want to hear it ever again. Your head is pounding… and you feel sick, as if you want to hurl. But something else comes flooding back instead, something… that’s always been there? You’re Belle… Belle Knot… it was a fair trade, was it not?

You’re not allowed to ponder what just happen for long, as the giant stone slabs starts to slowly open up, a thick fog billowing out between them.

Lost The true name of the Red Star!
Regained the identity of Belle!
No. 1098698 ID: 681cb5
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A familiar sight greets you on the other side, as you’ve seen this large cavern before somewhere. A massive slab of stone, an obelisk far larger than any other you have seen, holds up the ceiling of the cave… while in front of it two tall metal poles protrudes into the air, humming as they vibrates slightly. The whole chamber is bathed in a heavy mist, creating a sea of white from your knees and downwards that hides whatever might be down below.

...there is something very, very wrong in this room…

Strange Flute
Music Box (without it’s windup key)
Old Photo Album
Oil Lamp
Your Wedding Ring 
Bottle of Grease!
No. 1098700 ID: c5529d

I guess go down there?
No. 1098701 ID: 273c18

Huh. Fair trade. Unusual for something that's supposed to be so hostile to all life. Maybe it's only the cult that's evil, not the Star?

Hmm, now that we're here, I'm not sure what to do. The flute should probably be used, but do we know the song?
Did we ever properly investigate the photo album to see if there's anything hidden in it?
No. 1098702 ID: 26801d

Piss on the slab for lolz
No. 1098706 ID: 355e44

Skulk around. At least one entity is in here with you, and it would be best if you got the drop on them, rather than the reverse.
No. 1098739 ID: eb0a9c

Nah. The star is bored. Even a giant may take merciful interest in an ant... but enough ants and it will react with force.

Place items upon the altar, see if any of them tick.
No. 1098768 ID: 681cb5
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>Huh. Fair trade. Unusual for something that's supposed to be so hostile to all life. Maybe it's only the cult that's evil, not the Star?
Who know what kind of alien motives that… that thing has! Whatever it is, though, it’s clearly not good for either you or this town.

>Skulk around. At least one entity is in here with you, and it would be best if you got the drop on them, rather than the reverse.
Moving slowly, you slink down the stairs and into the thick mist below. The ground is uneven here and covered with soft rocks, which crunches beneath your feet each step you take. Still, as you make your way towards the center of the grand chamber, you can’t spot anything moving in here… nor anything that seems to be out for your blood.

You kick something hidden in the mist, and the loud sound of metal rattling echoes through the cave, waking up anything that might have been sleeping for miles. Looking around in a panic, you still can’t see anything that’s moving in the shadows, with the exception of the great stone door slowly closing again behind you. You’d be more horrified if it wasn’t for the reason that you know you can’t go back that way anyway. Bending down, you search around your feet, finding an odd stone platform and… manacles on the end of a short chain? Has someone been held captive in here?

Getting closer to the altar, you spot a strange pole sticking up from the mist right in front of it. This one is also clad in manacles and chain, but looking closer you can’t help but find them rather peculiar. There isn’t a lock on them for a key, but a simple mechanism… a mechanism that the very person wearing these bonds would easily reach with their other hand, making them useless at keeping someone imprisoned. Clearly they can’t be that badly designed, can they? Looking over at the altar you can see two brass stands suited on top of it. One small and covered in dust, made to hold some kind of long, rectangular object, while the other is a lot bigger, one end supposed to hold something round while the other something very thin. Someone has clearly taken something from the bigger stand rather recently, as the dust has been disturbed there.

Finally, there’s a paper package that’s been ripped apart, leaving only the paper husk on the altar. While whatever was in the package is long gone, there is still a note attached to it that reads:
“Great Lord, the house of flesh and gore has created this lens as to your precise description. May it bring upon us THE BLESSED EVENT! As instructed, a second lens has been made, in case the first would be damaged, and will be kept at the house of flesh and gore, guarded by your loyal son as well as the woods and mist. Simply ask, and we shall bring it before you, Great Lord.

May the great Eye watch over us, o savior!”

>Place items upon the altar, see if any of them tick.
While the flute fits the smaller stand on the altar perfectly, it doesn’t do anything when you put it there. You can only assume it was meant to hold it between the rituals, so that Ch- Bövel could find it easier when needed.
No. 1098769 ID: 681cb5
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>Did we ever properly investigate the photo album to see if there's anything hidden in it?
It’s a thick volume filled with pictures and description of… who know how many people. It would take hours going through it all. Time you don’t have. No, if you’re looking for something, you need to know where to look for it first.

>The flute should probably be used, but do we know the song?
…have you ever even heard a song that might be important around here? One that uses a flute? You can’t remember… even then, it wouldn’t help much, seeing how you can’t really play the flute in the first place. Still, might be worth a try…

Putting the old bone flute against your lips, you start to play… at least, you try too. No matter how much you blow, it doesn’t make a sound. Maybe if you try and covering the holes?

You put your finger over the first hole and blow… but it still doesn’t make a sound.

Then you try and cover the second hole and… the left pillar start vibrating a lot more all the sudden! As soon as you stop playing the flute, the pillar slows down again, confirming the fact that it was your playing that made it move in the first place.

Covering the third hole… nothing.

Fourth hole… nothing.

Fifth hole… the right pillar starts to move. Huh…

Clearly, the flute does have an effect on them… but how does this help you?
No. 1098770 ID: 355e44

Try playing the second and fifth notes together
No. 1098772 ID: 273c18

Cover the second and fifth holes to make them both move, and keep playing? See how fast they can go.
No. 1098779 ID: b6ea64

What happens if you rapidly play the second hole or fifth hole note? What if you rapidly alternate between the two notes?
No. 1098798 ID: 3df1ab

About the chain pole, check nearby, I bet there's at least trace of a second pole at appropriate distance to hold someone with their arms spread.

...Don't end up being that someone.
No. 1098814 ID: eb0a9c

Resist the urge to pole-dance while playing
No. 1098927 ID: 681cb5
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>About the chain pole, check nearby, I bet there's at least trace of a second pole at appropriate distance to hold someone with their arms spread.
No, there’s only one pole here. And it’s almost in the center, which makes whoever was chained here the center piece of whatever blasphemous rituals has been cast here.

>Cover the second and fifth holes to make them both move, and keep playing? See how fast they can go.
Both of the pillars starts to vibrate in unison, giving off a strange, yet oddly pleasant sound. As they start their twisted dance, the very flute you’re holding joins in and start vibrating slightly as well, similar as too when you found it. It hums softly, barely audible over the song of the pillars.

Lost Strange Flute.
Gained Attuned Flute.

The mist is blown away from you, as if the flute is forcing it move. Is this how you control-
No. 1098928 ID: 681cb5
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The sound of fabric ripping apart behind you catches you unprepared, though before you can even turn around to find the source of the sound you’re dragged off your feet by a strong wind. You flail helplessly as you are thrown into a rip in reality, a rift between worlds.

As you enter this new world, you can feel your flesh slowly rotting away, falling off in large clumps from your bones while your organs liquefy, spilling out from your body as you’re being pulled away further and further into the depths. It feels like you’re drowning in boiling water, the heat making your eyes pop like ripe grapes at the same time you’re freezing, feeling your fingers and toes fall off as they are broken off from your body. Even as you’re nothing but a pile of bones and rotten flesh you can still feel it all, even the part of you that has fallen off into the abyss millions of miles away.

Then there is a calm… Chris is there… and everything is fine. A calm summer night, the cool breeze through the leaves, the sound of water running over the rocks… you are happy. Chris is there… and so are your children… you’re finally a family… then… then they are ripped away from you. Torn from you. Each in a more horrifying way than the last. And then the cycle repeats. Burning. Freezing. Happiness and sorrow. Chris is there. You cannot fathom how many times you’ve seen your beloved children die… but you can still remember each time, every time… and it still hurts just as much…

And all the while you feel yourself slowly rot… and Chris isn’t here…

No. 1098929 ID: 681cb5
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Then you blink, and to your horror you realize what felt like several lifetimes for you were only a few seconds, a few seconds of what will be an eternal fate. The rift closes in front of you, leaving you stuck in the Womb of Nehilim forevermore… not that you notice, as you all you can do is scream…

-You have suffered a fate far, far worse than death-

You scored 81 out of a possible 100 points; you have reached the final hours…

Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last move or QUIT?

Restoring and old save…

No. 1098930 ID: 681cb5
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You move the bone flute away from your mouth as you can’t help but get the feeling you’re doing something dangerous. Yet… it is something you need to do if you want to get out of here? Huh…

…is there anything you can do to keep yourself a bit safer, from… whatever might happen?

Strange Flute
Music Box (without it’s windup key)
Old Photo Album
Oil Lamp
Your Wedding Ring 
Bottle of Grease
No. 1098934 ID: 273c18

...well, you can latch yourself to the pillar with the voluntary chains on it. Seems like something someone voluntarily participating in the ritual would do.
No. 1098940 ID: eb0a9c

Let's not chain ourselves to the wall and play the song that will open the void to swallow Chris.

Try touching the flute to the pillar as it vibrates.
No. 1098941 ID: 273c18

We need the attuned flute. We also need to not get sucked into the forever-hell-torture-dimension. The pillar is designed to prevent getting sucked into the forever-hell-torture-dimension.
No. 1098947 ID: 355e44

Double check there aren't any important loose objects (or husbands) before attuning the flute while safely chained up.
No. 1099007 ID: 681cb5
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>Try touching the flute to the pillar as it vibrates.
There is the sound of metal hitting bone, but nothing more…
>Double check there aren't any important loose objects (or husbands) before attuning the flute.
The only thing you can see that’s lying loose is the empty package; anything else that might be loose in here is hidden by this infernal fog! Actually, speaking of your husband, where is he? There weren’t any sign of him leaving the way you came and he’s not here, is he? Which means there has to be another way out!

>We need to not get sucked into the forever-hell-torture-dimension. The pillar is designed to prevent getting sucked into the forever-hell-torture-dimension.
You fasten the manacles hanging from the pillar on both your wrist. Sure, they are a bit small, but they do fit. Then you start to play the flute…

Both of the pillars start to vibrate in unison, giving off a strange, yet oddly pleasant sound. As they start their twisted dance, the very flute you’re holding joins in and start vibrating slightly as well, similar as too when you found it. It hums softly, barely audible over the song of the pillars.

Lost Strange Flute.
Gained Attuned Flute.

The mist is blown away from you, as if the flute is forcing it move. Is this how you control-

The sound of fabric ripping apart in front of you catches you unprepared, though before you can even look up to find the source of the sound you’re dragged off your feet by a strong wind. The sound of metal screaming fills your ears as the old chains do their job, ensuring that you aren’t pulled away even further. For a brief second, you can see a tear in reality, beyond which is a world of nothing but rotting flesh and mold, whose very landscape is nothing but a carcass of meat being devoured by maggots. Yet… it is the most beautiful sight you have ever seen…

Then the rift closes, leaving behind a sigil of light... and you can feel it stare into your very soul. Your whole body shakes forcing you to drop everything, as you can feel it reach out to you, making you want to run, or at least look away. But stubbornly you hold its gaze for a moment, until it blinks, making a wave of relief washes over you. Suddenly it is as a heavy weight is lifted from your shoulders, as all the tiredness and stress you’ve been under is just gone, replaced by a newfound strength and determination. As the wind dies down and you once again land on your feet, you feel stronger, more alert than ever before…

…and then the symbol winks out of existence.
No. 1099008 ID: 681cb5
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It isn’t until after you’ve released yourself from your chains that you realize what you’re missing. The flute! You accidently let go of it when that thing was staring you down! For a moment you panic, as surely it was sucked into the portal, but no, you spot it lying on the floor right next to the altar…

The mist is gone, revealing the uneven floor you’ve been treading on. Bones. Old bones. Skulls, ribcages and even spines litter the floor… no, it is the floor. You cannot tell how deep this bone pile is, what is for certain is that you cannot see the bottom of it.

…they seem old though. Hopefully there haven’t been any new ones added the last few years. Is this the lost Misquat Tribe, the one Josephine was looking for?

Either way, you pick up the now vibrating flute…
No. 1099009 ID: 681cb5
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Looking around you spot another entrance to this chamber, one that was hidden beneath the fog before. Wasting no time you start to make your way towards it, jumping your way across the old bones beneath your feet.

You barely look at the carvings around the room before you leave, because if you’re down in this tomb for even a moment longer you feel like you’ll lose what’s left of your frail sanity!
No. 1099010 ID: 681cb5
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A staircase carved out from the very stone leads upwards, into more darkness. The ascension is slow, as you have to take each step carefully, what with each step steeper than the last. But before long you find yourself in a massive cavern. If you’re not mistaken, you’re back at the massive chasm from before? And there! More stairs!

After what feels like an eternity walking up those godforsaken stairs, you finally find an old, rusty ladder leading up to a hatch that’s clearly not part of these old caves. Going through it you find yourself in a rather tiny room filled to the brim with pipes and machinery, machinery that reminds you of the old boiler back home. Though, looking around it is quite clear that these things haven’t been used for years upon years, so whatever this room was for, it isn’t being used any longer. Then you see it… sunlight shimmering under a door!
No. 1099011 ID: 681cb5
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A roaring river awaits you on the other side… as well as a small, stone staircase, this one far newer that the ones below but still old. Climbing up it you finally find yourself outside, under the bare sky, right next to the bridge of the city. How did you even end up all the way over here? Taking a deep breath, you’re left disappointed, as the air up here is just as heavy as the one in the caves, making it feel like it’s almost trying to strangle you. It’s like the very air has gone bad. And the sky… it’s blood red... what is going on here?
Thinking back to your time in the town, you make a mental map of your current location. You are on the bridge, which practically right next to the crossroad at the edge of town.

To the north there is a loud commotion, as loud chanting and screaming can be heard from the center of town. Even from here you can see a large horde of people moving about the main square… all of them wearing robes…

To the west you can see the mansion… and how the fire you set has started to spread. Black smoke billows from one of the windows… yet otherwise everything is still and silent over there.

To the south the Mistmire woods stands menacingly, the fog thick around the trees and underbrush. The church bell sticking out of from the sea of green does give you some comfort, even if it looks like its being consumed by the very forest itself. Then… there’s an old brick chimney, barely standing, on the other side of the woods from the church. Has it always been there and you only now noticed it?

Finally, to the east… in a sea of mist, the lighthouse stands. You cannot see the bottom of it, but the tower rises up from the fog like the mast of a sinking ship, the top of it unlit and dark, with five windows going down its side, three of which has been boarded up…

You are on a crossroad… and a cold wind moves past, makes you shiver as it freezing you to the very bones…

Attuned Flute
Music Box (without it’s windup key)
Old Photo Album
Oil Lamp
Your Wedding Ring 
Bottle of Grease

[Current objectives:]
Where is Chris?
Find the tower of light and figure out what 13b650 means.
Find a house of flesh and gore, where the beast sleeps, and retrieve something important from there.
Stop the blessed event and defeat Bövel.
No. 1099017 ID: 8f9bc4



You have seen that these robed people are hunting for you, and you can't risk falling into their grasp. If what the doctor said about the worms was true, then she and that archaeologist might be the only ones unaffected. Unless an obvious way to reach them presents itself though, all you can do is hope they're safe.

West, that mansion has nothing for you. Let the dead rest.

South, the church might have some manner of sanctuary, but the pastor couldn't have anticipated this. Still, warning him about who has the blessed amulet might be called for. Further beyond the church, that brick building could surely be investigated.

East, you still don't know what to do about the lighthouse. Feels like an endgame location.
No. 1099019 ID: 273c18

Let's check out the chimney. We need to find the beast's nest, right? That's our best lead.
No. 1099033 ID: 355e44

South, to the beast's lair
No. 1099082 ID: b6ea64

Let's head south.
No. 1099191 ID: 681cb5
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>You have seen that these robed people are hunting for you, and you can't risk falling into their grasp.
They are everywhere! You can’t continue walking out in the open like this or they’ll spot you for sure… but how can you move around while staying hidden?
>If what the doctor said about the worms was true, then she and that archaeologist might be the only ones unaffected.
Surely, there are others that aren’t part of the cult. Still, even if there are, what help will they be? They are hopefully hiding somewhere right now…
>That mansion has nothing for you. Let the dead rest.
…you do want to spit on its corpse, but you can do that later.

>Let's head south.
You make your way southward, away from the chanting voices coming from the center of town.
>The church might have some manner of sanctuary, but the pastor couldn't have anticipated this.
The church is still standing, but it looks empty and abandoned. Is he still in there? Surely, he would notice something was amiss, what with him already being rather paranoid about the cult. Maybe they already got him?
>Let's check out the chimney.
Let’s see… according to that map you saw there should be a road going straight from the church to the slaughterhouse… but where is it? The only thing you can see is a thick forest and that blasted fog. With a sigh, you take up the flute and play the second and fifth note again, and just like down in those catacombs the mist dissipates into nothing, revealing a… you’re not going to say road, but it’s an opening in the thicket.

The road out from Crowmoor also clears… and the rational part of your brain screams at you to run… but you’re not rational right now. Your hubby needs you… and besides, you get the feeling that if you let this “blessed event” happen there won’t be anything to run too anyway. No, you’re going deeper into the woods… into another den of horrors.
No. 1099192 ID: 681cb5
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There’s barely a path left, as the underbrush has completely consumed what little road there was in the first place. You can spot car tracks at points, still visible in the mud, but even they seem to disappear into the flora around you. Still, compared to the rest of the woods, it’s actually possible to walk here without having to slog through who knows how many plants and insects. That’s something, at least.

Suddenly, the path opens up into a clearing, in the middle of which are several large, red buildings. Well, there were three of them, but two are nothing but broken walls and charred remains of what was once a proper construct, a carcass rotting in the woods. Even the building that’s still standing clearly looks slightly off, as the chimney is broken… and you’re pretty sure a large part of the roof is gone on the back of it.

This has to be the slaughterhouse, right? Now… how do you get in? The front door will obviously be locked… as well as the backdoor….
No. 1099193 ID: 355e44

Just crawl under the door. That blood is probably just from slaughterhouse activity, not monsters. surely

Unless you know parkour. Can you jump up to the roof?
No. 1099195 ID: 273c18

Before we crawl under the garage door, maybe we should scope out the place a bit. Circle around, look to see if there are any other entrances/exits. Could be useful info for later.
No. 1099197 ID: eb0a9c

>there should be a road going straight from the church to the slaughterhouse
This should have been a red flag from the beginning.

Can you sense it? This building appears to be built on liminal spaces. It may be designed to keep curious trespassers out, even at the cost of scaring away potential vendors. This is not a company that wants to make money. This is a company built on lakes of blood.
For instance, that garage door. They way it's bent out of shape with an obvious bloodstain. No company would leave a main delivery exit broken in the long term, let alone covered in murder scenes, not if they wanted to keep the lawsuits at bay and their production high.
Don't worry about getting sued when you blow the place up. They won't.

>What do
This place seems weird, so look for an equally weird obscure entrance. A door built two feet above the pavement, a secret passage hidden under the conveyor belts. Anything that turns secret cults on.
No. 1099221 ID: 8f9bc4

Fly up to the roof really quick, and check out the building from above.
No. 1099240 ID: eb0a9c

[You are temporarily a birb]?
No. 1099253 ID: dd3fe0

You hallucinating again mate?
No. 1099269 ID: 578f3f

The opening with the trail of blood looks promising, but then again, it's an opening with a trail of blood.

Let's see if we can find a climbable surface and then prop ourselves up to the rooftop where that door is. It looks like people left in a hurry, so it might have been left unlocked.
No. 1099303 ID: b6ea64

Pick up [ROCK]
Throw rock at window.
Attempt to climb in through broken window.
No. 1099370 ID: 681cb5
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>Fly up to the roof really quick, and check out the building from above.
What. You’re not a bird?
>This building appears to be built on liminal spaces. It may be designed to keep curious trespassers out, even at the cost of scaring away potential vendors. This is not a company that wants to make money.
This place is obviously not built to make money, let alone be owned by a proper company. Even if it once was a proper slaughterhouse, it isn’t anymore. Whatever this place is used for now can’t be good…

>The opening with the trail of blood looks promising, but then again, it's an opening with a trail of blood.
You try your best to look inside, but the darn lantern isn’t enough to see what’s inside other than moving shadows and creeping silhouettes. If only you still had a torch. Taking a better look at the garage door, you can’t figure out what the hell happened to it. It’s like someone has crumpled it together like paper? While the hole is just big enough for you to push yourself inside, the edges of it consist of sharp, jagged metal jetting out in all kinds of directions. There’s no way you can get under here without cutting yourself, most likely badly at that. If only the ground wasn’t concrete you might have been able to dig the hole bigger…

You swear you can hear someone walking around in there… or is it just some machinery? It’s hard to hear over the sound of the surrounding forest, as the harsh wind makes the trees groan and rustle.
No. 1099371 ID: 681cb5
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>Before we crawl under the garage door, maybe we should scope out the place a bit. Circle around, look to see if there are any other entrances/exits.
Taking a long walk around the complex, you do indeed notice that large part of it is heavily fire damaged. Sadly, if the damage ever was severe enough to leave an opening for you to exploit, it’s been fixed by now. Other than that, you do find a backdoor… but it’s a heavy metal door that’s locked, similar to the front one.

>Pick up [ROCK]. Throw rock at window.
While easy, there are two problems with that. First off, if there is someone in there, they will know for certain that you’re coming, and second, there aren’t any windows on the ground floor! The closes window is at least 3 meters up, maybe even 4!
>Let's see if we can find a climbable surface and then prop ourselves up to the rooftop where that door is.
…there is an old, rickety fire ladder… but it’s behind a metal fence with barbed wire on top, its net crisscrossing in odd angles, making it look like the work of a deranged spider.

Shadows moves across the windows… and a few crows flies away from a nearby tree, cawing…
No. 1099383 ID: 273c18

I guess we're going to have to look around a bit more. Anything interesting in the containers outside? That garbage bin maybe?
No. 1099395 ID: 355e44

What do the ruins have in the way of rubble? Something you could pile up to get over the fence? perhaps a hefty length of metal?
No. 1099410 ID: 8f9bc4


Not with that attitude!
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