Chapter 11 Part 1

...For some reason, Sekani half expected to see a bunch of candy in here.

This place looks disgusting. There's-- is that flesh? There's flesh everywhere. There's also a weird curvy pipe running from the ceiling to the floor.

"Huh. Usually that door isn't blocked like that. I guess Iiji knows we're here."

If Tayza's right, then that rules out the stealth approach.

What should they do?
Kill that thing on the ceiling. Looks like it could be a problem if it decides not to like us.

>shoot those eyeballs they're creepy o.o
>Oh oh, I played this game before! You need to shoot the eye on the door three times with missiles!

Oh wait, this is the real quest, not a joke. Um...

>Try to communicate with eyeballish flesh.
>shoot those eyeballs they're creepy o.o

In one swift motion, Amiel shoots out both eyes and blows smoke from her DEADLY WEAPON in a hard boiled manner.

"That was super cool, Amiel~!" Jiniki says, clapping.

"You really don't mess around, do you? I'm kind of impressed."

Now they look even more gross.

>Kill that thing on the ceiling. Looks like it could be a problem if it decides not to like us.

Sekani lets loose some good old FIRE MAJICKA!

"So pretty~"

Nothing happened?

"Yeah. Um. I could have told you those things were immune to majicka. Why don't you think before you act for once?"

She praises Amiel and chastises Sekani for practically the same action! This is so unfair!

>Try to communicate with eyeballish flesh.
There's no response. They must not be sentient.
>Shoot the tentacles off!
>Investigate the fire emblem door on top of the screen.
Wait fire symbol on door...Oh i see.

>sekani:use fire majikia on the door.

(hope this is the same as the other 25 games with puzzles like this.)
>Dilia and Amiel: Go bodyslam some of the less-bloodied biomass. Let us know if it smells like bacon.
If Iiji knows we're coming, let's try to find her traps by anticipation rather than trial.

>Tayza, Dilia: Look around for anything else different from 'normal', consider possible implications.
>Shoot the tentacles off!

Unfortunately, Amiel now only has ONE BULLET left in her DEADLY WEAPON.

>Investigate the fire emblem door on top of the screen.
>Sekani:use fire majikia on the door.

It's a mirror.

So that's what Sekani looks like now... a monster. He wonders if all this power is worth the price he paid to obtain it.


>Dilia and Amiel: Go bodyslam some of the less-bloodied biomass. Let us know if it smells like bacon.

Dilia pokes it with the Uhiki'sha instead. It seems to retract when she sends a mild shock its way. There's something behind it!

Tayza pokes the creature on the door with her finger. She bets she knows a way to damage these things without majicka or weapons.

Sekani turns away from the mirror. "Hey um, Did you see that just now, Jiniki?"

"The mirror broke all by itself~! How'd you do that, mister birdie?"
>Dilia/Amiel: Time for SCIENCE! Does this biomass stuff react to the black cloth?
>Tayza: use your knowledge of how to damage that biological being without the use of majicka or weaponry. At least, not the artificial kind.

>Sekani: if that was a mirror, uh, look at 4th wall for the fire thingy?
>Dilia/Amiel: Time for SCIENCE! Does this biomass stuff react to the black cloth?

There is no reaction.

Amiel stings the mass with her tail!

A huge screeching noise is heard as it convulses and contracts in on itself! The doorway is no longer blocked.

>Sekani: if that was a mirror, uh, look at 4th wall for the fire thingy?

It looks like a pouch of some sort. There's a bulge indicating that something is inside it. Sekani feels silly for assuming that this was some kind of FIRE SYMBOL when it is clearly not one at all.
>Check to see if anyone has a knife handy. If not, rip open the pouch with Dilia's horns.
>set pouch on fire so it IS a fire symbol. Stupid lying mirrors.

Speaking of which...

>Develop a phobia of mirrors that will haunt you the rest of your life.
>wonder why the curvature of the pouch isn't reversed from how it looks in the mirror... God damn lying mirrors!
Let's just be glad I remembered to flip Sekani's reflected sprites.
Go over and poison sting that thing that Dilia's poking at, too, Tayza.
>Develop a phobia of mirrors that will haunt you the rest of your life.

Oh, come on. Sekani's not going to let one creepy event scar him for life. He's no longer a coward...


>Check to see if anyone has a knife handy. If not, rip open the pouch with Dilia's horns.

Dilia rips it open, and something falls to the ground.

A Lian infant? Why-- why is this here?

My womb...

>Go over and poison sting that thing that Dilia's poking at, too, Tayza.
The creature lets out a screech and falls to the floor. They find a compartment and open it.

There are several broken PORTAL GUNS in here. Wait-- one of them looks undamaged. Maybe it still works?
>Person with most knowledge about portal guns: take it and examine it. Find out everything possible without firing it.

>If it looks like you have to fire it to see if it works... go for it. Better to waste one shot and know you have more than rely on a weapon with no shots and get killed.
>If it looks like you have to fire it to see if it works... go for it. IF you're confident it can be fired multiple times.

Also I think Iiji would probably know most about portal guns... um. Let's not ask her though.
>Person with most knowledge about portal guns: take it and examine it. Find out everything possible without firing it.

"Oh this is a TPC (Transdimensional Portal Creator) gun! We can use them to create and link portals so we can go from one place to another easier~"

Sekani fully understands what Jiniki just said and speaks accordingly.

"Um... what?"

"Lemme show you, mister birdie!"

Jiniki points the thing at a wall, and fires a strange looking beam. A swirly grey area appears where it connects.

"Now if I shoot it again somewhere else, we can go through it! Um, but this one only has FOUR SHOTS left."

"You probably should have checked that before wasting a shot, huh?" Tayza says, clearly teasing.

"But-- but I was just so excited!!"
>Sekani: be completely dumbfounded at JIni's FAR SUPERIOR knowledge than your own.

>Open the door?

POISON STING that thing on the ceiling.
> Jiniki: Shoot portal in roof. Shoot portal in floor directly below it. Jump in bottom portal.

> Someone: Check infant to see if it's alive
I have no idea what to do if it is in fact alive.
Come to think of it, that could make an interesting projectile launcher. Set it up, drop something in the floor portal (giant anvil, contact explosive, something along those lines), then fire the roof portal at a wall facing your target sometime later.

That probably won't help for this though.
>Apologize to fetus for breaking VITAL TESTING APPARATUS
>Sekani: Feel kind of hypocritical for an outburst a few chapters ago.
>Sekani: be completely dumbfounded at JIni's FAR SUPERIOR knowledge than your own.

"Wow, you sure, um, know a lot!"

"Mommy told me all about a lot of neat toys that we made before all the crazy stuff happened~"

>Sekani: Feel kind of hypocritical for an outburst a few chapters ago.
>Someone: Check infant to see if it's alive

Sekani suddenly realizes that he most likely killed that baby and starts to cry. Amiel instinctively moves in to hug him, but stops short as she realizes her current attire would make things worse.

"Hey, hey... why are you crying?"

"I think I just killed a babyyyy."

"No... It's not responding to my majicka. I think it's been dead for a while," Tayza says.

>Open the door?

"You were really upset, weren't you?"


"It'll be okay. Once we save Iiji, we'll make sure that everyone who has died here gets a proper burial."

"Yeah... Thanks."

Jiniki opens the door. They can now MOVE ON if they're done here.

>POISON STING that thing on the ceiling.
It's too far up.
Do I have to do EVERYTHING around here? Stab one of the tentacles, fool.
White lian can't jump.

Dilia: That said, use the electric prod doohickey on a tentacle, I'm sure it conducts just fine. And if it screams out about not tasing it, bro, keep tasing it.

Sekani: Time to find out if that gray... thing... on the floor is a portal as well or just a licorice smear Slink left on the background.

Slink: Give Ralter an email so he can off-load an extra beta key to someone who'd actually use it. >.> Using ralter3 at the evil domain of cast the com... um... dot net.
> Sekani: Is that another portal on the floor? If so, drop something easily recognizable into it so we'll know if we ever cross the other end of the portal. Like Tayza's photo.
> If Tayza attempts to kill you in response, drop, uh, an empty vial if nothing else more appropriate is around.

After that I guess we're ready to move on.
>Sekani:wonder if iiji will flood the BOSS ROOM *cough* enrichment center *cough* with a Deadly neruotoxin.

The TPC Gun is added to the BIC.

>Stab the tentacle you idiot.

Tayza gives one of the tentacles a swift jab with her tail, gosh.

The creature(?) Writhes in pain and then falls from the ceiling. Everyone moves back to avoid being squished.

It curls in on itself and stops moving. Sekani is glad to see their poison going into things that aren't him.

>Sekani: Is that another portal on the floor? If so, drop something easily recognizable into it so we'll know if we ever cross the other end of the portal. Like Tayza's photo.

"Hey-- what are you doing with my picture?"

"If this comes out somewhere else, we'll know where this portal leads and will be able to use it in a pinch to escape."

"Oh. That's... pretty clever. Good thinking."

Sekani fights the urge to giggle at finally being praised.

"Ah, my delightful little hypocrites~"

"Look at you, murdering so many of my children while accusing me of the same~"

Oh geez they really ARE having the final battle in the first room? Quick-- what day is it!? Amiel points her DEADLY WEAPON at the shadowy figure.

"We're only doing what's right! We're ending their suffering!"

"What bold claims! You don't even know that they're suffering. They're quite happy being a part of me~"

"Stop fighting us, mommy! We want to save you!"

"I don't need saving, little girl. I'm quite happy like this~"

>When that fails, after Iiji laughs and retreats, go through door.

Slice open pipe and use contents to spray her with. It's SCIENCE!
Drawing now.

Sekani has wounded her via her ghostly form before. This time should be no different!

"Trying to be a hero like always, little bird?"

"Tayza isn't the only one who's tired of your bullshi--"

"You silly, silly creatures. You think you've been made immune to my influence just because you took some silly formula? You're in my home now. This is my castle and you will bow to me!"

Sekani feels himself growing weaker.

"Why do you think I gave you that password? I wanted you to come to me! You've beaten Jaysiph and have overcome all of my challenges. You are now worthy to be my king, and that is a role you will fulfill!

>Slice open pipe and use contents to spray her with. It's SCIENCE!

"What-- what are you doing!?"

"I don't really know! But you're not getting what you want, you filthy insect whore!"


The strange creature grabs Amiel and lifts her. The ANTI-MAJICKA cloak begins to react!

"Argh-- you're such an annoying bitch! No! Get away! Get away, damn you!!"

The world fades out around Amiel...


When Amiel awakens, there's no sign of Iiji, but she can't see any of the others either. Her DEADLY WEAPON has no more ammunition, and she doesn't feel the weight of the ANTI-MAJICKA cloak.

Is this it, then? Is there nothing more she can do?
What's that thing on the floor in front of the door, Amiel? That little round thing that doesn't seem to be made of flesh, what is that?
>Talk to Dilia.
>Attempt to reason with the cyany-greeny stuff. It seems to have a grudge against someone.
>What's that thing on the floor in front of the door, Amiel? That little round thing that doesn't seem to be made of flesh, what is that?

Amiel crawls over and recovers the BIC.

>Talk to Dilia.

"A-are you all right?"

Oh. Dilia's here. Fantastic.

"I'm fine. Kind of thirsty. What happened? Where are the others?"

"Um, well, they kind of left."


"Fuck! We were so close! We were so fucking close! And Iiji rips it all away just like that! What are we supposed to do now!? What the fuck are we supposed to do!?"

"T-they're still alive! We can still save them!"


"I-I don't know!"

"If you have any ideas that don't involve killing me, I'm all ears! Well-- you know what I mean!"

"I-I'm sorry."

Amiel takes a moment to compose herself. She swears at nobody in particular, and then sighs.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. Come on. Let's... I don't know. Let's figure something out."

"It... it's all right. Let's look around and see what we can find."

>Attempt to reason with the cyany-greeny stuff. It seems to have a grudge against someone.

"What is this stuff, anyway? Is it sentient? Maybe we can reason with it."

"I don't know. I've never seen this stuff before. It stopped moving when I used your ANTI-MAJICKA CLOAK to cover the hole it came out of. It's a good thing you were wearing it-- it kept it from choking you for very long."

Amiel makes a note to thank whoever it was that came up with the idea to make outfits out of that cloth.

"So, mister green stuff. Can you talk?"

No response.
>Amiel: Gently pet green stuff. Thank it for beating up Iiji.
>wonder where the baby lian pouch and the blood went, it's not in the mirror.
>Recon time: Ask Dilia for everything that happened after Iiji showed up and everything she knows about this building.
That's because the mirror has been shifted aside to reveal the hole in the wall behind it.
Oh, duh.
>Amiel: Gently pet green stuff. Thank it for beating up Iiji.

Amiel thanks the weird green stuff for scaring Iiji off and for not killing her she guesses.

>Recon time: Ask Dilia for everything that happened after Iiji showed up and everything she knows about this building.
Dilia doesn't know much about what happened before her group found Iiji. The "queen" almost never talks about her past, only of her dreams for the future.

Iiji seemed nice enough at the time. She told them that she'd grant them a great deal of power if they did a few simple favors for her.

Dilia was the weakest physically. She wasn't very swift or strong compared to the other two. They insisted her work with negotiation and number crunching was important, but Dilia couldn't shake the feeling that she was a burden on them. When Iiji offered her power, she jumped on it.

For months they did various tasks for Iiji. They ran experiments the Ki-jaara couldn't, and they handled ANTI-MAJICKA CLOTH whenever it needed to be moved or removed. It seemed that Iiji's end goal was breaking free of the portal she was more or less attached to, but they were never able to figure out how to make her giant body fit through it.

Dilia never explored the PORTAL BUILDING, so she only knows of the rooms leading from here to Iiji. She'd always go through this room and the next, and then straight on through to the MAINFRAME ROOM, where she took a portal to the stairs leading up to Iiji's area.
Welp. Let's fix that now. Go through the hole in the wall that was behind the mirror.
>Welp. Let's fix that now. Go through the hole in the wall that was behind the mirror.
"Um... You go first, Dilia."

"Hee hee... Just don't look at my butt."

"That's not-- hush, you!"

Amiel blindly follows Dilia through the tunnel, and emerge into a fairly large room.


>Don't just stand there. Greet the horrifying monstrocity!
>Try not to be too obvious about hiding behind Dilia.
Politely inquire as to its name?
>Don't just stand there. Greet the horrifying monstrocity!
>Try not to be too obvious about hiding behind Dilia.
>Politely inquire as to its name?

"H-hi there. W-what's your name?" Amiel asks.

The strange creature crawls out of the dark hole as it answers.

"I do not have a name~"

"W-what the heck are you?"

"I am majicka~"

"You're lying!" Dilia shouts. "They never succeeded in making a pure majicka being!"

"Is that what they told you~? I have been waiting for a very...long...time~"

"For what?" Amiel asks.

It pats her on the head.

"Majicka is a symbiote. It needs a living creature to feed on, and in return it gives the creature a taste of its power~"
>Ask the nice anthropomorphic magicka to go on.
Name him Magic Johnson.

Ask Magic Johnson what he thinks of Iiji.
> Dilia: Point out that he looks very much alive and seems to be doing well despite the length he has been alone. What's the actual need behind feeding?
>Dilia: Point out that he looks very much alive and seems to be doing well despite the length he has been alone. What's the actual need behind feeding?

Dilia speaks to the creature, trying to sound as tough as possible. "If majicka needs biological forms to thrive, then what about you? You seem to be doing just fine."

"I feed on the living creatures in this building. In a way, this entire place is my 'host'. But I can do little more than sit here and feed. I am powerful, but I am imprisoned. Much like your bug queen."

"Why do you even need living things? We can't possibly have anything to offer you!"

"Have you never noticed that you tire out when using majicka? Perhaps you haven't. I only feel the smallest trace of majicka inside you."

"I've been... Answer my question."

"We feed on your energy, and in exchange we give you some of our power. You are a food source that constantly replenishes itself. Of course, we never take enough to do you any harm. You are precious to us~"

>Name him Magic Johnson.
>Ask Magic Johnson what he thinks of Iiji.

Amiel finally speaks up. "So, Magic Joh-- I mean, you... guy. Or girl. Are you on Iiji's side?"

"I think I was created to destroy her, but I do not know if she is friend or foe. I think I am the first of my kind, so maybe you could tell me who my enemies are~?"

>Ask the nice anthropomorphic magicka to go on.

"I don't want to be attached to this building anymore. If I had a better host-- a mobile host, I would be most pleased~"

Dilia stands firm as the creature crawls further out of its cave.

"Strange creature, why do you look at me with those angry eyes?"

It stares intently at Dilia.
>Dilia: Explain to Amiel why you are so angry at this mysterious benefactor.
Also tell it that Iiji is its enemy and that YOU HAVE A PLAN.
I don't have any ideas for actions, but I do have some thoughts and concerns to keep in mind.

1. We probably already know just fine why Dilia doesn't like it. We've seen that majicka can cause people to act with much less reason - Sekani had a few minor episodes, and Dilia more significantly tried to kill Amiel and thus drove Sekani away. In her current state she understands just fine why that was a bad idea, but even when it was explained to her as a Ki-jaara (and seperated from Iiji's influence) she still tried to kill Amiel.
This is all also a reason we probably don't want to completely trust the beast. It's potentially manipulative of people as well.

2. Sicking the beast on Iiji... I guess it could be possible but Iiji already embraces majicka while we're the ones that are fairly wary of it (or at least, Amiel, Dilia, and Sekani are. Tayza seems fine with it, and Jiniki probably is only concerned about it as far as her mother is concerned). There is definitely some strife between them, as Iiji was clearly telling it "Get away, damn you!", but we don't know exactly why. The only thing I can think of is that Iiji sees the creature as nothing but a liability - her majicka is probably all her own so she doesn't need the creature, the creature isn't biological so she can't breed with it, and it's probably much too powerful for Iiji to control. But I can't think of any reason the creature would want to attack Iiji, and it feels like it's been hinted the creature doesn't particularly want to attack Iiji either.
> Ask it to behave if Amiel recovers her cloak from the pipe
With the mirror out of the way I don't see why removing the cloak should do anything, but just to be safe...

> Remember to pick up cloak when you leave
> Rage at own incompetence at replying in the right spot.
Not sure how I messed that up, sorry.
>Dilia: Explain to Amiel why you are so angry at this mysterious benefactor.

"Majicka turned me into a monster. There's nothing great about it."

The beast begins to circle around them.

"I'm sorry to hear that~ Sometimes power brings out the worst in people~"

>Also tell it that Iiji is its enemy and that YOU HAVE A PLAN.
"O-of course Iiji is your enemy!" Amiel says. "She-- um-- she wants to consume majicka which would result in the death of beings like you? But-- but we have a plan to stop her!"

"Is that so~? Well, your enemy is now my enemy, little Amiel~"

>Ask it to behave if Amiel recovers her cloak from the pipe

The creature continues to circle them. Amiel scampers to keep Dilia between them. Dilia isn't sure how she feels about this.

"H-how do you know my name?"

"I briefly saw into your mind when we made contact earlier. You have a very strange majicka inside you, but I think I can make it better~"

"Okay...? Um. Well. I should probably go get my cloak back cause I think it's currently hurting you a little so I'll just go and get that off you okay?"

"Is that the itch I've been feeling~? Don't worry about it. It won't be a problem for much longer~"
... Ask about that majicka Magic Johnson says he felt inside of Amiel.
>... Ask about that majicka Magic Johnson says he felt inside of Amiel.

"Haven't you found it odd that you can hear us? Do you remember when you started?"

"I heard Jiniki... but that's impossible! I haven't been injected with anything!" Amiel clings to Dilia.

"Jiniki is a special case," Dilia says. "Come to think of it, before you started hearing me, Sekani shot you with--"

"What!? No! Mercy of Lisandi! I don't want to turn into one of them!"

"Ah, so you were injected with an imperfect majicka, hmm~? I am powerful enough to consume it... in exchange for my freedom, I could make you better and so much more... little Amiel~"

"i don't want to..."

Dilia has never seen Amiel be so afraid. She isn't sure what to do.
... =O


Ask Magic Johnson if he can consume somebody utterly by leeching them TO DEATH.

Ask if he can do that to Iiji if you provide him with the opportunity.

>Mention Iiji's apparent control over majicka-infused creatures
>Ask WTF
> Dilia: If anyone ever touches your companion in a way they don't like, that's no good. =O Try to keep yourself between Magic Johnson and Amiel, and be prepared to shove Amiel back the way you came if he tries anything tricky.

> Amiel: Try not to consider the implications of the possibility of majicka related STDs... like how in a lot of mythology that's how werewolves happen.
> Amiel: Keep in mind there's still a light blue solution just in case, and brave up a little bit.
> Amiel: Remember that you can't see which is the light blue solution and panic.
>Amiel: Keep in mind there's still a light blue solution just in case, and brave up a little bit.

Would it really be okay to selfishly use the solution and condemn Iiji to death? What about Jiniki...?

Amiel braved so many things without even a moment's pause. Why is this creature so terrifying? What makes this different than all the other times she's been in danger?

It's strange. Dilia nearly killed her just yesterday, and yet Amiel feels some comfort in her warmth at that moment. Maybe Dilia really is a different person now.

>Amiel: Try not to consider the implications of the possibility of majicka related STDs... like how in a lot of mythology that's how werewolves happen.

"I knew I should have had Sekani tested."


>Dilia: If anyone ever touches your companion in a way they don't like, that's no good. =O Try to keep yourself between Magic Johnson and Amiel, and be prepared to shove Amiel back the way you came if he tries anything tricky.

It's a little too late for that now. The creature has them completely surrounded. Dilia grabs onto her Uhiki'sha. If she can stun it for a bit, they might still be able to escape.

>Ask Magic Johnson if he can consume somebody utterly by leeching them TO DEATH.
>Ask if he can do that to Iiji if you provide him with the opportunity.
"Oh yes~ I could suck the host dry if I choose to~ And I'm pretty sure even your bug queen would be nothing more than a very tasty snack~"

"That's good. So how about we go take care of her?"

"Your enemy is my enemy. I will help you in exchange for my freedom, which I will be taking now~"

It begins to move in. Looks like the time for talk is over.

>Mention Iiji's apparent control over majicka-infused creatures
>Ask WTF

"Looks like you've finally caught on. Did you think I had that bird attack you on accident? This is all going according to plan! Now sit here like a good little girl and absorb that thing for me, would you~?"

What-- huh!?

Dilia shoots the Uhiki'sha at the beast, but it goes right through it! The creature begins to dissipate and fill the air with an eerie glow.

"Amiel! Run! Get out of here!"

"I-I can't move!"

"At long last, I will be freeee~!"

The form of the creature vanished as it becomes a giant cloud of pure majicka...

...And heads into Amiel's body!


"Do not worry. I will make you much better~"

"I don't want any of this..."

Please choose one.
> "Compassion. My devotion to Sekani will get me through this."
POWER, AMIEL! YOU ARE STRONG! You can take care of yourself! If you choose power, nobody will ever treat you like a weak, defenseless little girl EVER AGAIN.
Compassion. Someone has to have mercy amongst all these monsters.
> Power
Well, let's see. You already know what's waiting for you the moment you step outside, and if Tayza has shown us ANYTHING, it's that a Lian hopped up on majicka and RAGE is pretty much unstoppable.

>Power. I am not a weak, defenseless little girl who needs protecting.

"You won't feel weak ever again~"

Amiel feels a surge of power as the beast's essence merges with her own. Her body aches as a wickedly awesome and fully animated transformation takes place. Once it's complete, she feels herself being pulled awake.

Amiel opens her eyes and sees Dilia's face and yep she's naked how interesting. It feels like Dilia's holding onto her, but Amiel doesn't dare to look down at her own body just yet.

"Am I a monshder...?"

Amiel reaches up to Dilia, who looks away silently.

"W-why aren'd you anshering me?"

Dilia looks at her sadly. Their petty squabbling over Sekani seems so stupid now. Amiel needs her right now, and damn it, she's going to be there for her.

What should she say?

[You can control both Dilia and Amiel. I was going back and forth on that but now it's OFFICIAL.]
>Dilia: Give Amiel a hug. "Sekani loves you, regardless of what you look like."
>This, but at the same time,
>Dilia: "You got off easy; at least you still have hands. Also, spikes are in this season."
>Dilia: Give Amiel a hug. "Sekani loves you, regardless of what you look like."

"Shekani ishn'd dhe broblem! Whad adoud my brodher? How can I go home like dhis!? I can'd eben dell my mom dhat I'm sorry!"

"It'll be okay. I know we'll find another cure in this building, or the medical robot will think of something. Please don't cry, sweety. We'll figure something out."

>Dilia: "You got off easy; at least you still have hands. Also, spikes are in this season."

"And hey, You still have your hands. You can prove to your family that you're still you, and I'm sure they'll accept you like this even if we can't find another cure. And, of course, we still have one right here..."

"I can'd do dhad do Jiniki..."

"That alone proves you're not a monster, sweety. We'll figure something out. I promise."

"Why are you being sho nishe do me? Don't you hade me?"

"What, because of Sekani? He's just a bird, sweety. I'll get over it. Besides, he's kind of high-maintenance. I want someone who can take care of me, you know? I don't think he really has that in him. He needs someone strong like you who can look after him."

"I can'd brodecd anyone like dhish."

"Sure you can. You're still Amiel, and he'll care about you no matter what. We... we all will."

Amiel wipes her tears away, then smiles a little.


"Waid. Are you coming on do me~? Is dhad why you're naked~?"

"Wha-- no! I took off the ANTI-MAJICKA CLOTH so it wouldn't hurt you!"

"I beel breddy shdrong now. I could dake care ob you doo~"

"Oh gosh um by the way turning into a Ki-jaara messes with your sex drive I forgot to mention that part but you'll get used to it in a little while so just sit tight till then swee-- um. Amiel."


Dilia wonders if she should go ahead and teach Amiel to communicate with majicka. Unlike Sekani, Amiel's speech requires forming words with her mouth, which is not doing a good job of it right now. Should they cure Amiel now, or seek another way?
Teach Amiel how to communicate with majicka!! :O=-<

Can she use that ability to find people? Jiniki seems like a good bet!
Last time we used the majicka cure, it caused an MP-to-Explosion reaction command. Mostly harmless, but it was outdoors. This time, we're dealing with a preposterous amount of energy, and we're indoors. Even if it wasn't a horrible idea, it would be a stupid idea.

That being said,

>Teach Amiel to stop talking like that. For the sake of everyone.
>Consider putting some clothes back on. Test Amiel's reaction to the cloth (different circumstances, after all) and if she can still fit into anything she was wearing.
Someone's been reading the Final Fantasy Tactics LP!
> No cure for now. This could be useful! Face it, Amiel: you may need to be the extra raw firepower this group needs. And if you cure Iiji, Iiji may have information everyone can benefit from.

> Dilia: Um. Maybe you should put your cloak back on. Amiel was already pretty bad at resisting temptation before majicka.
>Teach Amiel how to communicate with majicka!! :O=-<
>Teach Amiel to stop talking like that. For the sake of everyone.

"Okay, I'm going to help you talk with your majicka."

"Bud I don'd need do."

"...I'm sorry, but it's kind of hard to understand you."

"I guesh sho..."

"Now, concentrate on this area of your mind, and you're basically going to 'think' what you want to say here and it should go out to everyone nearby, kind of like talking with your mind."

There's a moment of silence.

"Um, did you try it?"


"I shaid you were cude~"

"...Amiel. Please try to control yourself."

Is this what Sekani had to deal with? Dilia makes a mental note to apologize to him again later. Speaking of which, maybe that'll make her behave.

"You're in a relationship, remember? I doubt Sekani would like it if you and I-- bad example. Please try to concentrate."

"I'm shorry. I dhink Magic Johnshon ish drying do be a perberd."

"Magic who? Nevermind-- Go ahead and try again while I get my clothes."

>Consider putting some clothes back on.
>Dilia: Um. Maybe you should put your cloak back on.

"...And please don't stare at my butt."

"I-I washn'd!"


"There you go! Concentrate on that area again!"

"This is really weird."

>Test Amiel's reaction to the cloth (different circumstances, after all) and if she can still fit into anything she was wearing.

"It kind of itches."

"Wow. Your majicka must be very robust if this barely hurts."

"Our majicka is unlike theirs~"

"...So where's my clothes?"

"Um, they were absorbed by your transformation, just like what happened to Sekani the other day."


Amiel decides against retrieving her ANTI-MAJICKA CLOAK. There's nothing worse than wearing itchy clothing. Besides, she feels invincible right now.

>Can she use that ability to find people? Jiniki seems like a good bet!

Amiel can kind of "feel" majicka around her. She can even "see" colors with her mind that her eyes couldn't. That's odd... most of them are outside the known area of the building. How did they even get way over there? The dark presences send a cold shiver down Amiel's now-spiky spine.

Dilia puts on her ANTI-MAJICKA CLOTHING and they decide to head onward to the next room of this madhouse.

The room is littered with creatures made of flesh. They pulsate in unison as if connected to a giant heart. There's yet another eye, and it looks right at them.

There's a piece of paper under the veins of the large pillar-monster.
>Amiel: Poison sting the pillar-thingy, take and read the paper.
Woah, woah, wait. Cloaking suit absorbed by transformation?

>Check for cool cloaky powers
>Figure out which flavor of majicka Amiel ended up with while you're at it
That looks like a Klis-Khar trapped behind that flesh encompassing the couch. Poison sting and rescue that hostage!
>Absorbed Cloaking suit? Check for cool cloaky powers

"Hmm. You can still poison things, right?"

There's silence.



"Please tell me that's you and I'm not about to die horribly again."

"I can durn inbishible~"

"Oh good. I'm glad you're feeling better."

"I'm distracting myself by playing with all these cool new powers. Speaking of which, which element or whatever do I have?"

"I couldn't say. The majicka creature--"

"Magic Johnshon."

"...Magic Johnson wasn't glowing any of the telltale colors. Maybe if you find the specific phrase to use..."



"We're not doing that."

"Oh. Well, just keep asking your majicka to do things and I guess we'll find out by watching what it does and how it does it."

>Amiel: Poison sting the pillar-thingy, take and read the paper.

Another horrifying screech as the creature curls in on itself and its flesh breaks in half. Blood starts dripping from both ends as Amiel reaches for the PIECE OF PAPER.

This note is a lot more chaotic than previous ones.

>That looks like a Klis-Khar trapped behind that flesh encompassing the couch. Poison sting and rescue that hostage!

The fleshy beast curls in on itself and begins to crush the Klis-khar! There are signs that it is still alive, and if they act fast enough with something that PUSHES AWAY FLESHBEASTS, they might be able to save it!
use the Uhiki'sha!!
Remember, since commands are queued, if you think the klis-khar is going to be saved by another command you can then decide what to ask it, or command based on other information given in the update!
Hey, Amiel. Trans-dimensional majicka a-go-go?
Everyone forgot the effect the cloth has? It's like the worst wool sweater ever to exist!

> Rub that cloth over it... aaaaallll over it... oh yeah...
If you recall the earlier updates, it was noted that the cloth had no effect on the fleshy growths.
>Just let MJ (Magic Johnson of course) solve the problem the way he thinks is best. After all, he knows what all you can do better than you do.
>Rub that cloth over it... aaaaallll over it... oh yeah...
It doesn't respond to the ANTI-MAJICKA CLOTH.

>Hey, Amiel. Trans-dimensional majicka a-go-go?

Amiel tries to move it like she's seen Jiniki do, but the results are very different. Magic Johnson appears from Amiel's hands and attempts to move the flesh, but it doesn't budge.

"Sorry~ I'm not really good at heavy lifting~"

>Just let MJ (Magic Johnson of course) solve the problem the way he thinks is best. After all, he knows what all you can do better than you do.

"Are you confused~? Oh, I have been so rude. I have not explained my gift to you, have I?"

"N-no, nod readdy."

"So, which type of majicka are you?"

"I an extension of yourself now~ You can summon me in almost any form you want for any task you need doing. I can also augment your body for a time. For example, I could be a second tail for stabbing~ You can also use my energy for many things from going invisible to destroying objects to hurting others~ Unfortunately, I am not very good at lifting or manipulating objects, but I will be glad to destroy them for you~"

>use the Uhiki'sha!!

"I- I don'd dhink I can handle dhish..."

Dilia uses the Uhiki'sha just in time to save the poor Klis-khar's life. The flesh moves away from the source of the electricity.

"Ah...ah... I'm free? I'm free! Holy shit, I'm free! Thank you! Thank you so much! I've been trapped there for-- god, it must have been half a century. That thing kept me in stasis. I was trapped and thanks to that goddamn majicka I couldn't even die. I just-- This is incredible! Am I talking too much? I haven't been able to talk for so long. I almost forgot how. Oh god. If you need anything I'll be glad to help you, but I can't really move. I'll rest for a bit then try to crawl to the MEDICAL ROBOT, I think. But um, if you need any information I'll be glad to tell you! It's so wonderful to be able to speak again!"

At long last, they can get first-hand information about this place. No more obscure notes, no more confusing computers. It's like they're near the end of the quest or something.

Inquire as to the course of events thus far!
Shouldn't we be a bit more worried about time constraints and what everyone else is doing? ...

> Amiel: Attempt to contact Jiniki for 2x info-dump
hold on, I just noticed Iiji hit Jini too, so... huh.
I guess instead
> Ask about what Iiji did after being given majicka
> Ask about pure majicka creature(s)

"I'm pleased to meet you. My name is Dilia Besna. I'm a Diuban from up north. I used to be a Ki-jaara, but we've managed to find a cure."

"My name ish Amieh..."

Amiel sighs sadly.

"My name is Amiel Lereian. I am... I was a Lian but I guess I'm just another one of them now."

"Whoa, you found a cure for majicka? How many do you have left?"

"Just the one..."

"I wish I could help you make more, but I'm not a chemist. I was in charge of portal technology."

>Inquire as to the course of events thus far!
>Ask about what Iiji did after being given majicka

"Well, this entire facility was originally built to look into the existence of a force known as majicka. We successfully infused someone with FIRE MAJICKA in the home country, but the populace didn't agree with our ambition.

"The people were afraid of majicka, and felt that it went against our gods' wishes. So we built this place with the idea that we would make those same gods bow before us. At first, the Queen was against it, but when she found out we gained the power to heal wounds, she decided to pay us a visit. That... did not go well."

"Our queen, in her desperation to heal her daughter's wound, took a dose of an experimental majicka that was more powerful than what we were infusing people with at the time. She began to mutate and went insane, killing anyone who didn't agree to be injected. She wanted to make a race of 'perfect' beings-- a race of Ki-jaara. I was so scared that I agreed to help her. Many lives were lost that day, and I was too afraid to stop it. I couldn't!"

"She just kept growing and growing, so we set up our largest portal and opened the way to an empty plane where her giant body could rest while she continued her twisted reign. Eventually, she decided I wasn't of any use anymore and her minions were ordered to kill me. I hid behind this couch, but the next thing I knew all this flesh started springing out of the walls and I was trapped."

"Recently I've overheard a speech she gave to the others. I think she's figured out a way to escape her 'prison'. She plans on spreading this curse to the entire world!"

>Ask about pure majicka creature(s)
"We tried to create beings of pure majicka, but we never managed to succeed. They need to co-exist with a biological form or else they die and fade away."

>Amiel: Attempt to contact Jiniki for 2x info-dump
Amiel doesn't know how to communicate long-range. However, they are likely to run into her if they head further in.
>Amiel: "Stuck in a portal, you say? How would we turn that off? It could cut our problems..."
>"...In half."
Wait. Check that counter and the spilled and unspilled containers on and around it. Check the cabinets. And...see if you can figure out what's behind that huge hole in the wall and whether that fleshy growth is hiding anything. Try shocking it (but not stabbing it).

>Amiel: "Stuck in a portal, you say? How would we turn that off? It could cut our problems..."

>"...In half."

...That's what Amiel would do, but the thought of that beast dwelling inside her makes her sick to her stomach.

"Sho um, could we durn obb dhe pordal?"


"I don'd like ushing majicka do dalk, okay? Id'sh doo weird."

"Okay. I won't make you. So, mister..."

"Oh, forgive me. My name is Kish'kin."

"Mister Kish'kin. Can we cut off the power to Iiji's portal?"

"Yes, I believe so. The portal has some redundant systems, but you could probably cut its power by severing all four of its REINFORCED PIPES on both sides of the device. Removing those would leave the portal without power, and it should close. That is of course assuming Iiji hasn't found a way to keep the portal going under her own power."

>Wait. Check that counter and the spilled and unspilled containers on and around it. Check the cabinets. And...see if you can figure out what's behind that huge hole in the wall and whether that fleshy growth is hiding anything. Try shocking it (but not stabbing it).

The spilled solutions are of no use, but there does seem to be one intact container of...

"Whad color ish dhad."

"It's pink."

...PINK SOLUTION among them. Neither Amiel nor Dilia have any idea what it does.

Dilia shocks the flesh, and it retreats. It reveals some kind of headband with a flower and wing design. Or maybe it's a broach? It's hard to tell with the Klis-Khar.

Inside the cabinets are a strange bandana, some kind of giant fuse, a couple of wires, a remote control for something, and a broken remote control for something.

They can't see into the hole left behind by the flesh.
Dilia: Take the headband. Make a mental note to give it to Jiniki later.
Ask your new friend if he knows what the remotes/fuse are for also see if the bandana has any significance
The bandana (not the headband) is one of those mind-control bandanas that Sekani tried on in an earlier chapter.

That said, have Dilia bring it with us, along with the remote control for it.
Ask Kish'kin if he knows what the pink solution does, and what the fuse goes to.
>Dilia: Take the headband. Make a mental note to give it to Jiniki later.
>Have Dilia bring the SLAVE BAND with us, along with the remote control for it.

The BIC sure fills up fast when they're not taking advantage of its loopholes.

Dilia explains to Amiel that the SLAVE BAND removes a Ki-jaara's ability to think for itself, and the remote allows anyone to control it so long as it wears the SLAVE BAND. She cautions Amiel not to wear it, and Amiel tells her that she'd have to be really stupid to do so.

The DEADLY WEAPON has no more ammo, and the Uhiki'sha only has enough power for one more use. They have one dose of the LIGHT BLUE solution, which is the majicka cure, two doses of the DARK GREEN SOLUTION, which temporarily halts majicka use, and one dose of PURPLE SOLUTION, which enhances majicka temporarily.

>Ask your new friend if he knows what the fuse is for
>Ask Kish'kin if he knows what the pink solution does, and what the fuse goes to.

"Pink solution? I can't really-- oh wait! I think that one causes a Ki-jaara's wounds to heal. Very handy stuff nowadays."

"And dhe bushe?"

"I'm sorry?"

"The fuse. What does the fuse do."

"Oh. That's, well... it's a fuse. Come to think of it, I remember hearing someone searching for one to fix a broken machine further in. Guess they didn't look very hard, huh?"

Dilia sighs. "The door's locked."

"Oh. Dhad'sh kind ob a broblem, ishn'd id?"

"I don't think I can break it down without majicka..."

"Yeah, habing majicka would make dhish a lod eashier."

"Sure would. Having majicka would most definitely come in handy right now."



Dilia looks at Amiel expectantly.

Fuck doors, doors are for pussies! Cut a hole in the wall!


...psh nobody can replace TAYZA.
> Ready the gun if MJ is able to supply us with MIND BULLETS. If not, drop it.
> Put the fuse in the BIC. But keep in mind that Iiji may want us to fix mentioned machine so let's not rush to use it.
and if you don't mind me spamming inventory stuff
> Swap an empty vial for pink solution
>Ready the gun if MJ is able to supply us with MIND BULLETS. If not, drop it.
>Put the fuse in the BIC. But keep in mind that Iiji may want us to fix mentioned machine so let's not rush to use it.
>Swap an empty vial for pink solution

Amiel's majicka doesn't seem capable of making bullets that can be fired. Come to think of it, she could probably just fire them herself. She decides that the DEADLY WEAPON has served her long enough, and discards it.

"I know you're dealing with a lot right now, sweety, but it would save us a lot of time if you knocked the door down with majicka. We can't really waste time looking for another way."

"Bud I--"

"Please, Amiel."



>Fuck doors, doors are for pussies! Cut a hole in the wall!

"It doesn't matter anyway! I'm a monster! MONSTERS DESTROY WALLS."

Amiel supports herself with the help of some extra majicka tails, and readies herself to kick the fuck out of that wall.


The wall didn't see it coming!


Amiel hops through and prepares to tear a chunk off of the wall FOR VICTORY. She is so mad right now. If the letter "E" shows up she'll fuck it up. She's not even kidding.



"You picked the wrong day to fuck with me, pal."

Amiel: realize the letter "E" just showed up a ton of times...Kick the living daylights outta the monster in front of of in the rage that follows...IN A ULTRA SUPER EPIC WAY.

optional command: Amiel: After your done with your rage be REDUNDANT and smash the hopefully now unconscious monster in front of you with a ridiculous number of attacks, If its alive DO THIS ANYWAY.

Someone suggest for Amiel to do something EPIC afterwords.
Before i forget PLEASE!!!!!! (just so no one complains that i DON'T have manners.)
See that breath coming out of his nose?

See how it sort of forms a sideways E?

>Fuck that E's shit right up
Ok, he just saw Amiel kick down a wall in rage. His reaction is to hit Amiel with a small chunk of ice and laugh.
> Ask Majick Johnson what the best method to change Ice into IC is. Enact it.
The dude's not in his right mind. Or, likely, any mind at all. Until Iiji starts flipping out, all of these guys are going to be unflappable. The job right now is to either break Iiji's control, or break some faces.
> Dilia: Attempt to seduce him


...Whaaat? It might work.
1) Iiji seems to have disturbingly good control over people, so that's a rather long shot.
2) I'd be more concerned about Dilia doing something stupid at the sight of him. Especially if his name happens to be Ifles and he's supposed to be dead.
> Dilia: Try to sneak up behind any sort of frenzied fight these two get into and shove the SLAVE BAND on our new friend's head.
> Feel slightly bad about this assault on free will; soften the guilt by realizing if he's under Iiji's control, there isn't much will to take.
>Dilia: Attempt to seduce him

Dilia won't deny that she can 'bring all the boys to the yard', but these Ki-jaara are mindless. They are under Iiji's total control, and Dilia's pretty sure Iiji doesn't have a thing for female Diubans.

>Amiel: realize the letter "E" just showed up a ton of times
>See that icey breath? See how it kind of looks like a sideways E? Fuck that E's shit right up

Oh, that is it.

>Amiel: RAGE


"Heheh-- guh!"


The Diuban counters by punching Amiel in the chest!

"Agh! You bidsh!"


"You bastard. If you're going to play dirty..."

"...Then so will I!"


The majibeast keels over in pain.

>Dilia: Try to sneak up behind any sort of frenzied fight these two get into and shove the SLAVE BAND on our new friend's head.
>Feel slightly bad about this assault on free will; soften the guilt by realizing if he's under Iiji's control, there isn't much will to take.

Controlling this poor creature would make them no better than Iiji. But for now, this will ensure he stays right here. Maybe they will find a way to save these imperfect Ki-jaara after Iiji is beaten.

If they can't be saved, then they at least deserve to be put to rest.

"Wha-- hey! You cheated!"

"He punched me in the tits!"

"You mammals and your sensitive parts! That's why I've chosen a Tezakian as my new king!"
Use your RIGHTEOUS FURY to bitch Iiji out for taking your man.
>Ask Majick Johnson to form an extra head or two for additional furypower.
> Dilia: Experiment with the SLAVE BAND REMOTE to see if there's a way to block out external signals (Iiji's Control) while leaving the Ki-jaara to his own devices by virtue of not entering any commands.
Wouldn't not entering any commands just make him... stand there?

(Or stay curled up there, as it were?)
We don't know for sure, given we never actually saw one in use! We don't know if it forcibly controls them, or if having it on at all puts them in a docile state.

If it does, I don't know, command it to "do what it wills" and see if that loophole works.
The remote has a series of set commands that will be (re)shown in the next update. If you felt adventurous, you could go dig up the remote from when Sekani inspected it in chapter 6 and head me off at the pass.

Or just wait the 2 hours these updates take to draw nowadays X(
>At the very least, have him writhe around amusingly for a while.

...You may not need to issue any commands for this, though.
Take a look around. Besides our new friend(?), what's here?
> Keep an eye out for another Ki-jaara coming from the door on the right
>Dilia: Experiment with the SLAVE BAND REMOTE to see if there's a way to block out external signals (Iiji's Control) while leaving the Ki-jaara to his own devices by virtue of not entering any commands.

Hmm. Dilia doesn't see a button that'd give him free will while blocking Iiji. She isn't sure why she's even looking-- these imperfect Ki-jaara have no will of their own.

>Take a look around. Besides our new friend(?), what's here?
>Use your RIGHTEOUS FURY to bitch Iiji out for taking your man.

"Sekani's my boyfriend! I've nearly died like, three times for his sake! You can't just force him to love you! It doesn't work that way!"

"Are you sure? This is Sekani we're talking about. From what I've seen he'll cling to anyone who pays him a compliment~"

"That's not-- Hmm."

"Hmhmhm... But don't worry your pretty little head. What I want isn't something as petty as love or companionship.

"I've set my goals far higher than that~"

Iiji stabs Amiel! She feels no physical pain, but her mind becomes clouded as Iiji attempts to take control of her!

Is that it, then? Amiel's beaten just like that?

"You poor fool. Every action you've taken-- everything you've done-- I've planned it all from the start!

Wait. There is one thing Iiji didn't consider. One thing about Amiel's majicka is completely different from the others, and that difference is the key to maintaining her control!
Magic Johnson, can we get some tentacle-severing action up in here, please?
The proper action in this situation can be surmised from the clear symbolism evident from the given plot. The foremost symbol that needs be analyzed is Ishiji's control over other of the majick-infused beings, or Ki-jaara as the story names them. Ishiji's control has three particular quirks to it. First is that Ishiji is able to control people from afar, even when the people Ishiji is controlling don't know where Ishiji is. Second, when Ishiji's control of a Ki-jaara is directly shown in the story, Ishiji is almost always shown as an indistinct face. Third, Ishiji goes by a different name 'Iiji', while keeping her real name something of a secret. Not even Ishiji's own daughter, Jiniki, recognizes Ishiji until finding video evidence identifying Iiji before the majicka outbreak. Ishiji's control over the Ki-jaara is, not surprisingly, comparable to a ruler's control over his or her people: as an unknown entity from afar. The proper way for Amiel to strike back in this conflict can then be decided by identifying a method sufficiently symbolic of an effective attack against such a figure. Thus, an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a distint, unknown ruler are as follows: ...
In more seriousness, a last resort if nothing else is working:

> Amiel: Give MJ direct control
>Magic Johnson, can we get some tentacle-severing action up in here, please?

"It would be my pleasure~"

Amiel feels her mind clear as Magic Johnson shoves Iiji's tentacles away!

"What!? No! You're not supposed to be able to do this!"

"You've tried to take my mate, and you've tried to kill my friends. I think this time..."

"...I'll take something of yours!"

"How about your life!?"

"This isn't possible! No! No!! Stop! Stop it! Get away! Get away!!!"


"No! Amiel! Please!! Please don't kill mommy!"


Iiji manages to escape Amiel's grasp thanks to Jiniki's distraction. Her smoky image dissipates as she quickly flees the scene.

"I'm a monsder..."
>Amiel: Stop with the monster talk. You're not a monster, nor is Jiniki, Sekani, Tayza, or even Dilia. Well, okay, Dilia's a little bit of a monster for trying to kill you. You're a bunch of people stuck making do with the cards you've been dealt, which just happens to involve superpowers.

Iiji? That's a monster. She found herself with unspeakable amounts of power, and all she could think about is how to use them to subjugate, rather than help her people. The most important thing right now is to keep in mind that a monster is defined by what they do, not by what they look like. Your job is to help Jiniki save Ishiji from herself, then figure out what to do about majicka. Also, Sekani totally thinks you look hot now. Trust me on this.

>Dilia: Reassuringly (and carefully) pat Amiel's back at an opportune time during previous command.
Well, at least you've got some compassion left, Amiel.

See if you can speak to Jiniki. Apologise, and ask where she is.
> Dilia: /comfort Amiel
> Dilia: Give Verbal Command: "Do what you will." See if it helps at all.
>Dilia: Set new target- Iiji

THEN say "Do what you will"
>See if you can speak to Jiniki. Apologise, and ask where she is.

"Amiel...? I still feel mommy's majicka. Does that mean you heard me? I'm so glad. I wasn't sure if it was you or not. I thought I felt you a little in the majicka. I'm so glad I was right."

"I'm sorry..."

"Oh gosh, I'm still crying. I'm just so happy you didn't kill mommy, Amiel. I'm so glad it was you."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Hey, hey. It's okay. It's all okay."

"I'm sorry."

>Dilia: /comfort Amiel
>>Dilia: Reassuringly (and carefully) pat Amiel's back

Dilia puts aside her ANTI MAJICKA CLOTHING once again and hugs Amiel. She doesn't react to it.

Jiniki continues. "I'm so silly~ You probably don't know how to talk with majicka yet, do you? Is Dilia there? Oh gosh there I go again. I'll teach you how later, okay?"

"I'm-- I--"

"Shh, shh... It's okay. You didn't do anything wrong. It's okay."

"What have I become..."

"You haven't become anything. You're not a monster, sweety. You're a victim of majicka just like Sekani and the others. Being a Ki-jaara causes you to have a lot of strange urges and desires, but as long as you don't give in to them you'll never be a monster."

"I did give in to those desires. If anyone here is a monster it's me, not you. You were able to stop yourself in the end."

Amiel sniffles. "I kouldn'd..."

"That's why you're still you. You don't think Sekani's a monster, do you?"


"The only difference between you two is that you've had to deal with it all at once. He's not a monster, and neither are you."

Amiel cries silently as Dilia continues to hold her her. Once she calms down, Dilia begins to move away, only to be stopped by Amiel.

"...I don't want you to go yet. Can we stay like this for a little while? Just as friends?"

"Of course, sweety."

Dilia smiles warmly and holds Amiel in her arms. Amiel cries a little more, but she eventually calms down enough for Jiniki to teach her how to communicate long range.

Dilia picks up the REMOTE and looks at it intently.

"I've been thinking."


"Iiji's the one who said these imperfect Ki-jaara were mindless. I could be wrong, but given her track record I think it's worth finding out for sure. Would you be comfortable using majicka if things get out of hand?"

"I... I think so."

"It's okay if you don't want to."

"No, you're right. I'm still me. Let's... let's do this."

"Alright. I'll get my clothes just in case."

"Okay. Um... Thanks, Dilia. I'm sorry you had to see me be so weak."

"It's really okay, sweety. It's the least I could do."

Dilia suits up and thinks of a way to safely free the Ki-jaara.

>Dilia: Set new target- Iiji
She's not resorting to controlling another being!

>Dilia: Give Verbal Command: "Do what you will." See if it helps at all.

"Um. Do what you will!"

The creature blinks a few times, then sits up and stares at them questioningly.

"Um. Can you talk?"

It tilts its head.
>Dilia: Sigh
>Dilia: "Speak"
Amiel, see if you can contact Tayza or Sekani. Where they be at?
> Amiel: Speak to it using majicka. It might have lost the ability to understand anything else.
>Dilia: "Speak"

Dilia sighs. "Let's try this, then. Speak!"



>Amiel, see if you can contact Tayza or Sekani. Where they be at?

Amiel contacts Sekani. "Um... Hi. This is... a friend. Are you okay?"

"Hey there. Are you the one my queen warned me about?"

"Uuuhhmmm noooo?"

"You can't fool me! Once I'm done with Tayza, you're going to have a heaping helping of my firepunch! Booyeah!"

"What are you doing with Tayza?"

"Your attack disrupted Iiji's control of Tayza and Jiniki. I'm supposed to beat her up! But I'm waiting for her to wake up so I can make a dramatic entrance."

"Don't worry, Sekani. We'll save you both."

"I don't need-- wait. How do you know my name? What's going--"

Sekani cuts out, no longer responding to Amiel. There is also no response from Tayza.

>Amiel: Speak to it using majicka. It might have lost the ability to understand anything else.

Sigh. They'll just have to handle Sekani later.

"What's up? Are you... all there?" Amiel asks.


"Y-yes! You're free now!"

"No queen?"

"You don't have to worry about her anymore. Just don't go taking that headband off, okay?"


"Oh right I almost forgot! If you can get rid of that portal or find another way inside that room, I think it leads to where I am! The middle door I think will get you to Sekani and Tayza, but the last door has an imperfect Ki-jaara so I don't think you should go that way."

Amiel isn't sure if they're supposed to acknowledge the floating clouds or if they're just there for effect. At any rate, they should decide where they're heading and get moving before Iiji has a chance to recover.
> Amiel: Tell our new friend how to leave the portal building and get to a place with some food so he can be safe, recover, and wait until all this nastiness is over.
> Oh and don't forget to be nice to Kish'kin whom you're likely to run into. Though you two probably aren't going to be able to communicate to eachother and he may panic a little when he sees you...

Let's see. Tayza will probably be fine (and hopefully she won't hurt Sekani badly). Jiniki and Tayza regaining control but not Sekani is probably due to the improved blue solution? We can probably assume they'll be free unless Iiji gets to them personally again.
Looking back on the map, if Jiniki is through the door on the left somehow, it's also likely that the door to the right rather than the center leads to Tayza and Sekani (and probably that other Ki-jaara as well). Which is going to be a lot of roadbumps and I don't think we actually have a way to deal with Sekani better than knocking him out for now.
I'd say we should either try the left (and hope to pick up Jiniki for some more support to try to save Iiji) or center (for dealing with Iiji ASAP). And actually... we may be ideally set up to deal with Iiji at the moment. Amiel can fight back against Iiji's control effectively, and we don't know if Iiji can even do anything to Dilia.
Could Jiniki be wrong? Hmm!
I'm less worried about her being wrong than her lying. We're still dealing with WAY too easy here.

>Take a quick look to the left. Slowly. Take your time watching out for things.
>Amiel: Tell our new friend how to leave the portal building and get to a place with some food so he can be safe, recover, and wait until all this nastiness is over.

"So, you can pretty much do whatever you want now. For now, I think it'd be best if you went somewhere safe to recover."

Amiel gives the Ki-jaara directions leading to the COMMAND BUILDING, where he can find food in the MESS HALL, or get any healing he needs from GRASSHOPPER. She then explains what GRASSHOPPER is. It's kind of creepy sometimes, but it usually has good intentions. He thanks Amiel heartily, and she humbly tells him that it was Dilia he should be thanking.

>Oh and don't forget to be nice to Kish'kin whom you're likely to run into. Though you two probably aren't going to be able to communicate to eachother and he may panic a little when he sees you...

He hugs Dilia and doesn't seem to notice the ANTI-MAJICKA CLOTH.

"Thank you~"

"Oh, it-- it's my pleasure. J-just make sure you keep that headband on until we figure out a way to cure you permanently. Also, don't mind the Klis-khar. Just smile at him and I think he'll realize you mean no harm."


The Majibeast heads off towards the COMMAND BUILDING. Amiel decides not to feel sorry for herself anymore. Even if she is a monster, it doesn't change the fact that monsters can still do good things.

Besides, Sekani once said that he wanted them to be awesome monsters together. Now they can do just that.

>Decide against cock-blocking the players with the door portal puzzle.

Amiel uses the PORTAL GUN to remove the portal blocking the doorway. It now has THREE SHOTS left.

>Take a quick look to the left. Slowly. Take your time watching out for things.

Amiel carefully creaks the door open and peeks in. She sees another flesh-beast with yet another creepy eye that--

Holy crap!

They just barely manage to dodge out of the way in time!

"I-I think it shoots at anything it sees. C-can you outrun it?"

"I-I don't know! I'm not really any faster than I was before!"


You're going to have to be more specific. They don't have a mirror in their inventory.
maybe Amiel can use her trans-dimensional majicka to make a force-field of sorts, which reflects the beam back at the eyeball-thing?
I went back to find some creepy Dilia smiles to post in response to what Dilia said.
Problem: They're all more cute than creepy.

Another solution to sentry guns: Get them to shoot themself. That seems a waste of portal shots though, hopefully there's something better we can do.
>maybe Amiel can use her transdimensional majicka to make a force-field of sorts, which reflects the beam back at the eyeball-thing?

Amiel runs in after conjuring a mirror, but it fails to reflect the beam. However, it absorbs it perfectly.

"Amiel, are you okay?"

"That's all it has?"

Amiel begins laughing.


Amiel continues to block the beam while her majicka devastates the eyeball!

"See that, Dilia!? Even this facility is no match for me! I'm invincible! THIS IS SO AWESOME."

"Ah--! Um, good work."

"Are you okay? You look scared."

"I--" She pauses a moment. "I thought I saw a spider."

Inside the room they see two weird devices, one holding a brick and one surrounded in blood. They see a different model COMPUTER TERMINAL than before, a portal that is eating the desk, another portal that's eating the room, more flesh, and a door that's probably locked but does that really matter at this point?
> Amiel: Laugh more.
> Dilia: See if the COMPUTER TERMINAL has any power.
This was obviously some room for an experiment involving drawing blood from a stone.
Also: Those flesh-things were supposed to be immune to majicka. Clearly this cements the fact that MJ is just a delusion (which everyone knows are highly effective against plot devices such as immune enemies) since no pure-majicka creature was ever successfully made.

> Quickly poke at COMPUTER TERMINAL to see if there's anything particularly interesting on it. Also just to check, is that an electrical plug/outlet to the right of the computer?

I don't see much reason to stick around here, so move on quickly if nothing important's around?

>Amiel: Laugh more.

"He he he ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Wait. Aren't those things Majicka-immune? How did we manage to hurt it?"

"I've had to leech from those creatures for years. I have adapted to them. In fact, thanks to those things we can regenerate minor wounds over time~"

"Really? I thought they just weren't being drawn anymore."

"That'd be silly~"

"...Are you sure you're not making this up to cover an obvious plot hole?"


>Dilia: See if the COMPUTER TERMINAL has any power.
>Quickly poke at COMPUTER TERMINAL to see if there's anything particularly interesting on it. Also just to check, is that an electrical plug/outlet to the right of the computer?

Yep. It has power and is plugged into the wall. Dilia pokes around. The "Help" explains that the devices on the table are small teleporters used for experimentation. They most likely used them to teleport small objects.

The PORTAL SIMULATION program can be used to figure out where a new portal is most likely to lead.

PORTAL STATUS gives information about a currently existing portal.

SET PORTAL DESTINATION can be used to change which portals point to each other, but the range is limited. It doesn't look like they can get to Sekani, Tayza, or Iiji from here... but there's one that leads really close to where Amiel felt Jiniki's presence.
> Majick Johnson: Repair fourth wall. Um. Maybe the third wall too.

Anyways, heading to Jiniki's position seems... half-way a good idea. There seems to be another Ki-jaara nearby Jiniki from Amiel's earlier map, but Jiniki hasn't made any mention of it.

actually, wait.

> Amiel + Dilia: Check on maps (portal and majicka) and try to coordinate Jiniki to a portal that leads back to us.
> HEY DILIA. Have you seen your reflection since turning back to your original form? Who's adorable? You're adorable!
> Seconding trying to guide Jiniki to us through use of portal mapping and redirecting.
That COMMAND is adorable!
> Dilia: Pose.

> Admire self.
>Amiel + Dilia: Check on maps (portal and majicka) and try to coordinate Jiniki to a portal that leads back to us.
>HEY DILIA. Have you seen your reflection since turning back to your original form? Who's adorable? You're adorable!

Dilia loads up the map and sees an adorable person in the reflection. She turns to see who's behind her before realizing that it's her reflection. She blushes both from the mistake and from realizing she just called herself cute.

"You're blushing~ What'cha thinking about?"

"Oh-- nothing. I was just realizing that maybe I'm kind of cute."

"Well, yeah! You're really adorable."


>Dilia: Pose.
>Admire self.

Dilia types in a few commands to link the portal closest to Jiniki with their room. She then poses a little.

"You know, I used to feel self-conscious because I'm a little fat, but I think I like how I look now. These curves make me feel... It's hard to describe. I feel more... womanly. I feel sexy. I guess I had to spend a while as a pony to appreciate that."

"You should! You're pretty hot, and you have really nice tits~"

"I probably should have seen that coming. I will admit that it's a little comforting having them back, too. They're a part of who I am, you know?"

"I'm kind of jealous."

"You really shouldn't be, sweety. You're very pretty."

"You really think so~? ...Even like this?"

"Yeah. Anyway, let's stop getting side-tracked. I think the portals have been connected, so go ahead and tell Jiniki to come on through."

Amiel informs Jiniki that the portals have been connected.

"She says she's going in now."

The portal flashes brightly as it activates!

That's not Jiniki! That's not Jiniki at all! A male Lian Ki-jaara appears and grins at them.


Amiel displays some of her majicka and grins widely.

"Oh? You wanna fight, tough guy~?"

Dilia wishes she had another SLAVE BAND. Do they really have no choice other than putting this one to rest?
> Dilia: Hurry to the console and see if you can find a safe little holding room to trap our new friend in via clever portaling.
> Amiel: Make an extra long magicka limb and punch the Lian into the wall. Maybe that'll knock him out.
Punch him in the snout to establish superiority.
>Macjika Johnson: You already showed us you can pretty much just eat those eyeballs; learned anything useful for these imperfect majibeasts roaming the place? Can you... eat the connection between Iiji and him?
>Dilia: Hurry to the console and see if you can find a safe little holding room to trap our new friend in via clever portaling.
>Amiel: Make an extra long magicka limb and punch the Lian into the wall. Maybe that'll knock him out.
>Macjika Johnson: You already showed us you can pretty much just eat those eyeballs; learned anything useful for these imperfect majibeasts roaming the place? Can you... eat the connection between Iiji and him?

Dilia begins setting the nearby portal to one of the far-away rooms. Somewhere away from them and the others.

Amiel makes three limbs and launches them at the Lian!

"Fire Tail!"

With a strange cry, he launches fire from his tail which manages to halt her assault. Of course, she wasn't exactly trying very hard. She doesn't want to kill him, after all~

"Impressive. Hey, Magic Johnson. Any way we can just cut Iiji's connection to him ourselves?"

"I'm afraid that is not within our power. Only TRANSDIMENSIONAL MAJICKA can directly affect other majicka. But I think we'll be just fine~"

"Flame tongue!"

He puts more and more force into his flame. It's really kind of cute how hard he's trying. Suddenly he vanishes behind the flame...

...And punches Amiel!



She is silent as the creature laughs at her, then laughs a bit herself.


"That's it? You've used my mate's signature move and this is all it did? You've made him look bad."

"Nobody makes my mate look bad!"

Amiel punches the Ki-jaara back! She hears several cracks as his nose breaks from the impact. He falls down, unconscious.

"Okay, I knocked him out for you~"

"T-- Thank you. Make sure he's okay, then toss him in the portal. We need to figure out what we're going to do next. I don't know if he appeared because I made a mistake somewhere, or because Jiniki lied to us."

Dilia is very uneasy now. Amiel's acting more and more like Besileyz did. Dilia wouldn't be a match for Amiel if... No. Dilia would rather not think about that possibility.
> Dilia: Ask Amiel what she thinks the true meaning of "power" is.
Well then, time to see where the problem is with the portal!

> Amiel: Sense other majicka creatures, try and figure out 1) Where Jini is now and 2) where that fire-Lian came from (i.e., where was a Ki-jaara sensed earlier that's not there now)
Oh, and on a whim
> Amiel: See if Tayza responds yet
>Majicka Johnson: So, know any neat tricks you can do to an unconscious body? You said you can't can't sever the connection to Iiji, but you might be able to reach her one way or another through this guy.
>Majicka Johnson: So, know any neat tricks you can do to an unconscious body? You said you can't can't sever the connection to Iiji, but you might be able to reach her one way or another through this guy.

"That's very clever. It looks like I chose the right host~ I think I can 'ride' the link all the way to the Bug Queen and disable her control on the other creatures--"

"Amiel, what are you doing! Get away from him!"

Dilia pulls Amiel back and kneels down to tend to the Ki-jaara's wound.

"I was just--"

"You've broken his nose! What were you thinking!?"

"But he was--"

"Were you going to kill him just now? You're supposed to be better than that!"

"I wasn't! I'm sorry!"

Dilia sighs. "It's okay. I... believe you."

They are silent.

"...Amiel, can I ask you something?"

"O-of course, Dilia!"

>Dilia: Ask Amiel what she thinks the true meaning of "power" is.

"Do you know what it means to be strong?"

"Of course! It's being able to protect your friends and beat up bad people! I can help you all now and even beat up Iiji by myself because I'm really strong!"

"I see. You know what I think true strength is?"


"True strength is not having to flaunt it."

Amiel falls silence. She must not have expected that. Dilia uses the PINK SOLUTION they found earlier to heal the Ki-jaara's broken nose. There is now ONE DOSE left.

Dilia lifts the Lian with her FAIRLY IMPRESSIVE DIUBAN STRENGTH and gently releases him into the portal. He vanishes in a flash.

>Amiel: Sense other majicka creatures, try and figure out 1) Where Jini is now and 2) where that fire-Lian came from (i.e., where was a Ki-jaara sensed earlier that's not there now)
>Amiel: See if Tayza responds yet

Amiel compares the majicka she senses to a mental image of the map she saw on the monitor. It looks like the creature really did come from the same room as Jiniki. This means they can reset their portal and head directly to her, or head through this room on to the next. There's no saying if the connecting room contains useful items or more danger.

Tayza still doesn't respond to Amiel's attempts to communicate.
I never know if I should post this kind of stuff here, or if I should make a new thread.

Having Amiel almost consistently kicking ass has left my hand feeling super sore. I will likely only update ONE TIME tomorrow, probably later at night. This chapter is killing me but I <3 it so.
> Go to Jiniki yourselves.
> Amiel: Consider this "power" thing in your free moments. You'll never make the most of it if you misunderstand it as a purely physical concept.
Seconding and adding
> Don't mention to Jini you're coming
although first we might want to figure out what we're going to do when we reach Jiniki
>Amiel: Consider this "power" thing in your free moments. You'll never make the most of it if you misunderstand it as a purely physical concept.

What more could there be? Amiel has a whole lot of power now! And yet, something about what Dilia said bugs her. What was she trying to say?

Whatever! Amiel's not weak! Anyone would have broken down if they suddenly turned into a monster! Dilia was nice enough to comfort her, but it's not like she needed it! She's extremely powerful now!

And it's not like she has to prove it, right...? She's worked out all her life, but it wasn't to show of... was it?


"Huh? Oh! Whad'sh up?"

"Let's go ahead and walk to Jiniki ourselves. Something's wrong here."


>Go to Jiniki yourselves.
They advance to the next room.

"Oh my. That explains why this room looked like a giant blob on the computer."

Any of these portals could lead to anywhere. Is there some way they can get past without the risk of falling into one?


Use Magic Johnson to form some sort of magical bridge to get us through that shit.
I believe it's time to break out the big guns.

>Amiel: "So, Dilia. You ever hear of a Fastball Special?"
>Tip toe.

Through the tulips.

Through the tulips.


Tip toe

Through the tulips.

>Use Magic Johnson to form some sort of magical bridge to get us through that shit.

Unfortunately, Amiel's majicka isn't able to get a good enough grip from here to hold her and Dilia up. This feels very weird.

"Okay. Plan B."

>Amiel: "So, Dilia. You ever hear of a Fastball Special?"

Amiel hops into Dilia's arms as she says this.

"A what?"

"Basically, you're going to throw me over there! Then I'll use Magic Johnson to bring you to me~"

"Are you sure you'd be okay?"

"I have very good balance!"

"Didn't you trip and fall three times in the past two-- you know what nevermind. If you think you can do it, I believe you."

>Tip toe through tulips with Dilia

No, no. Amiel had her fun flirting, but she needs to stay faithful to...



"All right. You ready?"

"One more minute."


"N-nothing. Let's do this!"



AAAAaha! Dilia's aim is impeccable! Amiel uses her 'tails' to lower herself to safe ground. She gets herself properly secured and reaches over to lift Dilia.

"You're a bit heavier than I expected..."

"Say what you want-- I'm still sexy."

"Man this itches."

Once Dilia is secure, they open the door and carefully enter the next room.

"Oh geez, I guess you found me!"

Jiniki stares at Amiel for a moment.

"Amiel, you're sick..."

Huh? Amiel feels fine.

"I-I can't help you. Mommy says I have to stop you from getting to her."
Oh dear. Magic Johnson, can we try that 'sever Iiji's connection' trick again - on Jiniki this time?
> Briefly tell Dilia you plan to break the connection before making the effort. This way Dilia will not suspect you have gone crazy again.
And tell Dilia what we're trying to do first so she doesn't stop us again.
Or I could forget to reload before commenting and REPEAT WHAT YOIKO JUST SAID

screw it i got nothin' else
>Shoot the eyes, they're annoying. ...Not Jini's of course.
> Dilia: Show Jiniki the pretty charm we found. Say we've brought it was a present, and remind here we're all here to help her mother. Tell her Sekani and Tayza are in a lot of trouble right now, and we really need Jiniki's help to help everyone.
>Shoot the eyes, they're annoying. ...Not Jini's of course.

This startles Jiniki. "Ahh! Um. Okay."

>Oh dear. Magic Johnson, can we try that 'sever Iiji's connection' trick again - on Jiniki this time?
>Briefly tell Dilia you plan to break the connection before making the effort. This way Dilia will not suspect you have gone crazy again.

Amiel whispers. "Dilia, I'm going do sheber her connecdshion widh Iiji ushink my majicka. We dhink we can shdop Iiji from being able to control dhe odhers."

"Can you really turn off Iiji's control, just like that?"

"I dhink sho. I can shurprishe her, ashuming she didn'd overhear me jusd now."

"...I really don't think that's going to be a problem, Amiel."

>Dilia: Show Jiniki the pretty charm we found. Say we've brought it was a present, and remind here we're all here to help her mother. Tell her Sekani and Tayza are in a lot of trouble right now, and we really need Jiniki's help to help everyone.

"Jiniki, I um, got this for you."

"A new headband? But I was bad and ate your old one."

"That's okay. I gave it to you so you'd realize how pretty you are. I think this one will look really cute on you~"

"But mommy said--"

"Don't you remember? Your mother is sick, and we're all here to help her. She thinks we're against her, but we want to heal her as much as you do. We can't do so without your help, and I think Sekani and Tayza need our help too. Come on, let's go heal your mommy together."

"I'm sorry, mommy. I can't fight her. She's right."

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to insist. She can not be allowed to get to me, do you understand?"

"...Yes, mommy."

Amiel recognizes the glow in Jiniki's eyes. Is Iiji really assuming control of her own daughter? Will she really force her to kill? Does she have nothing left to save?


Jiniki pins them down and continues to increase the pressure!

"I must squish you. I'm sorry."


...Is that all she's got?
>"Jini, pretty princesses don't squish people. If you squish us now, you'll never, EVER get to be a pretty princess. Is that really what you want?"
>Flip Jiniki over with a majicka spatula to throw her off guard
>Tackle now-prone Jiniki (Just try and squish something that's hugging you) and eat the Iiji connection
>"Jini, pretty princesses don't squish people. If you squish us now, you'll never, EVER get to be a pretty princess. Is that really what you want?"

"I... I want..."

"S-stop confusing me!"

Amiel is thrown against the wall! That was a a huge mistake on Jiniki's part.

>Flip Jiniki over with a majicka spatula to throw her off guard

Jiniki's colors spazz out as she is taken completely by surprise!

>Tackle now-prone Jiniki (Just try and squish something that's hugging you) and eat...

Amiel attaches her tails to Jiniki and begins to crush her.

"You've been naughty~ But don't worry. I'm going to make it all better~"

"She has very strong majicka, but if you crush her into tiny pieces, nobody will ever doubt..."

" strong I really am..."

"Amiel! Stop! This is not the way to prove yourself!"



"Why are you pausing? You don't want everyone to think you're just a... weak little girl, do you~?"
What fresh metaphorical hell is this?
>Stop taking shit from your green subconscious.
>Punch. Its. Face.
I probably shouldn't be quite so amused that Magic Johnson is feeling Amiel up.
He's such a perv!
>"Weak little girl? WHO DO YOU THINK I AM, SEKANI?"
Brute strength, or finesse? Which requires more power, Amiel? To crush Jiniki beneath you, or to carefully pry away Iiji's influence?

Crushing Jiniki is easy.

Crushing Iiji isn't.

Taking the easy route isn't a display of power. It's a display of cowardice, and don't let Magic Johnson tell you different. He's working for you. Don't take his shit. Do what you know is right.
> Amiel, you're not so weak you actually base your actions around what everyone else might think, right? You're not so weak you have to beat other people down to feel good about yourself, right?
>Amiel, you're not so weak you actually base your actions around what everyone else might think, right? You're not so weak you have to beat other people down to feel good about yourself, right?

Yes, she is.

Her entire life was spent trying to look tough. She wanted others to see that she wasn't vulnerable. That she didn't need protecting. She's always tried to be this tough person that she's not, and with this new-found power she finally felt like she had gotten what she wanted. Everyone could look at her and see that she is strong.

But she's not strong. She's weak. Pathetic.

Maybe it's time to finally accept that about herself.

"Huh? What's going on? What are you doing?"

>Brute strength, or finesse? Which requires more power, Amiel? To crush Jiniki beneath you, or to carefully pry away Iiji's influence?
>Taking the easy route isn't a display of power. It's a display of cowardice, and don't let Magic Johnson tell you different. He's working for you. Don't take his shit. Do what you know is right.

Amiel struggles against Magic Johnson's hold on her.

"I've been lying to everyone, including myself. I reluctantly accepted your power because I thought I had something to prove, but I don't need your power! I don't need to be strong!"

>Stop taking shit from your green subconscious.

"From now on, we're doing this my way. This is my body and our power is only going to be used to help people. I'm done flaunting!"

"Stop it! I command you!"

>Punch. Its. Face.

"I'm the one giving commands here! You are my majicka, and you will listen to me!"

"Where are you getting this power!?"

"From now on, I'm going to be myself! I'm going to feel strong!"

"And I'm going to do it without your help!"

"You are weak! You will always be weak..."

Amiel regains total control of her mind. She feels a weight lift off her shoulders as if all her burdens vanished into thin air. She is ejected from the confines of her subconscious.

"J-Jiniki! W-what have I--!"

"Amiel... you're not sick anymore."

"I'm so glad..."

"Jiniki...? Jiniki!"



> More pink more pink. D:
> Put the headband on her afterward, because something tells me the pink solution will probably not fix the cracks even if it heals her wounds.
Assess condition before using solution!

If we somehow managed to kill her (:/) the solution likely won't have any effect.
>Let Iiji know EXACTLY what's going to happen if Jiniki doesn't get better awful quickly.
>Don't worry. She can hear you yelling from there.