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File 143795905467.png - (87.89KB , 800x800 , PatreonThreadOP.png )
27683 No. 27683 ID: dd338c

In light of what is becoming a large draw thread, and what is going to be an expanding collection of patreon uploads, this will serve as an isolated thread specifically for my patreon rewards.

The 'P' could also stand for Porn.

This thread may not be 100% porn, but there's gonna be a whole lot of it, but hey, it's no secret that that's basically what /draw/ is all about.

811 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 38235 ID: bfb318
File 152168771691.png - (1.38MB , 2500x2050 , SS-Zirkala.png )

In which Zirkala possesses Story Seeker.
No. 38240 ID: c88e6d

Another great comic!
No. 38521 ID: bfb318
File 152381595680.png - (35.55KB , 1000x1000 , BeachKatzati.png )

No. 38522 ID: 0d45a9

Katzati continues to be the best neumono. Nice work!
No. 38578 ID: bfb318
File 152409543122.png - (69.41KB , 1000x800 , MuoMakesAShrine.png )

Tom tells Muo to make a shrine for him, and to 'just carve out whatever you've seen me doing.'
No. 38698 ID: caf1de

sooooo was that image on the vine booru yours cause who the fuck is nakatak
No. 38702 ID: bfb318

I drew the thing, yes. It was intended to be a one-off image on its own then forgotten about, hence the throw-away name.
No. 39565 ID: 09bde3

Will we be getting an update soon? Kinda excited to see what's piling up for the thread!
No. 39569 ID: a766f7

Hopefully a bunch of Fen and StorySeeker stuff. Straight Fen and Storyseeker stuff.

And maybe Fen x StorySeeker stuff.
No. 39572 ID: bfb318

Stuff will start trickling in over the next week or so, and after that, backlogged comics should start getting uploaded quickly.

I hope you're not hoping too hard - currently there's no immediate plans for Story Seeker stuff, someday though it'll return. Fen is on the backlog but won't show up for a bit and straightness is lacking.
No. 39591 ID: 214cda

oof, right in the hopes and dreams.
No. 39607 ID: bfb318
File 153202206103.png - (44.73KB , 1000x800 , BeachKatzati2.png )

Dropping a handful of mostly belated image uploads
No. 39608 ID: bfb318
File 153202206950.png - (57.19KB , 1250x1250 , KatzatiCoffeeCakePinup.png )

No. 39609 ID: bfb318
File 153202208132.png - (72.38KB , 900x800 , DungeonSlimeTrap.png )

No. 39610 ID: bfb318
File 153202211103.png - (938.13KB , 1250x2500 , KatzatiGymPage1.png )

No. 39611 ID: bfb318
File 153202212530.png - (906.71KB , 1250x2500 , KatzatiGymPage2.png )

No. 39612 ID: bfb318
File 153202263308.png - (616.16KB , 800x1200 , PoloPinkRanger.png )

No. 39636 ID: bfb318
File 153212154231.png - (854.83KB , 1250x2500 , OmegaPitQiurill_001.png )

Red/Blue board a ship to thwart evil plans and rescue people.

Content tags: Hyper, neumono sex
No. 39637 ID: bfb318
File 153212156292.png - (702.99KB , 1250x2500 , OmegaPitQiurill_002.png )

No. 39638 ID: bfb318
File 153212157003.png - (863.21KB , 1250x2500 , OmegaPitQiurill_003.png )

No. 39639 ID: bfb318
File 153212157704.png - (890.88KB , 1250x2500 , OmegaPitQiurill_004.png )

No. 39640 ID: bfb318
File 153212158548.png - (830.53KB , 1250x2500 , OmegaPitQiurill_005.png )

No. 39641 ID: bfb318
File 153212159615.png - (678.17KB , 1250x2500 , OmegaPitQiurill_006.png )

No. 39642 ID: bfb318
File 153212160521.png - (747.57KB , 1250x2500 , OmegaPitQiurill_007.png )

No. 39643 ID: bfb318
File 153212161570.png - (647.51KB , 1250x2500 , OmegaPitQiurill_008.png )

No. 39644 ID: bfb318
File 153212162401.png - (849.79KB , 1250x2500 , OmegaPitQiurill_009.png )

No. 39645 ID: bfb318
File 153212163847.png - (768.03KB , 1250x2500 , OmegaPitQiurill_010.png )

No. 40414 ID: bfb318
File 153714950496.png - (97.66KB , 1400x1200 , RadminxMurdermouse.png )

A backlog's forming but here's Radmin x Murdermouse for the sake of something for now.
No. 40416 ID: c29333

I think this story wouldn't have been as funny if these two hadn't been introduced long beforehand in BTE. Their presence would have felt... forced or something, but since we already know of them it feels natural instead.
It's great!
No. 40429 ID: bfb318
File 153730555760.png - (1.06MB , 2400x1600 , LikolValhalla.png )

Likol in the afterlife.
No. 40430 ID: bfb318
File 153730559450.png - (906.37KB , 2400x1900 , FenNoir-Lily.png )

Also an AU in which Fen is the hard boiled PI.
No. 40431 ID: bfb318
File 153730561295.png - (911.24KB , 2400x1900 , FenNoir-Cheese.png )

With an alternate scenario.
No. 40439 ID: bfb318
File 153732093038.png - (94.14KB , 1200x1200 , RokoaScienceHive1.png )

Rokoa beats up some nerds.
No. 40442 ID: bfb318
File 153732099601.png - (88.32KB , 1300x911 , RokoaScienceHive2.png )

Some nerds science up revenge on Rokoa.
No. 40443 ID: bfb318
File 153732525741.png - (524.65KB , 1200x800 , PoloMeetup1.png )

A wholesome multiverse Polo meetup.
No. 40444 ID: bfb318
File 153732526912.png - (485.62KB , 1200x800 , PoloMeetup2.png )

Eventually without awkwardness.
No. 40446 ID: eeb7d9

Gonna have to ask... who is that Polo with a... Ghost costume? A blanket with holes? A Ghost Polo? A Polo-ghost?
No. 40448 ID: 91ee5f

That’s April Fools Polo.

Here is the thread she’s from: https://tgchan.org/kusaba/questarch/res/568530.html .
No. 40450 ID: eeb7d9

Thanks mate. I missed that one. Somehow.
No. 40468 ID: 9125e0

....and now that's my computer background
No. 40469 ID: 9125e0

also the Likol one on my other computer
No. 41827 ID: 985f67

haven't seen lago in awhile, he doing alright?
No. 41828 ID: 465a14

Lago's been around on IRC and Discord, I think he's just been busy. Business happens to a lot of people this time of year.
No. 41867 ID: 2f83e5

Is Alien among aliens just on hiatus? Or was it canceled?
No. 41870 ID: 5fc3a0

Somewhat of a hiatus, but it's still in the works and will be done.
No. 41872 ID: 2f83e5

No. 46344 ID: 836379

Just wanted to ask are you still alive where are you still alive are you still posting artwork you last posted artwork on FA and e621 one nearly a year ago and no other message posts I can see on there or your patron

I hope you are still ok I'm worrying over nothing
No. 46345 ID: c18c31

I'm guessing you didn't know, but Lago does have a Twitter (https://twitter.com/Lagotrope). I can also tell he was active on it recently since on July 31st he retweeted a gift commission. He's been more active on Twitter than elsewhere for a bit, so I'd suggest following him there for now.
No. 46467 ID: 836379

thank you annon <3
No. 47069 ID: 1958ca

Twitter recently went the "mandatory safe mode for non-members" route, and JUST wizened up to the fact their API was still showing NSFW posts just like 15 minutes ago; I was checking Lago's twitter timeline on Nitter and practically saw the posts disappear before my very eyes.
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