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File 140019388770.png - (130.16KB , 600x550 , i guess.png )
23179 No. 23179 ID: 0eaf76
There was a bit of a mix up of Pans and Pans.

So I remade it to clear up doubt.

This is where I put art.
Expand all images
No. 23181 ID: 0eaf76
File 140020033647.png - (176.34KB , 755x722 , blah.png )
A bit of Mara
No. 23188 ID: 6e1234
Heeeyy I quite like your draws, you've got some good art.

Is there anywhere else you post your stuff?
No. 23189 ID: 0eaf76

Erm, I have a FurAffinity and tumblr if you're interested?
No. 23190 ID: 6e1234
If you wouldn't mind posting the links, that would be great.
No. 23191 ID: 0eaf76

TUMBLR: http://glacierclear.tumblr.com/

FURAFFINITY: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/glo-in-the-dark/
No. 23192 ID: 6e1234
No. 23193 ID: 0eaf76

No problem! <3
No. 23196 ID: 0eaf76
File 140022027118.png - (160.71KB , 600x550 , lucario.png )
Lucario doodle.
No. 23199 ID: 2bfcdf
This is an acceptable amount of lewds.
No. 23200 ID: 6e1234
Aw, what a cutie.
No. 23201 ID: 0d00d0
Aaaaaaaaa it's so damn cute
No. 23205 ID: 1ab2ad
Oh wow that is an adorable Lucario.
No. 23215 ID: 0eaf76
File 140028027066.png - (278.09KB , 900x800 , froakie.png )
Since my latest quest has a Froakie main character I decided to do some ninja frog practice. I have trouble drawing the Froakie line, so practice is gonna be needed!
No. 23216 ID: 0eaf76
File 140028127976.png - (210.96KB , 861x873 , madam mienshao.png )
NSFW Mienshao princess
No. 23217 ID: befc95
Welcome to the party Panpna, your art is cute as fuck
No. 23222 ID: 0eaf76

Thank you very much! For the welcome and compliment!
No. 23223 ID: 0eaf76
File 140030537583.png - (164.83KB , 588x889 , dragon.png )
dragon girly!
No. 23241 ID: 0eaf76
File 140038888877.png - (0.96MB , 2000x2000 , cutezilla.png )
Cutezilla, in tribute to the new movie.
No. 23242 ID: 2bfcdf
No. 23244 ID: 6e1234
so ~*kawaii*~
No. 23245 ID: 6e1234
so ~*kawaii*~
No. 23249 ID: 1f8505

This is *incredibly* kawaii.
No. 23268 ID: 0eaf76
File 140064717909.png - (76.66KB , 638x665 , kobold.png )
kobold thing
No. 23271 ID: 0eaf76
File 140065147042.png - (166.57KB , 600x550 , wishes.png )
Do I have permission to see you?
No. 23279 ID: 1f8505

Good ol' fuzzy high school.
No. 23286 ID: 0eaf76
File 140073301138.png - (198.49KB , 1260x833 , coffee.png )
$5 commission for Strigon
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