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Lilac by Insomnia

Still in progress, Authored by Insomnia

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Major Characters



Race: Undead Fey
Trade: Hunter

Weapon: Blades (3-8 Slash)
Defense: Rose Dress (0-1 DR)

One Eyed




Race: Bubble Dragon

Weapon:Knife(2-5 Slash), Handgun (1-4) pierce

Defense: Fine Suit(1 DR)

Acute senses





Well Known

Hero (Meyeri)

Artful Dodger



[ Mechanics 1: Character Sheets ]

The system runs on 3d6 rolls, and rolling low is optimal. Most rolls are done against the five base stats and modifiers, whether bonuses for skills or advantages, or penalties for difficulty.

STR: Strength. Character's melee prowess and physical power. END: Endurance. Character's stamina and health. REF: Reflex. Character's speed and dexterity. MEN: Mental. Character's knowledge and psychic prowess. SPI: Spirit. Character's faith and magical prowess.

Secondary stats are mostly based on the base stats. They can all be expended or gained.

Life is the character's overall level of health. If they reach zero they are unconscious, and if they reach a negative amount inverse of their maximum health, they are considered dead. Death can only be circumvented by a few things in the world, and none of them are easy or guaranteed. Willpower is similar to, “MP,” in that it is used to access special skills like special moves, magic, and psychic abilities. Resources can be used in tandem with crafting skills. They allow for some leeway in inventory management as well, but all uses can be scrutinized and should make logical sense for the character. Fate Points are used by channeling a Trait to give your character an advantage. Traits can also be channeled in negative ways and allow you to earn Fate Points.

Traits are aspects of the character which can use Fate Points for their benefit, or earn Fate Points for their disadvantage.

Skills are declared actions that a character is proficient in doing. There are three skill groups, and four main skill types.

Groups General: A broad and varied skill that allows the character to perform a large number of things centered around the subject. Can be used in combat with ease. (Further's Example: Sword Combat) Specific: A single action or type of action with limited parameters the character is capable of. These can also be used in combat. (Further's Examples: Overdrive and Combo.) Mundane: Often broad abilities that the character can do, but they take time. Usually hobbies, or crafts. These are the easiest to level and are considered long actions. Difficult to do in combat. Usually don't expend any consumable stats except Resources.

Types Proficiencies: Allows the character to skillfully wield weapon(s) or armor. Do not expend Willpower or Resources, but are dependent on the item the character is proficient in being present. (Example: Sword Combat) Abilities: Magic, Psychic, or Physical skills that the character has to fatigue themselves with in order to do something beneficial or damaging against a target. Expend willpower to use. These skills are usually obvious, but clarification can be made. (Examples: Overdrive and Combo) Crafting: The character can create something, or change things into something useful. These usually require the correct location, Resources, and time. (Examples: Disguise and Blacksmith) Sense: Communication abilities, Knowledge bases, and honed senses fall into this category. Most don't cost anything to use. (Examples: Knowledge(Animals/Monsters) and Taming)

Although the monetary system is usually known as Points, the most commonly exchanged unit of currency is the Ray. Most prices will be denoted in these units, and Further has 80 available to start.

Please don't feel limited by what you can “see listed.” Anything that is plausible to be done can be attempted in the system. Players will not be (purposely) punished for trying to think out of the box.


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Chapter One

In progress

Quests by Chigui

4chan's /tg/: Invade Dorf Quest | Grue Quest

TGchan: Bubble Bucket | Last Words | Pit | Tear | I Can Feel It | Lilac | Lawyer Dog is Right For Once | Lotus Lamps

Other notable creations: Brackets