Goblin Choking Day
Goblin Choking Day is a day where everyone makes a quest which starts with the protagonist choking a one-eyed goblin. It happens every 10/10/10.
Bounty Quest
Vytalibus accidentally the whole thing by posting a ??? quest: [1]
Beakie then kicked off the bandwagon by parodying it in the style of Silvermoon Clan Inheritence Wars Chronicles: My Brother I Will Defeat You: [2]
BiteQuest joined in, and ended up creating a Sergal quest with a canon 100% GOOD END, in which everyone who hadn't died already went on to live happily ever after: [3]
Gnoll added Renamon to his parody, which then crossed-over with Beakie's: [4]
Rand gave us a bonus mini-Tory's Tower chapter with a goblin-strangling robot, and there was much rejoicing: [5]
Robot Quest[TODO: Does this have a name yet?] referenced the now flourishing bandwagon in an update: [6]
Adept threw in some NicQuest strangling, complete with tea: [7]
TestPattern started A Legitimate Quest, following the tale of COMMANDER JAMES MISJIZDRAN MISFORTUNE 67c611, a fabulous TOZVRYXIEN: [8]
Larro decided to instead have Curi hug a goblin: [9]
And finally someone decided that if goblins and Renamon were going to be in the same place, there was only one logical conclusion: [10]
The next Goblin Choking Day is scheduled for Friday October 10th, 2110. Mark your calendars!