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File 140022671392.png - (60.98KB , 600x600 )
23197 No. 23197 ID: 189a54
Just doodling some stuff to get used to my pad, don't mind me.

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No. 23228 ID: 189a54
File 140031992512.png - (75.30KB , 650x600 )
Uff, I'm bad at this.

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No. 23229 ID: 189a54
File 140032519425.png - (81.20KB , 560x569 )
As long as I'm botching Plate's characters I might as well do this one too.

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No. 23239 ID: 189a54
File 140037846902.jpg - (96.47KB , 1009x669 , Tav and Elf1.jpg )
Lookit that detail. Of special note is the cleverly hidden labeling in the surroundings and the bent banner.
No. 23240 ID: 189a54
File 140038309791.jpg - (158.17KB , 901x669 , Derpbow1.jpg )
Switching it up some, some crappy writing to go with the sketch this time.
No. 23248 ID: 189a54
File 140043517131.jpg - (189.27KB , 1366x685 , Some Moar GQ thoughts1.jpg )
Something something quest I'm thinking about doing.
No. 23354 ID: 189a54
File 140140032356.jpg - (157.18KB , 1024x768 , dogz.jpg )
Garbage from a totally different software, huzzar! Depicted is my plan for if another dog craps on my mailbox.
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