Silver Wind
I rolled with my real life dice and got Taysa and Tav, this is their story . . .
Tav Tasers Tayza's tits
Tayza : "ebveryone tnhinks I am a lesbian, but I am not"
Tave: " every one thinks I am homo too, we should have sex to prove how strait we are and theen tape it and put it on the internet so people will know we are straight."
Tayza: "no I am to bitchy for something like sex, alls o I am really mean and olnly like hurting people."
Tav: " oh yeah?"
Tav takes out his taser gun spear thing and then Tav tasers taysa's tits(but he doesn't spear her, he already took the spear out, he just wants to shock her)
But Tayza was not hurt by the tayzer because she was a majibeast and invincable, insteadle it turned her on (haha because it is like electric) and maybe made her super horny too.
Tayza: "I change my mind ,t hat felt super good and now I feel less bitchy and want to have lost of sex, lots of esesx with you Tav!"
tav smiles and blushes, "I am glad you feel that way, but I am a virgin and do n't know how"
Tayza smiles"that's okay I'm not actually hating sex, I actually have lots of it, but since there are normally no boys around I have to have sex with girls. but I prtend I don't because I want beople to think I am straight"
Tav: but why do you want to have sex with me?"
Tayza: Because I 'm also Bi-sexual and want to have sex with you anyways"
Tav: yippe!"
and then Tav and Tayza had sex and they used the taser gun as a dildo which was okay because they bothe had a getting shocked fetish, also they videotaped it and sent tapes to demesi and sekani.
demesi was super sad because he wanted tav to be gay so they could keep having homo sex, but now his dream was over and he would be super sad for a long time
Sekani thought the tapes were the sexiest thing ever and them masturbated to the tapes every day for the frest of his life, also he wrote a boutk about the tapes which became a best seller
tav and tayseqa had a hundred babies and every one except demesi lived happily ever after