Dusk Stone
I dunno if I can help, since my entire gaming group is made out of 'That Guys,' (me included, probably) but I will offer my ideas regardless.
I certainly do not think you should kick him from the group. I also realise this is like, two weeks old now, and you may have very well already taken action against that guy.
To me, he sounds like he is stricken by trepidation, and not by an unwillingness or inability to cooperate with you and the other players. He may feel inadequate around the rest of you, given your more impressive occupations, and apparent social aptitude (which this fellow strikes me as devoid of). To me, his small claims of 'LOLRANDUMB' attitude seem more like a way to appear more, I don't know, well-adjusted, or whatever. I don't know.
I don't know how you guys are with him at the table, but I can suggest perhaps you should consider being a little more lenient with him, to a point, of course. Possibly even positively reinforcing good, and active role-playing with small, in-game rewards. You know, a little extra gold or something.
If you are concerned with his unwillingness to speak in-character, then perhaps I can suggest including some dialogue, or actual specific questions, aimed at his character.
As for not showing up, well, that's how it goes, I guess.