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File 130101499904.png - (231.19KB , 800x640 , 007s.png )
1646 No. 1646 ID: d677cc

Expand all images
No. 1669 ID: d677cc

No. 2083 ID: 3bd8ec

"That's better. Now. What do you want?"
No. 3563 ID: 0bd34b
File 141430476062.png - (293.08KB , 800x800 , xgFIpFo.png )

No. 4436 ID: 7c55ee

hijacking typo's thread for fun and profit

Does smallcaps work with the code tag?
No. 4445 ID: 79cf78

looking at HTTP requests test #1
No. 4446 ID: 79cf78

looking at HTTP Requests #2
No. 4448 ID: 7fd053
File 151767486408.png - (167.61KB , 800x600 , ceri-milk.png )

As you watch Skif gently place the milking cup over your overly full, near bursting udder you stop to consider the situation. How did your milk stat even get so full? And how did it even get there? Perhaps your deteriorating seal let a mistake from the past slip by and it wants its presence known.

It sure is handy that Skif offered his milking machine for you to use.

Wait. Why does Skif even have a milking machine? You don't get a chance to ask before he flips it on before he's even gotten you all hooked up! Maybe he wants some room for himself~

The repeating pulse of suck and release relieve you faster than when you desperately tried to express yourself earlier this morning yet somehow its not enough to get rid of all the building pressure. Your stonking great tits leak as one rubs against one of your arms while you caress your huge dragon udder with your other. It feels so soft in contrast to your smooth scales!

A: Ask Skif if he wants some self-serve milk at the all you can drink bar
B: Help yourself to some milk, aren't you curious what it tastes like?
C: Question Skif about why he owns a well cared for, but obviously used milking machine
D: Worry about what others will think of your new feature

No. 4449 ID: e1c8f7

D for D'udder
No. 4450 ID: 130855

No. 4535 ID: 13cc26

No. 4542 ID: 13cc26

No. 4543 ID: 13cc26

No. 4544 ID: 13cc26

:yu_lan_surprised: (What the — ?)
No. 4545 ID: 13cc26

:yu_lan_neutral: (Oh, the phone's ringing.)
:yu_lan_puzzled: (... there's a phone in here? I ...)
:yu_lan_neutral: (I must not have noticed earlier.)
:yu_lan_neutral: (...)
:yu_lan_neutral: (... I should probably answer it.)
:yu_lan_neutral: Hello?
:yu_phone: Hi, is this Lan Gaochao?
:yu_lan_neutral: Y — sorry, yes. That's me.
:yu_phone: Hi, Ms. Gaochao! I'm with the administration department.
:yu_phone: I'm just calling to let you know that Dr. Linmo —
:yu_phone: The head administrator, sorry, has asked that you stop by her office.
:yu_lan_puzzled: (The head administrator?)
:yu_lan_puzzled: ... Okay ...
:yu_lan_neutral: Did she say what it would be about?
:yu_phone: I'm sorry! All she told me was that was that it's urgent.
:yu_lan_neutral: Urgent?
:yu_lan_worried: (Did something happen? I haven't even been here a full day ...)
:yu_lan_surprised: Wait, did she want me to stop by today?
:yu_phone: ... Oh, yes, I probably should've started with that.
:yu_phone: Just, as soon as you can make it over, would be good!
:yu_phone: Sorry for the confusion!
:yu_lan_puzzled: It's — it's fine.
:yu_phone: Oh! Do you know where the main offices are?
:yu_lan_neutral: Yes, when I moved in yesterday the guide pointed them out to me.
:yu_lan_puzzled: (And even if she hadn't, they're right near the entrance to campus anyway ...)
:yu_phone: Alright!
:yu_phone: Once you get here, I'll be at the front desk, if you're not sure where the right office is.
:yu_phone: See you soon!
:yu_lan_neutral: (She hung up before I could say goodbye ...)
:yu_lan_puzzled: (I wonder what's going on.)
:yu_lan_worried: (I can't think of why the head administrator would need to see me ...)
No. 4546 ID: 395c02

No. 4547 ID: f72ae2

continuing my grand tradition of hijacking typo's meep thread

[pt1: >>/quest/862495]
[dis: >>/questdis/120117]
[bte: >>/questdis/96269]
No. 4548 ID: 395c02

No. 4550 ID: e0ae2c

No. 4551 ID: e0ae2c

No. 4552 ID: 395c02

"I'm a tiny slissa! My font is green!"

"I'm a hybrid! I don't know how!

"Speep!!!" :siphon3c:
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