Tiny Cat People

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Tiny Cat People by mortis
  1. Act 1
  2. Wretch
  3. Act 2
  4. Spit

A quest involving the suggesters (Referred to as "The Void") creating a world and its inhabitants.

The world

The Void has the ability to create things as they please, unless there's an Adventure active. This exception is to allow Adventures to be completed without wasting too much time.

Tiny Cat People

Often referred to in shorthand as TCPs, the Tiny Cat People are the main characters of the quest. The Void can only have a limited number of living TCPs at any given time, but can normally issue whatever orders they want. TCP are created with a single noun to determine what they are made of. They prefer having names that are two syllables long.

There are different types of TCP that can be created, the following is a list of what they can do.


A storage TCP is capable of holding items within itself, granting it an internal inventory without the need of pouches and packs.


A weapon TCP is born with low health conditions, and can sacrifice some health in order to add to the weapon count on their body.


A creature TCP is very powerful, but unable to control their ability usage; it is passive. Whether or not this means it's constant is currently unknown.


Primus floating in the void


The first TCP created, Primus is a male ("he") Storage TCP, subtype TENT. Being a tent, Primus is large for a Tiny Cat Person, and may even pass as a Medium Cat Person if he were brought into a world where they existed. His head has a vertical zipper going down it, which has the handle at the bottom when zipped up; he can open it up to store items inside of his head. His stomach has a flap which can be opened to hold a TCP that is smaller than himself, granting them health regeneration. He has two small black eyes, and the position of the zipper handle makes it look like a tongue.

Bee flying out of the spawning pool


A non-TCP creature that was spawned shortly after Primus and became his pet. Bee is a horizontally-elliptical yellow creature with a vertical black band across its midsection, and short insect wings jutting out of that black band and two black eyes upon its front. Other than the wings and eyes, it lacks any other appendages, legs and stinger included.

Buddy shambling out of the spawning pool


The second TCP created, Buddy is a genderless ("it") Weapon TCP, subtype KNIFE. Being a knife TCP, Buddy is of medium size and has knifes jutting out of it. Its right arm was missing from its creation, instead being replaced by two blades, one higher and larger than the other. A third blade juts out of the top of its head; all three blades leave a red substance leaking out, similar to blood. It has permanently closed, sad looking eyes, the bottom of which dip into red blush-like circles on its cheeks. It has no mouth, though it does have a long neck.

Dad, freshly spawned and striking a pose


The third TCP created, Dad is a female ("she") Creature TCP, subtype DAD. Being a dad TCP, Dad is of small size, with a commanding aura that allows her to override The Void's commands. Her name was given before suggesters confirmed her gender, hence being referred to as Dad instead of Mom, and by suggesters who had forgotten that TCP prefer two syllable names, which is why it isn't Father or Mother. She was spawned to be a responsible TCP who could take care of a Plushie Corpse that was spawned. Dad has a green face and green feet, with slanted eyes that point down to where her nose would be if she had one. Her belly has a white tie-shaped mark on it.

Primus sitting in the middle of a Marimo herd


Marimo are a peaceful non-tcp species, who are basically a soft ball of moss or algae, though their creation granted them the ability to move around on their own in herds. Buddy sneakily adopted one as a pet.


Wretch has made one appearance Inside the Quest. [1]

See also

Diminutive Feline Individuals, a Tiny Cat People April Fools parody by Cadveria.



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NSFW Fanart

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