Purple Chocolate Drifter
13 minutes, tried a faggy posterise filter, so it looked like shitty DOS space hulk graphics. I think I need to use a less messy brush as well, or draw on a bigger canvas and shrink it down.
Also: can someone please think of a good name for a space marine chaplain?
I did maths for 7 hours today, and I don't think I did very well on my test. Due to being a fucking slack dumbass in high school, I've got poor familiarity with some fundamental mathematical concepts, and that makes it hard to learn new things now when I'm actually trying to make good of my studies. Well, if I failed the test, it's not the end of the world; I should be able to resit it on a later date.
Unfortunately, 'advanced' maths begins next week and I don't feel very good about it.
That, my boy, is the magic of friendship.