Unnatural Selection Stats

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Rules and Character statistics for Unnatural Selection

Basic Abilities

All characters currently have access to these.

Basic Communication

Grants the ability to communicate with spoken and written language.

Summon Shopkeep (As Rulekeeper)

If the player spots a rule violation, or simply feels that their puzzle was unfair for the purposes of the contest, then the player may summon the Shopkeep to act as the Rulekeeper. They may argue their points, and the Shopkeep will convey their complaint to the Judges who will decide on an appropriate action.
Note that with this summon, the Shopkeep will not sell items.

Review Known Rulesets

The contestant will be refreshed on the rules of any specific puzzles (Stage 7 and beyond) it has encountered.

Stand-Alone Mechanics

Isolated Exit NPC

Entrants: 1 Exits: 1

NPCs surround the entrant, each with a specific message. There is a lower limit of 2 NPCs, and no upper limit.

Area Specific Abilities gained: Have NPC talk - When used, the NPC will say a predetermined message. This message never changes. Trigger NPC - The NPC's ability will be triggered. There is one NPC who's ability is to transport the contestant to the next area. The other 9 NPC's ability is to kill the contestant.

NPCs may be Blue, White or Red.

Blue NPCs always tell the truth.

Red NPCs always lie.

White NPCs can tell both truth and lies.


Entrants: 5-10 Exits: 1-4 Each player answers 3-6 questions.

Abilities Gained:

Trade Answer - An manner to safely trade answers with one or more others. Each player will choose any answer they know - either one of their own, or a question they gained from another player. These choices will be known to the people within the trade, including who the answer belongs to. If all players agree to the final trade proposal, then the trade is enacted. Every player must choose at least one answer - a trade will not trigger if a player chooses nothing, even if all participants would agree, and it will not trigger if all answers offered are already owned by the recipient.

Link - Choose at least one target. All targets will get the chance to decline this link. If all players accept this link, then all players will be able to talk telepathically to each other. In the case of a 3 person or more link, anything one person says will be heard by both other people. The only way person A will be able to say something to person B without person C hearing is to either set up a link with person B alone, or to attempt to whisper using normal speech (however, people will be able to see or overhear this if they are paying attention.) A player can only maintain 3 links at any given time.

Disengage Link - Disengages from an existing link. If this link contains at least 3 people including the user, then this will not break the link for the other players.

Elimination - Target one other contestant. Success in using this ability requires that the user accurately recites all of the target's answers to the questionnaire. If the user succeeds, this will eliminate the other player. If the user fails to answer accurately, then the user is eliminated.


Use any given abilities to eliminate all other players. The last survivor will continue to the next area.

If no trades are performed inside of a 5 minute period, then the game breaks the tie. Whoever has the most answers of all contestants disincluding themselves will be the winner. Should multiple people have the same number, then the winner will be the one having the most answers belonging to a single contestant besides themselves (example: Person A only knows answer for Person B and C, with 2 answers for B and 4 for C. Person D knows 3 answers from each E and F. If the game ends with a tie breaker, then A and D both know 6 answers total. Since A owns the most for a single person, then A will win the next phase of the tie break).

If a tie remains, then survivors will continue on. However, the exit may only be overloaded by a maximum of 4 people. If 5 or more have a tiebreaker, then all contestants will be killed.

If multiple contestants survive, then they will engage in another puzzle to the death in which only one will survive.