Blue Light Tulip
Now the mid-boss in Desert doesn't shoot at all and the final boss is too easy. Give it twice or thrice the life he has now, because he falls before he gets almost any shots out.
And the pumpkins right before the desert boss are still unshootable with ice.
So are the fish in the Mashroom but I guess they were designed to be like that
The new level D has way too much stuff packed in the beginning, I feel like. It's almost impossible to shoot all the enemies and weapon upgrade crates AND collect the cheez at the same time. I do like the difficulty of it, though, it almost forces to use cheez.
I was almost at maxfat and died in like 15 seconds on level D with fully upgraded soda, was kinda surprising.
The mid-boss in D stopped shooting after one eyelazor shot, but it was kinda cool. Had plenty of life too.
Oh and in desert level, near the last boss, I remember that there was three towers at some point one after another, but there was only two this time and one grenade thrower I think spawned mid-air.