Honey Bubbles
I've updated my commission table!
Base(one character, color + simple shading): 15$
no colour: -2$
full body: no bonus
only knees and up: -2$
only waist and up: -3$
only neck and up: -4$
------------[Basic Modifiers]------------------------
extra character: +6$(first), +5$(second, third), +4$(fourth, fifth, sixth)
complicated BG: +5$
all Human: -5$
half Human: -2$
-----[Setting Modifiers]------------------
my setting, your original character -5$
-Multiple OCs -9$
my character unpopular -4$
-Multiple unpopular -6$
TGchan quest character, other than mine(art quests only) -2$
-40k,warhammer -4$
------[Clothed Modifiers]----------------
All Male(clothed): -5$
half Male(clothed): -2$
my character clothed -5$
Astranian (clothed): -3$
-multiple Astranians clothed-5$
multiple characters of mine clothed -10$
------[Nudity Modifiers]--------
first full nude character: +5$
-additional nudes +4$
first partial nude character: +2$
-additional parial nudes +1$
covered boner: +5$
grope: +5$
my character naked: +4$
-additional +3$ each
Short Race naked +3$
-additional +2$
Astranian naked +6$
-additional +4$ each
My character acting out of character +5$
crotch/ass perspective +3$
crotch/ass perspective naked +6$
all nudes female: -2$
half to one male: -5$
mostly male: no bonus
------[Fetish Modifiers]----------
fetishy:Latex +8$
fetishy:Bondage +8$
fetishy:ENF -2$
fetishy:other +5$
fetishy impossible: +10$
gay/lesbian +5$
questionable consent +5$
logo +15$
10% discount on all sequential commissions!
20% discount for comic panels
min over all cost: 1$ per character