Untamed Chanting Cream
>So you're going with 'a robot elephant' and the tripods from War of the Worlds. You are trying to say that those are the underpinnings of modern 'western' mecha design.
No. I'm saying that you are painfully generalizing mechs by the side of the super robot genere where a massive artillery vehicle is modeled as a humanoid, whereas in trought western history's "mechs" have been more than just that. The elephant is just an example of this and most certainly jules verne wasn't into "anime". The AT-ATs from star wars are also mechs, just like their chicken legged brothers the AT-ST. And I hardly believe the production of the place knew what "anime" was at the time.
They most certainly are not modern but when talking mechs there is more than just the stuff that comes out of japan for ideas of design and I'm quite certain that the old sci-fi novels that speak of mechs did their part too, so try to give credit where it is due.
>They were androids in BLAME! too.
That's not the point, the point is that an android is not a massive artillery vehicle capable of being piloted. They are humanoid replicas, that are the size of a normal human being and you can't compare them to a piloted unit, much less on a "semi-related" example pic.