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Psychic powers are more believable than something ignoring the square cube law.
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File 12670416417.png - (141.88KB , 850x449 , rainbowtunnel.png )
3251 No. 3251 ID: 8ce2bf

How is there not a thread for this yet?
290 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 13629 ID: d35926
File 129860305557.png - (47.93KB , 256x256 , terrain.png )

I'd like some input on this as opposed to the other version. I changed the colors around a bit.
No. 13811 ID: 22ae4e
File 129954633123.png - (231.06KB , 1360x706 , 2011-03-08_00_03_46.png )

No. 13812 ID: 22ae4e
File 129954639484.png - (338.45KB , 1360x706 , 2011-03-08_00_10_27.png )

No. 13813 ID: 22ae4e
File 129954644020.png - (145.12KB , 1360x706 , 2011-03-08_00_10_35.png )

Never going down there again...
No. 13818 ID: cbc0ab
File 129959022732.jpg - (262.90KB , 798x518 , volcanostorm.jpg )

Always carry Lava.
Also, sometimes slimes bug where the split off ones are harmless but invincible. If you quit and reload the invincible ones should be gone.
No. 13819 ID: 2563d4

That is an awesome picture.
No. 13841 ID: 8c0848
File 129971742951.png - (319.08KB , 851x479 , best project.png )

Behold my offering to appease the angry exploding gods!
No. 13858 ID: 197650
File 129982694798.png - (643.18KB , 1659x807 , project2.png )

No. 13951 ID: 30df25
File 130049957088.png - (456.58KB , 854x480 , tgchan_sshot_and_zip.png )

> I'd like some input on this

Protip: get a copy of the texture-test world, and post screenshots of that instead of just the terrain.png.

Expert mode: You can merge the screenshot and the *.zip file, and post that to the imageboard. Then people can save the picture to their ~/.minecraft/texturepacks/ instead of remembering how to make the texturepack *.zip files each time.
No. 13953 ID: 30df25
File 130049994214.png - (411.03KB , 854x480 , visibility_sshot_and_zip.png )

This is the texture pack I like to use.
Save the image as 'Visibility.zip' to your minecraft/texturepacks folder.
No. 13954 ID: 30df25
File 130050040458.png - (1.18MB , 854x480 , jolicraft2_sshot_and_zip.png )

I guess I should post a link to the texture-test world file, huh?
(I think my world is old, may be missing the bed blocks.)
Here's a popular texturepack called "Jolicraft"
Save image, rename to 'jolicraft.zip', stick it in your texturepacks folder.
No. 14001 ID: 543aa6
File 13007235671.png - (223.16KB , 854x480 , 2011-03-21_09_06_19.png )

My own pack, Flatlands.
No. 14009 ID: 4635e1
File 130073860144.png - (1.36MB , 1920x1080 , 2011-03-21_15_15_00.png )

Here's a screenshot of the test world, thanks for that file.
If you just want to see the textures I've done here's a download for the pack. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21315217/slowpoke%20texture.zip

Otherwise it's included in the regular tgchan pack linked earlier.
No. 14015 ID: 8c0848
File 130082718104.png - (259.14KB , 1680x1050 , 2011-03-22_16_45_16.png )

No. 14047 ID: 8c0848
File 130116218847.png - (1.54MB , 1680x1050 , 2011-03-26_13_53_24.png )

Behold, the power of assburgers.
This village is roughly 2.5 kilometers from the spawn and is connected to the main settled area by a paved road.
No. 14072 ID: f210e9

It's very aptly named
No. 14294 ID: 55bd47
File 130213147604.png - (919.07KB , 1680x1050 , Theyseemerollin.png )

Trip the the Nether, anyone?
No. 16131 ID: 9cb4b3


Latest version of the TGchan Pack
No. 16459 ID: 825c1d

Looks p. good.
No. 17147 ID: 9cb4b3


1.76 of the tgchan pack at last
No. 17520 ID: 5b95eb

There appears to be a whitelist on the server now.
Who do I talk to to get back in?
No. 17622 ID: f2abea
File 131329373237.png - (0.98MB , 1241x612 , acropolis4.png )

No. 17627 ID: 118d9b

And one man with a quiver of combustible lemons can destroy it all.
No. 17883 ID: e121cb


New version of the TGCHAN Pack

Anyone got any recommendations for a TGCHAN-ish GUI? Raytech looked okay but with a hunger meter... I think we should go for a more traditional fantasy approach. What do y'all think?
No. 17888 ID: e121cb
File 131588015397.png - (619.72KB , 1920x1080 , 2011-09-12_21_12_12.png )


Texture Pack Update Update

Now with tons of new pictures and portraits, like Foxtits and stuff, and also this one
No. 17899 ID: e121cb
File 131596398787.png - (159.48KB , 854x480 , 2011-09-12_23_01_57.png )

1,8http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/moo/src/tgchan_178c.zip texture pack update update update

Yeah I've been messing with the paintings a lot
No. 18167 ID: 79e09a


Updates for 1.9 Pre-release 2
No. 18374 ID: 73eb25

Minecraft rules
Rule #1 Never dig straight up
Rule #2 Never dig straight down
Rule #3 Always have a way out
Rule #4 You can never have too many torches

minor rules
Rule #5 Always carry a bucket of water
Rule #6 Sand is your friend. Carry a stack with you at all times.
Rule #7 Watermelon is the only food source you will ever need

Eat as often as you can. You can't waste food points by eating more than you are hungry. They count as overfilling the food bar and still get used.
Never use a near broken pick on a good material. When the pick or any other tool breaks that last use counts as using your hand. This will destroy coal/iron/gold/diamond blocks and give you nothing.
No. 18599 ID: 953355

I'd put torches on the minor list. Only very important if you need to find your way back out the same way you went in, or if your screen is bad at dark.
No. 18620 ID: 4bdd79

Rule 5.1: Always carry a bucket of magma.
Rule 5.2: Always carry an empty bucket.
Rule 8: Always have a stack of soup on hand.

Also, always carry an extra pick and sword. High-level picks (gold, diamond and maybe iron) are best saved for either late-game blocks (stuff like diamond and obsidian) or for when you absolutely need the extra digging speed (when you're starving, injured, on fire, etc). For everything else a stone pick will work just fine.
No. 18623 ID: e08a86

>Stack of soup.
No. 18624 ID: 4bdd79

Derp. Apparently I somehow confused stew with golden apples (which give a large boost to health regen).

They are useful for long trips underground, though, if only because you don't have to make a trip all the way back to the surface if you run out.
No. 18631 ID: e08a86

Who has Golden apples lying around?
No. 18632 ID: e08a86
File 132055764047.jpg - (210.11KB , 585x652 , 9tjwp.jpg )

Also who runs the server? There's a compatible version of bukkit out. they should install it. that would be super neato. also have a link! http://pernsteiner.org/minecraft/enchant/
No. 18636 ID: 1854db

Once I have like 50+ iron I start using iron picks instead of stone. What else are you gonna use the iron for anyway?
No. 18637 ID: 4bdd79

Late-game players who use a lot of mods and don't actually use gold that much (i.e. me)?

Use them to build a bajillion miles of train tracks, then put a chest full of iron gear next to the spawn.
No. 18639 ID: 1854db

Oh yeah, train tracks. Good point.
No. 18640 ID: d60822

The Hesperides.
No. 18656 ID: 2f64e7
File 132089589445.png - (186.89KB , 854x480 , 2011-11-08_21_44_58.png )

Organically building things without planning or preparation can be pretty fun, even though it will ALWAYS bother me that the portal is skewed to the door side of the structure.
No. 18666 ID: 1854db

That looks pretty nice!
No. 18669 ID: 43d730

I always like to pretend it's less colonisation and more hiding and fleeing.
Whenever a creeper goes off, you have to turn up the difficulty.
Whenever you don't kill something that sees you, you have to turn up the difficulty.
Whenever something gets into your base, you have one day to take everything you can carry and run.
No. 18689 ID: e08a86

Every time I try to log on to the server i lag the fuck out. what's up with that?
No. 18695 ID: d292f2

Might be the 1.9.6 update, I can't connect at all.
No. 18796 ID: 30df25
File 132156325958.jpg - (46.04KB , 358x500 , why_don__t_we____by_gordon_furryman-d4cckjz.jpg )

No. 18925 ID: b6edd6

"Blocks. BLOCKS! Our enemy hides behind constructed blocks, the COWARD, the FOOL. We... we should take away his constructed blocks!"
No. 19608 ID: 3b77a8
File 132398736306.png - (1.03MB , 1280x1080 , mobshires copy.png )

some hi res mob textures I'm working on. Most of the low res ones are in the 16px one already.
No. 19611 ID: 2563d4

Whoa, that's some really nice pixelart texturing. Dem spider markings.

Happy creeper :3c
No. 19646 ID: 3b77a8
File 132415644293.png - (1.65MB , 1280x1280 , mobshires copy.png )

I managed to fit a few more on there.
No. 19931 ID: 9cb4b3


Texture pack 1.8

Improves a lot of stuff
No. 20126 ID: 14a1d0
File 132845397813.png - (1.65MB , 1920x1080 , 2012-02-05_10_53_00.png )

No. 20133 ID: 070d42

Was it a nuke?
No. 20136 ID: 4efb0f

Nuclear reactors arent this powerful.
IC DOES have an item thats a proper nuclear warhead though. One of those 'secret recipes'.
No. 20399 ID: 9718f3
File 132997422952.png - (196.95KB , 854x480 , 2012-02-22_21_07_38.png )

Why aren't you peeps using the small blocks to build cool shiz?
No. 20822 ID: 75bec2

I guess the TGchan server is gone? :[
No. 20824 ID: 4bdd79
File 133306966563.png - (153.36KB , 854x480 , 2012-03-29_21_02_54.png )

I seriously hope this trick doesn't get patched out.
No. 20825 ID: 4bdd79
File 133306990172.png - (422.92KB , 854x480 , 2012-03-29_20_54_10.png )

Full shot of the setup. The trapdoors are to keep cave spiders out.
No. 20826 ID: 75bec2

Hey since the server seems dead and I love you all come play with me on Roxbot.com 3 hour deathban and survival stuff.
No. 20877 ID: 068bfb
File 133364386694.png - (1.18MB , 1920x1059 , 2012-04-05_13_33_28.png )

Technick Dev. Played with the Superfun settings, tried to get the sea level back to Height 64.

Didnt quite work.
No. 20980 ID: 2fe09b
File 133497303444.png - (194.02KB , 1024x768 , 2012-04-20_13_30_47.png )

So I was playing yogbox
No. 20981 ID: 2fe09b
File 133497308830.png - (176.29KB , 1024x768 , 2012-04-20_13_42_19.png )

And uh, I'm not sure what happened
No. 20982 ID: 2fe09b

But I think I was havng texture bugs. Star asked me to take pictures
No. 20983 ID: 2fe09b
File 133497315375.png - (305.94KB , 1024x768 , 2012-04-20_17_17_07.png )

(Image) But it was pretty unnerving to see
No. 20984 ID: 2fe09b
File 133497318846.png - (77.31KB , 854x482 , 2012-04-20_15_52_42.png )

Especially these zombies, who first had invisible arms, then... this
No. 20992 ID: af3c4d

I love Minecraft so much! ^.V.^ I just wish I had a Sergal skin!
No. 21000 ID: 2fe09b
File 133526919661.png - (499.03KB , 1024x718 , 2012-04-24_12_00_10.png )

>Desecrating the landscape in creative mode


(( Essentially, I have four crucibles of souls sitting in the middle of that, with spawners for pigs, chickens, and cows under them. These route to a series of unstacked filters. On the roof, added later, are two normal crucibles, ringed by more filters. These pipe into the building, on pillars of tanks, also surreounded by pillars of filters that are seperated by Dusk totems. The large turrets have 2x2 towers of dusk totems inside, ringed by tainted vis crystal ore.))
No. 21005 ID: 76b862

Is that the Master sword in your inventory? ^.V.^
No. 21009 ID: 369d34

Looks like an enchanted diamond sword to me.
No. 21013 ID: 2fe09b

It's actually enchanted Iron with Smite 1. I needed to test the Thaumic Enchanter to make certain that all the piping was working properly.
No. 21687 ID: a2fa74
File 134150954791.png - (920.33KB , 1680x1003 , 2012-07-05_10_33_24.png )

No. 21688 ID: 4bdd79

How the hell...?

I thought all the tricks for getting water into the Nether were patched out.
No. 21689 ID: b33427

Not in all mods. I think the Evertide Amulet in Equivalent Exchange can create water anywhere, which includes the Nether. Now, if this was pulled off in current version vanilla survival, I'd be impressed.
No. 21690 ID: 953355

Eh, the water's only there to work around OTHER bugs that cause fall damage to happen when it shouldn't.
No. 22357 ID: b0d1a8
File 134670987032.png - (0.98MB , 1600x900 , lookit a town.png )

I made a few buildings
No. 22358 ID: b0d1a8
File 134671066229.png - (1.66MB , 1600x878 , 2012-09-03_15_14_20.png )

Ship ain't mine
No. 22424 ID: 0c2247
File 134737137741.png - (199.53KB , 1680x1003 , 2012-09-11_09_22_29.png )

Made with community resources.
No. 22426 ID: 4b44fc

I'm not sure how that constitutes "seven's greed" in any way, shape or form. I produced a factory to generate EMC for public use, as in for everyone on the server, then forgot about it and left it running for several weeks. Seven was nice enough to produce solar panels for everyone (again, that means the whole server) to use from that EMC.
Then someone took all those solar panels and converted them into diamond blocks so they could claim seven was greedy? I'm really just confused by this. At worst, he's a middleman for MY greed.
You know, the kind of greed that makes me want to give everyone free shit. My bad, guys.
No. 22427 ID: 26a7c1

>implying seven didn't make it himself
>implying he didn't use his own diamonds
No. 22430 ID: f2c20c

9*9*250*73728=1,492,992,000 EMC.

Enough to make four sets of gem armor, with plenty left over.
No. 22431 ID: 4b44fc

Yes? Yes, those things you said are exactly what I am implying.
Exactly! Feel free to make yourself some!
No. 22432 ID: f2c20c

Nah, just saying it's a lot of EMC.

Initially I got the wrong numbers from some blog and it came out to under 1/5th that number, which meant it wasn't enough to make even one set of gem armor. That was funny but wrong.
No. 22973 ID: 0f60d7
File 135459810217.png - (1.08MB , 1062x646 , broken_lands.png )

Uh, I think biome generation might be weird.
No. 22987 ID: 62496e

That seems to be a bog from ExtraBiomes.
No. 22988 ID: b33427

I'm not so sure of that. I saw this on the FTB server as well, and checking my F3 info while in it didn't show anything like "bog" as the biome. And looking at my mini-map it also didn't blend with the surrounding biomes, instead just stopping at the edge of a chunk.

Perhaps Cirr could go back and double-check with F3 what biome that is.
No. 22990 ID: 2f4b71

If those were 1 block below water level and mode of leaves, that'd make a nice Kelp Forest.
No. 22992 ID: 0f60d7
File 135477207584.png - (267.47KB , 1007x638 , broken_lands_again.png )

Guys, I checked what biome it was.

...It's the ocean, guys.

An endless strip of noise as far as you can see out there in the middle of the ocean.
No. 22997 ID: b33427
File 135478887011.png - (791.71KB , 1275x718 , 2012-12-06_04_10_41.png )

I can also confirm this "noise belt." I appears to be a bit more than three chunks wide, and runs north-south for a very long way, comparing the coords in my screenshot to Cirr's. In my case the biome was "marsh."
No. 23799 ID: 2ba785

Check your antivirus or something, yo.
No. 23846 ID: b0d1a8
File 136114386785.png - (876.63KB , 1600x878 , 2013-02-17_15_27_22.png )

tekkit server is so lonely these days
No. 23848 ID: b0d1a8
File 136114436519.png - (573.24KB , 1600x878 , 2013-02-17_15_34_31.png )

where did everyone goto anyways?
No. 23866 ID: b33427

The FTB Beta v12 server, or onto single-player until the FTB pack updates to Ultimate and the tgchan FTB server is wiped and updated to that. At least, that's what I'm doing.
No. 23872 ID: f2c20c

Okay it is Marsh. It's from ExtraBiomesXL, and most people disable that particular biome because it is terrible.

A PlusMulti server might be interesting too...
No. 23879 ID: 116339

Yeah, all the cool kids are hanging out on the FTB server.

I hope ultimate has thaums and alchemy.
No. 23887 ID: b33427

Except it's not just in the marsh biome. The marsh biome is that bit where the water is shallow. All that "noise" visible on the map is actually columns of dirt that extend from default ocean surface level, all the way down to the seabed. I didn't dig down to check if they extended all the way down (and possibly through) the bedrock. Anyway, that's definitely not from it being a marsh biome.

Yep, Ultimate is going to have Thaumcraft 3 and EE3. The big wait has been on Mystcraft to update to its next major version, which it just did. I'd bet that Ultimate will be out by the end of March for sure.
No. 23888 ID: f2c20c

You're thinking of vanilla Swamp biome. Marsh is ExtraBiomesXL, and is exactly that noise pattern of columns of dirt. Marsh obviously isn't supposed to be in strips like that, and apparently isn't supposed to have water as deep as the ocean?

It is a known issue and it's been around since halfway through october.
No. 24362 ID: af18c9

Is beta switched over to ultimate? I tried poking it a couple of times, but it didn't look like it was going to wake up.

Also it has been a while and it may be that the address changed. If I could get confirmation on that that would be just dandy.
No. 24363 ID: f2c20c

We are using Ultimate. The server needs to be reconfigured to periodically save manually, as automatic saving was apparently not working and we lost like a week of progress on the base. Dylan just hasn't gotten around to it. Can't bring the server back up 'til then.
No. 30037 ID: ea7b56

love a bit of the old 'craft
No. 30061 ID: a51fd9

No. 30062 ID: d1e279

so nostalgic
No. 30106 ID: 8cb31f

good times on the Tekkit server way back when...
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