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1096835 No. 1096835 ID: f846b3

Set forth on an adventure through the Woods of Saltlick!
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No. 1097339 ID: 355e44

A trick! The hag seeks to fool you with this simulacrum, but see how she hath failed to hide the seams. Rebuke this assail on thine tender heart by rending this false doxy to kindling.
No. 1097354 ID: cd10d0

Are you sure she's just not interested and giving you the silent treatment?
No. 1097393 ID: 8f9bc4

I'm going to second the petrification pronking protection.
No. 1097411 ID: 15a025

If some are punctured by arrows, be careful. Those archers may be lurking around yet.
No. 1097420 ID: 3904e0
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>I'm going to second the petrification pronking protection.
>If the curse stops you from moving, then clearly the only solution is to keep moving.
I prance and prong out of fear that staying in one place for too long will petrify me. You will not striketh me, o’ salty hag!

(I’ll come back for you, my beloved. Just after the sweet licks of salt on my buds)

I hop and skip for minutes and my legs feel all the more weary. Her cackling is still distant; I wonder if she even knows I’m here. No matter, I head in a direction with my best gut. If I see enemies or more unlucky petrified sods, then I must be going the right way!

And indeed I was! For I come upon a sight even stranger than the last! At first, an ordinary river. But at second glance, it’s also under the effects of petrification! It curves motionless into the fog. I don’t recall any crick or river through the woods as a wee lad, but it could be a moat around the mines! I search for a raft or vehicle to safely cross this accursed river—but no dice.

>How ever does one traverse this strange phenomenon?
No. 1097425 ID: 462d8c

If it's petrified as well, then it should be solid enough to cross on, right? Still, be cautious and put not but a single hoof on this river
No. 1097455 ID: d2a27d

Wait a few minutes. Beware of sudden onrushing lights. If you see even the merest pair of them coming immediately move at full speed towards whichever bank is closest. Do not delay. Fae vessels ply these petrified rivers at incredible speed and in this mist will plough through you like a tumbling boulder.
No. 1097456 ID: 355e44

Give it a dainty stamp to test its surface
No. 1097463 ID: 8f9bc4

Is there anything *not* under the effects of petrification? Maybe it's you who are under the effects of... everythingelse... petrification...itis.
No. 1097603 ID: 543ea5

With a moat and perchance even a river, a bridge should be a sight at some local. If you were to go what is to be believed upstream, there might be a chance for a crossing. And, dreadful it may be, with no structure other than air for support, you may need to leap across this accursed river at the narrowest point you find.
No. 1097611 ID: 2f41db

Dip within its flow the merest tips of thine prodigiously proportioned rack.
Should this watery mystery be the source of the petrification, only the tips will be affected and mayhap hardened.
Should it begin to spread your ever sharp blade shall divest you of this peril in but a single slice.
No. 1097632 ID: f4210f

Perhaps you could throw a pebble on to the petrified river to see if it reacts in any way.
No. 1097634 ID: 4c750c

What if the river is made of salt? After some testing, perhaps a lick?
No. 1097672 ID: 681cb5

Throw a rock onto the river to see if it is truley frozen in time. Throw a big enough rock and you'll even be sure it will hold your own weight!
No. 1097680 ID: b9c2b6
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>Perhaps you could throw a pebble on to the petrified river to see if it reacts in any way.
>Throw a rock onto the river to see if it is truley frozen in time. Throw a big enough rock and you'll even be sure it will hold your own weight!
An ingenious idear! I grab the nearest pebble and toss it in the river; it rebounds without a ripple! I find an even larger stone and toss that as well! The rock shatters without making a dent! How queer!

I stand by its edge with intent to dip one single clove to see if there are any long-term effects on the living. My bastard sword is at the ready to chop my leg off before it spreads because it’s good to think ahead. As if expecting a chilly dip I gradually lower my hoof and tap the surface of the water. It... it doesn’t affect me! I give it a dainty stamp and still no trap has sprung. I trot a few hooves into the river; it isn’t even cold!

>Perhaps a lick?
Yuck. If only it were salt.

The other side doesn’t seem far to reach. I could simply gallop across. From there, the salt lick would be within my grasp.
No. 1097681 ID: b9c2b6
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During my powerwalk, I hear another set of hooves by the time I step on the river’s midpoint. I scan my immediate vicinity to find no one following, not even the hag; although her cackling would precede her presence. It seems the hooves echo louder and louder. They must be downstream!

>Beware of sudden onrushing lights. If you see even the merest pair of them coming immediately move at full speed towards whichever bank is closest
Ah yes. I’ve heard of dancing wisps that come out at night. I’m sure it’s only midafternoon, yet the fog dampens daylight enough to fool even the most crepuscular critters.

And suddenly two beams of moonlight shine through the mist like the arrival of holy angels! The galloping hooves grow heavier and louder. So why... WHY haven’t I leapt aside to huddle behind a bush?

The aura emitting from those wispy lights has me stunned! I... I couldn’t move even if I wanted to! Thankfully I don’t feel my body turning to stone. What magic is this? Oh wait… it’s like what I did to that sentry guarding the forest perimeter. Nevermind. Curse you, instinct! It blinds me, for I cannot identify the creature charging! Mayhaps I can jump at the last moment, cause the fiend to run past, and I may sprint out of this river with a head start!

But neigh. I wasn’t fast enough. A Norwegian fjord bronco surrounded by such ghastly wisps picks me up and plants me on its back. I hold on to dear life! I demand the stallion: Where does he take me?! But with a sinister nicker he responds:

“Thou shalt goeth to Cabelas!”


>This psychopomp expects to drag me to the dark pits of the underworld! I must get off this wild ride!
No. 1097690 ID: 642c75

Mayhaps due to this beast's ancestral blood, a simple utterance of "oh I cannot wait to go to Sweden's best resting place"
And while the quadruped is hit by this calculated mistake, your antlers shall do the trick of the physical malady.
No. 1097693 ID: eb0a9c

Did he mistake you for a damsel? He might be hunting for female sex slaves.
Ask what a Cabella's is.
No. 1097715 ID: 355e44

Use your grace to prance upon his back. When the time is right leap away.
No. 1097717 ID: cd10d0

Use bastard sword on horse. Send him to the glue factory!!!
No. 1097750 ID: 2f41db

Horses are accursed beings, neither deer nor beast but some godforsaken horror that lurks somewhere between.
Gird thy loins and show no quarter.
But beforebvanquishing, take a moment to lick the vile mockery of cervidkind.
Should it be sweating their is a small chance of salt within its devilish excretions.
And it might distract it from its nefarious intent.
No. 1097789 ID: 4c750c

Not Cabela’s! Something must be done! How to bring this horse to a halt safely though… perhaps you could bargain with it? Any carrot/apple based rations on your person?
No. 1097986 ID: f0d12a
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Horses sure are accursed beings; a pox on them all! I shall treat the bastards with my own. I unsheathe my sword! And make a swift cut against its nape!

Nay, I say! Thou shalt goeth to the glue factory!


Like cutting a knife with hot butter! His head rolls aside and tumbles onto the stone river beneath his clog-clopping hooves. But the impossible happens before mine eyes. He does not drop! His burgling bloody stump gurgles a wicked... churtle. This headless horse still animates!

While it’s in a dazed state after divorcing its head from thine shoulders, I taketh the opportunity to prance off its back to the other side of the bank! Hiding in a herd of bushes, I wait for that abomination to disappear further down the stream. Whinnying a chilling laugh.
No. 1097987 ID: f0d12a
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My journey continues in the forest. I could not help but notice the salty fragrance of a salt block in the air. I follow my snout and hone in on the wonderful scent. At last there is hope at the end of my quest, for I have reached the eye of this hazy storm. And wouldn’t you know--the last remaining saltblock upon a mossy pedestal. God rays shine down on its magnificence. It glitters white gold.

But what’s this? A cry for help? I see a damsel stuck within an alcove. A row of salty bars imprison her. Our gazes lock, and she has the most beautiful doe eyes I have ever seen. Most fairer than the maiden before~ She begs:

“You sir! Here ye, you knav—kn-nn—uhm-knight! Oh please be not an illusion! I am in need of a rescuing, for I was foolish to pursue the last lick of salt rumored to be in this very forest! I have lacked the proficiency to reach my target.

“Oh handsome traveler. Could you assist in licking these salty bars to help me free? Here! Lick this one I’ve been working on! We can file it thinner with our tongues and hot, huffy breaths and meet in the middle!”

>Take the saltblock for thineself
>Free the damsel and work together out of this forest
No. 1097988 ID: 34ceee

"Thou be'est not a witch, forsooth? Thou must so say if thou art!"
No. 1097991 ID: eb0a9c

Punch a salt bar off with your bare hooves and shove it up this spy.
No. 1098001 ID: d998d9

Test for witches with a sly pratfall, the cackling will give her away.
No. 1098014 ID: 2f41db

A maiden!
Chivalry or salty goodness, which to choose...

But, hold!
Are these bars made entirely of salt?
Pray tell, why is this so?
Are these bars a debive created to contain or repel? To keep out or keep in?

...but despite your trepidation, you are honourable and thus can only offer aid.
Should they be deceptive in their cries, then you shall seek redress later, with fury and righteous wrath.
But you shall not tarnish your honour as a cervid.
No. 1098026 ID: 8f9bc4

Give her the most smug look as you can muster while you lick the salt block and there's nothing she can do to stop you.
No. 1098067 ID: 4c750c

The salt cube is right there before us! We may not get a chance like this again! We should at least give the salt block ONE lick before we engage with this potential trap. We should definitely engage with the potential trap though. T’is only chivalrous.
No. 1098068 ID: 4c750c

Do say this tho. I like this
No. 1098141 ID: c408d3

Put the tip of your sword through the bars and demand she touch it. Witches and the fae cannot touch iron for it burns them, everyone knows this. If she can stand to touch the cold steel she is to be trusted, if not its a trick.
No. 1098206 ID: 435cbc
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Before I give in to temptation of licking the cube, I believe I am being tested by the salty hag. “Thou be’est not a witch forsooth? Thou must say if thou art!”

“Ugh, you’re one of those coxcombed deer, aren’t you? Of course I’m not some... fairy tale creature! Do I look like I carry warts?”

I unsheathe my sword and slowly poke through the salty bars that trap her so. “Then you would be unaffected when touching the very iron of this blade, now would you?”

She reels back. “Watch where you’re pointing that! One should never present their sword to a damsel unprotected! Cover your shame! You country deer have no chivalry! At least use it to break my bonds instead of chattering your teeth.”

My final test is a show of complete boobery. “Well I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to enjoy a single lick of salt before I make my decision whether to trust you.” I turn and slip on some dewy rocks, stumbling and staging my pratfall like a saddle goose.


The maiden cackles and ripsnorts followed by an immediate cover-up with blushed cheeks. “I’m sorry. I have the worst laugh out of my twelve fair sisters. I try to remain stoic so I may never be reminded of my greatest fault.”

>She’s a hag
>She’s not a hag
No. 1098211 ID: 273c18

She's totally the hag. But which is the trap? Freeing her, or taking the salt lick?
No. 1098216 ID: 642c75


At worst she is french. And I believe that thou may have a way to free both fair maiden and salt lick at the same time. Tie a rope around the bars of the maiden's prison, and the other around the salt lick.
Grab up the salt lick after it is snug and run, breaking both maiden and lick away from their bonds (gracefully).
With the salt lick's boost of vitality you shall be stronger than elk! So it should be a grand display, both ingenuity and strength.
If the rope doesn't break.
If you have a rope.
No. 1098217 ID: 4c750c

Hmm… If she is a hag, she is insanely clever. I am tempted to buy into this ruse. She did almost call us a knave before, so definitely remain wary. However, perhaps begin saving her, but frustratingly slowly. If she is truly a hag, she will surely loose her temper and reveal herself in her outrage.
No. 1098218 ID: 2f41db

Ask the names of her 12 sisters, mayhap you have heard of them.

Lick the salt while you listen and think.

Mayhap she is a hag, but what value in victory if it is not shared?
There is enough bounty for two in the treasured cube.
No. 1098219 ID: 355e44

She seems like to be the hag, yet with such comely countenance is it of much import? Perhaps ye might pledge thou sword to her, and reap rewards both salty and sweet.
No. 1098286 ID: b6ea64

Seconding, ask for the names of all her sisters.
No. 1098314 ID: 4c750c

I like this too. “Truly? Thou doth haveth a full dozen of sisters? Wouldst thou giveth their names, and of course thine own?” (That last part is a reverse fey trick, in case she’s a hag. Names having power, etc etc.)
No. 1098315 ID: eb0a9c

Spies gonna die
No. 1098374 ID: cd10d0

Licking all that salt must have her very parched. Perhaps you could offer her some WATER!!!
No. 1098414 ID: bc5ac3
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This dame is sending mixed signals, but I find it chivalrous to help release her! As I try to break the salty irons with my sword, I chat her up and inquire the names of her dozen sisters.

“Karen. Sharon. Barron. Ro Laren. Erin. Aaron. Charon. Herron. Marron. Subsaharan. Derron. And Amandaron.”

By the time she finishes namedropping her sisters, I pry enough salty bars to free her.

And what of your name? Hmm?

“eeehehehehe I’m Alyre.”
No. 1098415 ID: bc5ac3
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Suddenly the damsel shrivels like a prune, cured as if she bathed in salt. It was indeed the hag all along!! I raise my bastard sword. She cackles.

“The act was just a jolly ruse, foolish brethren! But thy have proven thyself to be worthy of the salt block. For every knave before you was of greed, surrendering to temptation and gluttony--just like the King who evicted me to mine the forests of its salt. If thou haveth licked the cursed block, thou wouldeth transmogrified into a pillar of salt thyself--

“It is a pity to unveil that there is no saltblock at the end. I had spread these rumors to attract stuck-up adventurers far and wide in search of one who can resist its temptation. For choosing me over the salt, I feel it’s time I can leave this forest and with it remove the mist that plagues it so.”

>”HEY! What about my prize? I won’t leave without a prize!!”
>”Oh. That’s cool. I guess. It’s the journey that… whatever.”
>[Lick the block] “I’m sorry you were saying something?”
>”Change back. Now.”
> Alt+F4
No. 1098422 ID: eb0a9c

You Fool
And mist adds biodiversity to the nature preserve so you should prevent her from removing it.
No. 1098424 ID: 273c18

>”Change back. Now.”
No. 1098447 ID: 63709c

So she can look pretty when she wants too, eh? If you seduce the hag you could get all the salt you can lick.
No. 1098451 ID: 2f41db

Change back!
A great wrong has been done unto her and a true knight of honour would crave not selfish reward but instead share the taste of JUSTICE'S salty leavings!

Would any knight truly worth their salt do anything other?
That means in the vulgar, bestial tongue of the horse, no!
No. 1098560 ID: 4c750c

Asking her to change back assumes she would be interested in us romantically. Chances of this are low given our interactions of her. However! She needs to remove more than the mist!

>>1097329 >I realize this fair damsel has been petrified! As the fog clears in my vicinity I see more unlucky brethren frozen in time!

We need her to free our stone brethren! Plus imagine how grateful the real damsel will be to know you have saved her from eternal stasis!

> I’ll come back for you, my beloved. Just after the sweet licks of salt on my buds (>>1097420)

You would betray thine word and not return for the maiden???
No. 1098562 ID: 273c18

...should probably ask the hag about the maiden.
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