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File 12711350764.png - (37.06KB , 640x480 , flaretype.png )
315 No. 315 ID: 717301

Here I'll compile all the work in progress and other necessary info.
59 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 961 ID: 6547ec
Audio Flare_2.mp3 - (2.07MB , Flare 2.mp3 )

I think this song's about as finish as it's getting. Named flare2 because the bassline to the first one was bad.

I might name the next one flare1 just to be confusing. I did not have a specific level in mind when I made this one. Next one might toy with the Slayer instrument if Typo doesn't swat at me for trying.
No. 962 ID: 6547ec

There seems to be a bug with the desert midboss (the sandboat with lizardpeople on them)

If you cheese them with the barf attack before the boat's finished coming on the screen, the game won't advance.

The desert level feels too difficult for being the second level. I stopped playing at this point because it was taking too long and I wasn't having fun anymore.

I'd recommend lowering the enemy count a bit, because there's way too much going on-- ESPECIALLY with the grenade guys making a billion undodgable bullets.
No. 963 ID: 008399

It's a minor thing, but it's something that bugs me and it's common in a lot of indie games:

Pressing ESC closes the game immediately, without warning.

It's easy to forget about it and press it when you want to pause the game or switch windows, losing all your progress.

Even more when the actual pause button is F1, but to unpause you can't press F1 again, but ESC. So that's really prone to accidents too.

An "Are you sure you want to quit?" window would be nice.
No. 965 ID: 788856

The desert isn't actually going to be the second level. I'm making them out of order.

I want to do this, along with configurable keys, but I have no idea how.
No. 997 ID: 788856
File FlaReType_621.rar - (5.52MB , FlaReType.rar )

OK, the biggest changes here are just me cleaning up a bunch of enemies and stuff but I also changed a bunch of sounds, projectile-specific hit effects on the enemies, and a pause menu.
No. 998 ID: 788856
File FlaReType_352.rar - (5.52MB , FlaReType.rar )

No. 1072 ID: 788856
File FlaReType_627.rar - (6.58MB , FlaReType.rar )

Level B done, probably with all kinds of bugs.
No. 1346 ID: a65af7

I'm currently working on D. I need Slankoboah to do me some more music. Or anybody for that matter. I can't make music.
No. 1405 ID: 6547ec
Audio Flare_1.mp3 - (2.60MB , Flare 1.mp3 )

A couple of notes were changed. I think the song's had about as much reworking as it's getting.
No. 1512 ID: 3e060a
File FlaReType_606.rar - (7.01MB , FlaReType.rar )

i'm going to start using version numbers now or something. This version has A, B (needs to be reworked a bit, C, F, and the first quarter of D
No. 1513 ID: 3e060a
File 129764962176.png - (39.88KB , 1200x800 , level map copy.png )

and here's the level design document. The light green ones are the only levels that are not designed but have a set theme in mind. The others are ones that I came up with but if somebody has a cool idea for something different they're open to be changed.
No. 1531 ID: cc1ccd
File FlaReType_842.rar - (7.29MB , FlaReType.rar )

new build, first half of d is finished. Post problems in here.
No. 1538 ID: 49d6d7

A couple of playthrough videos on Radiant.
Levels AF: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLY5tZAPU5c
Levels ABC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXUazlo3eZs

Died after C's boss died, his grenade got me after he died so I regard that as a bug.

A couple of other bugs:
In level A, for some reason the plane flight sound repeats in the first half.
In level C, the mid-boss' shotgun sound repeats throughout the first half.
In level C, second half, you can't shoot at the pumpkins on the ground with ice cream even though you can in the first half.

I feel like the difficulty is okay, not too difficult, I didn't even practice these much. I didn't even know which spot I was supposed to shoot at in C's boss.
No. 1539 ID: 49d6d7

No comments on D yet because I can't get that far with Radiant and not using cheez.
The random bits flying off from mushrooms in Mashroom and the grenades in Desert broke my back.
No. 1542 ID: d35926
File FlaReType_563.rar - (7.29MB , FlaReType.rar )

Flare Type version 0.0.4
Boss C is now always able to be damaged, simplified the scripting for it to not be a clusterfuck.

Flare Type version 0.0.3

fixed repeating sounds in A and C.
Changed mushroom parts in B to destroy on contact with walls.
Fixed B boss's claws moving during death animation
Changed all cactus in C to be hittable with ice and removed last one before boss.
Test mode taken off of first half of D
No. 1549 ID: 49d6d7

Er, this version starts right at the third boss.
No. 1550 ID: d35926
File FlaReType_181.rar - (7.30MB , FlaReType.rar )

oops, this one has the rooms in the right order
No. 1551 ID: 49d6d7

Now the mid-boss in Desert doesn't shoot at all and the final boss is too easy. Give it twice or thrice the life he has now, because he falls before he gets almost any shots out.
And the pumpkins right before the desert boss are still unshootable with ice.
So are the fish in the Mashroom but I guess they were designed to be like that
The new level D has way too much stuff packed in the beginning, I feel like. It's almost impossible to shoot all the enemies and weapon upgrade crates AND collect the cheez at the same time. I do like the difficulty of it, though, it almost forces to use cheez.
I was almost at maxfat and died in like 15 seconds on level D with fully upgraded soda, was kinda surprising.
The mid-boss in D stopped shooting after one eyelazor shot, but it was kinda cool. Had plenty of life too.
Oh and in desert level, near the last boss, I remember that there was three towers at some point one after another, but there was only two this time and one grenade thrower I think spawned mid-air.
No. 1562 ID: 9d3d72

These issues should all be addressed in this version

No. 1563 ID: 9d3d72

version update, same dropbox link.
No. 1580 ID: 932db9

version 0.0.7
Increased range on soda, and slightly increased damage.
Fixed D stopping after midboss.

No. 1581 ID: 49d6d7

0.0.7 summa summarum:
Pop now good.
D mid-boss stop shoot after eyebeam.
D boss can't be reach with flame.
Desert power up cactus bug die instantly when hit but when respawn only lost one fat and wepon.
D second half fuck hard but forces radiant player use cheez for first time.
Cheez lasts too long, shorten it by third or make it weaker.
No. 1590 ID: 4d7cb4
File flaretype_.rar - (7.35MB , flaretype.rar )

version 0.0.8
Implemented Credits.
ice now dissipates after hitting twice.
balanced fire and soda against each other; fire deals more damage, soda has more range.
Cheez slightly shorter duration

I could kill the boss of D with fire, you just have to do it between the rings of shots.
No. 1592 ID: 49d6d7

0.0.8 was a good update.
Ice isn't overpowered anymore, and soda is preferrable now in mashroom because ice can't take out mid-boss quickly enough anymore. And it's not so good with dealing the roof and floor monsters either because it dissipates. Still the best weapon in desert and some parts of D.
D mid-boss stopped firing completely after first eye-lazors.
D boss stopped emitting the ring of plasma things at some point after a couple of different attacks and didn't do anything anymore either.
I couldn't figure out how to see credits.

D is definitely more difficult than any of the previous maps and you really have to use cheez a couple of times to beat it comfortably on Radiant. The second half's start doesn't feel so cluttered anymore either.
No. 1593 ID: 4d7cb4
File flaretype_637.rar - (7.34MB , flaretype.rar )

Minor update those bosses should be fixed now.
No. 1596 ID: 608cd3

Bug in Mashroom: If you touch a mushroom on Radiant difficulty, you die instantly regardless of the amount of cheez.
No. 1670 ID: 4635e1

this has been fixed but I'm waiting to do some more work before I upload a new version.
No. 1690 ID: d6ae01
Audio Flare_3.mp3 - (2.83MB , Flare 3.mp3 )

Third Flareys song. This one had a lot more work put into it!

It's a nonspecific song, so you could put it into any level that feels right. It could work as a level 1 song, but the other one might fit that level better, hmm.

I will try a themed song next, possibly one for the desert level. However, I need to finish Venji first.

Also I'm really bad at flareys, so I can't actually time these songs to the level's lasting time unless I had some kind of invincibility code, or maybe just a list of how long all the levels run.
No. 1780 ID: 940ab2
File 130479448512.png - (29.75KB , 640x480 , intro A.png )

a few of the level transitions:
No. 1781 ID: 940ab2
File 130479453905.png - (19.22KB , 640x480 , intro B copy.png )

No. 1782 ID: 940ab2
File 130479456771.png - (51.13KB , 640x480 , intro_c.png )

No. 1783 ID: 940ab2
File 130480947207.png - (25.05KB , 640x480 , intro D copy.png )

No. 1784 ID: 940ab2
File 130481042464.png - (25.05KB , 640x480 , intro D copy.png )

better? y/n?
No. 1785 ID: 940ab2
File 130481588063.png - (20.08KB , 640x480 , intro_f.png )

No. 1786 ID: 940ab2
File flaretype_970.rar - (15.94MB , flaretype.rar )

version 0.1.0
put the boss test room away so the game doesn't start with a broken boss fight with Hope. Fixed the bug where cheese hit during death animation would carry over to next life, added music.
No. 1788 ID: aca15f

Nah, I like the more-saturated one better. Those are some really good-looking title screens by the way.
No. 1791 ID: 49d6d7

I'd like it a bit more saturated, but not as saturated as >>1783
No. 1794 ID: 940ab2
File 130557190754.png - (39.94KB , 1200x800 , level map copy.png )

level design update.
No. 2272 ID: 829f52
File bossfight_952.zip - (17.57MB , bossfight.zip )

No. 2319 ID: c6408e
File g-1.zip - (17.65MB )

Need some playtesting feedback on this level. I can't beat it but I dunno if it's because it's too hard or I just suck.
No. 2496 ID: 3b77a8

It's over 20mb, so I can't upload it to the site any more. New version here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21315217/flaretype.rar
No. 2744 ID: c74c7d


1) Choosing "Continue" after losing all lives currently shits out a lot of errors and breaks the game

2) Lohrke caves need rebalance of the mushrooms. Their bits fire in every direction so randomly it's hard to dodge it. It's especially visible if you use MD or Chili peppers.
No. 2745 ID: c74c7d


action number 6
of Key Press Event for <Space> Key
for object cursor_continue:

Error in expression:global.select_a
position 8: Unknown variable select_a

action number 6
of Key Press Event for <Space> Key
for object cursor_continue:

Cannot compare arguments.

action number 8
of Key Press Event for <Space> Key
for object cursor_continue:

Error in expression:global.select_b
position 8: Unknown variable select_b

action number 8
of Key Press Event for <Space> Key
for object cursor_continue:

Cannot compare arguments.

action number 10
of Key Press Event for <Space> Key
for object cursor_continue:

Error in expression:global.select_c
position 8: Unknown variable select_c

action number 10
of Key Press Event for <Space> Key
for object cursor_continue:

Cannot compare arguments.

action number 12
of Key Press Event for <Space> Key
for object cursor_continue:

Error in expression:global.select_d
position 8: Unknown variable select_d

action number 12
of Key Press Event for <Space> Key
for object cursor_continue:

Cannot compare arguments.

action number 14
of Key Press Event for <Space> Key
for object cursor_continue:

Error in expression:global.select_f
position 8: Unknown variable select_f

action number 14
of Key Press Event for <Space> Key
for object cursor_continue:

Cannot compare arguments.
No. 2746 ID: a0eb7e

This was really cool, but I got the same errors as above, when i tried to continue.
No. 2747 ID: b68af5

new version is up
No. 2755 ID: b68af5

I need some feedback on this level so far https://dl.dropbox.com/u/21315217/FlaReType.7z
No. 2797 ID: 9cc68c

level E is semi finished, up till the boss. It's currently in test mode and starts when you start the game. W and F cycle through powerups. I need testing feedback on that and the water level. To play the rest of the game just hit esc to get to the main menu.

No. 2855 ID: 0c7cf8

Loving it so far but I'm terrible at it. Can't wait till the continue button works and I can get past the first two stages... heh.
No. 3032 ID: 09bc86

new version https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21315217/flaretype/FlaReType0-Default-1.6.exe

It's mostly just migrating stuff over to new game maker. Score and health aren't drawing for some reason.
No. 3033 ID: 49d6d7

Bug: Crashes when you press Z in pause menu to resume game.
Bug: Menu items in main menu can be scrolled past Start and Exit.

Water level's bosses weren't that hard on Radiant. They are still both quite easily managable without taking any hits.

Is cave level's midboss supposed to give any upgrades when killed? Almost always get hit there by the pollen and stuff.

City is really hard to not get hit at all in. The small towers that do the green beam attack (same as the large fetuses do in Factory) are the really annoying ones. Still haven't really figured out how to dodge that beam consistently.
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