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"Goddammit, 67c611."

A creature appearing in Tozol Quest, Battle Quest, and Venji Quest (kind of). Created by TestPattern.

Physical appearance

Tozols are genetically engineered soldier-aliens. They stand five and a half feet tall, with less volume on average than a human, but more mass due to their high density. They have digitigrade legs ending in oppose-able three-toed feet and ten whip-like tails that sense movement and vibrations in air. Their heads are rich in sensory organs, with large eyes with vertical oval pupils, a snout allowing for a keen sense of smell, and four ears. They are coated in gray fur.

Origin and physiology

Described in-universe as "self-replicating combat drones," Tozols are bioengineered super-soldiers created by an elusive and as-yet unseen race known only as the "Precursors". They have a strict, militaristic society that generally revolves around battle(though not to the extent of the jokes frequently made about their everyday lives), and as a whole they possess incredible martial prowess and superhuman ability in almost every sense of the word(see "observed abilities" section). Their current abilities are not known, as the only Tozol seen moving at this time is severely injured. Tozol genes are not carried in DNA, and their genes are not carried in every cell in their entire body like non-engineered creatures. They are immune to pure magical attacks.

Observed abilities

Penji, the only active tozol seen to date, has been observed with the following abilities. She is not at full capacity, and she will regain more abilities as she heals.

  • Extreme regeneration. Penji recovered from having her brain mostly destroyed, though it took forty years to do so. Healing is greatly accelerated compared to humans, with most flesh wounds healing within an hour and broken bones not taking much longer.
  • Toxin resistance.
  • Acid resistance. Penji felt nothing but a tingle when exposed to what seemed like a strong enough acid to reduce a human to nothing but bones.
  • Strong digestion. Penji has expressed a desire to eat room-temperature superconductors, and seemed vaguely surprised when /quest/ was confused when she considered eating a scrap of metal.
  • Ludicrous physical strength. In an extremely weakened state Penji was able to overturn a heavy tracked robot and rip it to shreds with her bare hands(and feet). Rending metal is not much of a problem.
  • Extreme agility.
  • "Blindsight". Using the various dedicated sensory organs unique to a Tozol, Penji can 'see' in areas that are dark or even around corners by detecting minute vibrations or changes in air pressure with her ears and tails.
  • Multi-spectrum vision. Penji can see far beyond the human range of vision, well into infrared and ultraviolet, with possible other types of vision not yet uncovered.
  • Lightning reflexes. Penji implied that she could slap an oncoming rocket aside or dodge it if she were healthier.
  • Intrinsic weapons knowledge. Penji either knows or quickly familiarizes herself with firearms and melee weapons.
  • Invisibility to human scanners. In addition to being invisible to whatever sci-fi-tech the humans are using to track her, Penji can also mask her body heat at full health.
  • Complete immunity to "displacer" (teleporter) missiles, including any matter close to her- the field seemed to extend about a foot in all directions from her body. Large weapons will have pieces cut off, but compact equipment is protected.
  • Head and torso are highly resistant to damage, able to survive impacts up to and often including direct hits from 7.92mm battle rifles.
  • {this space left blank for future filling in. Please add any abilities seen in Tozol Quest not listed here!}

Spoiler.gif This article contains spoilers! You were warned.

Uncrippled abilities

Able to sprint 180 km/h, run all day at half that speed, jump, climb, and maneuver with great agility, lift multiple tons, carry hundreds of kilograms, survive and recover from grievous injuries from weapons that would defeat power armor, hear heartbeats, sense targets at range by detecting minute air currents or shock-wave geometry, see infrared, ultraviolet, and energy signatures, hear and analyze radio, speak the nigh-unbreakable battle language, resist utterly all psionics and similar exotic weapons and sensors, alter their fur's thermal conductivity and albedo, resist biological and chemical agents, resist radiation, survive in vacuum, produce no infrared signature for significant durations, act and react far faster than most humanoids, hit a head-sized target at five kilometers, shoot down a missile in flight.[ref]

Races and Species

Generic: Bugfolk | Catfolk | Demon / Devil | Dragon | Dwarf | Elf | Gnoll | Goblin | Grue | Halfling | Human | Illithid | Kobold | Lizardfolk | Mimic | Mimiga | Ogre | Orc | Pokémon | Ratfolk | Slime | Tonberry

Original: Amtsvane | Arid | Astranian | Blockhead | Bubble Dragon | Chameleon | Clockwork | Cobble | Cremate | Doobie | Engsami | Golden | Gour | Hat'kal | Indahl | Kiln | Krobin | Ktullis | Lazurek | Leferran | Lohrke | Mok | Nedynvor | Neumono | Nevrean | Odd | Ophian | Qal | Ravian | Salazzarine | Scellor | Sergal | Sheepfolk | Shocker Crab | Silirw (Cyral/Enial) | Strawman | Talyxian | Tozol | Vidder | Volto