Talk:Guns for Hire Magical Mechanics

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Speculation: Somehow the patterns built up in the course of experiences shape some of the raw magic available (inside and outside the soul) into a binder as the soul is stressed and experience-striations form. Mind and body help influence the way the experience is even perceived, which in turn forms a memetic framework on the soul itself (as it slightly stretches and tears, becoming more receptive to direct modification) for the experience to hang on. In a process similar to a crystal forming, a memetic imprint on the soul from a powerful experience provides the nucleus for magic to form into soul-memories. Thanks to those memories having a tendency to remain together, the soul gains coherence and capacity.

Proposed Glossary

Point: The fundamental unit of magic expenditure. It takes a minimum of 1 point to do anything with magic.

Soul Capacity: The total amount of magic, in points, an individual soul contains. A soul with more points than its soul coherence will contain will burst, since the maximum capacity of a soul is set by the strength of the soul's coherence. In practice, most individuals do not maintain capacity close to their maximum. The shape of the soul changes as the soul capacity changes, usually inflating as the amount of points goes up.

Soul Coherence: The ability for the soul to hold itself together, built up by experiences that lend metaphysical 'weight' to the soul. A binding force that prevents the soul from rupturing under the pressure of magic inherent in it. This coherence can be rated per the amount of points it can stand. In most people the primary force of Soul Coherence is the sheer amount and quality of their memories and experiences. In bound creatures the bindings can overwhelm the natural binding forces, which ultimately results in the working portion of the soul being stunted.

Soul Volume: See Soul Coherence

Soul Weight: See Soul Coherence