Silver Charming
The most pertinent plan is to investigate what’s in the small room first. Messing with electricity in a low-light environment sounds like a bad idea.
“Davey, I think it’s time to use one of the flares. Search the control room.”
He leans away from the flare as it bursts to life, temporarily rendering the screen white. Moments later, it calms, fizzing with blazing intensity as Davey sheepishly places it onto a table nearby.
“Agh… it’s so red in here… my eyes kinda hurt…”
Of course, since your television can’t pick up any colours from Davey’s camera, it’s still black and white.
Uncovered by the flare’s light, more of the room takes shape - control panels, dust and debris, untouched for who knows how long.
Across the room, rows of lockers loom, casting shadows against the walls.
“O-ok, time to get going! These flares won’t last forever!”
Davey begins to search the room, leaving the camera on a table as you catch him scurrying around in the back.
An issue occurs to you as Davey searches the control room for supplies. Even if he was able to find supplies to bridge across the gap from before, how would he build it, and how would he carry it over? He’s far from the most physically proficient mouseman around, from his escapades earlier in the day. Bridging across the gap alone may prove difficult.
“Hey, Rory!”, he calls out, an excited quaver in his voice. “I think I found something interesting!”
He holds it up to the camera. A key?
“Wait, Davey, do you think that’s the key for the big door?”
He shakes his head, his whiskers glinting under the flare’s light.
“Umm, no, I don’t think so… it’s really small! Almost like it’s a key to a lockbox instead. Maybe it’s for the lockers in the back?
I’m going to keep looking. The cabinets are all locked, so I’m going to focus on combing through the room for now.”
He vanishes off-screen, leaving you alone with the crackling sounds left behind by the camera.