How do I shot Trip?

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Shot Trip started his work in text only (in Operator Quest, a single-thread text only quest with aliens and pschic powers and shite) and moved on from there to arting a full quest (beforequest), which was completed in the spiritual sequel Rune Quest.

Shot Trip's current work is Alchemist Quest (the sequel to Hat Quest and Rune Quest), Gearhead, and Phred Quest.

Shot Trip goes by Shot__ or Omni__ on IRC.

Quests by How do I shot Trip

TGchan: Operator Quest | BeforeQuest | TalentQuest | Yorick Quest | Pathogenquest | War for the Holy Grail | Experimental | Fury Rising | Displacement | Trapmaster | Hat Quest | Rune Quest | Gearhead | Alchemist Quest | Phred Quest | Bardic Quest | Long Way from Home | Links: A Beginning | Artifice | -. --- - .... .. -. --. | Revenge | Red Sands | Bloodline Protector Redux | Reset

Collaborations: R.A.M. vs G.A.C. | Black Bird | Dollmaker Quest | Red Sands Again | Humble Quest