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1009279 No. 1009279 ID: 5fc3a0

6 Months Later

33-67. The first of the preliminary polls came in, and people who want to stay in town outnumber us nearly an exact two to one.
715 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 1097633 ID: debc82


This is honestly fine, in the non-silly sense. It's kind of our job, really.

At least in the grossest, most basic sense.
No. 1097635 ID: 88802b

That stuff is below you anyways, relax for a minute.
No. 1097647 ID: 962165

Let him do the heavy lifting for now. While waiting to preform more memory extractions, see if someone can bring in some entertainment? Since we can't really be seen or interact with the outside Klivania, maybe there's an online social game to try.
No. 1097810 ID: ce93a7
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"I'd like some Klivanian entertainment, please."
>"There's already a television set in there, is that fine?"
"That will do. And, Agent Tegge?"
"Is sitting in the waiting room all I can do?"
>"Until I find a memory, yes."
"I want to make sure you understand that even as an artificer, I am still subject to the same work ethic as anyone. I am to perform the highest caliber of activity I can perform that is available to me. Please do not consider disengaging from your important work to tend to me so I can be more comfortable doing nothing. Until you find me something more important to do, then it is I who should be serving coffee to the people here doing important ground work." Though I do not know if I fully trust Klivanian concoctions on matters of forcing wakefulness.
>"I understand. Thank you for the reminder, artificer. I won't have you serving coffee, so just wait here." He lowers his voice to a whisper. "After all, most of us here are working for the same people, and many of the space marshals are working for the subdimension, but both of us have a lesser amount of agents in each others' buildings. In other words, some of the agents in this building may be working for the subdimension."

I make myself comfortable in the waiting room and get on my phone.

Space Marshal Gav does have some open information on the internet. He pursued a military career in police work, but a bad leg injury took him out of the field. However, he excelled at desk work enough to rise through administrative ranks. I cannot find any strange oddities to indicate a clear point when he would have become a subdimension agent, not as though I expected any such thing. Although with how Klivanian documents are, and how the planet behaves... this is a little too squeaky clean. I suspect these public documents are not an unbiased source of information.
No. 1097811 ID: ce93a7
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The local television news station seems to have caught wind of high law enforcement operating in town. I tune in as an unkempt individual on the right side of the screen is speaking.

>"PICK and the spacemen ask, ask, and ask, but you ask 'em why they're in such a wound up state and it's like talking to a brick wall. They got the authory to put us under lock and key until they get bored of asking us questions and the gall to act like we're uncooperative civilians who don't have better [bleep] to do than make their jobs harder. An' for what, asking about ancient aliens and a single woman who was seen skiing? Is that where our tax dollars are going? Investigating ancient aliens and waking up the quiet folk in Winterheight in the dead of night just to ask about a single woman who came skiing?"
>"Very good questions, sir, though many do feel that mobilizing this many space marshals and PICK agents does signify this woman is of some importance."
>"With how they've been acting, that woman had better have brutally murdered 20 people. Or 3 or 4 kids. And she didn't look the type. You know what she looked like? Apparently some ora-"
>"Ah, sir, I had to mute you, I'm sorry. As we do not know whether this individual is guilty, we are not permitted to supply a picture or a physical description. I remind any guests to not speak openly about who PICK is seeking. If you have any information or know of any suspicious activity, please call the following number."

She continues on, but the news seems to be more focused on alien matters. I'm worried at first, but it seems like Klivania has a long history of suspecting aliens. There are many running theories, and the more I hear about them the more I strongly doubt that the phenocosm had anything to do with them. I wonder if the phenocosm planted such interest in aliens into Klivanian culture, considering that the end result is that no one seems to be taking this seriously? Oh, well. I continue watching for about 25 minutes.
No. 1097812 ID: ce93a7
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I'm fetched by an individual that leads me back into an interrogation room. Tegge is waiting outside of the glass window where I can see who's inside.

>"You recognize that man, there?"
"Yes. That's the taxi driver who took me out of the hotel when I was extracted."
>"Exactly. We already questioned him right after you were extracted, but he's the sort of guy who doesn't like talking to outside law enforcement."
"Why wouldn't he?"
>"Klivanian culture stuff I don't have the time to talk about. He says he picked up Pesh and Tesh so they could look around for you, and finally dropped them off at the airport. He seemed forthcoming about all that, but I can't shake the feeling that he was hiding other stuff. We'll use the same lie detector lie again."
"Okay, lead the way."
No. 1097813 ID: ce93a7
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The taxi driver doesn't seem happy to see Tegge, but he listens to the lie detector excuse.

>"As long as she's the only one touching me, that's fine."

He lets me enter his head. Not long after I was extracted, he gets a pickup request, specifically for him.

Memory of Farn, 12:21 AM Local Time

This one seems important. I will let myself live in the perspective of the taxi driver rather than read the memories like a book. His surface thoughts begin.

Wait a second, this is where I dropped off that druggie. Shit, are these two drug dealers or something? Why the hell don't they just use strip malls like regular criminals? I'm sure she had a real nice 'friend' who picked her up.

Were these sisters following me even after the hotel room?

"Where to, girls?" Hm, I swear I've seen these two before.
>"Mmmm just drive back towards town for now." The one on the left seat speaks while the other one sits on her phone while her eyes look so droopy she looks like she's got her eyes shut. "Actually, we're looking for our friend. We saw her get in your taxi about an hour ago, she was orange furred with a long neck. Where'd you drop her off at?"
"It isn't company policy to inform customers about other customers."
>"We're worried about her, okay? I don't need to know the exact dropoff point, I just want to make sure you dropped her off somewhere safe and not ya know... somewhere like here, in the middle of the road, in the middle of the woods, in the middle of the night?"
"And if I did drop her off in the middle of the road? What am I supposed to do, lock her inside? I told her it isn't a good idea, but that's all I can do. I'm just the driver."
>"Fine, fine - did she talk about anything? Say where she was going, say she was meeting any friends?"
"Nah, she was quiet."

They're giving each other looks. That quiet girl's been texting nonstop, too. Maybe I'll check it out on the cameras later. Not like I've ever got anything better going on these days.

>"Just keep driving."
No. 1097814 ID: ce93a7
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I skim ahead. Pesh starts calling various hotels alongside Tesh, the latter using her translator I assume. I did say I was going to one of the mountainside cabins, but never said which. When it seems like Pesh isn't getting told who's staying there, or there's no answer, Pesh tells to drive to that one.

Parking in yet another gravel driveway to fuck up my tires.

>"Hmm, I only sense one person in there." The speaking one talks to the mute, but I've got good hearing. Don't have as good energy sensing though, apparently. I don't sense anyone. "I don't think it's her, this one's weaker, but let's go have a look while we're here to make sure it's just the owner." She turns to me and raises her voice. "You can keep the meter running, driver."
"Oh don't you worry one bit about the meter being turned off."

Don't they know these cabins are just rural hillbillies who rent out spare rooms for the local tourists? These crazy bitches are going to get themselves shot snooping around in the dead of night.

I watch the talkative one knock on the door and speak to the old looking owner while the mute one rushes around peeking through windows, under the crawlspace, the works. God damn, they have done this a lot, haven't they?

They come back to the car and it all clicks.

"I recognize you two. I once saw you on Alien Hunters."
>"Oh my god!" That gets a bashful smile from the both of them, but of course words from only one. And now it's weirder, 'cause I know the quiet one talked just fine on that show. I'm not gonna pry about that, it could be a touchy subject. "That was years ago, haha, I didn't think anyone remembered that hokey show."
"Did you two honestly believe that crap?"
>"Back then, I don't think we totally believed it, but we didn't totally not believe it either. We still think there's something out there, but not like, weird beastmen in the woods or weird alien ships poking around for no apparent reason on our planet. I'd love to chat about that more, but right now we're not seeking ghosts or aliens, we're seeking a flesh and blood friend who we want to make sure is safe. Maybe we should check one of the regular hotels? These wood cabins are pretty dingy, maybe she changed her mind. Can you check if she got any other cabs?"
"Nope. But look, since you've let me run the meter while you go snoop around people's cabins, I'll give you a tip. The airport's been weirdly busy tonight. In fact, there's a call here from someone who wants to go there now. How about we all go to the airport and you can check out if she took any flights there?"
>"You just want meters running for two parties, don't you?"
"Heheh, you got me, but I'm serious. She said she had a friend picking her up - sounded like bullshit, but who's to say she didn't end up at the airport?"
>"Oh, she didn't tell us that part. And you said she was quiet the whole time! Hmm. Alright, alright, drive to the airport and keep draining our wallets."
"What're your two names anyhow?"
>"I'm Pesh, this is Tesh. She doesn't talk much, don't worry about it."

You don't say.
No. 1097815 ID: ce93a7
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Farn returns to an intersection just a block away from the abandoned trolley station where I was dropped off.

The only dude here is a guy in a black hoodie and a mask. Yep, he's approaching. Fucking hell, these people are making this town look shady as hell. Just do your crimes out in the open, it looks better.

>"Hi. Do I just get in, or...?"
"Yeah. You don't sound like the person who called."
>"Oh, er, I had someone call in for me while I was dealing with something, sorry."
"Whatever, get in."
>"I'll just go around to that seat at your side - "
"The back. One of you already in the back move to the middle seat and make room."
>"I... okay."

Fuck. Every goddamn night I wonder why I ever agreed to do the graveyard shift, and I only get reminded why on payday.

>"Whoa, someone's suspiciously incognito." The talkative one keeps being talkative to the surprise of no one.
>"Eheh, sorry. I just like my privacy. To the airport please, sir."
No. 1097816 ID: ce93a7
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Pesh leans forward and I can see a light flash upwards at the guy's face.

>"Ack! D- don't - "

>"Whoa! A criminal!"
>"Wh- what?!"
>"Sir, I must inform you that it's a crime to cover up a face as cute as yours!"
>".... Wh-whaaa?!"
>"What's a guy like you off in a rush to the airport for?"
>"O-oh, I was just, er, this is more of a layover and I was just in town for a bit and I thought I'd look around - "
>"No one comes here for layovers."
>"I - w-well I guess I chose a weird route then, because this isn't my final destination!"
>"Where ya going?"
>"U-um, Maelappa - er, where are you two heading?"
>"We're actually trying to find a friend. Tesh, show him a picture."

Tesh holds up her phone to show off that long necked girl.

>"She disappeared on us, and we're pretty worried about her." Talky-girl continues.
>"I'm sorry, I - " He stutters when he obviously recognizes her. "Wait... I'm going to be waiting at the airport for a little while. Would you like to walk with me after we get there?"
No. 1097817 ID: ce93a7
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I let them out. They still have all their pants on, that's nice. "That'll be 45 chips for the man, and 240 for the ladies."
>"That much?" And there's the complaining from the girl.
"Unless you got something else that I think helps cover the cost and my time for an hour driving all over the mountain for an hour, it's going to be 240." And there is, but only if the quiet one gets involved too.
>"Don't worry, I got it." The hooded guy steps up to my window. The angle and a sudden gust of wind gives me a better look at him as he hands me some coins. Huh, this is over a thousand coins.

I recognized the voice, but there's the visual! That's Paporron.

>"For these two, and, uh..." He leans in for some conspiratorial shit. "Don't tell anyone else you saw or drove me, alright? Please just say it was these two."
"Yeah, sure." None of my business anyway, so I let 'em go and drive off.
No. 1097818 ID: ce93a7
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That memory ends at about 1:26 AM. An hour later, some space marshals come and ask for surveillance footage of the cab. Farn explains that there are no cameras in the cab. This is supposed to be a truthful statement, but Farn had installed private cameras. Because of how much law enforcement was around, he happened to pull them out after delivering Paporron to the airport just in case, and just in time.

I quickly note various other details about Farn and all of his interactions, but I already got by far the most significant information. I'm almost surprised the sisters kept hunting me down like that. Most everything else about Farn I note down is only for the sake of being thorough.
No. 1097820 ID: 99f29a

Damn, those sisters must have fallen for you hard. Take pride in being such a ladykiller! That or they're enemy agents but even then probably still in love. It makes perfect sense if you ignore facts and logic and reality.
No. 1097821 ID: df45e0

Sooo how does this planet not know about... aliens? The only reason this place is habitable is due to super engineering and the giant "sun" ring which I assume is phenocosm tech.

I mean I can understand the whole strange new aliens and government being shady. But they had a alien hunting tv show to find the truth? That sort of implies a huge lack of knowledge about any other planets and a lack of active trade with others.

How in the dark is the general universe about the phenocosm? Sorta thought they were the galactic government.
No. 1097823 ID: 273c18

I suspect the sisters are independent of all this, as they seemed, and the info got out due to Paporron randomly meeting them. Or maybe Paoorron was already on your trail by then.

The sisters might be useful. Bring that possibility up-- if they're interested in aliens, then revealing that you ARE one might get them working for you.
No. 1097824 ID: debc82


Paporron! He must be looking for you. Interesting that he ended up in Winterheight and not where your body-double was.
No. 1097834 ID: fa3034

He really caught feelings huh..
No. 1097845 ID: 53560f

Hmm, if the Pesh and Tesh are still with Paporron then it’d be strange to suddenly appear fine and dandy in hopes of calming things down. We’re gonna need to reconcile the differing sightings of you at both the ski lodge and wherever the hell it was the other guy went. We’ll also need to have an explanation as to why we disappeared when Pesh and Tesh went looking for us.
Lament that you may never get to enjoy your time off and then ask if you can have a box of mixed donuts delivered, we’ll probably be stuck here a while so we can make them last this time.
No. 1097854 ID: 8f9bc4

Not mission critical, but a whole lot of fun! >:D

Well that explains why your phenocosm radio self-destructed early. I wonder how they figured out that the fleet was up there?

If Papporon is looking for Pillet, does that mean your body double has already been discovered? Might have been good to mention to him/her that they have a soul worker who can tell people apart regardless of body shape. You removed any memories of that though, so no way to tell what you told them.

Is it possible that Pillet manipulated Papporon's memories to make him unusually devoted or attached to her? That might explain why he was so accepting of you, more than just their need for a memory artificer, her own manipulations working against her. Regardless he is out looking for Pillet, making him vulnerable, and they'll never activate the subdimension without him inside.
No. 1097867 ID: ce93a7
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>How does this planet not know about aliens?
My briefing lightly touched on that! But so much of my mind is occupied by keeping Farn in a memory loop that I'll be saving this thought for a later, calmer moment.

I was certain that Pesh and Tesh were agents already, but they didn't bug me before my extraction, and they still seemed genuinely concerned over me afterwards. I wonder if they are independent investigators? I hope Tegge finds them; the previous person's memory of Tesh and Pesh was more recent, so they're most likely still in Winterheight. But something bigger is on my mind.

"My report is coming." I continue scorching paper. "This cab driver did drive Pesh and Tesh around looking for me, but he also ran into Paporron."
>"Ignoring that Farn here lied to me about not driving anyone else, who's Paporron?"
"He's a founder, but more pressingly, he's a soul seer."
>"Oh." He drops the word like a brick, but I continue.
"And he said he was going to Maelappa, and that's - " He cringes for a second, but I continue with what he may be realizing. " - where Spokesperson Varther's estate is and where my body double is pretending to be me. If Paporron gets in contact..."
No. 1097868 ID: ce93a7
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By the time I finish my thought, Tegge has turned halfway around and gotten on his phone.

>"Riffit. I need every flight that's flown out of the airport, including any sightings of planes that weren't recorded. I need it this minute."
>"I'm on it."
>"And I also need a direct line to Spokesperson Varther! Miss Reneil, I don't suppose you were given a direct line?"
"I was."
>"Get in contact. I need to speak with him."

After I call Varther I exchange verbal handshakes and explain the situation before passing the phone to Tegge.

>"Spokesperson. Keep Gel hidden. Paporron can't be allowed access to see her."
>"Now how am I supposed to do that? My whole agreement with the subdimension is that they could keep eyes on her now and then."
>"Hang on." Tegge flicks through his phone. "We didn't get security footage of the airport, but at this rate, he's going to be landing in... about 30 minutes, at normal airplane speeds."
>"So I've got an hour to do what, exactly?"
>"I'll send a few PICK agents I have near you and use this Winterheight situation to justify chasing any sightings of Pillet. You can put up a show of resisting them, but let them take Gel in for questioning once they raise the heat."
>"That I can do, but I hope you're not expecting me to hide the fact I let some PICK agents take her."
>"Try to make yourself busy while they arrive. Delay them as best as you can, every minute you save is a minute my agents can hide her better. I'll be in contact soon, so keep your phone handy."

Tegge hangs up and addresses me.

>"I want to send you to Varther's to swap with gel before Paporron sees her. The problem is that we don't have a fleshcrafter to change your appearance back."
"I have a gene pill that I'm told changes me back, but I'm told it will incapacitate me while it works. I don't know how bad it really is, only that I should set aside a day. I'm sure I can work with memories so long as I'm conscious."
>"Alright. Then my initial plan is to get you changed back and do an early swap with Gel. I'll have to figure out the details, like how to get you to Gel and how to keep Paporron from seeing Gel until the swap is made. I'm open to any alternative ideas you might have."

If I reconciled the different sightings of me, this could have blown over if not for Paporron heading towards Gel. Perhaps it could still help simply lower suspicion, but I have no idea how to accomplish such a feat.
No. 1097872 ID: 99f29a

Eh, there's enough pretty women to try and seduce to qualify as a vacation still, at least.
No. 1097875 ID: 273c18

Hmm, and where are the mouse twins? If they're headed the same direction... could we arrange Gel to be arrested for having too high power levels? Paporron can't visit her/you while in jail, and if we let the twins in on the secret then they can keep the swap quiet. Heck, they could agree to memory manipulation so that they can't remember swap-related things? Wait, maybe that won't matter since the subdimension doesn't have another memory artificer.

Another possibility is for Gel to be called away on business somewhere remote, somewhere that will take more than 24 hours for Paporron to reach.
No. 1097886 ID: e7ea2e

Re: Pesh and Tesh, maybe they became suspicious of your lack of common knowledge and now (correctly) think you're an alien, and that's (a large part of) why they're chasing you.
No. 1097887 ID: 3df1ab

A problem with the pill idea is that it means Paporron wille be meeting an incapacitated Pillet.
No. 1097956 ID: ce93a7
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"Paporron would be meeting a potentially incapacitated Pillet if I swapped."
>"Not if we hold out for an entire day first."
"If it's possible. Is it also possible to have Gel go on some other business away from Varther?"
>"From what I understand, that's a tough sell. I said I was open to new ideas, but I don't have time to brainstorm possibilities. Go to the waiting room while I figure out what can be done right away. If you come up with a solid plan of action, Riffit will give you my number. I'll leave you with her."

I don't argue with that. As Riffit comes and watches over me, I inject false memories of Tegge asking some routine questions, let Farn's brain respond to them, have him leave while Riffit comes to supply some closing paperwork for him, then let him go.
No. 1097957 ID: ce93a7
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Then it's back to the waiting room. Riffit stands by for me to finish writing my full report.

>How does this planet not know about aliens?
This was lightly touched on in my initial briefing! Klivania barely knows of any history before about 1,500 years ago, and I've now learned that this is a very common topic to tread on by anyone who believes in aliens. But there are people who don't treat it as proof.

There are multiple reasons, but a big one is that the earliest known civilization of Klivania - which we know is the original - has very little reliable data surrounding it. Klivania has had a lot of immensely destructive wars and an equally long history of destructive propaganda that has rewritten much of its own history. It simply isn't hard for Klivanians to believe that there was a history before the original culture that simply hasn't resurfaced yet when that earliest known civilization has so little known already.

A second reason might have been due to the original settlers themselves. They must have held great animosity for the phenocosm to decide to hide between our suns, and they may have known they could not perpetuate this animosity throughout many generations. As that animosity faded, a Klivania that knew about the phenocosm would know that they could simply send probes out into the outer reaches of space to reconnect with us.

Thus, is it entirely possible that these original settlers destroyed any and all evidence of the phenocosm and fostered a culture of believing aliens were a statistical impossibility. And that if there was alien life out there, it is bound by the same limitations that Klivanian faced, namely FTL travel being theoretically impossible.

I don't believe the original settlers had the capacity to guarantee that Klivania would unanimously do their best to remain hidden forever. This inability led to a small Klivanian organization who decided to send out a probe beyond its own solar system even with the belief that a payoff was unlikely. This probe is how the phenocosm detected them.

There are many more complexities that slowly paint the picture of why Klivania is the way it is, but I am nearly done with my report. It can be simplified down to self destruction both physically and historically, and a population that is left to decide matters with its own imagination that contemplates the sparse, conflicting information given to it.

>How in the dark is the general universe about the phenocosm?
The phenocosm has many secrets, but it does not keep itself a secret. It openly shines in the night sky for all to see. If I were to write down the percentage of people who do not know about us on this page... I would have to fill the first line or two with leading zeroes.
No. 1097958 ID: ce93a7
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My thoughts return to pressing matters. My surface thoughts tell me that Paporron meeting Gel is by far the most urgent thing. It should be testing my very composure. Instead, thoughts of the twins keep floating up to me. I push away the thoughts of friendship and idle musings of if they were somehow flirting with me before. I consider the cold facts.

>Where are the mouse twins?
Tegge hasn't been able to find them, but it's unlikely they got on a plane. It's not impossible, but unlikely. They and Paporron were dropped off at the airport at 1:26 AM, but Jaku saw them entering Marshal Gav's office at about 2 AM.

It's nearly 5 AM, so we don't have any idea where they've been since for almost 3 hours.

They must still be hunting me down, maybe even moreso depending on what Paporron revealed to them. This search may involve a potential personal interest in believing I'm an alien. Tegge supposedly has been seeking them out, but I wonder if there is some other contact method available to me that Tegge and his agents don't have. It simply shouldn't be this hard for us to find each other if we're both hunting one another down in this small town.
No. 1097959 ID: 273c18

Don't you have their phone number?!
No. 1097961 ID: 99f29a

Seduce them with your shapeshifting alien wiles!
No. 1097962 ID: dbabb8

You gave them your number, from what I can recall, but I don't remember them giving you their numbers...

Hm. Do you still have that phone? If so, has anyone tried to call it? Otherwise, do we have any agents in telecomms infrastructure that can check who's tried to ring that number? Those are the only thoughts I got there.
No. 1097985 ID: b6ea64

I don't suppose we could pull in Gav and read his memories for information on the mouse twins?

Barring that, another possible shot in the dark. They were actors, maybe they have a talent agent we can contact.
No. 1097998 ID: ce93a7
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>I don't suppose we could pull in Gav to read his memories?
I believe Tegge was aiming to do so, but he acts as though he is constrained by politics. I do not understand the details. And now I believe he feels the Gel situation is far more urgent.

I spend a moment recalibrating my own memories. I realize I have gotten Tesh and Pesh mixed up. Tesh is the 'mostly' mute one with droopy eyes, Pesh is the talkative one. I correct my memories, I think of my phone.

Oh, of course! I got a different phone for Reneil, but the documentation I read for my old identity, Ellie, implied that my old one should still be in service.

"Riffit, may I borrow a laptop? I gave my old number to Pesh. Maybe she called it, and I can return a call."
>"Uh.... sure. I'll get a headset, too." She eyes the door.

She comes back with a laptop and headset for me. It is not a laptop that's designed for my body, but it will have to do. With Riffit's help navigating the Klivanian internet, I crane my neck forward and slowly peck at the keys.

"Is something wrong? You're making an odd face."
>"No it's... nothing. You're doing... great."

I continue to peck at the keys and log in to Ellie's account.

>"You have 4 missed calls and 2 voicemails. Voicemail, 11:35 PM: 'Hiii! It's Pesh! Are you okay? We sensed a huge energy spike about where you'd be on the ride over. Call us back.'

If that's true, it confirms they sensed Zanthe's extraction and called just a few minutes after my extraction. I can't imagine Zanthe messed up, which means the twins' energy sensing must have been beyond reasonable expectation.

There are a couple more anonymous calls, but no voicemail was left until the fourth call.

>"Voicemail, 1:45 AM: 'Hi, it's Pesh again. If you're still in winterheight then you've probably seen the weird amount of law enforcement. They're asking too many questions about us and we don't trust them, so we're changing our number to 0890-338-44. I swear I won't change it too fast this time. Anyways, please give us a call. And please don't tell anyone else about this number. Changing it twice in one night is bad form, don'tcha know?"

It seems like that works and I don't need to do any shots in the dark. "Riffit...?"
>"More help?"
"I'd like to call with my old number, but I don't know how."
>"Hang on."

Riffit seems to know exactly how to use my current phone to dial through the laptop connected to Ellie's phone. She's a little socially awkward, but I now see why Tegge leans on her.

The phone rings three times before being picked up.

>"... Hello?"
"Hi Pesh, it's Ellie."
>"Hi! Your voice is deeper, are you okay? Where are you?"
No. 1098000 ID: 99f29a

Outer space!
No. 1098004 ID: debc82


Tell her ... there have been some complications, but you're fine (obviously). Turns out you got a little something with your throat (which isn't a lie, technically), probably after having spent so long in the cold (also not quite a lie).

How are she and Tesh? Are they alright?
No. 1098005 ID: df45e0

"Somewhere safe being safe! Throat is a little long right now."
No. 1098006 ID: 273c18

Tell them you're fine, ask them if they're in a secure location and if not then to go somewhere private. What you have to discuss can't be shared with anyone.
No. 1098010 ID: 273c18

Oh and as for the plan... Tell them they need to arrest you for at least 24 hours, and deny any visitors. Whatever excuse they can come up with will be fine, and you won't put up a significant fight.

Hmm, to make the swap, you'll have to be where Gel is when you take the pill... and then optimally, Gel will take a pill to make her look like you. Maybe they should "arrest" you too?
No. 1098015 ID: ce93a7
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"I'm somewhere safe being safe. My throat feels long, sorry about my voice and I'm sorry I didn't return your calls. Is Tesh okay?"

There's a couple familiar clicks from Tesh. It sounds like an affirmative.

"I'm glad. Are you two in a private location?"
>"Yeah what's up?"
"Things got a little complicated, but let me ask a weird question, are you able to arrest anyone?"
>"Mmmnope, if we were cops, I would've arrested what's his face and Tesh wouldn't have had to call the actual cops. Rewk, from the spa, that was it. Now let me ask a question, why do you want someone arrested? Giving you trouble?"
"That's two questions, but it's fair. It's more for someone's safety and privacy, but if you can't then that's okay. No one's giving me trouble right now."
>"I dunno why you're asking, but the closest we can get is a citizen's arrest."
"What's that?"
>"It's like kidnapping, except we try and justify it."

>Have Gel take a pill
There is no gene pill for Gel. They're handcrafted pills that only work for specific bodies like mine, and it's very dangerous for anyone else to take them.

>Outer space
I think if I drop that bomb, it'll be for later!

>"We were pretty worried. You know there's a lot of shady people looking over for you, right? So, Ellie! Are you somewhere private? Because someone out there looks just like you, and one of you is mixed up in some pretty crazy business. I'm happy you're safe, and now I've just got to know whether you're an unfortunate bystander or involved in some shady stuff. Remember we're not cops and that we can help no matter which way you answer."
No. 1098016 ID: df45e0

"Well to be honest I don't think I can go to the cops with this? I need help figuring out what is up."
No. 1098017 ID: 273c18

They're not police, but... they do have very good energy sensing... ask how strong they are. Tell them you're involved in... something very important, and right now you're trying to figure out what assets you have. Ask if they're near Maelappa, or know someone trustworthy near there with useful skills. Tell them to keep away from the "shady people" for now.

Include them in your report so you can discuss a plan with the others. Hmm, would it be paranoid to worry about their phone being bugged?
No. 1098018 ID: debc82


Technically speaking, we've kept everything legal (by Phenocosm standards).
No. 1098019 ID: 99f29a

A very non-cop answer! Interesting. Some sort of insurrectionist?
No. 1098025 ID: 8f9bc4

> Remember we're not cops

Oh yes, um, totally. Not cops. Riight...

You're an unfortunate bystander, of course. Some bad guy must have thought they could steal your identity, since you're so very unremarkable and beneath notice, they figured no one would realize they were impersonating someone as unimportant and totally not a space alien as you. You don't know who the shady people are either, but they're not following you anymore, so you think you're safe.
No. 1098044 ID: ce93a7
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"It's not something I can exactly bring to the cops anyway."
>"Good, don't! They can't be trusted for anything complex or needing nuance."
"So... how strong are you two?"
>"Haha girl you know our business is sticking our snouts where it doesn't belong. If we didn't have a little extra in the tank, we'd have gotten ourselves perforated by a gunman by now."

Hmm. I have done a little bit of research on Klivanian guns in my downtime. It would require a bare minimum of 10 times the legal limit to reliably stop a typical gunshot if one was prepared, and more than that if one was to passively block it while caught unaware.

"Are you in town?"
>"Yep." I doubt they'd lie, so I can confirm they didn't get on a flight to Maelappa.

>Would it be paranoid to worry about their phone being bugged?
It's hard to rule out anything beyond a doubt, but such worry should not prevent all action.

"I'm just an unfortunate bystander. Maybe I'm unremarkable enough that someone wanted my identity to avoid suspicion."

There's no response immediately. The pause is uncharacteristic of Pesh, but I keep my thoughts in check until she speaks again.

>"I doubt that. Unremarkable people are pretty easy to make up records for, so there's no need to take your identity. What Tesh and I would love to know is how did an unremarkable, unfortunate bystander leap from the road to the stratosphere in about 5 seconds flat?"
No. 1098045 ID: caec03

By finding a very small stratosphere, of course.
No. 1098046 ID: 273c18

"You only gave me two choices. What I'm up to... isn't shady, by my definition."
No. 1098050 ID: debc82


I mean, we could tell them we were recalled. Leave it open-ended ... though they'd obviously try to press for information if they're aware of that much.

But that means they also know you DON'T have the energy required to do that.

Perhaps it's safest to say we had help from a friend.
No. 1098052 ID: a7a180

You just gotta remember to bend at the knees.
No. 1098055 ID: 3df1ab

Tell them your pickup told you it was a trade secret.
No. 1098074 ID: f2320a

HAHAHA fuck that was good but its true
Jump good
No. 1098085 ID: ce93a7
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"I found a small stratosphere."
>"... Ellie!"
"Remember to bend at the knees."

Tesh snickers in the background.

>"Okay okay if you don't wanna say you don't wanna say!" Pesh voice is mixed somewhere between humored and on edge.
"I had some help from a friend who wants me to keep a secret. I'm not up to anything shady." Not from my perspective, anyway.
>"I see. Even if you're an unfortunate bystander - which I'm more than skeptical about! - you're certainly not some unremarkable citizen. If you really are then maybe you should talk to the police and give them your alibi. If you stay missing all day, they're going to start thinking you're actively dodging them."

I hear some Tesh noises in the background.

>"We've been up all night and we're going to hit up Katzi's Little Cafe before we tuck ourselves in. Want to come? Tesh is making me promise not to grill you for all your juicy secrets, and you won't have to worry about law enforcement there if you're worried about that."
"Hmm..." I look it up. It's one of the cafes up in the mountains along some ski slopes. Unlike other service buildings I find on this internet, it has no information or reviews to its name beyond having credentials as a legitimate business.

I am glad to have put at ease any legitimate worries Pesh and Tesh had, but this wasn't just a friendly call. It is important that I learn what they know like what exactly they sensed from my extraction, what they spoke to Paporron about, what other major figures they spoke to, how involved they are with the subdimension, and so on.

I should decide if on personally meeting them despite my appearance, getting Tegge and his agents to apprehend them at the cafe, or an alternative.
No. 1098086 ID: df45e0

Well a personal meeting is one way to find out for sure if they are curious alien hunters or dangerous stalker creeps.

I say go for it. This whole thing is a big mess and having some local's on our side would be nice. And if they turn out to be jerks at least you know for sure.
No. 1098090 ID: 34809c

Go for it. Dress provocative.
No. 1098104 ID: ce93a7
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"Okay, I'll come."
>"Nice. The ski lifts open right at 5 AM, head up slope D3, then about 200 meters down you'll see a sign for Katzi's on the right."
"Do they get a lot of business?"
>"Hahaha nope. It's just a guy with nothing else to do."
"Okay, see you in a bit. Oh, is there a dress code?"
>"Huh? This is a little cabin on a freezing mountain, and I think the cook wants at least a little business! But if you want to show up in a frilly dress, be my guest! See ya."

We hang up, and Riffit raises her hand.

"The call is done. Did you hear the conversation well?"
>"Just your side. Good job getting a hold of them. You're going to meet them?"
"That's right."
>"You're not going alone, right?"
"Is it a problem? I don't think I will be seen that much, it's still very dark outside. Are there that many agents watching the lit slopes?"
>"Um... there's a lot of indication here in your report that Pesh and Tesh are working with the subdimension, who are looking for you as much as we're trying to keep you. And if they find out you look like you do, uhm, is there something I'm missing?"
"Remember how good their energy senses are. They can probably sense any one of you coming along with me."
>"It's this place you looked up, right? It's opted out of things like worded reviews and websites, but it's still public. We can have a plainclothes agent show up independently before or after you. I'm sure Tegge is willing to send other agents along the slopes just to be a few minutes away in case you run into trouble. Is it okay if we monitor you with an audio bug and tracker? And how will you explain why you look so different? And are you going to go out in nothing but a t-shirt and shorts?"

I wonder... is this what it feels like to have a mother? As Reneil, I have more natural insulation than Pillet. I don't believe I will be needing to go in a full winter coat like before, but maybe there is a reason to exchange them.

Riffit's other topics are more pressing. I believe they would be perfectly reasonable in normal circumstances, but the abnormal energy sensing and inquisitiveness that Pesh and Tesh have instead make me wonder how many any of those are good ideas.
No. 1098105 ID: a18ca9

Wow. They might be nefarious. Gasps and shock. Sure, take precautions, why not. As for dress, a ghillie suit? Nude? Something that camouflages energy?
No. 1098106 ID: a18ca9

No, wait, dominatrix outfit if they work for the sub dimension.
No. 1098107 ID: 273c18

If you show up looking like you do, their assumption might be that you're NOT Pillet, but instead someone who stole her phone. Coming with backup might enforce that assumption. They already know about the phenocosm so they know one of the two Pillets was an enemy agent. You want them to think that YOU are the enemy agent and Gel is the real Pillet, while also keeping the soul seer away from Gel until you can swap.
If they're not actually working with the phenocosm then coming with backup might just pique their interest, so I don't think there's a downside.

...what if we caused such a ruckus that Gel has to be escorted away "for her safety", or at least put in a saferoom? The phenocosm would want to kill the real Pillet, after all, and starting a high energy fight would escalate things enough that the real Pillet would ask for protection.
If you can fake your own death during the fight, then you can be gone to take the pill.
No. 1098110 ID: a7a180

They suspect something's up, and showing up looking like that's already not normal. Why not send a PICK agent in advance? Test how good their senses are, and you don't have to claim any relation to your watchers. This still seems like a lengthy distraction when you have to make yourself presentable for the subdimension's boss.
How about this under a normal looking coat? Hide your power level.
No. 1098144 ID: df45e0

Show up alone and casual. Be mysterious and flirty and deflect any to probing questions.

Act like Pillet who is trying to figure out what is going on and is not sure who she can trust.
No. 1098145 ID: debc82


Wouldn't meeting them like this not only risk your cover, but also need an explanation of HOW you're no longer "Ellie"?

Also, what impact might this have on Paporron meeting with Varther? If Pesh and Tesh truly are subdimension agents, might he not be shadowing them?

Either way, maybe a light jacket and some warmer pants, even if they won't be totally necessary with all that fluff.
No. 1098148 ID: 273c18

>If they're not actually working with the phenocosm
No. 1098246 ID: 578f3f

I fail to see what good going alone, looking completely different will acomplish...

Wait... what if...

We find Gel, give him a cursory explanation of who we are and then... copy some of our memories into his mind. That way he can go talk to Pesh, Tesh AND Paporron without raising any suspicion.
We can later erase all memories of those events from his head.

It's a plan so crazy... that it just might work!

(Or we can send a team to ambush the magenta mice and convince them to let us erase their memory of us, those nosy bastards)
No. 1098253 ID: 273c18

The problem is Paporron is a soul seer. Gel has a completely different soul than even Aelsaw's suspiciously not-Pillet-shaped soul, so Paporron would be able to tell Gel is an impostor, and we're trying to avoid that.
No. 1098279 ID: 578f3f

True, but we have already stablished he's naive and desperate enough to not look too closely, since Aelsaw was able to fool him the first time a couple months back.
No. 1098283 ID: 273c18

If he even bothers to check that would mean he's suspicious and would not disregard a complete change in soul shape like that. Plus, Aelsaw needs to infiltrate the place again so her soul would appear to change AGAIN which is ridiculous!
No. 1098285 ID: b6ea64

A heavy winter coat might actually give an advantage in hiding away your new larger body. Explain you've had to put together a disguise and dyed your fur. If they comment further, you could always say you've got some other costume props to help make you seem bulkier. Hopefully buy at least some of that.

Now for the why and how to exchange information with them. Just asking questions about Paporron or the other subdimension people is going to raise red flags. You're going to need a good cover story and be vague with descriptions. You could refer to Paporron as strange hooded figure, based on the memory we saw from the cab.

Your cover story could start out simple and vague and be built upon as you go. People are after you per say, so maybe you've got something very rare and desirable they're after. A book with some unpublished and/or very desirable information. Video footage of something the public wasn't meant to see. How and why you came into possession of such a thing could be decided on later. See how far they buy into it first if you feel like rolling with it.
No. 1098345 ID: 04e6e3
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I have some doubts about meeting the twins being a good idea in my current form, but I decide the high risk is worth it. We need information, and accessing the twin's memories may be a crucial step. Reneil's cover is no longer that important anyway, not with my cancelled vacation.

"Okay, we can do that."
>"Right. Just a second."

Riffit makes her own phone call. She explains what's going on then lowers her phone, turning to me.

>"Agent Tegge would like to know how you'll be explaining your appearance."
"I'll purchase some heavy coats to look like it's my clothing that's bulky. Klivania is also able to change bodies to some degree, and fur dyes exist."
>"That's kinda stretching it. That'll raise more questions about why."
"I know. They're very inquisitive, yet I never got the idea they were overly investigative or were trying to draw conclusions. I think they just like to know things. I do believe it will be fine.
>"She thinks it'll be fine." Riffit says into the phone. There is an air of uncertainty from her and, somehow, the phone.

The remainder of the conversation consists of Riffit saying 'mhm' and 'understood'.

>"We'll be sending in one person in advance and try to get some surveillance on the area. You shouldn't walk in right after our agent, so Tegge is saying you should show up to the cafe no earlier than 5:30. It should take 15 minutes to get there, so you should get that coat. It's a good idea even if you looked the same, 'cause the weather could turn bad later today anyway. Just a minute."

She goes into the back and gets me an earpiece.

>"This gives us two way audio. We can hear you and you can speak to us, but we'll try to keep our chatter to a minimum. We'll test it, then I'll show you out the back. Take a left and head straight. A clothing store called the Silk Pile will be open and on your left after two blocks."
"You won't be accompanying me?"
>"Yeah no. The space marshals know my face, so you shouldn't be seen around me."
No. 1098346 ID: 04e6e3
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I enter Silk Pile and find that there are no clothing printing services here. If I am to have clothes that fit, I must find the exact version of clothes that match my dimensions. Oreset sizes seem to be much more tuned to Pillet's body type, and so my current body has few valid options.

Thankfully, heavy coats fit a wide range of bodies. I also manage to find some light jackets that are either hard to close or so baggy that they look silly, so I get the smaller one. I also get a pair of baggy pants that are oversized but serviceable. These two articles will allow me to remove my heavy coat and still look unremarkable in case I get too hot.

I find a full set of light clothes in the casual section. I would pass these by, as these do not look like normal clothes, exactly. However, they match my sizes perfectly, I have seen similar things worn in the capital city, and it would be ludicrous for a store to sell clothing that is inappropriate to wear. These are light enough that it will help prevent me from overheating and requiring I take off the heavy coat anyway. With that in mind, I purchase the set and change into everything I got.
No. 1098347 ID: 04e6e3
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Riffit has a someone pass me some rental skis on the sidewalk. I hand them my old clothes for safekeeping, and then head to the slopes.

Only the most eager skiers, earliest risers, and myself are on the lifts this early. I manage to get my own ski lift, and it's rather surreal going through deep fog with nothing else around me. It feels familiar. I believe it's indistinguishable from the deep parts of the subdimension, though I feel I only remember the echoes of it since my memories regarding that were removed.

The mostly lost memory fades as I'm lifted above the fog.

>"Testing. This is Riffit. Does this still work?
"Hi, Riffit. I'm on a ski lift heading towards the cafe."
>"Okay. We have a spy drone that can see Pesh and Tesh, and our advance agent just walked in. Pesh and Tesh noticed him approach, so any more backup is going to be a couple minutes away. Try to be careful."
"Okay. Is there any news about Paporron?"
>"We got confirmation that Paporron has landed and on his way to Varther's. Tegge's still busy panicking about that. Also, your report said that cab driver had some cameras in the back of the cab, so we're going to try and fetch them. They could've seen what Pesh was doing on her phone."

I believe Tegge is trying to straddle a thin, ill defined line. He is acting like a regular klivanian law enforcement group that has no reason to simply travel to Varther's estate and pull Gel out. If he forcibly pulled Gel out right before Paporron was going to inspect Gel's soul, it would make the subdimension highly suspicious. It would be better than Paporron informing the subdimension that Gel is a fake, but I believe Tegge is trying his best to find a better alternative.

There is comfort knowing the subdimension will not seal themselves off while Paporron is above ground. It is a small comfort - he must have a way to return to the subdimension, but I currently have no way to contact Hart or any other means to return.
No. 1098348 ID: 04e6e3
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Once I'm dropped off, I ski down slowly and carefully . As Pesh mentioned, there's a sign that's pointed off into the woods. This would be a very suspicious area to go in if not for the orange glowstones tied to signs and trees that light my way.

The path opens up into a clearing has one building with the faded letters of Katzi's Little Cafe, and a couple sheds and broken down smaller buildings nearby. A little plaque on a post tells onlookers that this used to be right alongside a slope, but it was shut down 20 years ago due to 'a number of accidents, incidents, and unfortunate coincidences'.
No. 1098349 ID: 04e6e3
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My opening the door causes a bell to sound and warm air to rush by me. There's a voice from the back.
>"Have a seat, I'll take your order in just a second. Make sure the door's fully shut!"
"Okay!" I call back.

I see what must be the agent sent in advance. They are silently crying. This would be disconcerting, but his body language is not distressed, so I turn my attention over to Pesh and Tesh.

They have already turned to see me enter and almost turn back towards each other again, then do a doubletake back at me with a more scrutinizing eye. I approach with an outwardly casual demeanor.
No. 1098350 ID: 04e6e3
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"Hey, it's me, Ellie."
>"Reeeally?" Pesh looks me over again. They don't look like they handle sleep deprivation well.
>"Kekch?" I think that's Tesh's word for 'huh?'
>"Hmm." Pesh puts her hands together and points both of her fingers at me. "Before we have you sit with us, answer me - how did the ski instructor treat you yesterday?"
"Hm? There was no ski instructor, I asked you two to show me how to ski."
>"Oh yeah. How'd we respond when you said you didn't have an instructor?" Ah, I see, Pesh is trying to find out if I'm a different person.
"Let's see... you said that last you saw, all class signups... I assume were filled, but you were cut off by Tesh and Vix following us into the bathroom."

They ask me a couple more highly specific questions that I feel a non-artificer would have difficulty remembering. So much so that I pretend to have difficulty recalling some details, but I don't let the shortcomings of my answers detach themselves from the facts or make me sound like I'm making anything up. They seem satisfied.

>"Okay okay, sit down." Pesh taps the open chair with her tail. "I promised I wouldn't pry too much, but you have got to tell me about your new look."

I have some preliminary thoughts to mention having to put together a disguise to make me look bulkier along with dyeing my fur, and to have a vague cover story as to why I'm staying away from law enforcement.
No. 1098351 ID: 99f29a

Gotta dress up nice for a date, you know.
No. 1098354 ID: df45e0

"A lot of odd things are going on today so I figured it would be time for a change in style you know?"

Keep it vague and look for a menu.
No. 1098355 ID: 273c18

Dang, the food must be really good here.

Tell them you found out about your doppleganger and so you're assuming something potentially dangerous is going on so you got some body mods to make yourself look different.
Ask them how they'd feel about kidnapping your shady clone, to find out what's going on. (if we attack the place Gel is, then there will be a legitimate reason for Gel to be moved, which gives us the opening to swap)
No. 1098358 ID: eb0a9c

Say you're married to an eunuch.
It's true.
No. 1098360 ID: 578f3f

"Girls, don't you know? Iiiiit's spooky month! I'm was planning to check around some costume party events in the following weeks, see the sights. The whole police and random people getting all nosy on me gave me even more of an excuse. Um, no offense."
No. 1098362 ID: 53560f

Well, apparently everyone is looking for someone who looks like you so you figured it be best if you didn’t look like you. Really though it’s just puffy clothes and fur dye and a slight cold. Apologise again for not seeing their messages and lament your ruined vacation.
No. 1098371 ID: f2320a

Yeah if someone is looking for someone looking like me just need to look a bit diffrent also heh its working right? Not even you two could recognized me, got my fur modded, teeth extensions and just packing on the pounds, i heard guys like a girl who is Thicc and soft
No. 1098373 ID: debc82


They caught you during a bit of an awkward time, since you're supposed to look like someone else right now, but it's amazing what friends can do with some time and a good hose.
No. 1098383 ID: 04e6e3
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"I found out about my doppelganger, so I got body modifications. Really just my teeth, clothes, and then dyed my fur. It seemed to have worked, you two didn't really recognize me."
>"You still felt familiar! Also your neck grew."
"Oh, I'm just not scrunching it."

I scrunch my neck down to resemble the original length more. It's another trick of Pillet's strange neck.

>"Whoa, cool. You must be self conscious about it if you were scrunching it the whole time. Why's it so thick now?"
"I had a fur conditioner that makes it fluff up."
>"You did all that in 6 hours? Impressive, but why?"
>"Most people would just talk to the cops to try and set the record straight, since - ack."

Tesh elbows Pesh.

>"Right, right, no prying." She takes a sip of her drink and gulps it down like she's trying to swallow the urge to turn this into an interrogation. "But you look good! Where'd you get that coat at?"
"The Silk Pile."
>"Oh, damn, we're having breakfast with miss moneybags." Pesh and Tesh grin, and I think the latter notices my confused face.
>"Silk Pile is infamous for being overpriced around here." Tesh's phone says.
>"And they have funny clothes, haha!" Pesh adds.
"Funny clothes?"
>"Yeah! The stuff near the back is suspiciously skimpy for a chain retailer at a ski resort. Either the people who keep stocking it are a bunch of hopeful men, or there's a wild costume scene in town I don't know about."
"Like costume parties? Maybe I should try to find some, that would be a good excuse to disguise myself more."
>"Why, are you wearing one of those outfits under that coat?"
"I, uh, no. I think what I got is perfectly acceptable."
>"I'll be the judge of that, lemme see!"

... I may have made an error.

"I don't think... I have a jacket on underneath, so... ah!"
No. 1098384 ID: 04e6e3
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A man comes out and approaches our table with great timing.

>"Hey there, can I get you something to drink?"
"I'll have the same as what these two are having."
>"Easy. And for food?"
"Oh, I don't see a menu."
>"No menu. If you can name it, I can make it. How much I make depends on how much you pay. 10 chips minimum, 50 for all you can eat."

Tesh brings out a notebook and writes down pancakes in big letters, with 15 chips.

>"Eggs and waffles, 25 chips." Pesh says once she glances at the waffles the crying agent is having.
"Donuts - oh, and I'll try pancakes and waffles too." How much can this body eat? The additional muscle and fat need more. "50 chips. Oh, and you're Katzi, right?" I ask him, though out of the corner of my eye I see Pesh mouthing 'moneybags' at me.
>"Nah, Katzi's the name of my mom. This place was made by her." He points to a photo of a woman who appears in many of the other many photos lining the walls. "I'm just a son who grew up in this cafe and can't let it go." He turns, noticing the agent. "Hey, buddy, you doing alright over there?"
>"You make waffles just like my own maw used to make." He still has fresh tears.
>"Yeah? Learned from my own, too, obviously. I'd love to find out if our moms had a common tutor, but I've gotta make a whole lot of food for these ladies."
No. 1098385 ID: 04e6e3
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He quickly comes back briefly to deliver that drink and some utensils. It's a hot chocolate drink with white puffs at the top. It's also very high in sugar.

>"I know a nice tailor in town, but that's no use now." Pesh continues where we left off. "You're missing that cute hat though!"
"I am, I guess I should've grabbed a hat to complete dressing up nice for a date."

I feel my heart leap into my copy of Pillet's anomalous neck by making a joke like that. However, if I don't do anything to pry information out of them, then this meeting will fail its practical purpose. I think using jokes as a veil to ask about outrageous things and probe for information is poor decorum, but it may work well with these two.

>"Heheh, you might be joking, but breakfast in a starlit mountainside is way more like a date than anything my old boyfriends did. So you're already doing better, good job!" I laugh lightly in response. I'm glad my remark did not backfire. "But about your coat. You're overdressed for a date!"
"But I'm married to a eunuch, you know."
>"Whoa, really?"
>"Where is he?" Tesh leans forward, losing her place as the twin who showed restraint in asking many questions.
"Away on a job. He's helped me by having someone here make me look like someone else. That's how I got my fur dyed and everything so quick." I consider including a throwaway remark about what can be done by friends with time and a good hose, but I stop. Pesh would not let a remark like that go, and I don't know how I'd follow it up.
>"He sounds influential. Why doesn't he just get you out of here?"
"There's... reasons." I run out of vague allusions to the truth. "But I heard my lookalike was seen at Spokesperson Varther's home. Maybe you two could go kidnap her and prove that I have nothing to do with this person." It is a poor joke, but they seem to enjoy it.
>"You want little old us to trespass on a spokesperson's home and grab a high profile target out from under both the space marshals and PICK? Wow, you really think highly of us, Ellie!"

Her long, strange gaze at me prevents my response, and she continues.

>"The situation is way more complex than a simple kidnapping could solve, but let's say we did that. We'd be wanted women across the whole planet. You'd have to guarantee us protection! And we don't like to stay hidden for that long, so unless you're an alien willing to take us off this planet, we'll have to decline."
No. 1098386 ID: 04e6e3
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Pesh suddenly stands up and gets uncomfortably close to my face and starts whispering.

>"And you aren't an alien, right? That'd be too good to hope for, because Tesh and I would do anything to get off this cage of a planet."
No. 1098387 ID: 99f29a

That's the kind of question to answer back at my own place.
No. 1098388 ID: 273c18

...anything? Tell them before you can make any promises, you need information. You also have to be absolutely sure you can trust them.
Maybe it's time to look through their memories. They're probably strong enough to resist, so insist that they do not.

>The situation is way more complex than a simple kidnapping could solve
I'm curious as to what they know about the situation...
No. 1098393 ID: ad0c74

Of course you're not an alien, because I don't think the phenocosm would appreciate you saying you are. Figuring out what they know about the situation is important as well.
No. 1098394 ID: 53560f

We really should stall and figure out as much as we can about them before we answer that.
Quickly, swing the conversation into extremely awkward territory before they can push the topic! “You guys aren’t just hanging out with me because you think I might be an alien, right?”
No. 1098396 ID: ed04f3

You could offer them a ride on your ship?
No. 1098398 ID: df45e0

"Anything you say? Hmmm if I were a bit more unprincipled I might lure you back to my flying saucer for some fun." Give them a wink.

"Hmm you are right though. It would be wrong of me to ruin our new friendship by asking something so big of you out of the blue."

Hmm that does bring up a disturbing question. If the sub dimension closes and grows even a bit won't everyone on this planet die as it expands? Something to ponder if the crew inside the sub dimension tries to pretend they are the noble ones.

I suppose if things go wrong your husband will bring in the fleet to quickly evacuate. These two could very well get their wish if the worst happens.
No. 1098399 ID: debc82


Your husband might be able to make arrangements, if everything works out. He is "influential" after all.

(Seriously, two willing Klivanian agents with good energy-sensing powers working for us on the inside? That's a huge boon!)
No. 1098400 ID: 8f9bc4

A cage? There isn't anything outside this cage, is there? Just rocks and emptiness. (Certainly not the phenocosm!) What are they looking for up there? You thought Kilvania was all there was.
No. 1098405 ID: 04e6e3
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"You aren't just hanging out with me because I'm an alien, right?"
>"Nope, don't dodge the question!"
"I can't answer that, because that's the kind of question I'd have to answer back at my place."
>"Is that an invitation?"
"Mm, not yet." I give a wider smile as I prepare more half-jokes. "You know about aliens, about all the tales of what's doing to klivanians who get abducted? It would be very unprincipled for me to lure you back to my flying saucer and find out what anything means."
>"You're making me think this is a date, Ellie!" Oh, I might have gone too far with that one.
"You know I'm joking - but what are you looking for up there? Isn't it just rocks and empty space?"
>"Answers. If it really is just rocks and space, at least we'll know."

The phenocosm might not normally approve of me saying I'm an alien, and while I'm not committing to it yet, I do believe the phenocosm would be interested in a couple of klivanians that could sense Zanthe.

As for the rest of the klivanians... I don't know how phenocosm policy applies to them. They do have fewer rights; a civilization that hides from the phenocosm also hides from the rights given by the phenocosm. For example, phenocosm citizens must be told up front they are having their memories read. The lie detector trick can only be done because these are klivanians.

If the subdimension grows enough to destroy the planet, then I'm unsure what the phenocosm will do to prevent the loss of life. However, it is by design that we do not gatekeep the afterlife. Though they do not experience the same rights in life, all klivanians that die go to the same afterlife.

"Before I keep answering your questions, I'd like you to answer mine. I want to know about this situation I find myself in and what you know. Actually, if I were an alien who could read memories, would you let me read yours?"
>"We're all just full of weird questions, aren't we?"
>"I'm not." Tesh says.
>"The two of us who are asking questions at all, I mean."
No. 1098406 ID: 04e6e3
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>"If you really can read memories, I don't need to explain anything myself, right?" Pesh asks.
"That's right, as long as you let me. I can't do it by force."
>"Hmmm. It's not like I believe you that easily, but I sort of want to see where this is going even if it's a lie. Tesh?"

Tesh nods.

>"Before anything like that, you have to stop lying or dancing around the truth with us."
"Have I been lying?"
>"Ellie..." Pesh inhales with a little more annoyance than I've seen her with before. "I'm too tired to keep up the game of dancing around the bullshit. Ellie, or Pillet? Whoever you are, yes we were hired to tail you, no we didn't report you calling us now, because we also want to know what's going on and you're our best bet for that. If we reported you to our boss, we'd be told 'good job' and sent back into the dark."

She turns to the man finishing his waffles.

>"We know that waffle lover over there is a PICK agent, and there's four more energy levels appropriate to agents up loitering at the top of the slope this cafe is on, and 6 more scattered in the woods around us. Also, we know you're working with them."
"Why do you think - "

Pesh leans forward and grabs my ear. She tugs it forward and whispers loudly into my earpiece.

>"Hi Tegge, if you're listening in, long time no see." She releases my ear, then freezes for a split second seeing me rub it. "I'm sorry, that was rougher than I needed to be. But if you want to read our memories and all the juicy tidbits we know, first you have to promise us you'll be equally open with us."
No. 1098407 ID: 99f29a

Big ask, lots more context, but okay, for starters, yes, you're an alien. Anything else involves enough other people to go back to your place.
No. 1098408 ID: 3df1ab

Given their planet risks destruction if your quarry gets their way, I think it's pretty safe to share with the two... Just make sure they're not bugged first.
No. 1098409 ID: 273c18

Tell them yeah you're an alien, and there's a LOT more than rocks out there. There's a massive civilization with technology far beyond what they have here. You can't promise them anything right now because you're not a big player in the grand scheme of things, but once you have some info you can report back with then you can make a deal. In exchange for their continued support.

Memory reading is next.
No. 1098411 ID: df45e0

"Yeah I promise if you are on the level you will get more answers than you might like."

Check their mousey minds.
No. 1098412 ID: eb0a9c

Okay, stop reading their minds. Just say that you want to keep a lot of people safe from something that multiple scientists have analyzed and concluded is really @#$%ing dangerous, and that requires secrecy. If they can't accept that then you can end your relationship on friendly terms here.
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