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File 168814698630.png - (649.82KB , 900x675 , Fantastical jouney thumbnail.png )
1066863 No. 1066863 ID: 770f88

An Open-Word Style (W.I.P) journey! (SFW)
Uses some DnD systems.
Rules stated inside the quest or thread takes priority over old material.
182 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1071159 ID: 770f88
File 169329362735.png - (43.84KB , 500x500 , oh shish she be spitting facts.png )

Your sister is inches up to Moog’s face who is boiling over.
:maincharacter2_skrunkly_noblush_anims: “How does it feel that because your just fiber, “Heheheh” and stuffing stitched together, you’ll never get a mate, and instead will have to deal with two, two-year-olds for the rest of your days until we inevitably destroy you because we have the attention span of a drake.”
The Moog looks even more pissed than you thought was possible. “I- I have a mate... Her name is Moola…”
No. 1071160 ID: 770f88
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:nomnom_suprised_anims: “Woah! Moog has a mate whose name is Moola and they have a million babies and-”
:maincharacter1_normal_anims: “Let’s talk more with the Moog! Next, how many babies he has!”
The Moog drones angrily.
“Ounce I break this curse that old man put on me, I’ll kill both of you…”
No. 1071161 ID: 770f88
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:maincharacter1_happy_noblush_anims: “Hey sis! Let’s play with another toy, and play with this one later!
:maincharacter2_happy_noblush_anims: “Yeah!”
No. 1071162 ID: 770f88
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You and your sister scamper off too pick up the claw.
No. 1071163 ID: 770f88
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:nomnom_pissed_anims: “MWHAHAHA I HAVE THE POWERRRRR.
No. 1071164 ID: 770f88
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You go towards your favorite book, Red Dragon King Reginar Rise of Power.
No. 1071165 ID: 770f88
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You underline the words shown. You hear a telepathic genderless voice repeat the words you underline. “You- May- Have- Felled- My- Kin- But- Ounce- I- Reunite-
Your sister quickly snatches the claw away from you, how rude!
:nomnom_angry_noblush_anims: “howdareyoudothatthatwasmyfavriotebookthatmommyreadstouswithandalsoreginarislikethekingofdragonsandyoudoingthatwasreallyrudeandnowhe’sangryandnowi’mangry!”
No. 1071166 ID: 770f88
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:maincharacter2_angry_noeye_anims: “That book is for teeny hatchlings, how about we use it on this sucker? And she pulls out the mammoth of a book that almost squishes her flat. The Full Detailed and Accounted History of Dragons and Full Dragonology.
:maincharacter1_scared_noblush_talk_anims: “Wha- But that book is a bajillion pages long! We can’t read that!”
:maincharacter2_skrunkly_noblush_anims: “Are you a Lil hatchling? Or are you as big as a dragon? Because dragons read this book.”
:maincharacter1_spooped_noblush_anims: “.......How about we look at the last toy before we read the bajillion-page book.
:maincharacter2_skrunkly_noblush_noanims: “Alright fine, but if you don’t you're a little hatchling~
No. 1071167 ID: 770f88
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You go towards the orb which rapidly increases in size until it’s big enough for you and your sister to walk through, as it’s door springs open with great haste and fervor.
No. 1071168 ID: 770f88
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You step inside only to be met with a dark void that stretches near indefinitely, it’s almost calming in a cosmic sort of way.
Suddenly you hear a cosmic voice overhead you and your sister. “Well hello, my little scrumptious grandchildren! Welcome to the Magic Orb, Because I’m busy writing magic spells and telling tales of vast adventure, I’ve made this device to teach you how to harness your magic to the fullest extent!”
No. 1071169 ID: 770f88
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A White glowing rune appears as its hieroglyphics and symbols contort in a way that you do not understand. “Touch it.” You look quickly at your sister. Who looks just as concerned as you do.
No. 1071170 ID: 770f88
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You inch closer to the orb and hastily touch it.
No. 1071171 ID: 770f88
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You and your sister are jolted back, as you feel a white light pulse and jolt throughout your body. From your cap, to the ground. “I’ve infused an property that allows that while inside this dimension it makes your spells non-chaotic, because I don’t want my grandkids to die before I teach them- The BOOM.”
You feel that your grandpa is a very strange creature.
No. 1071172 ID: 770f88
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“Anyway, what I just shocked you with was the knowledge of the Detect magic Spell.”
“To cast this spell, close your eyes and look inside yourself, think about all of the white magic flowing throughout you, longing to escape.”
You put your hands to your chest and concentrate at first you see nothing, but then
You look up and see the ounce of distant darkness adorned with white lights, some located inside you and your sister as well.
“This my dears is mana or MP for short, every creature on Fuani has an immense well of mana, however, some races or professions such as myself make it easier to use the mana inside of us. Mana is flexible and can be turned, changed, or molded into anything for whatever purpose you wish for it to serve.”

“This orb will teach you one of each magical category. abjuration, alteration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, illusion, invocation, and necromancy. Any aspiring grand morsel of mine would test these spells until you became an Expert in your learning.”
You feel intimidated by the request, however your sister paces towards the newly formed runes with an unfammiliar air of confidince that you’ve haven’t seen before in quite an while. Struck by your sisters sudden confidence you begin to join her as you dash towards the hylogriphics.

You train these spells religiously with your sister, clashing in duels of wizardry, and noting every singular detail, it feels as if months have passed, however when you and your sister walk out, it had only been a minute since you’ve left.
However you know that you could get stronger, so over the years, you and your sister would go into the dimension to practice, practice, and practice some more, eventually you become experts in those spells. The following spells have been added to your spell book:

You learned:

Detect Spell:

You magically enchant yourself and up to three allies, for up to 75 ft, you can tell where magical forces are <In Range>

Mp: 15Difficulty: NormalBase Chaos: 15% Range 0-50ft.
Tags: Int, Divination.


A little bolt of fire erupts on your finger or other appendage. You may flick that fire for up to 100 ft if hit; there is a 5% chance to afflict the burning status, Targets are dealt 1d4+1 Fire damage.

Mp: 0Difficulty: Very Easy.Chaos Percentage: 1%Range: 0-100 ft.
Tags: Evocation, Int.

Muscle Stimulation.

You channel your magic throughout a corpse that still has muscles on it, with it you can move up to four appendages of a corpse, an example being: The head, Arms, Torso, Legs, or any other appendage. If given enough control the corpse can emulate someone alive, however, they can not use weapons, and the corpse getting attacked will dispel the spell.
Mp: 0Difficulty: Very Easy.Chaos Percentage: 5%Range: 0-25 ft.
Tags: Necromancy, Int.

Minor Illusion:

You can make a 5x5 ft stationary illusion, if walked through, or interacted with someone, they can tell that it is an illusion. However, you can animate the illusion slightly a little while before you finish casting the spell, this can be used as an example; to jiggle dice in your hands, plop coins towards a table or make the illusion move slightly. The animation can not be more than one second.
You may include a short two-second sound with your Illusion, you may also only play a sound, rather than the illusion.

Someone can also use a dc 10 investigation roll or check to tell that it is an illusion, (Sight or Sound.)

Mp: 0Difficulty: EasyChaos Percentage: 2%Range: 0-75ft.
Tags: Illusion, Int.

Make Familiar:

You make a familiar from your mind, the familiar must be a small or tiny size. It may appear in any form that you desire, you may sense, talk, and perceive from what your familiar see for up to 100ft, your familiar can not use the attack, or help action. However, they may throw basic objects, pick things up, and make a 3-second noise that travels 20ft.

Familiars remain indefinitely until dismissed.

Mp: 0Difficulty: Very EasyChaos Percentage: 2.5% Range: (Self.)
Tags: Summoning, Conjuration, Cha.

When this spell is cast an blue (or specified color) wall automatically blocks about 15% of damage cast by spells, absorbing about 5% as mp towards yourself. This effect lasts for three turns, before disappearing.
Mp: 0Difficulty: NormalChaos Percentage: 5%Range: (Self
Duration: 3 Turns. Tags: Concentration, Abjuration, Int.

Coins to Coins:
When this spell is cast, you turn a currency into its equivalent currency, this spell uses base materials so you can not turn silver to gold, you may also use this spell to transform the appearance of the front of the coins, however, something remains off about it, you must succeed a Deception check against someone’s insight check.

Mp: 0 Difficulty: Normal Chaos Percentage: 2%Range 0-10ft.
Duration: 10 Turns. Tags: Transmutation, Wis.

Secret Eyes:
When this spell is cast, you can see items and spells, but not magicians who cast the invisibility spell, or used some other trick-related spell or effect.

Mp: 0Difficulty: NormalChaos Percentage: 1%Range (Self.)
Duration: 5 Turns. Tags: Concentration, Divination, Wis.

Thought Link:
When cast on a willing creature, (up to three.) you may telepathically speak a sentence, single image, or sound towards that creature that hears that information, however, it will still be heard if an enemy casts the read mind spell on you.

Mp: 0Difficulty: NormalChaos percentage: 10%Range: 0-20ft.
Tags: Enchantment, Cha.

The spell book will be showcased on fantastical journey’s wiki page, you may also access it by suggesting [SpellBook or S.P]

Your mp per level increases to 10.
Your sister’s mp per level increases to 10.
You Both gain an additional 5 mp.
You learn the spells:

You learned the Moog’s name is Moogie, and after talking to him for hours and days upon months, you learned how to properly have a normal conversation, and work better in social situations, you even used him like a puppet to roleplay different scenarios in which helped make you be more charismatic and flexible to different social situations.
Your charisma increases by 1
Fiber’s Charisma increases by 1
Moogie has been added to your inventory.

You and your sister eventually read the bajillion-page book in its eternity, you also noted how well it makes you remember things, and read concepts that are hard to identify, the claw kickstarted a love of reading and made you passionate about what you were reading about, which while made you popular when discussing among likeminded siblings, it has made you unpopular on playdates when you can’t stop gushing about egg mother and how she appears on both chapter 11, 19, 83, 72, and has an underhanded theme with the persona of Reignar.
Your Intelligence Increases by 1
Your Mp Raises to 54.
Fiber Intelligence Increases by 1
Fiber’s Mp Raises to 50.
Bajillion-page book of Dragon history and Dragonology Lore has been added to your memory.
No. 1071173 ID: 770f88
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One day, you decide to take a break from your toys and break off a plank of wood from the ground, some nails from the backroom, two legs from your parent's bed, and a stone from a stone creature you saw skewering on the ground. And, with your bare hands and nomming out any structural inconsistencies, you made a play castle for you and your sister! You had fun playing on it and sliding down the bed legs. Until your Father came back from work, you haven’t heard a shriek that loud as what he did that day.
No. 1071174 ID: 770f88
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Instead of Spanking you however, your parents thought it best to bring you to your grandma (Mom’s Side), Firnia a retired traveling builder who used to travel with your (Dad’s Side) grandpa and a few others in an adventuring party, now she mostly does wood-working, and helping with construction with a few buildings around town.
And after gifting you an initial test to see your worth, your grandma was so impressed that she decided to make you her apprentice. working alongside her you very quickly learned Trigonometry, Physics, measurements, Advanced Mathematics, Cost of Materials, Pros, and strengths of Matierals, Guram's law, and Calculus. Your Grandma Continued to test you, first by doing projects by yourself, and when that became too easy for you, giving you ever-increasing time limits, starting with the woodworking but very quickly moving towards construction and fortifications. When a Nasty Beetle creature called the In-oux was migrating towards your tribe, you were there at the age of four, helping reinforce the walls surrounding your tribe, and help maintain the integrity of the catapults that your grandma had created. And your tribe successfully drove off the In-oux with few casualties. You started building faster, and precisely, you reached the speed that you could make a small house for you and your sister to play in from scratch in less than 10 minutes, you also started experimenting with Jeuni ore, your tribe’s signature ore, and found that while incredibly situational. (Due to its high cost for production and Hard To Use Nature.) It was the most substantial ore and best for supporting heavy weights. All of which without your grandma’s help.
No. 1071175 ID: 770f88
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One day, instead of working in the workshop that you usually do, Grandmother asks you to follow her up the hill to Wings Peak, an Large looming tree sprinkles leaves into the air which dances about, until touching the top of your head. You brush it aside and just as it falls onto the ground you hear your grandmother speak.
No. 1071176 ID: 770f88
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She Sighs.
:firnia_disapointed_anims: “Nom-Nom, I know that one day you're going to surpass me, surpassing even during my peak.”
:nomnom_suprised_anims: “H-How? You’re the greatest builder I’ve ever seen! You were the leader in upgrading Ino and Quilla’s Reside, Eighty Percent of the buildings, artwork, and foundation came from you! You were a daring inventor and adventurer who with your party traveled across the world, making tools and gadgets in the heat of combat, and falling grand monsters! There’s no way I can surpass you!
She rests both of her claws upon your shoulders.
:firnia_confused_anims: “Nom-Nom my beautiful boy…? girl…? erm, grandchild.
:firnia_happy_anims: “I’ve met Nim, the kobold who single-handedly caught us up with technology in terms of the other races, and invented the Goggles that make so many kobolds experience the warmth of the sun.”
:firnia_happy_anims: “I’ve Met Giro, An Tall-Blin who single-handly helped construct the Fey’s Ijuhi structure with his bare hands, never stopping, only progress.”
:firnia_happy_anims: “And I’ve Met Maxilus. The Human who invented the magically powered blimps, and kickstarted a new era of discovery.”
Your grandmother looks you straight into your soul like she’s assessing something.
:firnia_happy_anims: “But I can see it in your eyes... Someone who’s so passionate about building thinks on their feet so quickly and never gives up on a project, no matter how hard it takes.”
:maincharacter1_happy_noblush_anims: “It’s because I learned it from the greatest!”
“Well, I wouldn't say I’m the greatest.”
She again looks at you staring deeply.
:firnia_normal_noanims: “Nom-Nom you don’t belong here, you belong…”
Your Grandma Steps to the side and swings out her arms revealing the large encampase below.
:firnia_normal_noanims: “Out-There.”
:maincharacter1_happy_noblush_anims: “Woahhha Does that mean I get to slay bad guys and go adventuring just like you did?”
She turns around sternly.
:firnia_angry_anims: “Yet you are still inexperienced for the world that lays ahead past this mountainside.”
She looks up towards the top of the Ringi, and you follow suit.
:firnia_normal_anims: “So I Am Giving you an ambitious mission, You may have heard that Ino is laying a Dragonic egg soon.”
:maincharacter1_normal_anims: “Yeah! And Dragons only lay a Dragonic Egg Every Century!”
:maincharacter1_normal_noanims: “What about it?”
“Well, they need a nest and several other accommodations for the upcoming hatchling, given my history, they personally asked for me to build for them, however, I think you would do a better job.
:maincharacter1_skrunkly_noblush_noanims: “No Way~ I get to build for the hatchling?! right now this is the best day of my life!!!”
:firnia_disapointed_anims: “Hush now, they won’t just let just anyone build for them, and I don’t think they would trust you just because you are my apprentice.
:firnia_normal_anims: “You'll first need to impress your draconist, then impress your dragon speakers, then you may build for them. Are you up for the challenge?”
:maincharacter1_happy_noblush_anims: “There isn’t one project I've turned down so why stop now?
Your grandma smirks.
:firnia_happy_noanims: “I knew you’d say that.”
Grandma reaches into her shoulder pocket and brings out her hammer.
:firnia_happy_anims: “Take it.”
: maincharacter1_scared_noblush_talk_anim: What- I can’t take this! You’ve had this hammer since you were a hatchling! You fought monsters with this! You probably whopped Grandpa in the face with this!”
:firnia_normal_anims: “My master gave his hammer to me because I was his worthiest apprentice, I’m past my time to need this anymore, so take it, and become the builder you are meant to be!”
You hastily Accept, And You become a Level 1 Builder!

You continue your lessons with your grandma who teaches you how to infuse buildings with magic, to create special effects or moving parts.

You have learned the following quick build options:
Wall, Roof, Cylinder, Basic Weapons, Explosives (Bomb + Detonation Bomb.), Ramp, Pit, Chest, Door, Sign, Trap, Make your own Build.

You gave gained the following infusions:

When X is triggered Y Happens. (Range 175ft.)
Move-in Line:
An Object moves Up, Left, Right, or Bottom. and then stops when Y triggers.
An Object does it affect permanently until diffused.
Add an X Second delay before (Action happens.)

[This and other Quick-Build Options, Builder Features, and Building infusions Can be accessed by suggesting: Builder I -> or Builder Inventory, Or B I.] This is also where you can see current materials and a conversion rate when using it on Quick-Builds.
No. 1071177 ID: 770f88
File 169329370396.png - (16.15KB , 500x500 , in my day you had to do an thirty minute walk in o.png )

Before long it’s time to go to the Dragonist! You remember that the Dragonists teach you a wide variety of things to provide for and protect the tribe.
You stay with the dragonists in their tower for four days and can go back to your home for three of the days.
You and Fiber get your traveling gear ready and start trekking up to Renji’s Claw, Cold-Whisper the dusk filled sun looms overhead obscured by faded clouds, and by the time you get to Cold-Whisper, a Bright Illuminating Darkness fills throughout you, you notice a trail of floating lanterns with a purple glow,
No. 1071178 ID: 770f88
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illuminating a snow-covered field at the end of the field on the top of a hill sits a regal looking tower. In the distance you see hatchlings playing in the field, some are making snowballs, others casting incredibly basic spells, guess you weren't the only ones who came early.
Fiber tugs on your arm.
:fiber_um_noanims: “We should probably just wait until the Dragonist’s Call, I- I think these hatchlings are trouble.”
:maincharacter1_skrunkly_noblush_anims: “Trouble? I love trouble! He’s my best friend!” And you plop your backpack which sags into the ground as you dash towards the other hatchlings.
:maincharacter2_angry_noeye_anims: “Ugh, Nom-Nom! Now I need to clean your mess again!
By the time fiber waltzes over both of the backpacks amongst her shoulders, you have already easily integrated and started playing tag with a group, however when your sister comes near. You hear a loud shriek by one of the slashing kobolds.
No. 1071179 ID: 770f88
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:splotchy_angry_anims: “Hey! No Girls Allowed!”
And he pushes Fiber, whose tush falls straight into the snow.
:fiber_pissed_anims: “Hey! What was that for?!”
He steps closer to fiber, stepping in time with his punctuation.
:splotchy_angry_anims: “Didn’t you hear me? NO. GIRLS. ALLOWED.”
:maincharacter2_angry_noeye_noanims: “Then why did you let Nom-Nom in?
He looks at Fiber with an aura of superiority.
:splotchy_happy_noanims: “Because Nom-Nom’s Obviously a Boy, and You’re An Girl!”
Fiber Clenches her Fist.
:maincharacter2_angry_noeye_anims: “Well what's wrong with being a girl?!
The Splotched one looks nauseated as his stomach turns
:splotchy_disgusted_noanims“It-s because-” As he almost throws up, the kobold with the bucket head reassuring him.
:splotchy_disgusted_anims: They-” “Beh- Have Cooties…..”
:fiber_pissed_anims: “Well then- you're all infected! Because Nom-Nom’s a girl! Aren’t you Nom-Nom?
:nomnom_um_noanims: “I- Umm…
The kobold smirks.
:splotchy_happy_anims: “See? That means Nom-Nom’s a Boy! Now get lost cootie Spreader!
:fiber_scared_noblush_noanims: “Well- Then how do you know I’m a girl?”
He looks Fiber up and down his lower lip tucked under his upper chest raised high, making sure not to touch her.
:splotchy_normal_anims: “Well Nom-Nom Told us your name is Fiber, and that’s close to Firnia, and That’s a Girls name! Besides Your Wearing a Dress~”
:fiber_embarssed_anims: “Hey- That’s not an dress that’s my flesh! It’s all I’ve ever known!”
He lays down on the snow and pulls up Fiber’s Flesh Slightly, Trying to look under it. “I mean, we could look under your dress and find out what you are!”
Fiber’s voice gets incredibly defensive
:fiber_pissed_anims: “Hey, hands off the merchandise buddy, unless you want me to skin-graft a dress onto your flesh.”
The Boy Jolts back with his arms resting upon his shoulders, with a pained expression like he had been pierced by an arrow.
:splotchy_sad_anims: “My I