Kaustinen's Pretty Short, Unamusing Quest to Attain Alcoholic Beverages, Punch People He Hates and Escape Some Sort of Surreal Alternate Dimension by Rand
KAUSTINEN seeks for alcohol! Quest by Rand.
This quest was completed on 6th of July.
Angry all the time. Has super-strong fists, but is not very bright.
Yellow goast. A gentleman. Supposedly possesses a really, really powerful weapon.
Orange, 'Doorman'
A huge, orange goast. Sleeps on his job.
Red, 'Remover'
Creepy goast whose job is getting rid of people. Wields a knife that upon drawing blood disintegrates the victim.
Purple, 'Banks' A nice fellow, not much is known about him. Has device capable of modifying space.
Blue, 'Sucker'
Obsessed with cleaning and clean surfaces. Possesses INTERDIMENSIONAL VACUUM-CLEARNER OF GREATER SUCKING.
Green, 'Zap'
A huge bitch. Can teleport 'zap' by using a spatial artifact. She also talks in >implications.
Adventurer squad
A buncha of dicks.